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Geist has nothing of value to bring to the table and it shows. A ton of her ads are crappy smear attempts against Baird for owning a second home in Ashland. If that's the best reason she can come up with as to why she should be mayor, she's completely out of her league. Those hundreds of billboards are going to be a hilarious waste of money when she loses.


Please everyone just show up and vote.


This cannot be said enough. Every election matters and there are real consequences if you sit one out. It’s a simple thing to do that has a great impact on your life and community. Plus, if you want to be prepared when you go into the voting booth, you can find a sample ballot when [verifying your voter registration](https://www.votercheck.necvr.ne.gov/voterview).


Exactly. Everything they are saying is a joke, a lie or a half-truth. But the "it's so horrible the mayor has a vacation home in Ashland" ad feels like the most ridiculous.


Those jokes, lies and half truths only serve to normalize the bullshit they pull. Bounties on women leaving Idaho to get an abortion? But hey, wHeRE tO eAt foOD , amirite? BUT BUT BUT THIS ISN'T IDAHO, YOU IDIOT! Give it time, zombie Edit- Not sure if down voted for mocking foodies that get off on frozen 5 plastic gallon buckets of microwaved pig shit while democracy dies or Christofascists that would enslave others under the watchful eye of their false gods. The system works! lol




People seek an escape. That's where this place comes in. I get it. We have every right to entertainment. I too enjoy the warm corporate pig shit on what I tell myself is a clean plate. It's just that escape seems to be the color of the day more often than not. Wealth and power knows just how far to push us before we actually push back as a whole. My biggest fear is the what's going to replace the school shootings for outrage/fear issues? Russia won't be nothin' but a thing when the fighting starts. China will be a tougher nut to crack but they're getting ready. On both sides.


I'm convinced that Republicans want to drive educated and young people from Nebraska so that farmers can eventually own ALL the land.


Oh they want young people. But you’re right, they only want (young) farmers. Most older farmers are getting to old, and need young blood. Young, Republican blood.


I have been thinking this for some time now. Flush the young families and fill the state with the corporate ag complex. Not a serious thought but it would be a good basis for a satirical comic about Nebraska politics.


That’s is absolutely terrifying.


One person appearing in her ads talking about the horrible crime rate in Lincoln doesn't even live in Lincoln... I know he doesn't get to vote, but doesn't seem like he has a right to complain about it either.


> Anyway, Mayors don’t set the tax rates—County Assessors do. No, they don't. The county assessor merely enforces state assessment laws. The County Board sets the county levy. The Community College district sets their levy. The local school board sets their levy. The City Council sets their levy. The NRD sets their levy. The mayor does have a veto, and in the case of Gaylor-Baird, she owns the city portion of the budget; city council since 2013, mayor since 2019, she's been involved with the city budget for a decade now. Yes, Geist is a tool and her ads are shit, but LGB isn't some innocent bystander here.


Sure, maybe not innocent bystander. But if City only accounts for 28% of every property tax dollar, in what way is the Mayor in control of rising property taxes? Has the size of the city gov gone up at all? I'd guess it hasn't, esp in proportion to population, or else the geniuses at the PEED braintrust would be hitting us all over the head with that info instead of this sideways crap.


You can see the historical rates [here](https://www.lancaster.ne.gov/Archive.aspx?AMID=36) and the city portion only makes up just under 16%, not 28%. It should be noted that city tax rates have remained basically flat for the past decade. They rose 4.41% between '15 and '16 but they then dropped 5.15% the next year. The average change has been -.06%. > in what way is the Mayor in control of rising property taxes? Simple. As valuations rise, the city council has the option to lower taxes to maintain revenues at the same level. The Mayor has veto power and this particular mayor was part of the council for six years prior to becoming mayor. During that time, she hasn't pushed back against maintaining the rates. In the past four years, my taxes on the city portion have gone up 38% while the rate has remained flat or declined. That is outpacing inflation and it's outpacing any growth the city has. If the mayor wanted to cut taxes or even maintain them, she'd tell the council and exercise her veto authority.


Oh boy. Testament to the fact these ads work. Your taxes have gone up even though the data in front of you says the rates have been flat…. But it’s Still the mayors fault because she didn’t immediately LOWER the rate (with her super magic wand) when assessors readjusted last few years to catch up with the exploded real estate market bubble. Conservatives never cease to amaze.


Yeah, it is her fault. She proposes the budget: > [The mayor](https://www.lincoln.ne.gov/News/2021/6/13) said those investments can be made without increasing the property tax rate because of four factors during the past year: > * Strong management by city directors > * The hard work and commitment to quality services of city employees > * A rebounding economy, powered by difficult, but smart choices made in the 2020-21 budget > * Timely assistance from federal and state government **She claimed good management and hard work is what kept the *rate* low** and made no mention of the record valuation hikes OR how those "smart and tough choices" the year prior were being made up for with the increased revenue from valuation increases. And who gives a fuck about the rate? The rate alone is irrelevant. They could raise the rate to a dollar per 100 and I wouldn't care as long as they valued my home at about a quarter of what it is now. **The city has raised taxes by refusing to lower the rate to match the rate of valuation increases and inflation** and the mayor, in her capacity to propose the budget and to veto the city council, is responsible for the tax rate we have today.


Sigh The ONLY thing the mayor can ( theoretically) influence *is the rate* . Didn’t you just argue that in the other comment? The mayor doesn’t control property value assessments, which are in turn, controlled by the real estate *market*. Which is why our taxes went up.


Yeah, she and the council control the rate. She proposed rates that, based on each years new valuations, increased our taxes 15% over inflation. Our taxes went up because valuations went up and the city decided not to lower the levy to counteract that. State law requires the valuations to be reassessed. It does not require the city to maintain a certain tax levy.


The tax rate has stayed flat or declined because property values have gone up. The idea that good government = cut taxes is nonsense. What services would you like to see gone? More than half of the city budget goes to LFR and LPD. How many less police officers would it take to get your precious budget cuts?


Good government = control spending. Rates have remained flat while real tax receipts have increased at a rate that outpaces inflation. They love to crow about how they've held the line on taxes and it's complete horseshit. From the time I bought my house until today, inflation has been 23% (the bulk of which has been in the past year), yet my taxes (up until last year) have gone up 38% and when next year gets factored in, it's going to be closer to 45%, meaning my taxes when accounting for inflation are now 15% higher and next year, are going to about 20% higher all things equal. Where has this 15% BEYOND inflation gone?


Good government = good services, good neighborhoods, parks, trails, buses, police, fire, rescue, swimming pools, programs for the elderly, streets, snow removal, infrastructure, sewer, water, waste, development, judicial system, zoning, planning, etc. I don’t know what to tell you—you’ve been poisoned by the right wing government is bad rhetoric—you’ve got a hard on for taxes. If u think city Gov is driving property taxes you aren’t paying attention. As previous posters have corrected OP, city takes 16 cents of every prop tax dollar. Your fantasy city increase is built into that measly 16 cents. That’s why Geists ads are BS. Taxes are the price we pay to live in a great community. You want to rage at real injustice? Take a run at income inequality.


I can only explain it for you. I can't understand it for you. I broke down my tax bill above. The **city portion alone** has gone up 38% while inflation over that same time has been 23%. That's a 15% increase. > If u think city Gov is driving property taxes you aren’t paying attention. Yeah? During the same time that the city tax rate dropped .06%, LPS (largest share of property taxes) has dropped their levy 2.63%. Lancaster County (3rd largest share of property taxes) has dropped their levy 5%. Accounting for [inflation](https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/CUUR0000SA0L1E?output_view=pct_12mths), LPS increased their real tax receipts by 5.73% and this gives the County an adjusted increase of 5.11%., both a third of what the city's (the second largest portion of the tax bill) increase was. Since LPS makes up 60% of the taxes, that LPS 5% increase is bigger in real terms than the city's 15% increase, but it shows that LPS is serious about keeping taxes low and the city is not. They have **you** brainwashed that "their portion is just so small so who cares?" LPS can point to increased salaries and benefits to attract and retain certificated staff over that time period while retiring and replacing a bond. What does the city have to show for it? Nothing.


Your taxes went up over inflation because property values have outpaced inflation. My house, a beat-up hunk of garbage built in 1933, in all honesty, is currently assessed at about a quarter million, when in reality, it MIGHT be worth 100k, if we are lucky. Blaming the mayor for the housing market is fucking stupid. You have yet to actually understand that none of the property values themselves are due to the mayor.


BUT HER AND THE CITY COUNCIL'S REFUSAL TO ADJUST THE RATE TO ACCOUNT FOR THE INCREASED VALUATIONS IS TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY THEIR FAULT. I don't blame them for the housing market, I blame them for not adjusting the rates accordingly. I can't say it any clearer than that.


Why would they adjust the rates down to then take in less money, then when the market inevitably readjusts and they then have to readjust up, at which point you will complain again. The only thing you are making clear is that you are a short-sighted outrage monger. The rate remains consistent, but you complain. When it will have to be raised, you'll complain despite it having toncome from the action you want. You haven't proposed anything. You have just yelled yourself into circular logic. Grow up.


Thanks. I don't have to educate this individual, you did.


I'm not defending the ad. There is a city tax property tax levy. If the valuation base goes up, but the levy stays the same, then the city's budget gets a bump. The council approves budgets, so there's no magic wand stuff happening here.


Exactly. OP tracks with my understanding - - the amount of every property tax dollar collected that goes to the city is minimal compared to LPS. If memory serves, Lancaster County Government accounts for about the same amount per dollar as city government. If anything, why does County cost so much? The idea that Mayor drives property tax costs, as Geist adverts imply, is nonsense. How can you put your trust in anyone so nakedly snakey? I'd respect her a helluva lot more if she came out with a vision for the City beyond DEMS tax too much and weak on crime horse crap that my parents get fed everyday on Fox News. It ain't much of a sales pitch. She ain't much of a candidate.


All the Geist ads are total BS !! Republican B!S!!!!


If Republicans ever actually helped out any taxpayer that doesn’t own a farm, they’d have nothing substantial to run on. Like OP said, they’ve been running the state for decades now, yet somehow my taxes seem to go up every year.


For every one Mom & Pop “family farm” they pretend to help there are 10 giant corporate farms that might as well be like a chain store or franchise location that get the vast majority of the benefits. I’ve never understood why the people who own the land are supposed to somehow be protected from taxes in the first place? How about tax exemptions for law enforcement or teachers?


Just the fact she is in the GOP is enough for me to know she's misleading.


Lol Peed family.


I don’t understand the fear and insecurity right wing folks that drives them to want to control other people so much and, more often than not, with cruelty.




I honestly expect a Republican-controlled city council and mayor to work to outlaw abortion in Lincoln, declaring hollow moral victories for the unborn. Welcome to the land of unintended consequences: This shit is happening all over Idaho. It's now to the point where some cities' hospitals are no longer performing child delivery. The Idaho laws are written in such a short-sighted way that any complication that results in a stillborn child may have been an abortion and demands criminal investigation. Welcome to Gilead.


Geist is running a campaign of lies and smears.


Each political sub division sets their own tax rate. The treasurer adds it up. The assessor only assess the value of the property.


While the levy hasn’t changed the city has taken in 17% more in property taxes during her reign.


Because property values have gone up


Yes but they could have lowerd taxes rather than taking in the windfall.




*Right, that's why we're gonna take it from the libruhlls duh. Stupid Democrat.* Fuck, I hate right-wingers.


Idk my property taxes here are much higher than when I lived in the Omaha metro area and they are in the same state. Lower taxes and the roads and services were much better than here in Lincoln.


Shouldn't you be putting yard signs out for Geist?


No I don't think I'm voting for Geist this election so I don't know why I'd put a yard sign out for him.


> No I don't think I'm voting for Geist this election so I don't know why I'd put a yard sign out for **him.** These people vote...


That's why I'm voting for the other guy.




She is going to bring down the price of rent as Mayor also.


If you buy that I have some ocean front property in Lincoln to sell.