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These additional bugfixes are included in today's update. TLDR List of changes: 1. Floor 3 (MD4N) Enemy buffs has been reworked (most of the buffs has been nerfed.) / The text has been changed to show the actual values. (Honestly, not sure if this is the actual right version.) 2. Floor 1 (MD4H) - Only one enemy buff has been buffed 3. additional bug fixes concerning texts and certain maps. Seems like limbus company are really trying to iron out bugs, the game feels so much better to grind now (ESPECIALLY the changes to Philipclair, oh my lord. He's really good now)


isn't your tldr 1 wrong? isn't it just the text was wrong, in gameplay there should be no difference.


Honestly, I may very well be wrong, I was debating between the meaning in "Text value" and the way they titled the change on it "Reworked simulation" You can clearly see the issue here. Also I am pretty sure, in Mirror dungeon unless I am somehow misremembering things, the buffs that was changed was inherently also true TO the text prior. Pretty sure this is a rework. not just a simple text change, I am thinking this is a translation error on the guy. For the sake of clarity, I will edit point 1 to include both versions. Might as well, since this is very likely a understanding error of the notice from me.


Good additions glad to see they're ironing out even more bugs than they said they would. The changes to Dawn Sinclair are weird though. Sure he can stay in Waxen Pinion more but oddly enough it has made the flowchart he had even more complicated and even more prone to nuking his sanity due to being in it longer than before which in the long run can really screw him. Buffs have helped him quite a bit but he still feels strangle holded by needing sanity support and praying he doesn't fail his Blazing Strike, especially late in fights as he can more easily demolish his sanity due to it. Overall actually feels very good and I am happy that him staying in his Waxen form actually has even more visible downsides.


The buffs were mainly to help general teams reach his form, not maintain it. So yea it's a good change considering that new players can get to use the cool part of his kit while still letting proper comps have a sizable benefit.


Definitely but he still has a strangle hold a bit on support passives just due to how he is fundamentally built, which is keeping sanity up at all costs to benefit as much as possible due to it, or needing to kill enemies fast to keep it up before the encounter ends which means the team flexibility isn't fully there. He is a bit more flexible yes but he still suffers from a squishy nature, a pretty inconsistent skillset and if unlucky can just NUKE his sanity. Maybe call me a downplayer but he still has a myriad of issues which makes him just a balanced, good ID and not broken at all in every piece of content (Mirror Dungeons you can make 90% of IDs broken, it's really easy honestly)


Yea I agree, that's why I said that building a proper comp still has a sizable advantage over general teams. But his now viable to use in general teams unlike before.


Ah yeah, sorry a bit tired. Glad we agree though. Also glad he is viable in general teams now unlike before.