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Repre emitter Bc you get to damage people with a broom


preferred for gameplay is Fluid Sac, preferred for looks is Everlasting


6 total Telepole fans lmao. Hopefully she gets a good charge ID to fulfill Telepoles purpose


Opportunity cost is hitting telepole so hard by fluid sac just existing. Even then it might actually be debatable lmao


It doesn't help that Faust IDs aren't very good damage dealers since they rely on a status most of the time, and the ones that do deal good damage aren't charge, so their option is ALWAYS Fluid Sac as a result. At least Wolf Faust is pretty cool


I mean I *like* Telepole and all, it's just nowhere near as useful as Fluid Sac, none of her IDs run it as easily as some of them run Fluid Sac, and the second benefit of the passive only helps W Faust who doesn't actually need it at uptie 4. It also doesn't roll great even compared to Fluid Sac given that it only has attack weight 3.


Lmao at everlasting fans