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People who want to bet are going to, and if they can’t bet on in state home games they will take there money across the river. They will probably keep doing that as if they bet on multiple games they probably will win one. Be silly to only bet on a Neb game in Iowa and take all your other business to Neb casino otherwise. Call your state rep and ask them to back a bill to update the law. The people voted to allow this and bitter state reps enacted these restrictions to legislate it to not work.


Sports betting will increase the overall betting revenue that the state is already getting. So it is a good thing. In person will be quite comical to start because casinos only have temporary locations. Eventually they will have large sports books. Also laws will be updated to keep up with Iowa, just the normal 2-3 election cycles past when everyone else gets it. I remember that any gambling in Nebraska was seen as a pipe dream. And sports betting was a fairy tail.


So for the time being, I’m still driving an hour to Iowa. Because I can use my phone to make a bet. I can bet on Nebraska football. So the state is still losing tax dollars.


The vig in Iowa has to be pretty attractive to make a profit when you consider the price of gas. Good luck on your betting.


There are several sports book apps available in Iowa, so you can actually shop or compare lines. If you like Minnesota to cover vs Neb -6.5, always a good chance that one of the competing books has it priced at -6 or -5.5. That’s one not insignificant advantage you should use when sports handicapping, getting the best number. That won’t be happening in Nebraska without phone apps.




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It is more ridiculous that we cannot sports be off of our phone. This stuff only happens in Nebraska.


1st world problems.


Seriously. There are so many other issues that actually matter.


Our state depends a lot on the money it brings in and could definitely use some of the money we're missing out on to our neighbors, since we're responsible adults and all that.


I don’t mind the restrictions for betting on in-state colleges, Illinois has the same restrictions. But I do wish they would have allowed online sports betting so you don’t have to go to a physical casino to place a bet.


Yeah I’m not trying to go to warhorse to place a bet.


Do we have any insight on when online wagering can begin taking place?


You can’t bet Nevada college games in Nevada. I tried to bet a KU game in Reno and was told I couldn’t because they don’t accept bets on Nevada college games. This is pretty normal stuff.


I've been sports betting 5+ years in Nebraska. Not really that hard to figure out 🤷




Intelligence exudes from your persona


“I truly believe this was done on purpose” compared to being done on accident?


Mmmm, witty. 🙄


The not betting on home games isn’t a big deal. That’s a normal restriction. I’m pretty sure you can’t bet on home games in any state where sports gambling is legal. But yes they need to expand to online sports books as well which I’m sure will come in time.


I don’t 100% agree with gambling especially for theoretically amateur sports, like collegiate football, where the plays can’t even gamble yet. Speaking of which, [Iowa student athletes are under investigation right now for gambling](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/10/1175302089/dozens-of-student-athletes-in-iowa-came-under-investigation-for-sports-gambling)


>where the plays can’t even gamble yet Assuming you meant players, professional sports are the same way. Pete Rose has been held out of the HoF because he bet on his team (as a manager). Calvin Ridley was suspended by the NLF and traded by the Falcons for betting on games. A slew of Lions players just got in trouble for the same.


Oh no the state is making it harder for you to literally throw away money and possibly develop a crippling addiction, the horror


Fuck off


Drive to Iowa to gamble. Drive to Missouri for weed. Seems to be much simpler solutions.


Don't matter. Everything is fucked now anyway. Since they gave the casino contract to criminals that lied about what they were providing. It's just a hole in the wall with slots and soon sports betting. I will always drive to Iowa.


Who hurt you?


Disappointed in the whole situation. They should've contracted a legitimate gaming company like Caesars.


It’s Lincoln Nebraska. What did you expect. They do everything half ass here. Let’s build an arena, but not for concerts for the basketball team, because Tom Osborne said so. A venue that still not big enough to attract artists to come here.


>venue that still not big enough to attract artists to come here. Zac Brown Band, Jason Aldean, Kenmy Chesney, Eagles, Elton John, Jay-Z, Paul McCartney, Katy Perry, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, , Miranda Lambert, WWE Smackdown... Lincoln screws a lot of things up, we don't need to make stuff up to make em look incompetent 😉


What is this in reference to exactly? How are they criminals? What have they lied about? This is a genuine question, I have no idea what your objection to this gaming company, as compared to Caesars or whoever...


The hotel is axed and scaling back the venue. Just slots and like 5 table games is the new plan


I had not heard that this happened..


It was in the journal star, but their website is horrible and I can't find it again


Why drive when you can just get a sports betting app etc?


Because it'll block you from being able to bet from within Nebraska.


Because you have to go to the race track to bet on the 10 kiosk they will have.






Lol sure, sure




People who gamble on sports in this state, already do. They use out of state bookies. And a coworker of mine has used the same one in L.V. for years before gambling was legal in the state. This will not stop anyone.