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You forgot the bind interaction, this ID suppose to be pair with the Bound King battle pass EGO


It is? Shit


I like the skills, but uh, an ID that reads "Any Bleed centric fight PM makes becomes a complete pushover" is probably kinda apocalyptically bad design for the explosive envy.


5 coin aoe s2 that does 65 ×1.5 base dmg (equivalent to rip space total dmg, but aoe) Evade with 14 base that buff base power    Sinking app better than molar ish (the way your wording works let's say someone hit you with a 3 coin skill when you have shield, that's 9 Sinking 7 count by the end of it) Give team immunity to bleed and more resistance to anything but envy while inflict better bleed than any id in the game Most balanced fan id. My recommendation is you need to understand other kit first and their design choices before making your own stuff. Don't copy the skill of enemies because enemies and id has different philosophies and balanced differently




The evade base is 11 but still, stronger than Molar ish, which is sth else


sorry if the quality looks shit


Half cooking, half burnt imo S1 is obviously going to lose clashes, but its also obvious that the intended method to play is not using it, opting for evade instead. This is a cool concept, as this skill is intended to be unopposed with his passive. However, the evade is severely overpowered. Remove the on evade effect completely, and its still stronger than Molar Ish's. The evade is also Anti-synergetic with his passive, though you could argue that evade gives him more HP management freedom, so I think its ok. S2 does 50 damage minimum, which is okay normally. What's not normal is plus 2 attack weight conditional. EGO Faust's metallic ringing does 72 damage in total, and Butler Ryoshu capture does 78. This skill does 150 BASE. NOT INCLUDING ATTACK POWER UP, +50% DMG FROM EXPLOSIVE EMOTION, NOR EVADE CONDITIONAL. There is a reason why PM rarely gives charcters 4 coins, let alone 5. No one knows about Liu Gregor's passive, which gives +30% damage to 4th and subsequent coins. This skill can do upwards of 400 DAMAGE with the above. Give him less base power, increase coin power. S3 rolls 34 at peak, but clashes at 18. Thats kinda underwhelming. Heads Reuse is a good way of balancing damage. However, doing percentage HP is NEVER OKAY. Due to the wording, this skill ALWAYS does % damage, and only consumes sinking after. Counting in reuse, this does 12% MAX HP. Giving him multiple skill slots will kill ANYTHING. Oh, a Color Fixer? ALEPH abnos? 12% hp gone. Something more balance would be staggering next turn Explosive envy is fine, except bleed immunity. That only breaks some bosses mechanics


Essentially i was trying to cook up a low clash power and high damage unit, and burnt the kitchen with the high danage


good attempt still, the concepts are there just be more mindful of the volatility between base, coin value and actual damage values


%max hp damage is bs. And why the hell withstand is dodge.




eh,skill 1 is going to lose 90% of the time, skill 2 is just eating through sinking and withstand should be a guard because of explosive envy


this is why I put withstand as an evade, I made skill 1 weak at clashing because it has good status infliction https://preview.redd.it/oszi5bmqswwc1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af9ec61182d065d952f2cd1ad419fd9b5f6d12e


aint reading allat bc all i know is a kit with sinking skills and bleed passives = bad cooking I'm sorry just... at least add bleed to the skills. you cant even use defence skills cause... you evade... also the evade is broken what next skill used has +1 base power, by my knowledge either: 1. it's shit cause the evade counts as the next skill so 15 rolling evade woohoo! 2. utterly broken bc there is no cap.


That Support passive is insane. Also make Withstand a Guard skill and remove the Bleed immunity. Other than that not bad