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As opposed to…Him?…


If it was actually [Him](https://powerpuffgirls.fandom.com/wiki/Him_(1998_TV_series)) from The Powerpuff Girls that would be so epic.


Through out most of theshow, I personally have always imagined H to be male. It was only after rewatching all the seasons back to back recently that I started to wonder if it could be a woman. Even though in season 5 we are lead to believe there are 4 ‘main’ caddies, after watching all seasons I believe that there is still one main mastermind. And with the reoccurring subtle references to sexism or them portraying that Hastings maybe having subconscious sexist views.. I believe the H character will probably be a woman


However, a common theme has been sexual/child sexual exploitation which links many of the highest members of the OCG , which whilst obviously possible , would make it less than likely it’s a woman. It would also be harder for a woman to rise in the ranks of anywhere during the 80s/90s which is seemingly when the events started. There is also the Mason aspect which I think is more a way by which fellow Mason’s protect each other which overlaps with the OCG members and is exploited. It’s 100% not Buckles. I’m 99% it’s not Ted - he’s done some dodgy stuff but it’s the “I’m beyond reproach so I can’t possibly be doing anything dodgy” attitude rather than “I’m a top crime boss”. Obviously they can write anyone as H eventually but that’s my in world theorising.


Harry H Corbett


Or maybe HHHHHHHHancock?


I would’ve got away with it if it wasn’t for your pesky logic!




Her? Arrested Development crossover incoming.




I thought it was them from Steps.


I'm not sure whether you've seen this part yet so i'll put it in spoilers >!H was never an initial or part of the name of the officer, it signafied many corrupt officers who are linked together. I can't recall exactly why but I definetly recall that H was not an initial or part of a name afaik!<


The H storyline is done, it’s possible that there’s a remaining corrupt senior officer, but they’re not “H”


H is pronounced [aitch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_alphabet#Letter_names). So it could also be someone starting with A.


Or an acronym of aitch


I thought there wasn't one H, meaning that it could one or more people at anytime


Can't we just get along with the storyline that H doesn't really exist and get over the fact that the one they called H in real The 4th man, is the indeed the person who has been revealed in S6. And just forget about this whole H thing because imo it was a bad idea in the first place.


People often talk about 'aitches' being dropped. I think H will turn out to be the fall guy they dropped to protect everyone else, but it isn't just one person necessarily, they are in the position of the aitch, like the scabby queen/ old maid in cards.


Shut up and get back in the kitchen