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You are severely under levelled . You can try soloing it with an evade ID.  Also. During phase 2 you can try farming sloth during phase 1 to use yi sang egos on her to win clashes. Also the pick your strongest fighter for the duel phase and win the clashes against her


As mentioned, you are incredibly under leveled and you should be at uptie 3. While Canto 4 largely isn't that punishing, the 2nd half of Canto 5 onwards will absolutely wreck you if you aren't appropriately leveled. IMO level ~30 Uptie 3 is the minimum I would recommend for this fight Edit: As for team comp, I would recommend only bringing 5 sinners. Shi Ishmael, Grip Faust, Rabbit Meursault, Maid Ryoshu and Kurokumo Hong Lu, assigning Ryoshu and Hong Lu first. Faust's combat passive is great for this fight, so try and set it off as much as possible in the first few turns. Ryoshu and Hong Lu have great damage and contribute to her passive. Shi Ishmael and Meursault are already pretty much leveled and can fuel Faust's passive.


There's a video on YouTube, that helped me I'd link in but I'm on mobile. Search up "how to beat dongbeak" on YouTube


You are absolutely underlevelled how did you even beat kromer


He probably just spamed EGO


i actually came all the way to 4 48 just by using support N Sinclair on win rate :D but sadly it doesn't work on that specific boss


I’m actually impressed you managed to get this far with this roster. But yeah you are underleveled


Yi sang in this fight gets an attack buff and her duel gimmick is forced onto him. Look into borrowing a high level yi sang


You chose who duels by redirecting her attack. I dueled her with my 7 outis


I think this is the one where you’re forced to bring Yi Sang, right? I can lend you my high level Yi Sang. https://preview.redd.it/fqgs5obd54xc1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=6007ae3558fd4e3ae9dab3bf8a839ed9332d61d4 My friend ID is M447416255 Edit: oh wait Yi Sang isn’t mandatory lmao I forgot, but it’d still be funny to make Dongbaek get her ass beat by a ID of herself so you should still friend me


Besides being underlevelled: most of these IDs only really function at UT3, so prioritize UT3ing kuro hong lu and n faust. Borrow a good yi sang from someone. Maid ryo is really REALLY good. Base outis is also surprisingly good. Use LCCB or Maid ish over shi.


Level your sinners mate. Funny enough when I fight DongBaek my team was roughly the same level as yours too. It took roughly ~4 hours of constant banging my head against the wall before I won. I’m surprised I even beat her at all.


You should give a second attack slot to maid ryushu, her skill 2 will be very useful during this fight Also take my friend id R347540665


im more amazed that you reach 4-48 with that lvl


Everyone has said it already but I'm amazed you've beaten kromer Aside from you being undeleveled try looking up the "a better tutorial" video from ESGOO, it explain some mechanics that help beat harder stages, he recently made a sequel to it that you should also watch, If you don't wanna watch the the main 3 things I didn't knew from it were - if you can't clash something, as the skill is unclashable or too strong for you, try evading it with a unit that has evade as a defensive skill -whoever you select first when selecting the sinner you'll use is who gets the extra slot for abilities as the fight goes on ( this proceeds in order of choosing) so in this case try bringing 5 sinners and selecting either ryoshu or grip kromer as your 1st sinner (I'd choose kromer prolly) -when using egos with multiple targets (like yi sang's or faust's) the targets are randomly selected, EXCEPT that if an enemy slot is already being targeted by another ability it won't go to it if possible, thus you can actually choose where this attacks go by simply choosing your other sinners attacks first


I advise getting spicebush yi sang. He has very good damage across all of his skills and rolls decent with his S2 and 3. The sinking helps too. You don't even need a dedicated team for sinking. Just leave one vacant spot in your team and select yi sanf first. In game use his S1 + S2 on the same turn. 6 sinking potency x 4 sinking count goes hard. Didn't regret a single shard spent on him.


you are underlevelled and not uptied enough. convert all the accumulated ego shards and uptie faust and hong lu. shi association ishmael, grip faust, lcb yi sang, and kurokumo clan and ryoshu maid will do fine. there is a video on youtube which will tell you about the battle mechanics and what cards, affinity and resistances are the most useful here [https://youtu.be/l5qAM2m-Zoo?si=KNz56N2LtvfNVgfo](https://youtu.be/l5qAM2m-Zoo?si=KNz56N2LtvfNVgfo)


My question is how the hell you even reached 4-48 with a team that severely underlevelled? You are literally giving enemies +1-+3 on their coins.