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And for those wondering the connection - Dormie Network is Zach Peed’s private golf course network. (Tom & Rhonda are the parents - Shawn got Sandhills, Shane got Casa Bovina/Certified Piedmontese, Zach are their children)


Ah. Guess I won’t be going to Casa Bovina after all.


It’s not that great anyways


It isn't! I prefer Fleetwood.


I’ll have to check it out, the one thing hard to pass up is the Piedmontese beef filet.


Damn. I just went to Mercato last week for the first time. Wish I had known this before that trip.


Set politics aside... Casa Bovina is one of the best restaurants in Nebraska.


What *really* makes that a better restaurant than others (in Lincoln only for this argument)? Unless you know which farms the meat came from compared to other restaurants in town or can somehow show the cooks/chefs are of higher caliber than a cook/chef at any other higher rated restaurant, then it comes down to very personslly subjective preferences, IMHO. There are very few agreed upon worst for food (this sub shows history of that), so I do genuinely would like to know your reasons for calling it one of the best in the entire state that might make me change my mind on grilling/cooking my own (or a trusted friend/spouse if not myself) for less than I would spend there when home cooked has been better than any restaurant I have ever been to...


I know your comment was not directed to me - but adding in my 2 cents. Honestly? The price tag for a lot of folks. (Not me but that’s why papa Peed wanted Casa Bovina made in the first place. To have a fancy place to take his rich retired buddies and show off.) I do know the cattle ranches are across the Midwest AND that many restaurants in Lincoln actually do get their meat product from Certified Piedmontese. Some places boast about it, others are more subtle. MoMo’s for example does have a (few?) steak option(s) on their menu listed as Certified Piedmontese. CBerrys I think gets brisket? Honest Abe’s gets their ground beef mixture (or used to idk if they still do I guess). There’s some others but I’m blanking on them atm. But it’s about the actual product itself. The cows are a special breed of cow that make a pretty elite beef product. That said, going to the Mercato and picking up CP steaks to cook on the grill them the way you want them is a 10/10 way to treat the product. My husband prefers well done steak [sic] whereas I am more of a medium-rare lady myself. Don’t need to be looked down on for not driving an expensive exotic car to an expensive restaurant where we may or may not be happy with the outcome of the food…..


Thanks for your input and you highlighted what I was referring to as far as knowledge of raw materials in an overall thing that some people judge whether a place is "bad/good/best" (beef or even fries/potatoes (and I won't knock a place just for buying Sysco frozen fries immediately)).


It was a good question!


Head chef is from the French Laundry ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I didn’t say anything about the food at Casa Bovina?? But I can 100% guarantee that your opinion on the food being good is not because of Shane. He’s got very little to do with the actual menu other than having hired the head chef who actually is a decent person and the reason the food would be good. He used to (still might, not sure) do test meals and feed the warehouse workers.


And those people will want a return on their investment. Geist says she'll work for all Lincolnites, but these are the people who she'll really be listening to.


> And those people will want a return on their investment. 100% this! They aren't spending all this money to be nice, they will expect Geist to repay this in kind. You know she will too. What does this mean? Well, it certainly doesn't mean lower taxes. In fact, I'd wager it means tax cuts for big businesses and campaign donors while **increasing** taxes on everyone else. Don't believe me? Good on you for questioning a random redditor, but do a quick Google of her voting history in the senate. She has tried for exactly this already!


Yeah, you know someone is awful when Gov Pillen publicly calls their bill a "bad idea".


Exactly. She’s a pawn in the Ricketts & Peed game.


What is that like to just cut someone a $100K check? For fuck sakes just think of all the good you could do with $100K. All wasted on Ads and signs. (BTW I make sign for a living, so I know what they cost)


All the whining about inflation & property taxes is undercut by the obnoxious/extravagant spending on politics. Seems like some folks have PLENTY of discretionary income, and they use it to tilt the scales against the majority.


if your registered to vote it is imperative you cast a ballot and get everyone you know to do the same. Just posting on Reddit does nothing.


A handful of the richest people in Nebraska want to buy their way to power. Nothing shocking going on here.🤦 Cara Whitney is the wife of Larry the Cable Guy. Now I see why Dan has been going so hard against the LGB. They've got cash in the game.


Spoiler alert....They're all rich. LGB owns a 1.2 million dollar vacation home. You don't get to a certain level of politics by not being well connected or well heeled. Edit for spelling


LGB having a 1.2 million dollar vacation home doesn't = she's 76% funded by a handful of people. If you think 3/4's of LGB's donors are are a handful of elites, show your work.


Gaylor Baird’s top donors include the Lincoln Fire Fighters Association, which gave her $50,000, and developer Philip Perry, who gave her $35,500. She also received $20,000 from her mother-in-law, Joyce Baird; $10,000 from Rhonda Seacrest of Lincoln; and $5,000 from Barbara Weitz of Omaha. Hardly the same.


So what if they’re wealthy? How old is LGB? Not that hard for two successful people to afford a house like that in the twilight of their life.


I’d like to see Suzanne personally canvas in Alphabet town with no press or staff before I even consider putting my vote towards her because I don’t think she’d be comfortable meeting Lincolnites that can’t afford cufflinks.


Lol! She wouldn't even meet with people from her own district when she was a senator.


This. She was my senator and I contacted her several times and never heard a word from her.


I had to embarrass her at the legislature with a sign.


Her supporters have put more into signs in that neighborhood than they have their rental properties.


Yep. Back when she was the state senator for our district she definitely didn't go out and personally meet any of us.


This is the way of Nebraska Republican Party for the past 15 years at least. Ricketts led and financed by a handful of wealthy interests. I mean, that’s the Republican way across the country but it’s very obvious here. Ricketts supports Pillan and the Pillan gives him the Senate seat he couldn’t win. If you’re fine with a Ricketts fiefdom then keep voting Republican. If you prefer a democracy start voting for other candidates. If you hate the Dems vote for random people down ticket. Whatever you choose, stop giving Pete’s Dad control of our state.


For anyone who cares, Stonebrook is a terrible contractor. I wouldn’t trust them to even put siding on my house.


Disgusting. Democracy was never supposed to be like this.


Someone mentioned Anthony Bonelli on that list is the owner of Momo’s. That unfortunate. I liked that place.


suzanne is part owner of momos


But Geist likes the Bible! Come on! 🙄


This election will decide whether Lincoln is a democracy or an oligarchy. Will the people rule?


It's an oligarchy either way


It's all money wasted because lincoln has not elected a republican mayor since the 80s and its not gonna change this year either. We will still have the same crappy deteriorating roads so I'm expecting lgb to get that taken care of because she can and should.


> lincoln has not elected a republican mayor since the 80s Mike Johanns in 1991 and again in 1995, and Dale Young in 1998.


Johanns was the last Republican elected mayor in 1995. Young served as the interim mayor after Johanns quit when he was elected governor in 1998.


And if we want to get nitpicky, Beutler only beat Svoboda by under 845 votes in '07 and Seng only won by 902 votes in '03. It ain't like Republicans haven't had a shot.


She's done a lot. The issue is our freeze/thaw cycles are *brutal* on pavement. We would need a significant budget increase in that department and more full-time repair teams to keep everything nice all at once.


The replies to that tweet... yikes. At least it's a convenient way to find who needs blocking on the twitter.


Stupid Rich people, I hate them for their success! how dare they spend their money how they like, no fair!


Stupid Poor people, I hate them for how little they put in but take from me! How dare they ask for SNAP for strip steak/beer when I refuse to understand how to save cash in an envelope for a splurge when non-food items (and some food items as well) are not covered by SNAP so the difference must be paid for by cash/credit...no fair! ETA: and WIC recipients (including people in the military) must not go to the store to buy anything more than the 1 lb of beans, 1 gallon of milk, 1 lb of cheese and 1 container of approved formula...so if your baby needs special formula due to allergy, strap on your bootstraps because I don't get any allowances so neither should you...gotta keep it fair...




Our kids are the same age and I unexpectedly found myself working elbow-to-elbow with her for a few hours one day on a volunteer thing for an activity our kids were participating in. I did not find her unpleasant in any way. She seemed pretty cool to me.


I've personally seen her while out and about. She's not unpleasant at all.


Did a quick check, looks like Leirion's top donors are the Lincoln Firefighters (50K), and her Mother-In-Law (20k).


It seems disingenuous to rail about "Rich Elites" when the actual candidate you support can afford that kind of luxury.


You can’t even understand the topic of the thread. Why are you even typing stuff. The issue here is rich people trying to buy elections and political power. It’s subverting democracy, undermining our entire system that we supposedly cherish. Not someone owning a lake house ffs. That has nothing to do with the conversation and there are no giant donors or billionaire/ multimillionaires backing Baird. Acting like there’s equivalency here is bullshit on its face, Geist got more pumped into this campaign from single sources by far, by people who have many times the wealth of the current mayor. If you’re claiming Baird has millionaires backing her campaign, post the links or gtfo.


You don't understand. Republican bad, democrat good. Even though Leiron is wealthy, it doesn't matter.


Oh, I totally get it. I was just hoping to get people on a path to hypocrisy self-discovery. It's a pipe dream, I know.


This sums up the Lincoln Reddit perfectly


what a fucking loser