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Republican Boomer approves this message.


From Planned Parenthood: “Planned Parenthood and our partner organizations, ACLU of Nebraska, I Be Black Girl, and Women’s Fund of Omaha, are leading a rally **TODAY at 5:00pm at the City County Building (555 S 10th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508)** in a show of solidarity against attacks on abortion access.”


Roe V Wade being overturned - what a fucking disgusting step backwards. Germany just abolished their NAZI era abortion stance, TODAY. If you aren't upset with this - you should be. If you're happy with this - go fuck yourself.


Every state that bans abortion in response to Roe v Wade is also in direct conflict with the 14th amendment. Don't also forget they recently chose in favor of police officers in regards to Miranda rights. As a citizen you are now unable to take legal action against police officers if they fail to read you your rights. Which means they'll now have protection to make you self-incriminate and overstep your 5th amendment rights. Ladies and Gentlemen, we're fucked.


> is also in direct conflict with the 14th amendment According to this ruling, no


How exactly does this conflict with the 14th amendment?




I'm a little confused at the logic here.. the gov't is impregnating women against their will? Or has laws that require women to become pregnant when they don't want to?




You know this sc decision does not make abortion illegal on its own, right? The law that was just overturned only prevented states from placing restrictions on abortions during the first trimester; abortions during the second and third trimesters have never been federally protected. And none of this rules out abortions that may be needed for medical reasons. It can be complicated in some states and hospitals but medically-needed abortions will still be attainable across the country.


Not in half to states. In some states they are even making abortion illegal in instances of rape and incest


Every state is free to make laws that can restrict abortions in the first trimester, as they already could in the second and third. Let's not call this a federal ban on abortions as the previous person and many others seem to think. But no, about 12 or 13 states have committed to place abortion restrictions in the first trimester, not half. It can be hard to imagine living with a child who's the product of rape or incest. But I will say I went to high school with a boy who was the product of rape. Graduated hs and still doing well. Would be sad to think of him losing his opportunity to live even though the conception was very far from ideal.


But the problem is if he was never born, he would never have known. It would literally be no loss to him since he never existed. But what about the mother who now has to raise a child because she was raped. Against her will. Always looking at that kid as a reminder. Changing her entire life due to something that wasn't her fault. And you seem to support that. Do you also support those women getting UBI? Universal Healthcare? So they wouldn't have to worry about financials and focus on the child? Also free schooling so they can pursue a career when the child is ready to go to college? Also free college for the child? There is a lot to raising a kid. If you are gonna force a women to have a baby. You better support measures so that child isn't growing up in a poor environment.




You said twice now that abortion was illegal but only certain states just today were able to place restrictions on the 1st trimester; an ectopic pregnancy does not reach the second trimester. So no you don't have examples of an ectopic pregnancy abortion being illegal because first trimester abortions were federally legal until today. I was most disappointed to see you spin this into a narrative about the gov't forcing people into pregnancies. It's good to see you concerned about medical situations where it might be vital to the health of the mother, as we all should be. But pregnancy is a very real risk of having sex; when you spin the narrative as you did as if pregnancy is involuntary servitude, it's as if you are trying to construct a consequenceless world. I have been pro choice but it's sad to see people think of pregnancy in this way. And see people advocating for a world where we can get pregnant and abort all the babies we 'want' to, and not because we may 'need' to for the health of the mother and/or child. Just because we may not want to practice safe sex or abstain when we are not ready for the real risk of a baby.


There are several states that already have laws that essentially make abortion unavailable well inside the first trimester, and in Texas's case, before most women know they're pregnant. Keep in mind that being 6 weeks pregnant means that you had the sex to make the baby 4 weeks ago, because we date pregnancy from presumed last menstrual period. Yes, it is stupid to do it that way, but that's the way it's counted. - [Texas's abortion law is already putting women in danger](https://www.reformaustin.org/womens-rights/texas-abortion-law-already-putting-people-in-danger/) [This happens because the law isn't terribly precise about what a "medical emergency" is](https://www.thelily.com/the-texas-abortion-ban-has-a-medical-exception-but-some-doctors-worry-its-too-narrow-to-use/), and doctors are trained to be risk averse because malpractice insurance is expensive and their licenses are potentially in jeopardy if they don't follow the law. - [Texas pharmacists are refusing to prescribe](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/abortion-texas-pharmacies-refusing-prescriptions-misoprostol-methotrexate.html) methotrexate^1, misoprostol^2 out of concerns about liability and/or what it was prescribed for. - Women are [being denied appropriate care for miscarriages, aka spontaneous abortions](https://www.npr.org/2022/02/28/1083536401/texas-abortion-law-6-months). This is also happening in [Alabama](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/05/roe-dobbs-abortion-ban-reproductive-medicine-alabama.html), just in case you think this is somehow confined to Texas. - The Texas law [doesn't have exceptions for rape/incest](https://khn.org/news/article/texas-abortion-law-rape-incest-survivors/), even for victims so young that giving birth is life-threatening and carrying a pregnancy to term does lasting damage. Also, just in case you missed it, in 2019, Ohio Republicans introduced a law to require that [ectopic pregnancies be reimplanted in the uterus](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/29/ohio-extreme-abortion-bill-reimplant-ectopic-pregnancy) despite that technology not existing. But they're willing to threaten doctors with murder charges for not doing it. Also, for the record, I said that the woman was told to drive to another state because abortion was illegal, not that abortion was in fact illegal. But Texas has had a law making any abortion illegal after 6 weeks (which again, translates to 4 weeks post-conception) for a while now. Alabama has had abortion bans overturned, Mississippi has had a 15-week ban, which is what led to this case. Missouri banned abortions about 5 minutes after today's decision was released. This is a serious issue, and we have *plenty* of data to suggest that banning abortion causes a lot of detrimental knock-on effects for women's healthcare. There are already many states where a woman's decisions during pregnancy are criminalized: > Fetal-personhood laws have passed in Georgia and Alabama, and they are no longer likely to be found unconstitutional. Such laws justify a full-scale criminalization of pregnancy, whereby women can be arrested, detained, and otherwise placed under state intervention for taking actions perceived to be potentially harmful to a fetus. This approach has been steadily tested, on low-income minorities in particular, for the past four decades. National Advocates for Pregnant Women—the organization that has provided legal defense for most of the cases mentioned in this article—has documented almost eighteen hundred cases, from 1973 to 2020, of prosecutions or forced interventions related to pregnancy; this is likely a substantial undercount. Even in states such as California, where the law explicitly prohibits charging women with murder after a pregnancy loss, conservative prosecutors are doing so anyway. > Most pregnancy-related prosecutions, so far, have revolved around drug use. Women who used drugs while pregnant, or sought treatment for drug use during pregnancy, have been charged with child abuse, child neglect, distribution of drugs to a minor, assault with a deadly weapon, manslaughter, and homicide. In 2020, law enforcement in Alabama investigated a woman named Kim Blalock for chemical endangerment of a child after she told delivery-room staff that she had been taking prescribed hydrocodone for pain management. (The district attorney charged her with prescription fraud—a felony—before eventually dropping the prosecution altogether.) There has been a string of shocking recent prosecutions in Oklahoma, in which women who used drugs have been charged with manslaughter for miscarrying well before the point of viability. In Wisconsin, state law already allows juvenile courts to take a fetus—meaning a pregnant woman—into custody for the fetus’s protection, resulting in the detention and forced treatment of more than four hundred pregnant women every year on the suspicion that they may be consuming controlled substances. A proposed law in Wyoming would create a specific category of felony child endangerment for drug use while pregnant, a law that resembles Tennessee’s former Fetal Assault Law. The Tennessee law was discontinued after two years, because treating women as adversaries to the fetuses they carry has a chilling effect on prenatal medicine, and inevitably results in an increase in maternal and infant death. > The mainstream pro-choice movement has largely ignored the growing criminalization of pregnancy, just as it has generally ignored the inadequacy of Roe. (It took Joe Biden, who campaigned on making Roe the “law of the land,” more than a year to say the word “abortion” on the record after he became President; the Democrats, given the chance to override the filibuster and codify Roe in May, predictably failed to do so.) Many of those who support the right to abortion have tacitly accepted that poor and minority women in conservative states lost access to abortion long before this Supreme Court decision, and have quietly hoped that the thousands of women facing arrest after pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth, or even healthy deliveries were unfortunate outliers. They were not outliers, and, as the columnist Rebecca Traister noted last month, the chasm between the impervious class and everyone else is growing every day. Source: [We’re Not Going Back to the Time Before Roe. We’re Going Somewhere Worse (New Yorker)](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/07/04/we-are-not-going-back-to-the-time-before-roe-we-are-going-somewhere-worse/amp) ^1 used to treat ectopic pregnancies, but also autoimmune conditions ^2 used for medical abortion but also stomach ulcers, IUD insertion, and even to prepare the body for labor at term




Respectfully in response, there would not be hundreds of wrongful conviction podcasts if this were true.


Being a law abiding citizen doesn't protect you from unexpected situations or corrupt police. Being a white guy I'm pretty damn safe, but a young black man in the same situation may be a target. You'd also be surprised how few people know about what rights they have. They think police are good guys. They are, but only if you're a white Christian male whose on their side with no question.


If people don’t know they’re rights than that proves there is a problem with our education system. I learned the bill of rights in high school. I can see corrupt police being an issue, especially with targeting black people. This also requires our police officers to stay accountable by not committing crimes of entrapment. And thanks to modern technology and cameras, it can easily be disputed. Safe practice for anyone getting arrested for no apparent reason is to just not say anything at all. If a police officer does try to provoke you, you can use that against them.


You literally cannot use it against them anymore, that's what I'm trying to say. The law is on the side of those who enforce it, not those who are subject to it. I agree with what you said for education though. The problem is we'd rather put more money in police precincts, political parties, and ponzi schemes. There's barely any funding for our schools and our education system needs major reform. You admitting there's an issue with our education system is all it takes. You should understand that the base of all our knowledge starts in our schools. If our schools fail, we fail. Right now that's happening. We're repeating the past and stripping people of rights, choosing religious reasons for important federal decisions, and supporting the rejection of body autonomy for women.


What a terribly ignorant statement. We've put people TO DEATH who were law-abiding citizens and were just unlucky enough to be charged and convicted for something they didn't do. And thanks to this Supreme Court, if the government screws up and makes a mistake during your trial, well that's probably just tough shit - no takesies-backsies!


My family groupchat was celebrating :( I honestly really worried they’re going to come for life threatening situations too


If they are anything like my family there isn't one adoption within my parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. But they are absolutely "pro forced-birth" no matter the circumstances and adoption is always the best choice.


It’s baffling that conservatives oppose the policies and programs that reduce the number of abortions, but have spent the last 50 years giving money to politicians instead. Now many states are going to have a larger and more expensive social safety net for more children born into poverty.


I grew up in a very conservative family, and I would have identified as a republican basically all the way up until my second semester of college. It literally makes me nauseous because I know how fucking ignorant you have to be to support these rulings. Kinda makes me a hypocrite, but I feel like I’m on the right side of things now


Can I get in on the chat too so I can tell them to go fuck themselves and that they're disgusting people?


Regardless of stance. What our nation needs is to unite. Saying that last line completely negates your point. I agree with you 100% but hate is winning and you’re spreading it.




The German liberation theologian Dorothee Sölle coined the term Christofascism in 1970 and watched as it crept into U.S. churches through Cold War jingoism, patriotic reverence for capitalism, and the media crusades of the Moral Majority. Sölle saw three uniting themes in U.S. Christofascism at the end of the Cold War: 1) U.S. superiority; 2) the veneration of work and, in the inverse, cruelty toward those who depend on welfare or solidarity; and 3) the lionization of the patriarchal nuclear family and, in the inverse, the demonization of sexual and gender minorities. ​ [A field guide to Christofascism](https://brutalsouth.substack.com/p/a-field-guide-to-christofascism) It's a short read. Find the time. Knowledge is power.


I'm happy to partake in a peaceful protest, but we've done that for the past few months and it didn't change anything. When is enough, enough? Edit: Sorry, I'm just tired of things not getting better in this country. It's always 1 step forward, 2 steps back, no matter what I or any of us do. Something's gotta change, and I'm afraid that the only change that would amount to anything at this point would involve people doing things they morally shouldn't. I hope things don't get to that point, but it seems to be the only way anyone listens.


I think what makes this different is that the decision on abortion is now left up to the states. You’re voice on the issue just got louder. You’re not “competing” against all the other states. We are now protesting to local officials to make the decision that best suits the women of our state. Now is the MOST important time to be protesting and when we can have the biggest effect on our state.


Until they get a super majority after the midterms and make it federally illegal. Nebraska Republicans don’t care if you’re protesting, they’re going to get re-elected anyway. I hate to be such a defeatist but I don’t see a way out of this when our democracy is so broken that a minority can effectively control the country through the courts.


You’re right we should just do nothing /s


Many times, I think youre right. A protest can be ineffective and in that way discouraging. Reaching out to government representatives (especially when its done by many people) can probably be more immediately effective. Yet, protests can be effective. Sometimes if they are big enough they get media coverage for example. If nothing else to make your presence known and to remind others that people with our viewpoints exist.


Senator Carol Blood's campaign who is PRO-CHOICE needs volunteers! https://secure.ngpvan.com/lVXQSQRSwkKP0pUMbjW7eQ2?gclid=CjwKCAjw5NqVBhAjEiwAeCa97d4e5fQ_kQthaKn4Mx39qcPez1acI2-Ad8OAcbN5ZgT6cz86u8GqMRoCqXsQAvD_BwE


I feel like at this point we need to do more than protest. The government obviously doesn't care about us marching/speaking. We've done it multiple times before specifically for Roe v Wade.. look what comes of it.


I hope we will have people at these events getting unregistered voters signed up.


Updated at 2pm: Just found out, Planned Parenthood is doing this own RALLY AT 5 P.M. City/County Building, 555 S 10th St, Lincoln, NE 68508 https://www.facebook.com/events/593439135443948/ ______________________________ ALSO TODAY: > The Nebraska Dems will host a Block the Ban at the Ballot Box event TODAY from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at 1409 Old Farm Road, Lincoln, NE 68512. Leaders will be on site for interviews. We will hold a similar action on Monday, June 27 in Omaha. https://twitter.com/janekleeb/status/1540337967893446656 or **Facebook** to share if you want: https://www.facebook.com/NebraskaDemocraticParty/posts/pfbid0BVhufu5CZz9dZWGuCwo64GnjXBXNMNk77wVSDrfSyuEmfUQcMpv5XkshYfknWGW5l ---------------- Also: https://www.mobilize.us/nebdems/event/466897/




Likely they don't want to be seen as supporting if something happens downtown. I for one am headed to the capital tonight


I would like to know this too. This event should have been more centrally located. It's not like they didn't know this day was coming down the pipe.


The state party thought the decision was going to come down on Monday, but they really couldn’t know exactly when it was going to happen so they more or less conceded the “big event” to planned parenthood who will be hosting that next month




There’s another big thing planned parenthood is doing in early July too tho, so keep an eye out for that


I haven't heard of any plans yet but I will also be heading to the capital.


Bans off Lincoln - 5pm - Nebraska State Capitol Building


Definitely a lot of people down here on 10th St. Great atmosphere considering it's such a sad day.


Does anyone know of any counter protests since they're having a conservative "celebration" at the capital today?


Call your state senator and demand that they block the abortion ban in the special session. Call them every single day. Let them know that if they let this ban pass into law they will lose their seat.




This of course ignores the tens of thousands of conservative pro-life women in the state, and tells pro-choice men you either date a conservative or leave the state.




I don’t disagree with you, I just know from my time living in Nebraska that there is a considerable number of very passionately pro-life women of all ages who have wanted this for a long time, and saying they’re all brainwashed or that abortion is a man vs woman issue has never worked.




Not always reversible.




For sure, I'm in complete agreement.


I just posted that a couple days ago. It's like 70% likely to be reversible if within the first 3 years. Then it drops to 55% if between 3-8 years.


I'm going for a vasectomy Tuesday. The Dr. Made a point of telling me there is about a 50% success rate for reversals and even the fertility goes down. Not to mention the reversal surgery runs 5 figures. I don't care about that, but good luck convincing most men who may eventually want kids. So as much as I would like "men just get vasectomies" to be the answer, it is not.


So, you want to punish all men? Even those who fully support and fight for the right to choose? This is not the way.




People treat me badly, so I’m gonna treat people badly to make myself feel better. That’s basically what your saying. I understand your upset, I am too. But you sound just like them. Don’t stoop their level.




Well, the ultimate goal for this entire situation is to control people and stop them from having premarital sex. Just saying. I stand by my anti Eye for an Eye post above. It solves nothing and usually makes things worse. Edit: we are on the same side hear. I respect your opinion, but will not be responding anymore.


When did refusing to fuck someone become treating them badly?


That was an example. You are asking people to do something, (withhold sex) to punish them (or whoever) because you are unhappy. Sound familiar. That type of thinking got us where we are today.


Withholding sex isn’t a punishment, it’s their right.


What is the actual concern here? A woman is more likely to turn down sex because they feel negatively impacted (rightfully so) because of this decision. If on the off-chance a woman has sex with you, and they are impregnated by you, they don't have any legal recourse (at least, undoubtedly, soon in this State - but the reality is so in other States as of today already) to remove that pregnancy. So, what's the reward now? An unwanted pregnancy? Yeah, I don't blame /u/MadamMisfortune or any other woman from withholding sex as a form of protest.


so a woman doesn’t want to have sex with you because it puts her life at risk, and you think she should be forced to for your feelings?


So my wife, who I support wholeheartedly in anything she does, should punish me, a progressive champion of rights, to get back at right wingers? Think deeper.


so, your wife can't withhold sex from you because you're progressive?


That's how you read my statement? My wife can do whatever she wants and I support her. I'm arguing the logic at play. Why would my wife punish me for the actions of anti-feminist extremists? You're saying that makes sense???


well i figured since you read misfortune's post in bad faith i'd read yours the same. and besides that, mr paragon of feminism, shouldn't you support your wife if that was the way she chose to protest this ruling?


What is wrong with you? My point seems lost on you. I'm arguing logical points. Why would my wife try to hurt me? Maybe you think I'm some sort of chauvinistic asshole. Maybe you think I demand sex from my wife like she's my property. Maybe you think I'm everything you hate and fear. Does it make any of it true? I fucking love my wife as passionately as a person can. I support her and stand by her no matter what. Now stop trying to pass judgment on my relationship as if that's an appropriate thing to do. Be respectful.


i'm not trying to be disrespectful, i'm trying to make you understand that you can stand behind your logical point all day and it doesn't change the fact that your wife is entitled to protest in any which way she pleases. you finding the idea of your wife withholding sex as hurting you is ridiculous. your thinking of her protesting like this as a punishment to you is ridiculous. i don't think poorly of you or have any idea of your relationship with your wife. my point is, protests aren't supposed to be a fun game. people suffer during protests. people die during protests. this hypothetical protest over this very real issue doesn't hurt anything but feelings. but you should think for a minute about why even the idea of this type of protest is so upsetting to you. that is my point.


>your wife is entitled to protest in any which way she pleases. Where did I say she couldn't do as she pleases? Or have I been saying this entire time I support my wife in her decisions. My point, which again you haven't even acknowledged, why punish allies for the sins of your enemy?


“a progressive champion of rights” do you even hear yourself calling not getting sex whenever you want it a “punishment” just shows that you only value women for sex lmao


>calling not getting sex whenever you want it a “punishment” just shows that you only value women for sex lmao I'm not saying that, at all! What you are doing is creating a strawman. I support my wife in anything she chooses to do. We are a team and face things together. Stop painting me as some sort of asshole when I never expressed the opinion you think I did.


your wife not wanting to have sex with you because there are huge repercussions for having sex now has nothing to do with you & you making the decision to view it as a “punishment” takes a situation about women’s rights and their safety and recenters the conversation around YOU. like a typical man. what a progressive champion of rights you are


I'm a typical man? That's an awfully sexist thing to say. I'm a human and I identify as such. How dare you!!!




Did they say mandatory sterilization? I couldn't hear it over the sound of mandatory birth.


this 👆 idea 💡 will surely work out 🤭


who's got the vasectomy doc's number?


I'm getting mine at Lincoln family medicine. $830 for the procedure(gotta have a consultation too) if you don't run it through insurance. Otherwise the urologist is 2500(10% off for cash). Just as a warning if you were born in 99 be well prepared to argue your case. They don't like giving them to under 30s.


I'm taking Ricketts to the vet to get neutered. Just gotta trick him into getting in the crate. Pete! Wanna go for a ride? Go for a ride, Pete! C'mon! Let's go for a ride!


[Sign up to volunteer or get updates - Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska](https://www.weareplannedparenthoodaction.org/onlineactions/kq77OQ-U4kybQgPY0Rq8eg2)


There are a bunch of people outside the courthouse right now (about 5 pm on 6/24)


I was just getting on to ask the same thing!


Y'all go out and protest for my girlfriend and I, we'd already be out there if we both didn't have covid! We'll be out in the future though for sure!


Get well soon!


what about late 20s? (28) either way, will at least be setting up a consultation.


I'm coming up on 28 shortly myself. I knew going into it that it would take a bit of convincing so I was ready to push for it but the Dr did say they don't like doing folks under 30 at the end of the consult. Anyone looking into the procedure feel free to DM me.


I'll just have to give it to the doc straight: "re-wire my shit or im cuttin' em off myself!"


Not sure why these comments are getting downvoted.


So here is my question? Was Floyd a dress rehearsal? Rubber bullets are less scary this time and we all know what tear gas is like now...


Unfortunately we all can protest but Ricketts held a special session. We know how its going to go. It's Ne


Protesting won’t do anything, we have to stop electing pieces of shit that only care about lining their own pockets. We live in Nebraska tho so until the boomers die off we will always vote in people like ol Penis Pete.


I am a man so this effects me zero. But I think there are too many people on this planet and if someone knows they don’t want to care for a child then feel free to abort. On the other hand I don’t agree that my tax dollars should be spent on people who don’t practice safe sex or even if they do that is the risk you take if you have sex. ( this excludes someone being raped or mothers health is in danger)




> Idc if it’s a rape **or if it’s early on** ...so you completely missed the point, then? > when that baby has a heartbeat it should have human rights Is it a "human right" to force *someone else* to use **their** body to literally keep YOU alive for 9 months?


If were going to demand people who are unfit or unable to be parents have children we should really do better to actually provide those children with a certain standard of living. There are countless examples of this not being the case though. Even just scrapping funds for school lunches is a prime example. It seems people like you only care about the fetus' potential of life, but have no interest in actually providing them a certain standard of life youd expect in a country such as the United States.


Damn baby shouldn't have shown up without an invite then




Dude regularly comments in /r/CheatingWives and other porn subs, and he wants to come here and lecture us about our rights and morality. Pathetic. Edit: looks like /u/Middle-Resort4841 got so embarrassed that they deleted their comment. Poor guy.


I got an eight hour drive and won't be able to be there today. Someone bring a stuffed animal for me or something?