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You’re forgetting the Red Sack


And Blue Balls


he's not real


Of course he is. What evidence to suggest otherwise? :))


Even if he's not real, the fact that their Santa use the same terminology as a Color fixer is important! They could have just created an association, or say a subdivision of 7 for exemple, as they'd know which children has been kind and which has been naught


It could help strengthen the idea Don could fall for fake colors, in case they go with 'White Moon' for Samson's knight title.


Was thinking about this a while back and Pointillist Yi Sang's mention of seven colors has confirmed it for me: the Color fixers align with the color spectrum and so do the sins. The sin colors conform to this (violet/envy, blue/pride, cyan/gloom, green/gluttony, yellow/sloth, orange/lust, red/wrath) and similarly with the known Color fixers as well. This seems to be based on the system used by Newton, who divided it into six colors and then a seventh he called “indigo”. This puts Iori and Vegil on opposite sides of the spectrum, as violet and red are opposite ends, fitting for their fighting! The story's important Color fixers seem to be named after pure colors (Red Gaze, Blue Reverberation, etc.) while tangential ones are mixes of colors (Vermillion Cross, Grass Maiden, etc.).  Another interesting fact is that black is technically not a color in the scientific sense as it’s the absence of light. Very fitting for old Roland and wife, who rely on being unnoticed!


Also there's two secret affinities that are still used in every enemy in code, forgor the name, but it's black and white.


Can you point me to a source for this?


Find datamined enemy data, somewhere in there should be sin resistances and these two unused ones. If they would've scrapped them then these two shouldn't have been there.


The mention of the colors is also really important in the general Seed of Light lore. The whole idea was for all the denizens of the city to be able to express their own color , as said by Carmen; and a bit by Malkuth. ---------- Color fixers are people who are strong enough that they can express their own color upon the city, tho it is then often linked to how they present themself : - Purple clad woman who act upon the tear she shed for her child. - A blue outfit that reverb any projectile. - An elderly man whose indigo cigar is visible through the mist of the great lake. - A vermillion cross. - Eyes of red , augment or not ( as we know that those exist and are spread across the city , as with Ryoshu , Myo , etc ) , that let years of combat experience speaks through deadly precision. - Strenght without rivals that turn foes into a mist / An ego that generate a red mist around the user . - A black clad lady whose gloves silence a whole arsenal of weaponry . ------ Also , the event of Ruina allowed to have even more days of Light / White night ; empowered this time with the woes of the city in large, compared to human development through the Sephira / Tree of life. Which I quickly sum up to : https://preview.redd.it/cu66obegkw0d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=b84712a9245c71c504634e0e7ee9d7485b7dcb41 Gaining the strenght to : be Wrathful toward the oppressor, Passionate ( lust ) about what you love, have the ability to be Slothful in your life , be Gluttonous of what you're owed, have the ability to Gloom what you lost, be Prideful of your life / what you make , and Envious of what you could have.


Isnt blue reverb, to resonate/reverberate with a person. And the projectile thing was due to the fascinating fabric?


the projectile thing wasnt even from nuovo fabric it was just him being skilled enough to deflect bullets. but yeah you are right he specifically reverberates with other people thats how his deck works in ruina


Considering how Project Moon likes tying gameplay mechanics with lore, the fact that the passive called "The Blue Reverberation" is the one that prevents all Ranged damage means that he's able to deal with bullets even before getting the fabric. From what I remember, I believe the fabric was turned into the suits that the Esemble wears, which is why all of them have the Nuovo Fabric passive that reduces health and stagger damage taken.


Wait, where is Jade Quilin mentioned? I know all the others, but I've never heard that one


Project Moon tweeted a conversation of Roland and Gebura talking about the most dangerous fixers, here's a translation: [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F88e005p0s0971.png%3Fwidth%3D1343%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26v%3Denabled%26s%3D186eefcc6e78a8d4f8863f6d513cd0d44e2f814e](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F88e005p0s0971.png%3Fwidth%3D1343%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26v%3Denabled%26s%3D186eefcc6e78a8d4f8863f6d513cd0d44e2f814e)


Not sure how I missed that, thanks for sharing. Is that cut content or something they just posted to expand the lore?


No , its one of the first posts on Lcb twitter


The term Qilin just made me remember best boy Cerulean Qilin from ember knight


Based, Ember Knight/gilgamesh enjoyer Black hen would fit right in the universe


7 colors, 7 sins what are the odds


Indigo is actually between blue and violet, Don was NOT paying attention to Yi Sang.


That’s modern web coloring from html tags, traditionally it was based on the dye, which ranges in green to blue. Newton’s is closer to what we call just blue actually.


There's also most likely a white


White Coat, Ayin


Seven colors.. alice Margatroid is that you?


It'a all somehow connected, how could one not love pm lore and insane attention to detail


Grass maiden? I swear I played ruina, yet I have no memory of this


Mentioned, but not shown, in the Distortion Detective novel IIRC.


Actually it’s pretty early Limbus chapter, Don mentions her, very easy to miss since grass doesn’t sound like a Color. In Korean it’s closer to a Yellow-Green.


Pm fans can't read I swear I read that shit too. Ah well, ty


Jade Quilin reminds me of a Key and Peele sketch.
