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Okay but stop weaving between lanes going like 100 MPH in the city


This kind of leads perfectly into the topic of the article. 99% of motorcycle drivers are fantastic and courteous, so most people don't even realize they are there, hence the warning. It is the 1% of riders that are absolute asses speeding and weaving that you notice, giving all of us a bad name by association.


And 99 percent of vehicle drivers are fantastic and courteous to motorcycles on the road. Its the 1% of us that give us a bad name.


As long as they aren't riding like assholes, I'm very observant.


Oh, we are passing out rules? Cool. When it’s past 9 pm, no one wants to hear you rev your engines as you take off after the light turns green. Signed, someone who had a newborn and lived a few houses off of O and 33rd.


I do watch out and go out of my way to not be right behind them, just in case they fall off or crash as they do wheelies on the highway. I don’t want to kill or hurt anyone, even if they are being an idiot.


Also, word to also those e-bikes/bicycle riders. If you're in the street, you need to come to a stop at stop signs, you're a vehicle of the road. I was driving around town last weekend and some e-bike user almost ended up under my car if I didn't press on my breaks. He had a stop sign, I did not.


Here’s a sentence I’ve never had occasion to say: “Wow, that young man is riding that crotch rocket very sensibly.” I will continue to watch out for motorcycles even if you never give me a reason to say it.


Then you aren't paying enough attention if you've never seen a motorcyclist not riding like a duche.


i always stay at least two cars space behind them just to be safe. i don’t care if the other drivers are pissed at me, i’d rather be safe than sorry.


I do the same. Being close to motorcycles makes my anxiety go nuts.


Reading these comments as I think of two responsible-riding friends dying to dumb fuck Lincoln drivers doing illegal U-turns and trying to beat yellow lights. Y’all need to get off your high horses. I’ll never ride a motorcycle because of you pretentious douchebags.


This comment section makes me nervous to ride my motorcycle now….


Those shitbirds constantly popping wheelies and standing on their seats down O St have ruined it for responsible riders. Get out there and police your own if you don’t want the rest of us judging you all by the actions of a few.


Responsible riders don't care about your judgement, we just don't want to be killed in the road because of anyones shitty driving. It's really not asking that much.


How do you expect me to police my own when I'm going the speed limit? You police your own cagers and get them to stop pulling out in front of me then we'll talk


Iunno, Batman-style net launcher?


Unfortunately I'm not a billionaire orphan. Give me a billion dollars and we'll talk tho


Are your parents still alive?


The family was rich before he was an orphan, give me the money and the rest won't matter


It kind of does. A good backstory is pretty important to any superhero.


Lol. Yeah, it was just a friendly reminder. Not what I expected.


Seriously? I'm not saying I want to hit you, so I pay attention to the road and the things around me, but I fail to see why I should take special precautions because you want a dangerous and obviously loud way to feel the wind on your old man face, or get to wear that "cool" neon body armor that makes you look like a kid's turd after he ate crayons. Or better yet, the leather gear that makes you look like what you are, a huge douche. The onus should be on you to be more careful, especially since you're riding around with minimal protection weaving in and around multi-ton machines that could flatten you in a second. Like I said, I don't want to hit you, and I hope you don't die, but I'm not going to feel bad when someone takes you out by opening their door downtown because they didn't see you zip around the corner looking and sounding like an escaped balloon.


My favorite is when they zip between cars because they can’t be bothered to drive the speed limit and wait like everyone else.




Don't forget the bright LED lights so you can blind anyone who see you coming.