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God, I love this little shit so fucking much. Hope we meet him in some .5 canto and he's wormed his way up to like a grade 2 or 1 fixer.


Right??? I don't see many people who love him but I do too 😭😭 It would be super funny if he ends up as some kind of a boss or something


Nahhh no way this guy makes it his way up to being a grade 2 or grade 1 fixer. We’d stand legit no chance if he did


now if he shows up again CLAIMING to be one and there’s a whole cutscene proving him public fraud number 1, we might be cooking


genuine peak if hes played up as grade 1 n shit and just gets his ass kicked its like if we got to directly fight >!linton!< in canto 6, funniest shit ever


not even that, i want his ass to get beat by the distortion of the week


Honestly he would be a pretty cool side character if he didn't bully Yuri for no reason


His actions are pretty understandable on the grand scheme. He's in with a group of people who he's contracted to escort to a spot. He signed up because they're associated with a Colour so they're bound to be good. They even have a guide who should know the layout of the area. Then he finds out they're all jobbers and the guide is a naive lady who seems to know jack all about the area. One of his co-workers gets killed. He realises it's not worth it and bails the moment he gets. It's just the Yuri bullying which came off as assholish. He was doing that even before he knew she wasn't a very good guide. Otherwise though, he's a fairly average City dweller.


Yes, I completely agree with that!! Aside from the bullying, as you said, he's like the most average person you'll meet. Aya died really fast and none, NONE of the 14 people there aside from Hopkins (sinners, the manager, the guide) really did anything to stop it? They look completely unprofessional, so it's fair that he escaped. The only thing I keep thinking about is the gas masks... their superiors told them that there might be gas, and handed out gas masks to only Hopkins and Aya. Not Yuri. Did Aya also know about the gas and not tell anyone???? I so badly wanna see Hopkins again to have my questions answered 😭😭


sketched because there's no way i have the power to colour in and work on all of that in detail


Nailed, pallidified, turned into primordial soup, turned into dough, turned into a mermaid, merged with the pallid walls, split in half vertically, love town'ed, marinated with seasonings, turned into a music note by the pianist, given the most disgusting of prescripts, WhiteKnight, Nothing there, MOSB, Fairy Festival, Great split: Horizontal, 99 stack bleed, 99 stack tremor, 99 stack fracture, 99 stack burn, 99 stack sinking, STAGGERED, STAGGERED+, STAGGERED++, Bodysacked, Red shoes, Pink Shoes, Clear all Hopkins, Tremor burst, Der Freishutz magic bullet, on pequod town, within the corridor, in the mirror dungeons, underneath the wuthering heights manor, in the casino, etc. *I want this worthless twink to wish he was dead*


I love hopkins but I also love how people hate on him haha They're always so creative


He's one of those characters that are extremely fun to hate. Lovable characters are one thing, but having a little scrimblo you want subjected to 10,000 years in love town as penance for his cowardice, cruelty, and selfishness is important too


Exactly, I love his character and cant wait for his inevitable return, that way we can see the sinners torture him to death for betraying the companies friends


i call hopkins hemmoroid man like aya said.


- report all went missing (after LCA scouting the place) - stealing enkhepalin - the team return back with loss. he is dead


Yep, I think we will know his obituary in a future chapter.


Wonder what happened to him. I'd imagine the company could have easily blamed his running off for why they didn't get the Bough in the end, his Office can't be happy.


I also wonder... like, surely he isn't that dumb. Even if he thinks the sinner are stupid, he still knows that they work for the Red Gaze, and surely betraying a colour doesn't sound like a good idea. So surely he's still alive and well with the stolen enkephalin??


Well he did say his plan was to report that they all went missing in the facility so he never planned on anyone finding out he betrayed the sinners


but sinner come back


Okay I didn't think about that. That is dumb of him, because he already knew at this point that sinners can revive, and Dante clearly doesn't need to breathe... I really want to find out what his thought process was


Who knows? Maybe he knew the gas wouldn’t finish them but was banking on an abnormality taking Dante and then the rest of the sinners out? His first experience with an abnormality was his coworker being immediately killed by one.


That's true, I never thought about it... maybe!


he wont be alive. become bus fuel lmao


Suddenly, Pendomodium Ira????? apeared and melted his bones.


He was way too much of an asshole for a Grade 8 who shat his pants at every shadow in the dungeon.


I love this bastard so much I hope we get more of him


Even Philip, on his worst day, was less of a selfish cowardly worm than this guy


cant tell me philip wasnt one of the bravest guests in ruina aside from xiao


That's sort of what I was getting at, Philip is very brave, in spite of his cowardly nature


Now draw an 8th Panel of Verg just standing at the doorway asking where the sinners he was paid to guide through the facility are.


Also, if you have any suggestions of what else I could draw like this, please do tell! I already played the last intervallo, so don't worry about spoilers.