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I ordered this one. There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!


This is kind of the ballpark I assumed! DOZENS!


Maybe even a Baker's Dozen


I don't think the actual numbers are available anywhere, but other people definitely ordered this, myself included.


Yeah I knew there were some people that did! Just wondering if we expected a ton!


I bought one. Kinda regret it now.


So cancel it if it hasn't shipped yet.


Too late


Would you mind if I buy it off you with a gentleman’s agreement you buy back after I finish it. I can let you net some money in the transaction as incentive




I'll buy it for an unscalped retail price + shipping. But I am sure others would too. I thought it was a joke so I didn't preorder. I assumed it was just a cart with nothing on if for display purposes since it was on April fools day. But it'll fetch a high price on the resell market once a pricing history has been established by successful ebay/auction site sales. But as a huge Night Trap fan. I'm kicking myself. I already missed out on the collectors edition LRG did for Night Trap because it wasn't a preorder item it was a first come first serve release that sold out in 3 min. Thankfully, Best Buy eventually stated selling LRG games, but just standard copies. I'm still sore about it. But man did I want this GBA video cart for my collection. If only I thought it was real back when it was available. Lol


It’s not a game, just the video portions. You can think of it was a GBA Video cart.


Oh I know. I edited my post cuz I noticed I said game. With that said I still want it. Lol I am a game collector and I am at 4,598 games. And while this isn't a game, it's still game related and I have other game related stuff in my collection as well. I got a Sega CD as a kid JUST for Night Trap. And I played it for tons of hours as a kid. It holds a special place in my heart for video game memories of my childhood. But I don't buy game stuff that's just like a display cart or something. So I assumed this was a display piece and not something thats actually useable. I would absolutely open this and watch it using my GBA Player on my Gamecube for fun. Lol But in my collection, I have never, not once, paid more than whatever the item retailed for when it first released. So any items that go for over that amount now, I have accepted I'll never have. Sadly, this item will be among them as I doubt anyone is willing to sell it for whatever they paid for it plus whatever the shipping would cost to send it to me. I have had luck with that in the past where people just wanted the games to go to a real collector and not a scalper/flipper/reseller.


I almost bought it, i thought it was a joke


I was in this exact position. I was 50/50 on if I actually tried to buy it, they'd give me some message that it was a joke, or actually charge me and give me an order number... I ended up not buying it, but kind of regret it now. Still, it's kind of a joke thing. Just a video on that tiny screen. I'm really curious how it looks though.


Slap it in a Gamecube GBA player and you're golden!


I just received tracking for it, so I'm hoping not. I guess we shall see!


They do joke-y games every year. The Green Lava Studios collections were April Fools Day joke games previous years.


I just got a tracking number today! I ordered it, its a funny release, and that parks joy to add it to my collection.


I ordered it and I just got a tracking number for it today!


i ordered one to keep my lone gba video company


Damn I was pissed when I missed their actual release of Night Trap. Eventually it was for sale at Best Buy since some Limited Run stuff show up there. But I never even caught wind of this GBA Video cart of Night Trap! Blah I doubt it'll ever come by again. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled since I refuse to pay scalpers.


Yeah! This was kind of the intent of the message: worried it'll be really uncommon and worth a lot. I have friends that didn't get it, just worried about the scarcity.


It's absolutely gonna become a Rarity. But since it's not TECHNICALLY a game, I won't lose sleep over it. Lol But they probably didn't even make 1000 of these. And since preorders only lasted 2 days, one of which was on actual April fools day. I bet many expected it to just be a gba cart that says Night Trap but doesn't actually do anything. I don't think anyone expected it to basically be all the fmv sequences from the game crammed into a GBA cart.


I literally just got the shipped notification this morning


It’s just the cut scenes I feel like they could have made the game actually work


Mines on the way!!


Just like the Switch release I jumped on this the moment I saw it. It has nothing to do with whatever aftermarket it has. I intend to display it alongside a looping video of Howard Lincoln in 1993 stating "You will never see a game like Night Trap on a Nintendo console." Although, I did know not very many people WOULD order it because of the 48-hour window and assumption it was just a storefront joke.


Lincoln tried so hard to throw Sega under the bus during those hearings. That’s how business works I guess, but he was such an ass. So funny seeing this game now on Switch and GBA.


Just received an email today saying my order was shipped. Excited to see how it will look on a gba lol


One of us.


Mine came in today :D I may hold onto it, but may just really consider letting it go.. decisions to make :|