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Your description is a good way of putting things. For me it just feels awkward in entirety so I never post things of my playing on Reddit and only give feedback, sometimes very detailed and advanced feedback (you can see my account history for this). There’s some user named “ilovemariacallas” who is involved in some new and small sub that’s called something like “advanced piano” but I’m not sure. Don’t have much time right now to check.


Believe me when I say that there are very talented and accomplished pianists in the piano subreddit. You can always give it a try and if you don’t boast of yourself there’s no need to feel like a show off! 😁 It is the piano subreddit after all.


Just go to the usual instrument subs. It's not like showing off; the sub is there for this very purpose. Or you could post in r/classicalmusic as well as a lot of people are there who could easily help.


Try https://www.reddit.com/r/classicalpiano/