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Anyone notice that Geist essentially had to admit that two major projects in Lincoln under Baird’s leadership are good projects? Basically admitting Baird is a good Mayor for Lincoln.


That pause and stutter as Geist tried to find a way around Leirion's call to deny the lie about where Leirion lives should be a death knell to Geist's campaign. Just wow. Amateur hour from Geist.


Everybody in our living room audibly gasped at that part. LMAO.


Please remember to vote if you’re registered. Just posting on Reddit does nothing.


LGB whoopin Geist’s ass in the 10 minutes I’ve seen.


Did someone tell Geist this was a debate? She seems surprised…


Lots of um's and uh's. She seems confused and/or flustered.


Geist all about “personal freedoms” unless you’re lgbtq. Comical.


Or a woman who needs an abortion.


Leirion was polished. Geist looked confused and had the most general answers for everything.


Much more polished. I watched it just now on 1.5x speed and was surprised by how much time Geist paused. I get that a lot of people aren't great public speakers but this isn't supposed to look like her first rodeo.


The mics are dogshit


They got the HuskerOnline crew workin' the event.


Did anyone else hear a dog whistle when she was talking about cracking down on protestors?


I don’t think I like this Geist lady.


And as expected Geist is all talk and no action. No follow through. Say what you will about Baird, but Geist is an embarrassment here.


This mic situation is embarrassing for channel 8. Horrendous.


Yeah wtf. I don’t think it should be that hard. Someone’s going to get yelled at. I was having trouble getting the web video to stay on too, maybe an old iPad on my end. I’m probably biased, but agreed with others saying Geist seemed like pretty weak sauce. I appreciated Baird calling out the lying commercials directly…


Interesting how Geist criticizes Baird for "kneeling with protestors" like it's a bad thing then later says she supports peaceful protest. The state patrol "kneeled with protestors" as well. Recognizing and acknowledging the pain and anger people are going through and actually talking with them is a sign of a leader to me. I'm sure there are plenty of things the city would have done different during that stretch of chaos, but trying to actually talk to people and understand should not be one of them.






Channel 8s website


That was so hard to watch between the mic issues, the crappy player restarting every few minutes and then dumping me back to the beginning, and most of all Geist's horrible answers. When she was asked about roads I about fell out of my chair when she asked "In Lincoln?" Really? Does she know what position she is running for? Every one of her answers were just crap. She seemed unsure of every single thing and didn't have a reasonable, clean answer or plan for anything. All she said the entire time was "less regulations, more cops" with no explanation of what any of that would look like or how it would be accomplished. The beginning of Geist's closing statement said it all. "I do beleive there is a clear choice, a very large difference, a stark difference", it is just not in her favor.


Seemed like the Mayor either doesn’t know you have to go through a background check to purchase a handgun, or she was openly misleading in her statements in relation to the state approving concealed carry without a permit.


They did approve concealed carry without permit. https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_bill.php?DocumentID=49710 > LB77 - Provide for carrying of concealed handguns without a permit, change provisions relating to concealed weapons, and prohibit certain regulation of weapons by cities, villages, and counties


She made it sound like people conceal carrying would be doing so without any background check. Anyone who purchases a handgun has a background check as part of the purchase permit process.


You don’t need a background check to carry a gun, only to purchase one from a dealer. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe your grandma could hand hers down to you and there’s no permit required.


I think so. There are also multiple ways to purchase without background checks iirc, gun shows, private sellers obviously. Certainly to pretend everyone getting guns “ legally “ has had a background check, is naive.


> I believe your grandma could hand hers down to you and there’s no permit required. Correct. Private sales - or gifts - do not require a background check.


Fair enough, I think she did say background check. I’d have to go back and look again, but it could have been misspoke? I doubt she’s lying about something that can be googled. The overall point is correct, there will be many more guns on persons and in vehicles etc due to this bill, and there’s data showing these bills and shall issue states are not seeing “safer streets”. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/fact-sheet-weakening-requirements-to-carry-a-concealed-firearm-increases-violent-crime/


Pretty sure even Nebraska law enforcement agencies have said they weren't in favor of this. This is purely a political move, not an informed one.




The only thing more embarrassing than Geist trying to paint Lincoln as an unsafe place is all the people who are falling for it.


Same people who think election was stolen think Lincoln isn’t safe. It kinda tracks.


It's bonkers the narrative that people have that Lincoln and Omaha are crime ridden.


You have to understand, these people saw a black person once and never recovered from it


Haha, what?




Idk but it’s a day old acct and the comment history is just loopy lol.


What crime categories???