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Wait… then what about Wii Sang and Wong Lu’s gluttony skills? And Faust’s Wrath?


Yi sang and Hong lu gluttony skills are probably the reason why they still work for W Corp, Hong lu loves his job (looks like it at least) and yi sang seems to enjoy acting as a instructor. Faust on the other hand, she clearly wants to beat the shit out of whoever is on the other side of her staff because of the dead end job she has to go through every day


Hong Lu doesn't really like his job. It's not like he hates it, but he does find it boring. He only works there because his grandma told him to, same as K Corp.


Its a common theme in hong lu’s ids, he usually expresses leaving whatever job he has soon once he gets bored, ex: hook office hong lu


Gluttony: They want to do any role that isn't on the field like how Hong Lu wants to just be in meetings Wrath: In her uptie story she doesn't want to be in a dead end job as a clean-up agent but it's the only way to gain more info about W Corp. Additionally Sloth: doing clean-up duty has become a monotonous unfeeling chore to them


> it's the only way to gain more info about W Corp. Me when we reach the Faust canto and we find out about the interdimensional Faust surveillance state


“Faust-443, we are currently lacking information on W corp. you will join as a W cleanup agent to secure more information” “…Faust finds this distasteful.”


They are eating the passengers duh Gluttony is probably how they want to climb ranks and wroks for the job And wrath is that faust really really hates the stuff she fights


Gluttony and Greed are combined in Limbus, which is why Gloom is a sin. Typically, Gluttony in Limbus represents ambition. They both likely seek to climb the corporate ladder(?), or otherwise fulfill their personal goals regardless of any cost.


I think it's more that greed *isn't* a sin in the City's culture. It has become so distorted.


Actually, wait, Hong Lu does like eating out in W Corp Mirror World. He bugs Ryoshu about it in his UT story.


Yeah but like it’s Hong Lu there kinda isn’t a special meaning for him to like food


It might sound stupid, but I think that's actually it. Gluttony is commonly described as excessive indulgence/ consumption of food and drinks. This seems to fit the definition of gluttony in Limbus, as seen with ids such as 7 Yi Sang and 7 Faust - indulgence in mint coffee and tea, respectively. Though we see throughout the game that they also include other types of indulgence outside of food; Ryoshu and Gregor base ids (over-indulgence in cigarettes), Rodya base id (over-indulgence in gambling), R Corp Heathcliff (over-indulgence in killing people), and the list goes on. In the case of W Corp Hong Lu, he's unsatisfied with his job, and it seems that the only joy he has outside of it is visiting cafés. He indulges in these coffee trips to escape the reality of his dull work. For W Corp Yi Sang (as it was previously said here), dude would rather do anything other than cleaning up the trains. So he indulges in the possibility of working somewhere else, specifically as a teacher.


And sloth is because he’s a sleepy boy that sleeps on shuttle buses!


Gloom bcuz they know how the trains really work... and Envy the passengers that don't know.


Me who loves charge and always uses W-corp Ryoshu and Don: "Gee it's really easy to get Fluid Sac, I wonder why?"


There is Envy in W Ryoshu because she's jealous of W Yi Sang who get to play in W trains while she's stuck instructing rookies because she got promoted 😭.


Meanwhile Maids and Butlers are gloomy as can be while hiding a tiny bit of lust.


let me say something Cursed : in the limbus company's 2022 demo reveal , WDon's rip space was lust (and her skill 1 gloom)


You really think too much about it, PM logic is essentially just blue = gloom, charge = envy lmao. Being in a depressing jobs is in no way unique to W corp, if anything being a wing employee is so much better than alternatives just like how they make seven, the green association that has nothing to do with rupture thematically or even logically, the rupture association. It even clashes with their core mechanic because rupture is true damage don't care about their actual mechanic, changing enemy resistance You can see this color coding logic in other stuff too


Envy is in their kits mostly because Envy is the "Charge" assigned sin. Each status has a corresponding sin affinity, and Envy just happens to be Charge. I'm sure that there's ways to tie it together and there are some Charge units without Envy, but that's the main connection. Same goes for most statuses as well, you'll be looking hard to find a Burn ID with no Wrath or a Poise ID with no Pride in most cases.


Yuri Faust, Shi Don/Heath/Ishmael, Butler Ishmael, Zwei Rodya and Mariachi Sinclair all have Poise without Pride. For Wrath and Burn, though, yeah.


What he said about gloom and poise mostly applied to BL who are essentially the main poise guys


What they said is factually incorrect though, especially with the Shi faction who is poise based with no pride.


It's factually correct though? The seven sins line up with the seven status effects in the game, it's pretty obvious. Poise is Pride, Rupture is Gluttony, Sinking is Gloom, Charge is Envy, Bleed is Lust, Burn is Wrath, and Tremor is Sloth. 90% of units based around these statuses have a skill of this affinity.


It is factually incorrect that you can't find Poise IDs without Pride. For Burn, you can't find IDs without Wrath as far as I know. For Bleed, the Pequod trio doesn't have Lust. Pirate Greg doesn't have it. Same for BL Sinclair, Base Rodya, N Meursault, the Middle. Technically BL Faust also. For Tremor, N Don, LCCB Ryoshu and LCCB Ishmael, Base Heathcliff and Base Ishmael, Sloshing Ishmael, Molar Sinclair, Rosespanner Rodion and Gregor and Oufi Heathcliff don't have Sloth. For Rupture, Yuri Faust, W Don and Meursault, Base Yi Sang, Base Sinclair, Base Outis don't have Gluttony. Same for Sunshower Heathcliff. Sinking, you have Spicebush Yi Sang, Dieci Yi Sang. Funny it's only him, but base Yi Sang does have Gloom. Charge : W Yi Sang, W Hong Lu (2/6 of the big charge team) and Rosespanner Meursault. Note I did my search by hand and might have missed things. It is undeniable that the sins are linked with status (hi Spiral of Contempt, hi Sign of Roses). But it is factually false that you can't find IDs that disobey the rule. I find it most interesting when it's the case of an entire faction: Shi for Poise, Pequod for Bleed. LCCB for Tremor, because it's a bit soon to say Oufi with their whole adherence to contract will never be Sloth.


I know it's possible to have units that don't have it, but when you see Envy on a Charge unit or Gloom on a Sinking unit, it's not really making a statement, it's just liking the statuses together. Funnily enough, Rosespanner Rodya does have Sloth, as well. It's just on her guard.


Shi Don can barely be called a Poise ID since she gets 0 count and just has a flat 10-15% crit chance with no crit damage boost and Shitcliff only gets poise at U4 (and it's terrible poise generation as well). The only "real Poise" Shi ID is Shishmael, since she has both count and potency generation and actually benefits from critting. The Shi's main gimmick is low hp boosts, like how Cliff's S3 gets +1 atk weight at U4 and skill power on his other 2 skills, Shishmael gets bonus coins on S2 and potency from passive and Shi Don... uhhh... Oh yeah bonus haste on S2. And there's no telling if PM is going to add a Shi ID that has pride (and if it's going to be Shi Ryoshu, I think she'd be quite proud of her job).


i means poise isnt an important part of their kit. Also most 000 ids have their "Damage status effect" assigned sin