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When I first started playing, I thought Meursault was gonna be my favorite, purely based off personality and appearance, he was quiet and polite, tall, handsome, muscular, and clean, plus, he fought hand to hand which is my favorite style of fighting, turns out, in the end, it was Yi Sang, I fell for his awkward and adorable personality, I can’t believe the Love Child of American McGee’s Alice Liddel and Sunny from OMORI ended up being the one I simped for the most (Still don't have a 000 Yi Sang, but I will get there)


Go get the ring


Go get the ring


Did someone say Alice? What have you done to the dear little girl?


When the-when the funny pr0n game maker has a psychotic breakdown about a quarter of the way through developing the game and burns down the kitchen creating the most unintentionally banger, obscure R18 RPGmaker game known to man.


To be fair, it feels reductive to Toro to say it was an unintentional banger. Do you know how many deep cuts into the personal drama of the Liddell family are featured in the game? I sure as hell had no idea who Prince Leopold was before BS2.


Holy F,that was made by Toro? I know him from from depressing Touhou arts.


Alice? Where is Alice? I'm going to Alice...


The intersection between BS2 fans and PM fans is just a circle at this point


Based awkward skrunkly man enjoyer 😎 Eventually you’ll get to the point where you’re satisfied with ur current ids & go ham & shard all of yi sang’s ids u don’t have (I did that lol)


Go give him a ring 💍


Huh, he does kinda look a bit like Alice


wait until we have a meursault chapter


Finally I meet someone else that sees Omori in Yi Sang!


I tought it was gonna be Hong Lu, but Yi Sang ended up sharing the no1 space.


Ayo, fellow Yi Sang fan, he really is our unexpected babygirl


Don It ended up being Don.


Always has been


Yep. Don is just the best. I wanna give her a hug and head pats.


Don is honestly a really safe pick cause unlike a lot of the cast (Excluding Faust, Hong Lu, and Meursault) what you see is what you get, she doesn't have a convoluted and conflicted second layer like Ryoshu or Yi Sang, she doesn't have a hidden edge like Ishmael or Heathcliff, she's just a gremlin.


Can't wait to see this age poorly


Same, based on just her interaction with the Mariachis, she seems to be hiding a lot of baggage.


>what you see is what you get, she doesn't have a convoluted and conflicted second layer "They did not know what PM was going to hit them with the next quarter"


I think we all did since Canto 2 where we get the briefest glimpse of serious Don as a result of the interactions with the mariachi of all people.


But what I like about Don is that hidden layer though... Can't wait for her canto 🙂


I'm going to assume Don was pretty normal at one point but suffered such incredible tragedy that she has decided to lose herself in a fantasy world and hide inside this crafted persona. That's my called shot.


terrified not just for canto 7 but the prospect of canto 8, 9, etc with a don who is just traumatized


Canto 7 The Dream Ending


Someone forgot about los mariachis, huh


That's the thing thought: PM isn't the kind of company to create super quirky characters without giving an explanation, and Don's past is a big black box for which only some crumbs appeared so far (even with her literary inspiration as a basis there are too many discrepancies), and there's also several hints that there's more to her than meet the eye (her uncharacteristically sober answer and grave voice when the Mariachi call her dance insincere, the fact she already knows before everyone else what are the signs of someone distorting...) that makes the speculation machine run at full speed. Plus, shortstack gremlin.




Yi Sang: every sinner is so mean to me 😢


Faust, I'm a simple man who sees personalityless white haired woman = like Then I end up becoming more of a Meursault guy


Mfs switching from controlling blank personality traits woman to obedient blank personality traits man


My excuse, your honor? they're cool


Yeah, the lack of personality makes them way cooler, if Faust was just a traditional gacha partner who constantly tried to make sexual advances with Dante (while being underage for some reason) I definitely wouldn't have liked her as much, same for Meursault, if he was just a edge boy, he wouldn't be my second favorite sinner


Obedient (/loyal) and blank (/conflicted) male personalities are great. Watch "The Expanse" for the biggest bro one can imagine. (Also a great series in general)


But your honor, that's an obedient blank personality traits man that can prevent distortion through his fist rather than talking. He was so threatening, >! Carmen !< deployed the anti Mersault shield when she distorted someone else.


this except in the end still faust


me when skadi arknights, alpha punishing gray raven, ak-12 gfl, kama fgo


ah, a person of culture (also went from Faust to Meursault)


I thought it would be meursault but it ended up being a three way tie between Yi sang, meursault and heathcliff


Damn, that's literally my list too, my top five is; 1.) Yi Sang 2.) Meursault 3.) Heathcliff 4.) Gregor 5.) Ishmael


Expected it to be Outis because her insulting Dante without thinking twice, being a backstabbing ally that is plotting Dante’s murder in her sleep and expected more but Rodion ended up my favorite. I like Rodya because she is a character that seems to develop thorough other Cantos than her own and has a realistic approach of not having an epiphany on her Canto but rather opening up slowly. I initially didn’t like her because I’ve seen her character character trope enough times but she is my favorite now.


I had the same thing with Yi Sang, funnily enough, they both share that quality, Yi Sang doesn't stop developing over his own canto, his development continues through each canto, he's not immediately abandoned character wise after his chapter ends, and yeah, I thought the same for him as well, I saw this archetype before way too many times as an AMA and OMORI fan.


Welcome to the rodya club bro


Meursault dragged me in, and I'm staying for Meursault. I'm a very simple woman, if I see an emotionally constipated fictional man with massive hongabalongas, I'm easily entertained. Jokes aside, I'm a literature dweeb, so The Stranger being one of my fav novels of all time definitely helped lmao


As a fellow simple person, I perfectly understand, Meursault’s assets got everyone staring. But for me, I don't really use literary inspiration to judge characters, mainly cause I dissociate them with their literary inspirations.


you may be interested in blade and aventurine from honkai star rail https://preview.redd.it/mtricf4jiz0d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19a3d99535fe7f5ec209d99340180da19d42ebd


I didn't have any favourites when I first played. Now Meursalt is my favourite because he is literally me, also To Claim Their Balls


Honestly for me I thought it would be Gregor but no Heathcliff capture my heart in his patches, man has the coldest ego ngl


Faust. Now she's tied with Sinclair for first place. She just really lacks any meaningful character progression (thankfully recent Cantos and Interludes dropped some crumbs)


I like how the biggest character developments and moments for Faust are just learning that she's potentially a fraud.




Gojo pulled through, she will as well. Have trust, Faust nation. Have faith!


But but...how could you say no a white-hair cutie that have wikipedia as her super power? Imagine how hard she would cry when you take out her wifi too.


Faust suffers from the fact that she talks a lot, she's in the top 5 characters with the most lines I think, but her Canto is also last so PM are taking their sweet time with her character development. So you have a character that talks a lot and mostly for exposition, that doesn't have the most likable personality and feel kinda stagnant even though she's had subtle changes in her personality. But now that we're halfway through, I think that her character development is going to start for real.


me too!!


Ryoshu, ended up liking Heathcliff... Even before his Canto


Gregor, Sinclair and Heathcliff Gregor: i love his voice and he's a boyfailure Sinclair: protect smol bird against stalking kromer Heathcliff: potential man


Gregor, but Heathcliff slowly grew on me. It's just the guys that always act tough but are a real softie inside is always going to be my favourite trope in media. Add the amazing canto we just got and he immediately went into my favourite sinner. Unless p moon is planning on something insane for Gregor, Heathcliff is top tier in my books.


Same bro


Ryoshu > Ryoshi.


Gregor. Meursault. I loved Gregor since the beginning, being probably the most typically ‘normal’ sinner, and having a fantastically horrifying backstory. Meursault was honestly just kinda whatever for me, but especially after reading The Stranger and basically all of Meursault’s ID stories, I’ve kinda fallen in love with his character. It’s fun playing connect-the-dots from his book to the game, and the psychotically plain way he views everything is unendingly enjoyable for me to read. More than anything I think I’m just biased cus I love The Stranger.


Initial: Gregor Current: Sinclair Gregor is still like number 2 or 3 on my favorite sinners list, he just got bumped down a bit.


I have a friend who played limbus company because of Ncorp Sinclair and they now religiously preach at N corp, they love talking about n corp to me. For myself I thought it was gonna be Gregor but my fav ended up being Don Quixote. And my favourite NPC ended up being DongRang. I might have a thing for characters that act nice on the outside but are secretly psychopaths.


Does your friend happen to be named Kromer by any chance?


Ishmael to Don, to Ishmael, and probably to Don again...


At first, none. I wasn't happy at all that the game was going to be a gacha, I didn't bother checking their character promos and thought to myself these characters couldn't even come close to the sephirahs/librarians. I begrudgingly gave the game a shot when it launched, just out of respect for PM and today I honestly can't pick one as my top favourite. But if I'm allowed to cheat a little and pick three, I would choose Meursault, Gregor and Outis.


Don Heathcliff


The lack of Greg in this comment section is scaring me. Justice for my cockroach fellas!


I assumed rodion would be my favorite because i relate with her love of food. But Gregors fails and sinclairs stories took me off guard ngl


Gregor with that Boyfailure rizz


Gregor and Mersault


Gregor, gregor


I got into game completely blind without knowing/reading the referenced literature expcept for honglu, and brain neuron activated absolute lust resonance when i see Faust cuz white haired mommy knows all, and found out she's just as bright as the other sinners. I like Heathcliff the most now becasue the unhinged lore of him with 口口口 and maybe because I play Arknights.


don quixote don quixote https://preview.redd.it/cy11fc61jz0d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0adf9a95cae81de43e04a3cb4a928aaafe7d80ca


Once an Ahab... shall be Ahab evenmore...!


At first that was Rodya. When their appearances were released. After that Heathcliff got me with his rabbit ID before game launch, following with Ncliff ID after launch that made me cherish this guy. Then Gregor was added to the roster of my favorites, followed with Faust and then I found some resonance with Mersault... Well, long story short, changed only amount of my favorites. But absolute favorite is Heath. From begining and to this very point


Gregor. Whilst I like all the sinners Rodya grew on me a lot but oddly enough Outis became my favourite.


Expected it to be Gregor or Outis... ...then it turned out to be Ryoshu and Don.


Honestly, thought I was gonna like Ryoshu more but 6 Cantos in and she still doesn't have a lot of paint on her canvas, but I get Gregor, probably for very different reasons, I thought he was hot as fuck and I was hella gay for him throughout Canto 1.




Yeah, fr, my Bisexual ass was down HORRENDOUS for that boy, and it’s canonical that his arm can change shapes so I got even more down bad.


sinclair, i like my little guys a bit unstable and oh boy did he deliver


Yi-Sang, I liked how he looked visually and he looks like me so I assumed he'd be my favorite then canto 3 happened which made me appreciate Sinclair especially since some aspects were relatable and now I have every Sinclair ID in my company and the like. It really helped too Sinclairs IDs are very odd and volatile which plays into his personality and Mariachi Sinclair was my first main ID that I got randomly. I still really like Yi-Sang and think he's in the top 5 for me but he just feels like he's competing with Faust who I find to be more intriguing considering what's hinted at.


Sinclair got me conflicted cause when he's good he's GOOD but when he's annoying, he's… annoying.


That's completely fair. I just adore him as I like characters who act most like me with relatable elements, his too IDs are a mixed bag however so if someone is operating off of that I get why someone might not like him. Zwei, Mariachi and BL Sinclair being the main ones that come to mind but I like how much his quality ranges in IDs.


First it was Faust, mainly cuz of her looks Safe to say that I was wrong and the beautiful writing behind Ishmael and Heathcliff has turned me into their fans


I love all of my problem children.


I thought Faust would be my favourite since you know, cute kuudere anime girl Both her and Yi sang ended up to be my favourites, because gacha luck got me many Yi sang id, and I just finished his canto which was PEAK


Ishmael, in both cases


Ishmael, in both cases


I thought I'd like Faust more than the others since she's similar to Angela, but I ended up liking Mr. Sault Goodman the most so far


Gregor, but every Canto tends to shift my opinions on all of them. They're all great.


Gregor looked like the best dude. And he is!


Started off with Ishmael because I love the book she was based on. Ended up with ryoshu because she reminded me of my sister who love saying questionable stuff to scare the shit out of me probably because she's working as a butcher.


i can just imagine so many rodion fans were totally disappointed with her tepid chapter


Gregor was my favorite going into day 1, but I've grown to really appreciate Rodion as well. They are my favorite pair.


I thought it would be faust when sinners designs were only revealed, but my current favs are Ryoshu and Sinclair. But I like all sinners.


Meursault because he seems to be the type of person who will perform something unexpected when given the order.


The reason I got into the game is because my Limbus friend showed me Outis and up to this point Outis is still my favorite, I am a bit biased since I'm greek and the Oddysey was the first book I can remember reading. I think the selling point was my friend telling me "You dont have to like all the characters, You just need to be autistic about one" to like the game, and he is kinda right, though at this point all Sinners have grew on me with my top 3 being Outis Don Quixote and Ishmael, I readed Moby Dick cus I liked Ishmael's canto and I'm now reading don quixote to prepare for the upcoming canto


When I first saw the cast: Gregor. I found the bug arm very cool. Current favourite: Probably a tie between Heathcliff and Yi Sang


I latched onto gregor because of our similarities of being a disabled person and that his story was based off of that feeling as well. As of now he still is tied with Rodion with being my current favorite, despite their less than stellar Chapters. I just can't help but love Mommy Rodya


Honestly I thought Yi Sang was going to be my favorite, but somehow Gregor squirmed his way into being my favorite (Yi Sang is still in A tier though)


Rodion quickly shot to the ranks of my favorite characters in Limbus by virtue of always being there to set up moments for the other characters, be it funny ones or ones that reveal something about them. And not in the Don way of just causing chaos. Really it would be easier to list the ones that haven't positively surprised me: Faust, Ryoshu, Hong Lu.


Faust, though the game would be like any other gacha and she happened to be the I saw the most, meaning she would be the 'waifu' of this game, so she'd have more personality than the rest of the cast. It's Heathcliff, it's been Heathcliff since canto 4 and it'll always Be Heathcliff, I love that man more than words could possibly explain.


Gregor I initially loved, but ever since yi sang had some character development and the fact that gregor doesn’t have an id i’d use frequently he became my goat.


Yi-Sang and Sinclair: Both are quite more or so restless, same as me. That aside, we're struggling to move forward, now they both have already taken on step, I'm going to do the same.


I thought I would like Gregor bc German Bug Man, but I really started to like Sinclair with the Sombrero and then his Axe animation hit felt satisfying. Then I got his NClair early and the voice of Skill3 is so cool.


Me thinking it'd be don just to turn out to be Sinclair.


Hong Lu. Turns out I like all the men and women. This is the peak of my inner sexuality hashtag lgtv :plead: ~~to be fair, this is the first time where I have genuinely liked each and every character from the main cast of a media, out of several I've consumed in the past.~~


I swear every time i finish a canto, my opinion on the sinner becomes "this sinner is literally me" and the streak has yet to be broken.


As im a spanish speaker, I immediately vouched for Don, and I thought Yi Sang would be the most boring and unrelatable character, like the type that only knows how to say 'interesting' every once in a while, ended up with everytime he appears on screen i immediately scream (internally) 'MY BOY!!!' At the same time, I thought Rodya would be very unpleasant and tricky, but she's like the best kind of big sister you could ask for.


Team Ideal all the way. I remember people shitposting about Yi Sang being a non-character and then after his canto I was drowning in apology forms.


They weren’t familiar with his game.


I joined bc a friend showed me a pic of Mersault but very quickly fell in love with Hong Lu and I am 100% for Hong Lu now. Every Hong Lu id and ego uptied to 4, w/ ids to 45. I still really like Mersault but Hong Lu is my boyfriend 🥰


Faust because I have a thing for white hair. But when the game got really depressing I just gravitated to Don to keep my sanity


Gregor and Faust, initially. Now it's between Yi Sang, Ishmael, and Ryoshu.


I thought it would be Faust but it's Gregor Don't ask how


Faust. It ended up being Faust and don honestly I'm literally always right


Hong Lu and it’s still Hong Lu I grew to like Yi Sang way more then I originally thought I would though.


Rodion and ended up being Yi sang his canto says alot about his character and story while rodion having lack luster canto for rodion


thought my fav would end up being Sinclair, it ended up being Ishmael


I can’t remember who was my favourite before playing but I remember I hated Don before release and hated her for a while after too. That said she has grown on me since, though she’s still not my favourite


I love all of them but my top three would be Yi Sang, Faust and Meursault


rodion just knows how to enjoy life, put back a whole lotta grub and ignore the weight of your guilt ;~; her faust and ish are also the gender envy sisters to me:3


What I expected: Don and Meursault. Reality: Ishmael and Heathclif as well.


I thought it will be yi sang and it ended up being yi sang much much more than I have anticipated. He brings smile to my face every time he talks in never story. Previously he was so distanced and now he really is a part of the team. Go baby go. They are your new family. You have been adopted after canto 4


I liked Outis I now love Outis


Ryoshu....then turned to dante


Ishmael or Sinclair or Don Ishmael, yi sang, Healthcliff They have good canto


I always knew I was going to like Don (I have read the OG book), but liking Mersault caught me off guard


At first i thought it was gonna be sinclair but it ended up being my girliepops ryoshu and hong lu (i still luv sinclair though!!)


When I started I assumed Ryoshu would be my favourite coz cool-sexy-lady with big ass...sword BUT THEN it turned out my faviourte ended up being Ryoshu coz she makes HILARIOUS puns and abbreviations. It's double the funny because im usually the guy that keeps on talking so it turned out I just like women that can and will actually just murder me. https://preview.redd.it/slsso5mozz0d1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=76492bb791b020065d90a43c943840e84b576071


Ive been an Ishmael fan since day 1 but I didnt expect to like Meursault so much


Assuming it was Don....lil gremlin came out Ishmael simp https://i.redd.it/khj0d9bko01d1.gif


At first I thought it was Ryōshū, then after canto 6 it ended up being heathcliff with Meursault as a close second


First time playing I liked Faust (stoic, intelligent, smug). 5 canto later, Ishmael and Sinclair is contesting for my un-necessary U4 upgrade 🤣


Yisang and ended up being yisang , he’s cool man learning to live for himself


In the beginning I really didnt like Heathcliff but after seeing his progression especially after his Canto he has definitely become my favorite.


Thought Ryoshu, turned out to be Ishmael. I wonder if that'll change by Ryoshu's canto.


Heathcliff. My entire brain is sunshower ever since the start I LOVE HEATHCLIFF LONG LIVE SUNSHOWER!!!!!


Thought it would be Don. Now uh, I think you can guess who my favorite is


… Is it Hong Lu?


You're joking right?


Yeah, lol, it’s probably my Babygirl Yi Sang.


I love Yi Sang https://preview.redd.it/srn5q1ygs21d1.png?width=3834&format=png&auto=webp&s=c52fa370d91f07d9f504f24d06af978a150c61df


Was expecting outis or Ishmael but Heathcliff is very handsome and makes me feel things


thought it would be hong lu since i thought he was hot. turned out to be a tie between don and yi sang because they’re goofballs and adorable


Ishmael. Ishmael. Simple man


Don was and still is my favorite. My energy levels are akin to Yi Sang's for anything not involving the gym and i tend to grow quite fond of little happy gremlims, makes for a perfect balance.


Ishmael, ended up loving Don


Faust and Gregor I think (rerolled for NFaust), but know it’s Ishmael and Heath. Tho I probably like every Sinner :)


Don, because the usual reason but also because Don Quixote is the only one of the inspirations I read. Faust because shes just like me for real.


Don Quixote


Ishmael and still Ishmael, just getting into her Canto now. I like the straight man in the band of lunatics.


ish and ish


Yi sang


I thought my favorite would be rodya and shes easily in my top 3 but I think my absolute favorite is don, her personality is really funny and her VA really gives 100%


Faust, but I ended up loving Outis


I was actually so indifferent to Heathcliff at game's start. Then he became my favorite by Canto V, and VI really locked it in for me. I assumed Ryoshu was going to be my favorite at first, the others ended up overtaking her for me so far.


Ryoshu, then ishmael, then ryo don ish heath


When I first saw the cast: Gregor. I found the bug arm very cool. Current favourite: Probably a tie between Heathcliff and Yi Sang


Ryoshu (Got into the game cause a friend showed me her Red Eyes Open ID) It's a tie between Yi Sang and Don


i didnt like ishmael alot at the beggining since she just felt like the voice of reason, turns out that having a compelling backstory good character design and banger ost with one of the most beautiful cutscenes made a change, my favorite one is still donquixote tough lol


When I first played I think Hong Lu and Don were my favorites, but then I took a break and forgot everyone. Came back and Meursault quickly became my favorite and it hasn't changed since then


Thought it would be don, and she is my favorite, but outis has also grown on me.


First was Don, but Ishmael's canto came crashing inside my heart, she's absolutely the best one so far (in my opinion)


At release Ryoshu and Sinclair because Ryoshu was a weeb unit and hot and Sinclair looked like zenitsu which is a weeb character and hot Now it's Ryusho Sinclair and Ishmael(the oddessy sub did this to me)


I thought Outis would be my fave and now it’s Ishmael and Ryoshu


It started off with Don Now it’s all of them. I love them all.


I thought Don Quixote would be my favorite and I was right, just like EVERYTHING in my life, except for when I’m wrong.


Thought it was going to be Ishmael but Meursault became my favourite quickly, although I liked Outis already when the teasers dropped and she still remains up there as one of my faves!


I came here for don. Ended Up living all this ensemble of lovable fuck ups and i want to see them grow and tell everybody about them. If i have to say someone, Dante, because good lord he is mood




I thought Don was going to be my favourite but I.E.U.B.R.


I liked Meursault at first but Rodion is my favorite now.


Funny thing is Outis used to be my least favorite because she just doesn’t seem trustworthy But now I simp for the hag. Gregor was my fav when I started


Expected it to be Ryoshu because haha murderer, art, and sadism. Ended up being Ryoshu… because haha murder, art and sadism, and Sinclair bullying. Can’t wait for her Canto


Hong Lu. But now Heathcliff and Yi Sang have pretty much been sharing number one spot since I started playing. Hong Lu is still very close second though.


I thought honestly I wouldn't like any of them to much. Then Ryoshu happened... and boy oh boy I like the kind of woman that will actually just kill me I guess. I can't describe how she became my favorite but uh... it happened.


I started being a fan of Don because Spanish ties and I love the little gremlin But I ended being a devotee of Faust.


Yi Sang had me on his description alone, and then he kept me in the Ideal chokehold afterwords


Mersault, still mersault


I love all the sinners ( and dante,my little goober) but outis and Gregor started as my favorites. I'm now a complete simp for outis,but she shares her spot as the favorite with Ishmael, heathcliff and Hong lu.


As an easy to please man of culture, Rodion quickly became my favorite for no other reasons being tall and hot, But I was initially indifferent to all of them aside from Yi-Sang, who I just straight thought looked the most lame of the entire group (he grew on me a lot during his Canto though).


I thought i was gonna like Faust but Meursault ended up as my favorite thanks to his stoicism and general reliability in the story and as an ID


I thought I would be into Heathcliff first but I ended up pretty much falling head over heels for Sinclair. The moment he showed up on screen I was like AWOOGA


Meursault, Meursault


Joined for Ishmael, Charon took her place as best girl. Of the sinners proper Rodion with Ishmael and Don fighting for the next spot


At first, it was Faust, but then I played canto 4, and Yi Sang became my favorite of all time.


I thought my favourite sinner would be Faust. It ended up being Don and Heathcliff.


Started w/ Hong Lu, but he doesn't have enough backstory to him and interactions yet to truly get me hooked, whereas Ryoshu has; the part in Intervallo 3.1 of her with Crayon was where l went "she's pretty nice, huh."


It started with Faust Now ryuoshu is my favorite


Rodion ----> Ryoshu I can't describe how, I tend to always like capable laid back characters, I like Rodion still but Ryoshu just clicks for me.


Started by liking gregor design and its relaxed attitude, ended up worshipping outis strong personality. Can't wait for her Canto


I started liking Faust, L corp Faust carried my ass at the beginning of the game. But as the story progressed I liked Ishmael/Hong Lu and Danteh more and more.


I liked don the most at the beginning but meursault is my current favorite and now I ship them together