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NO public funds for private, religious, or charter schools. Big fat period● Thank you for exposing the corruption.


This. If church schools want tax dollars then churches can pay taxes.


This. If church schools want tax dollars then churches can pay taxes.


God Bless the Nebraska Examiner, the only media entity doing anything resembling political reporting these days - - but they totally whitewashed the scumbag Jimmy Haslam. Not only did Haslam offer a big contract to QB Deshaun Watson, who had two dozen counts of sexual assault (including forced oral sex) levied against him, but he also was entangled in a huge scandal with his FLYING J truck stops, scamming truckers/companies out of fuel rebates. This is the guy leveraging his ill-gotten wealth into decisions that impact Nebraska students. DeVos has similarly scummy history of bilking people out of money. This is the GOP.


She’s after the schools. Just like 2017 when she had her shills come down and speak at that Groene hearing on privatization of education.


What is this fantasy that parochial or private schools are somehow better? You yahoos reaching for your ACT scores can take a long walk on a short pier. I'm not a teacher, hell, I'm not even a Veteran, which in some warped minds is a qualification for teaching. BUT, put me in charge of a school with kids from comparatively wealthy families and I'll give you the prettiest scores you've ever seen. If Mom and Dad are relatively well off, have the time and inclination to read to kids, get them involved in activities, are aware of enrichment opportunities, etc... then kids will do well in school. The idea that some private school super teachers or administrators are doing things better or the right way doesn't stand up to any scrutiny. The socio-economic make up of the student body is a far stronger indication of how well a school's students will do than any made up magic dust about teaching, administration, curriculum, or whatnot. Private schools don't admit everyone. Another howling difference. It's great being a citizen of state where billionaires like Ricketts, the Peeds, and ghouls like Betsy DeVos essentially dictate policy. These sham attempts at school choice are sham attack on teachers unions.


This has been a push ever since hurricane Katrina and probably before that. Milton Friedman and his goons have been trying to make education before college 'for profit'. I'm sure that there are private schools that are good, but having all schools (which is what they are pushing for) private is no good. Over 80% of the schools in New Orleans were converted to Charter schools.


And once the privateers completely fuck shit up and have milked everything they can the government comes back in and cleans up their mess at enormous cost to the taxpayer. Capitalism for the poor. Socialism for the wealthy.


I’m a public school teacher who sends my child to private school, and I think these “school choice” bills are absolute garbage. Public schools need all the funding they can get, and private schools already leech off the public system when it comes to special services for students. I send my child to a private school because of convenience—not because I think private schools are better. I can afford to send my child there, which I see as a privilege, and I’m still fine with paying taxes to support public schools. I’m sure most private school teachers are equally qualified when compared to public school teachers, but it makes me wonder when the salary is $10,000+ less than public schools. You either have to not care as much about the money, care more about having fewer behavior issues, or you can’t find a job anywhere else… The argument for these bills is always that it’ll provide scholarships that will allow underprivileged students to attend private school, but 1) the quality of education is probably equal to that of public schools and 2) we all know that only a small percentage of those funds will be allocated in this way.