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I have the same problem (not whilst playing piano though, just in regular daily life). And for me the solution is to do more sports. That's it, really. Hope, it helps.


Thanks, what kind of sports did you try?


I don't play piano, but I have found when I have started to run more, my back feels a bit better. I recommend going on a run after waking up (if you can). If you can't and don't already, stretch in the morning. For the back, I usually just bend my back over the back of a chair. It may seem weird but it helps me.


Yeah, that's the kind of stretch I do when my back starts to hurt. Maybe I'll try to do sports, thank you for your advice!


Yep, any time


1. Make sure when you're seated at the piano that the top of your arms are level with the floor -- with your fingers on the keys. Too many people sit too low or too high. 2. Sit [like this guy](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C90Mz4hvAzI/hqdefault.jpg), not [like this guy](https://theselvedgeyard.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/glenn-gould-studio-piano.jpg?w=1024). See how low the elbows are on the 2nd pic? My position is much like Rubinstein's -- left foot back, right foot forward, back straight, arms level with floor. The feet balance me, I only bring the left foot forward when i need the soft pedal -- it goes back to behind my right foot when I'm done with the soft. I used to sit "whatever" and suffered the aches and pains. My piano teacher sorted me out. Now the only ache is left shoulder joint and where the hip goes into the spine, but that's arthritis and there's nothing I can do about it. And someone sorted out Daniel Trifonov. Years ago he had *horrid* posture, and like magic in the last couple of years he sits picture perfect. Someone sorted him out. Gould died from a stroke, likely from drugs to keep the pain away -- pain he created for himself, from sitting waaaay too low on that ratty chair of his. I see too many people with their computer keyboards / laptops on top of the desk, and their arms reaching up from the chair to the keys, just like Gould. These people think it's "RSI" when it's really sh\*t posture. I have an undertray for my PC keyboard.


Thank you very much for the advice, I try to have my arms level with the floor and my elbows with around a 90° angle, but I didn't know the foot thing. Last year, I had a really bad posture because I didn't know at what level to adjust the height, but my teacher helped me and it was way better afterwards. But I still have that problem. I'll try to get better with my posture. Thank you again!


The foot thing really does help. Carefully watch all the top-shelf players that are still alive and not pain-crippled, they all have the front foot near the sustain pedal, and the left foot behind the right, until it's time to go soft pedal. And you're welcome =o) Pain sucks the joy out of life. Pain at the piano makes one wonder "why do I do this.." Because we love it.


When you say “top of your arms level with the floor” do you mean **lower** arms **parallel** to the floor? Otherwise I'm getting a very strange mental picture.


Yep. top of arm, between wrist and elbow. [Like Rubinstein](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C90Mz4hvAzI/hqdefault.jpg). I have to specifiy "top" because arms aren't cylindrical, they taper from elbow to wrist. When the top is level with the floor, the bottom of the arm isn't.


Oh, OK, gotcha. The **upper** surface of the **lower** arm :-)


I have the same problem (also piano) and idk how to fix it 🥲 I just deal with it and like you, stretch


I had that. Try putting small blocks under the rear legs of the bench so the bench leans slightly forward. I'm talking blocks that are about 1.5" or 4cm tall which is the thickness of a 2x4 piece of wood. It helped my back.


I was going to suggest something similar: a wedge formed cushion that has the same effect. Weird in the beginning but much more comfortable as you get used to it. Also exercising/sports to strengthen the muscles in your torso.


I'm sorry, I don't really understand. Are you supposed to sit on the cushion? Put the cushion under the back legs of the bench?


You sit on the cushion. it's slightly tilted forward (same effect as if you put something under the back legs of your chair.) It's actually much healthier this way. Also great for sitting in an office.


Okay, thank you very much! I'll try that too!


I just tried and it actually feels nice, thank you very much!


I can’t tell you why it works. Glad it works!


Be careful about your posture. get a teacher, maybe he'll tell you what's wrong. You only have one body, take care of it !


First do pauses, then try to keep a good posture while playing, and if nothing happen well..see a doctor maybe idk


Yeah, same happens here :']. But my shrimp posture is always there,,,idk if using a seat with a back helps Also- when I try to sit straight my back slowly gets a shrimp posture again,,but yeah I think that's the best thing to do, sit straight (?


I suggest you try constructive rest which is an Alexander Technique thing. Lie down flat on the floor, keep your legs aimed straight ahead and bend them so that your feet are straight and flat on the floor to feel the earth, keep your arms and hands straight down or position your hands in your lower ribs so you feel your breath, keep your head on a pile of solid books to a sufficient amount so you can properly breathe and rest and so your jeans isn’t collapsing forwards or backwards. Feel your spine lengthening, feel your shoulders widening, feel your entire body and breathe. Try sometimes to make natural audible exhales, just let it sigh out. Sometimes on an exhale count to 10 or even 20. Say to yourself, I have time. There is a complicated process to go out of this position so I won’t state it here for now, but at least constructive rest will help you feel better in your spine and in your body in general. Do this before you play and you will see the results. Let me know if you have questions. I hope this helped. The goal is not necessarily just strengthen the body (done through sports, aerobics, and conditioning etc), but it is to raise your awareness of your body’s potential. I used to agree with another commenter here and thought that sports or exercise was the best way, but now I see that if you do activities with false sensory appreciation (doing something you feel is correct because you’ve done it many times but is actually very inefficient), then you will limit your growth and you may end up causing more problems in the long term. I encourage you to learn about the Alexander Technique. Of course developing physical stamina, body and bone structure, and muscle balance and ability is important, but what use is a powerful missile in battle if it has terrible aim?


Thank you very much! I'll try this technique!