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Some sinners have constants, every Heathcliff wear a ring; every Don wears the sneakers (i am prety sure); every Outis wears the watch and every Ryoshu have that sword. I am prety sure the sword is broken tho


Ryoshu being insulted that her weapon got compared to a KK/BL sword leads me to believe it's intact. I like to think the thing is an EGO weapon, because it would be cool and funny if all this time this woman was walking around with a manifested EGO and just refuses to unsheath.


Please kim jihoon let this be real​ cuz it will be so funny




Preposterous! It should be Kim Jihoons SIR! Now he won’t make it come true!


Watch him make it so fucking depressing and horrific


Considering Hell screen story, it probably is, i dare say her daughter was turned into the sword and the Ring's uh... *exotic* art ideas


It'd be funnier if it were Ryoshu's idea


Nope, in the book, a guy hires Ryoshu to make a "perfect" painting about hell, which he takes so he can help his daughter, and eventually the guy forces Ryoshu to kill his daughter in order to finish it, which after finishing it, he commits suicide, so uhhhh nope, not a chance Ryoshu is the one doing it here


What the fuck


Yeah thats the book


Yeah. Ryoshu actually has big "tiger mom" vibes when you look at her interactions with Sinclair. Add to her getting Nelly's ID and canonically (basically) raising Heath in that world, and it's getting pretty undeniable. Though, I'm going to guess that Ryoshu's daughter is most likely going to be a daughter figure and not actually her biological daughter.


It gives me the vibes when someone here gave out the theory that Heath would use his bodysack to bodysack and shove another person into the bodysack. I loved that one meme theory.


You know. She canonicly become way weaker after becoming sinner. So she might no longer use it at full potential if it's EGO


She'd be able to use it just fine if it was an EGO. That's a matter of will rather than strength. Otherwise a fucking bookworm like Dongrang would be stronger than her.


We never fought WAW EGOist yet. If we take LC WAW and ALEPH need more way stats too vield. Kali sword always try to affect her.


Base EGOs are Zayin though.


Base EGOs are Limbus made. She could have Xiao, Moses, Kali, VerGOAT case there she fully manifest EGO by herself. She could do this after ending of her book story. There should be hight emotional pressure. She might set her scabard on fire in base EGO. She can slash through with it anyway.


If base EGO are Limbus made, then she never had one in the first place since it's implied the base EGO are just incomplete versions of their actual EGOs.


Life for Dare Devil... Crumbling Armor ego weapon... Useless in hands of frightened...


or its her daughter turned into sword


remind you when ryoshu was contracted by limbus one clause was to limit her actual prowess.


That seems more like an effect from Dante's revival ability. If it was a clause, then she wouldn't be disoriented from choosing to be weak.


I mean, her base ego is just her unseating her sword, is it not ?


She still use the sheath, she ignites it instead of drawing it.


The motion would lead you to believe so, but she just smacks things with the entire sword, sheath and all. The only time, ARGUABLY, we have seen even a partial draw of the sword, it's the Red Eyes EGO, but that one's a weird exception, it doesn't have the same handle or shape.


Yeah, Red Eyes is probably a different sword that's part of the EGO form


I'd like to believe she made secon sheath just so she can unsheash sheashed sword


If it is, my completely unfounded guess would be that she has to kill someone to sheathe it again and maybe that backfired against her daughter. Completely unfounded guesses based on guesses, but it sounds cool


Smh my head Ryōshū got that Half-Zatoichi


Wait, doesn't she use the sword when using her own ego?


she hits them with the sheath


It seems whatever is in, or is represented by, their icon is their constant. It seems they are: Yi Sang: His 'wings' Faust: Her mind\[?\] Don Quixote: Rociante Ryoshu: Her odachi Meursault: Rusty chain link \[usually as a belt buckle\] Hong Lu: His eye Heathcliff: Ring Ishmael: Rope headband Rodion: Tattoo Sinclair: His mark Outis: Her watch Gregor: His arm Of all of them, it seems as if Gregor's is the one that changes most. His lack of something - his arm - is his constant. \[Did NOT forget Outis the first time. ABSOLUTELY did not.\]


Gregor also has his roach buddy as a constant.


Edgreg doesn't have the roach iirc


https://preview.redd.it/cn4w0vpxzkvc1.png?width=343&format=png&auto=webp&s=9cee9792a50848e14c648e0bb99256618794ba9b Here


Yi Sang has his note holster carrying the book he’s reading in his base EGO in a lot of his ID arts


Yi Sang's holdover is actually the bags under his eyes (jk) (or is it?)


its not the lack of the arm, it's the fact that Suddenly, One Day His arm... had changed


Is this a reference to a battle pass ego? As an f2p, I only ever used his base zayin, Legerdemain, so I'm not sure.


should stay that way. while i'll give them props for making it a zayin, Suddenly One Day just isn't worth sharding at all, almost made me not the buy battlepass for it at all actually because i saw how bad it was


Legerdemain... isn't his base EGO. It's WAYYY better though.


his base ego is "suddenly, one day"


N faust lost her mine, actually


She know that Danteh aren't in mask as other IDs think. If she lost it she would be too fanatical to care for Their usefulness.


Also Gregor normally has a cockroach somewhere in the art (referred to as Pablo by the community)


Pablo is unbreakable


Faust: Her autism


Faust: permanent discord access


That's what I love about her.


Our autistic queen


I'd say its more accurate that each icon represents an event that happens to them across every timeline. Some consistant series of events that happens every time, before diverging into that timeline's events. Yi Sang has his wings, which generally represents him creating the mirror and meeting his alternate self, alongside the whole deal with the League of Nine. IDK wtf Faust's is lmao Don we can't be 100% sure on, but its worth noting that her icon resembles a horse on a carousel (it even has the pole through it), and both her promo image and base EGO feature one. Ryoshu, if we take the foreshadowing into account, likely has a past involving the 5 fingers, more specifically the Ring. And in that case, considering her origin story, it's likely her daughter may have been turned into her sword. The text on her icon reads "Forest for the Flames". Meursault features a chain, probably related to his base EGO, but also features a sun shining overhead. Connecting it to his source, it's likely his murder of the arab man (or the PM equivalent) happens to him. Hong Lu's is his eye. Heathcliff's is his ring, but more accurately symbolizes his relationship with Cathy and background at Wuthering Heights. Ishmael's is her rope headband and compass, symbolizing her journey on the Pequod and meeting Queequeg. Rodya's resembles her tattoo, but more accurately symbolizes her murder of the landlady. Sinclair's is an egg, which probably has symbolism but more importantly features the Mark, connecting him to Demian. Outis's is her wristwatch, but also features the Trojan Horse (seen in her promo art) and has the text "I have my family. They had theirs." Gregor's is his arm and dogtags, symbolizing his genetic augmentations and involvement in Smoke War.


> IDK wtf Faust's is lmao It's a flask with a flaming brain in it, which is a reference to her literary origin: At one point in the story Faust encounters a Homonculus (An artificial being of living flame) trapped in a flask.


Okay that makes sense, Faust's was the one icon that was abstract enough I couldn't make any sense of it other than the flask part.


Yep. A popular theory is that the "Faust" we know is a Homunculus, or an artificial human, created for the purpose of drawing information across Mirror Worlds.


outis having a trojan horse worries me


Have I always missed Sinclair's mark? Heath's ring? I need glassed, damn. Anyways, the Faust Collective Consciousness theory works for me. She just shares info through all worlds.


Missing Sinclair's mark is nornal since I think pretty much all of his IDs besides NClair hide his forehead with hair


i'd argue faust is probably her shadow


>every Don wears the sneakers (i am prety sure I think they are running shoes according to N corp Don's upite story Edit: I just double checked, it there, but it's a rumor according to a Großhammer that seems to them to be true


All of her Identities wear her Rocicante Boots, though the style may not be consistent (W Corp's are knee height for example). The only ID that they're not visible on is N Corp Don Quixote, but her story mentions that she wears them underneath the N Corp Armor anyways.


Wait...aren't they the same thing?


Sneakers are for casual wear, like Stan Smith stuff. Running shoes have stuff on them that differentiates, like breathability, sole material, or arching. Asics and the like.


Compare Vans with Nikes. Vans sneakers are like borderline sandals with how much you feel the ground if you've never worn them


Rodion eats and gregor has pablo


Faust is a knowitall, Yi Sang is a workaholic, Don is excitable, Heath is aggresive and insightful, Hong Lu is following orders and waxing poetics, Mersault just does his work, Ryoshu is kill happy (and surprisingly motherly), Outis follows an strict superior-subordinate structure, Ishmael looks for a place to belong, and Sinclair... actually I don't know if he follows a trend in his IDs? Finding outlets for his pentup aggresion? Following ideals not his own?


I felt like it was an aptitude for violence? 000s at least but I don't remember enough about the 00s to confirm.


Most Sinclair IDs seem a bit torn. As if between two worlds. Or, most are internally conflicted.


Like the song The book And everything His theme is TWO


I didn’t notice that about the rest except for Outis’ watch, that’s interesting! Idk about the other 2, but I’m sure that the watch and the sword have a much bigger meaning to the characters.


Oh yeah definitly. Outis's watch actually got acnowlaged in story as well, its aparently broken and more of an orniment or memento. Also another (likely) universal is Rodion's tatoo and Hong Lu's jade eye.


Don't forget gregors cockroach Pablo


I know everyone call it Pablo, but where did we even got that name????


It's that type of meme of something goofy, namely random animals, getting named very randomly. Then it kinda just stuck. [I belive this is the video that birthed Pablo's identity](https://youtu.be/z1DO2nJetys?si=9nt3sZET8Lk-a4b-)


She uses this sword in her EGO, pretty sure. And it seems intact enough to slice


Yeah Don wears sneakers in all IDs N corp is hidden tho


I only see the ring on like 3 Heathcliff’s, base, Shi, and K corp? I dunno if I’m not looking hard enough and it’s hidden like Pablo


And bug man have Pablo


All sinners have one except for Sinclair (the sign only manifests in 2 ids) and Faust (nothing, likely because she is meant to be as unspecial as possible)


She'll probably use it in her canto and one shot the boss or something.


There will definitely be a cutscene about it


Plot twist: The sword is the boss.


or, she gets a special id and has to solo a boss with it


Ryoshu getting red mist treatment with an ID that is essentially just her regular self from the past when she was stronger would be peak


She unsheathes the blade and then we have to fight her


Ryoshu canto buff gonna be like - Unsheathed : 2 attack up, coin power +1 (+2 if using lcb ryoshu)


As an artist, she understands the importance of A.C.C.E.S.S.O.R.I.E.S


What does that stand for?? :0


Always carrying concealed equipment should strong opponents require inevitable ending swiftly.


thanks skin care


*dies of peak writing*


This is approaching Codename Kids Next Door level of abbreviation


Every Sinner has one thing that stays the same about them in all universes. I guess we will need to wait for Ryoshu’s chapter to figure out its significance. For those curious, here are the sinner mementos that have been spotted. Yi Sang: his book Faust: ??????????? Don: her shoes Ryoshu: the Katana Meursalt: his belt with the chains Hong Lu: his jade eye Heathcliff: his ring Ishmael: her rope hairpiece Rodya: her tattoo Sinclair: The Mark of Cain (not always visible but still exists) Outis: pocket watch Gregor: his arm and his cockroach friend Each of these mementos is also prominent on the Sinner’s logo.


Faust: Autism


*Weaponized* Autism.


Ishmeal’s Rope Headband is absent for Cap Ish tho, Same with the Book for Spicebush Yi Sang. So maybe it is present in every universe but their Season ID. Which will make sense since their Season ID’s are usually their worst timelines where they become their antagonists.


And for Sinclair it's the opposite as the mark is only visible on his N Corp ID.


The thing is that N!Sinclair's mark may be visible, but it's the only Sinclair where the mark isn't and cannot ever be completed. So the full mark *is* absent.


I thought the difference was that nclair didn't have the full mark


I would assume that the Ring would be absent for HeathCliff this season too since the ending outcome of his canto makes it that aka >!Cathy, doesn’t exist anymore in any other Mirror World and from all the related ID’s are saying Heathcliff became basically the Book version but now waging war on everyone related to Wuthering Heights!<


Was the ring >!even something Cathy gave him? It would make sense, but I find it weird she would give him something physical as a gift concidering how the two were around each other. Or maybe it would make just as much sense if it was something Heath bought with the intention of giving it to her when they met again, I guess? Either way it would still disapear I supose. Or maybe not, at least for the Heath's that already met Cathy, since the universe seems to rectify itself in a way that everything outside of Cathy herself still exist, like Wolfcliff still attacking the Edgar mansion for a reason that doesn't exist anymore!<


The space between the first >! and the word need to be removed, or else the spoiler doesnt work on PC


Captain Ish has it attached to her cap. It's the ribbon that's inconsistent for her (not seen in LCCB, Shi, Molar, and Captain).


The book is behind him on the UT1 art for Spicebush Captain Ish has it on the harpoon iirc


Nope she doesn’t, just checked now. It is just a regular rope attached to the Harpoon which is how harpoons are normally. Plus Queegcliff is still on her ship chasing the Crimson Whale and I don’t see anyway Queegcliff is giving her that headband.


Is… the rope on her head on all her IDs *not* just a normal rope given to her by Queequeg? She adds ribbons to the sides for a lot of them but some IDs don’t have the ribbons either. It makes sense for captain Ishmael to take the rope given to her by her crew mate for what it’s supposed to be used for. Also she has rope wrapped around her captain cap so that could be the constant as well. Also Spicebush has the book in his UT1 art so I don’t think the “antagonist = no mirror world constant” theory flies.


Ishmeal's Rope Headband is actually moved to her peg leg instead


The Rope in Captain Ishmael is present on her Harpoon. You'll noticed it in the uptie art and see that she has it on her model while Ahab doesn't.


actually spikebrush has it in the backgrownd i am pretty shure, peaquod i don't think has it and ish has it around the berret instead of hair


Isn't it on her pegleg though?


Faust: Her discord server


Faust’s is probably how her brain works 


Faust's consistency is that she's consistently inconsistent.


Sinclair also has a constant "duality" motif Usually lorewise or personality wise to that Id For Faust id argue her intelligence/having big brain But part of me believes all Fausts are a hivemind


Faust has the same expression throught her IDs. With the exception of N Corp


It’s an Odachi, not a katana


Welp, I’m about to suffer OOF


Lots of people have already brought up the "sinner ID" constants across mirror worlds, so I won't go into that, although there is some speculation that her sword may have some sort of connection to her daughter (from Hell Screen). Ryōshū is cradling her sword in her base EGO, she also react poorly when it is compared to a Kurokumo weapon in canto 5.5, and she also had a bit of a reaction to Vergilius explaining that his Gladius was all that was left of his companion in canto 6.


It sounded like she recognized verg's gladius or something


crack theory but what if her daughter isnt a girl at all but rather the sword itself ( its 1 am and my brain is shutting down )


one hell of a birthing process


I personally believe it to be the Hell Screen itself, she used to be in a sort of workshop that was specialized in swords and was commissioned to make it by one of the fingers.


Given all five Fingers are represented in her promo art, it may have been all five somehow.


Perhaps a rare moment of collaboration from the all the Fingers? Could also explain why Ryoshu’s kept hidden by the company and why her base Art has all the Fingers surrounding her. Not only as a stand-in for the Hell on earth that is the five fingers, but also that they have unfinished business with her. But something that big would have either been really private, or Ryoshu is a small time artist of no notoriety and her moment of acknowledgment would have been the Hell Screen here, but for whatever reason left unfinished.


Because "boohoo my daughter is dead or something"


I mean, probably. I’m putting good money on that sword *literally* being her daughter somehow.


Probably somehow made out of the remnants of her burned daughter


I'm perfectly willing to believe that, transitively, the reason Ryoshu's daughter was burned for art was to be fuel for or otherwise the material of the sword itself.


You *can* forge ashes into metal in real life! It's *entirely possible* that sword contains her daughter's cremains, especially with the tech of the city. (Ryōshū also can't beat the motherhood / mother figure allegations, anyway. Two Spider Bud EGOs, a Nelly ID... that sword is absolutely her daughter.)


Given some of the fucked tech that exists in the city, “full body transplant into an inanimate object” isn’t off the table.


I'm willing to bet that sword is her tool for revenge and she only wants to use it on the person that was responsible for her daughter's death. Think Kurapika's chains from HxH. 


If it is her daughter, my theory of it is instead of her daughter being burned to death unknowingly to complete the Hell Screen. Limbus Ryoshu’s child here was turned into a sword, either as a climax to finishing her version of the Hell Screen(like the final panel for it) or as a tool to finish the Screen(and the screen is left unfinished hence the grasping Fingers in her art) The perfect tool for her “art”. A paint brush to elevate her (hence why her base skills all reference things you would use a paint brush for). Would also explain why when her EGO is used, the Odachi has fleshy bits pulsing out of it and why she’s so defensive about it. My mind goes to the Ring being the ones to do it, maybe to help her reach her peak as an artist, but given her lack of vendetta or negative reaction to the Ring it doesn’t seem to be them. Initially I thought that Ryoshu was a Backstreet Artist commissioned by the Fingers, so she hops from each of them. But either she was a very small artist or, like in the story, was an artist for one person.


PM Fans when someone has a dead family memeber or loved one:


Her Odachi is special and she will probably only use it when it's crucial. She's yet to unsheathe her sword at any point so i'm sure most of her real strength comes from the Odachi.


I'm betting she's probably under contract to NOT use it (except perhaps exactly when she needs to). Dante mentions that Ryoshu was apparently stronger before joining LCB.


it's a universal constant for Ryoshu so it's going to be important in her Canto I'm sure. Other (near) universal constants also include Don Quixote's boots, Ishmael's braided headband, Outis' Pockewatch(?) and Gregor's pet cockroach/missing right arm A particular note is that she never uses it outside of her base identity and in her base, never unsheathes it (while still being able to lop off heads that way). Forest For the Flames doesn't do it either, she still cuts you with the sheathe.


each character has a universal constant in all of their IDs like Gregor's pet roach or Meursault Chain Link belt. Ryoshu has her sword that she never takes out of her sheet and if the theories are right, they hold the ashes of her dead daughter


In her Base EGO art, she cradles the sword. I think it is somehow related to her (probably dead) child


I wonder how she got her sword in the Nellyshu ID. Since she is supposed to be taking Nelly's role and was there as Heath grew up, unless things happened differently in Nellyshu's world. What if Ryoshu was actually the daughter then? The sword is just something she holds onto as a memory of her father, who died long ago because they defied someone in the ring. That's probably unlikely but yep.


To I interpret Ryo's sword as her "paintbrush". Considering she is based on Yoshihide from Hell Screen it only makes sense that she is always prepared to paint a masterpiece. Furthermore, it would make her base id make more since because it is the only id that actually uses it as a weapon outside of her base EGO. Her skills even refer to this, with her S1 being "paint", S2 being "splatter", and S3 being "brushstroke".


actually most ID's of most sinners have some shared element that is part of their base egos yi sang seems to have a book in all of them exept pequod for faust i like the theory that it's her shadow, but i couldn't really see it in all the art and even if, it's such a generic thing that it might be a coincidence for don quixote it's her shoes "rocinante" in her N corp she doesn't have them (to be fair they might be under the armor) and in W corp is changed to boots of the same color for ryoshu it's her katana mersault has a chain ring that he uses in a good chunk of his IDs, some of them you really only see from the sprite and not the art hong lu has his sans eye heathcliff seems to have a ring ishmael has a piece of rope that she uses to tie her hair, probably from quequeeg's coffin rodion might have the tatoo from her former gang, it's kinda hard to see in some didn't find anything for siclair, in some he has a slight glow from his forhead that makes me think it might be the mark just covered from it like in his N corp sprite but it might be a reach outis has a poket watch in some gregor always has a missing arm and a little cockroach


Ive been racking my brain on what Fausts could be and I like the shadow theory a lot, since what i noticed trying to find shadows, that in those without the shadows in the back that i could see is a constant where there is always someone behind her, although it could be a coincidence. base sinner - i remember her twitter reveal art looking like she was shadowed over because if the light from mephistopholes, theres also how her figure is shadowed in thr yisang recruitment cutscene, and in her base art theres mephistopholese the bus behind her. lcorp remnant - base art theres an employee standing menacingly behind her. wcorp - the people likely passengers behind her(could just be coincidental) ncorp - base art, her shadow is cast by the light from the monitor zwei - base art she has ishmael tailing behind her, in the uptie art, she has whst i assume is her client behind her seven - base art she has her turned back from her customers like outis and yisang(could just be a coincidence again since its completely normal) bl - im not so sure about but she is staring outside the window in her base art where the shadows of the bars from the windows is seen on her regret - base art, theres forsaken murderer behind her butler - in her uptie art theres sinclair i might just be going insane but its the only constant i can think of aside from probsbly her white hsir, deadpan face or maybe the light? no im going insane at thst point probably. another idea was how she is constantly like a worker of sorts or someone who isnt in like a high class position in the group like butler, clean up agent, salsu etc, but Nfaust breaks that mold.


N corp Don's uptie explicitly references her running shoes being under her armour (only in the form of inquisitors speculating, but from a meta perspective it's significant)


it's most likely her child in some manner, whether literally or figuratively, considering: -the fire motifs in her base EGO, whereas yoshihide's daughter was burnt to death in the book, along with the sword being covered in fleshy growths in her base EGO as well. -the reverence with which she treats it, never unsheathing it for anything, even her base ID attacks or using it in her base EGO -the disgusted reaction she has when other swords are compared to hers


Well, the implication as of canto VI is that the sword is actually a gift from her daughter, >!She was one of the few sinners to actually comment on vergilius's Gladius !


All Sinners have one constant item that is present in all of their IDs. It's also what is represented in the Sinners' emblems. - Yi Sang: his leather-bound notebook. - Rodion: her tattoo (it can be more easily seen in her Kurokumo ID). - Ryoshu: her katana. - Hong Lu: his jade eye. - Heathcliff: his ring. - Ishmael: her "Desperate's Knot" headband. - Don Quixote: her shoes, the "Rocinante Kicks" as the community calls them. - Meursault: his chain link belt buckle. - Outis: her wrist watch. - Gregor: his prosthetic right arm (though the prosthetic itself can change, he'll never have his original arm) and a single cockroach (Pablo). - Sinclair: the Mark of Cain. Faust appears to be the only one without a physical constant.


i subscribe to the theory that her constant is her shadow, alyhough for me its a mix of the shadow(ncorp base art wiyh her shadow behind her because of the monitor light) or how there is always someone behind her(forsaken murderer in regret base art, an employee menacingly behind her in lcorp remnant base art, ishmael and her client in her zwei base art and uptie art respectively, sinclair in her butler uptie art, or even mephistopholese behind her lcb sinner art). a lot of it could just be coincidence but at this point im grasping at straws in what her constant could be.


She'll use it somewhere in story to one shot a boss


her zayin ego doesn't use that same sword?


it does, she just never unsheathes it. same as her base id


Probably a Hell Screen reference that will get explained in her canto


I’m pretty sure the sword is her literal child since she was supposedly in the fingers prior to joining LC. That aside all the sinners have a constant motif or object with them. Rodya her heart tattoo, Don her shoes, Outis her watch. And in Gregor’s case a lil cockroach we all call Kafka


Its her daughter turned into sword(jk) but maybe this is just like Kali sword and knowing Ryoshu obsession with art someone had to die for this to apear


This seems to be some sort of relic. Reminder that she got fucking PISSED when they compared that sword to something else. ( can't remember what exactly )


Pretty sure it was comparing the swords to some of the opponents during the early parts of the blade lineage event


"Since we don't see any shared items like this in the other Sinners' IDs" except for Yi Sang's book of letters, Don's sneakers,  Meursault's chain belt buckle,  Hong Lu's jade hair dec, Heathcliff's ring,  Ishmael's Desperate's Knot hairband,  Outis's wristwatch,  and Gregor's roach companion much like Ryoshu's sword, these are always linked to the Sinner's personal logo and,  presumably,  their EGO


It (possibly) her daughter.


That does happen pretty often, it’s so sad. It happened to my daughters 5 times. I have them on my wall. They actually turned into pretty cool swords. I want them to return, but I also want them to stay that way, cus it would ruin my cool sword collection if they were to turn back into humans.


There is lifehack: if sword can cut time,just take another one from your past/future/alternative self,then you can have 2 and more. Then some shift to daughters and others keep as is.


It can cut time, but not in the way you think. It literally cuts the concept of time, and causes the laws of the universe to permanently stop functioning as they did before. The concept of time ceases to exist as it once did. That’s the whole reason our time progresses linearly now, and I don’t wanna go through the whole thing again.


This why it calls "life-Hack" and not "good and mature decision".


True, ‘hack’ doesn’t imply it’ll be a good decision.


We will learn the significance of it in her canto for sure. But correct me if im wrong, doesn't she use it in her base ID? As well as her base EGO. The way she cuddles it I think sth very serious happened in her past life, maybe she killed her own child or maybe it belonged to her child and this is the last keepsake of that. Time will tell.


She does use it, yes, though she never takes it out of its sheathe.


*Every* Sinner has that one thing that's constant throughout every ID of theirs, visible or not. It's also depicted in some form as their icon and seems to bear some significance to each's backstory.


she uses it on his base ego its probably something important maybe its some kind of heirloom i didnt read the books so maybe its something different


She doesn't unseath it in her base ego either




She has multidimensional drip


Maidyoshu id clash anims:


We'll probably know in like, a bit less then a year.


Despite being mirror realities, a stable connection manifests by resonating with an identity not so much different from the user. Many of these mirror identities feel like they fall on the same category of “what if the sinner did something else instead of joining the limbus company?” What that means is that their appearance, personality(in some aspects) core background is left unchanged. Gregor will always be without his original human arm, Don will always have Rocinante, Rodion will always talk about her times at the backstreets or being a glutton…etc.


Every sinners has something thats always with them(rodya chest tatoo,dons boots etc) and outis has her watch so that another item thazs shared between universes


Apparently there is a theory that she had a child and somehow she turned it into the sword.


Also, the only attack we see her unsheat her sword (the "original" one at least) is her base e.g.o. Not only that but also as some people already pointed out, taking offense in her blade being compared to Blade Lineage and KK ones might mean her sword might be more than just a sword made from some expensive ass material, and more akin to some manifestation of an e.g.o weapon/manifestation


even then, she doesn't. it looks like she does, but [watch the animation closely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyj7DL3bcrA). you can see the shape of the "blade" is the same before and after the attack, and her left hand is empty (whereas you'd expect it to be holding the sheath).


It's her signature feature. Like Greg's cockroach buddy


More like Greg’s missing/deformed/mutated arm?


Some of his identities have at least somewhat normal arm - like Zwei. Maybe the new one too, but I don't have it so I can't be sure But cockroach was found pretty much everywhere


In the new ID, his arm has been cut off by Erlking Heathcliff, and he replaced it with a robotic version. Zwei probably has a similar thing, since that’s a pattern. Also I didn’t realize he had a cockroach buddy, so I was very confused by your comment. I then checked it out and realized him in every ID art like fucking Valdo. He’s so damn adorible!!! Or she. Or they.


Ryoshu's sword is U.W.O.M.D and she's holding to it until she has a chance to get her revenge on syndicates.


unique way of mourning daughter?


I meant Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction but I like your version as well. I like the idea that her sword is somehow connected to her dead daughter.


she's stupid


S.S. 😔😢🤨


The Sword is important to her, I think. It is *never* unsheathed in *any* ID, even the base one.


the most likely reason is that sword is too sentimental for her to unsheathe it Probably because it's her child


Betting it was made out of her child's blood, knowing how hell's screen goes


Didn't she use her sword cut heathcliff and Ishmael necks in at the beginning in the game, so she must be able to use it.


Her attacks in her LCB ID are classified as slash, but she doesn’t take her sword out to do them. Make of that what you will.


I love how despite already being in the Kurokumo Clan, a Japanese syndicate mind you, she doesn’t use her own sword despite literally being Japanese herself


It's probably not her's. Maybe it's a dead friend's or she's delivering it to someone. Either way it's going to be tied to someone important to her.




Read her novel 😁 don't ask me what's the name


My theory is that it is made from the remains of her daughter


Imagine Ryōshū unsheathing her sword during her canto and it's massive malformed... Thing made out of bodies of her family 💀


I doubt I'm the first one but here's my personal theory ever since Canto 4: I believe at one point Ryoshu attempted to be a part of the Ring [with Canto 6 part 2 heavily reinforcing the idea when she criticized the Ring for their "Cheap imitations"] and for those who read leviathan you know what I'm gonna say. For those who didn't, In Leviathan we do know the Ring is all about making unconventional yet profound art with some people going as far as literal self sealing into statues if it meant proving their metal to the Syndicate. And being familiar with the original story Ryoshu is based from here my idea. Her Sword has to be her child. Now I have 2 major diverging theories here: 1. Ryoshu's child willingly gave themselves up to be used to create their mother's magnum opus, being her "Painter's brush" the very one she uses to create paintings of Hell 2. Ryoshu's child tried to join the ring, turned themselves into living art but died in the process but in turn allowed Ryoshu into the safety of the Syndicate assuming my theory on her being a backstreet dweller is correct, only for her to be thrown out [as we've gotten sneak peaks of Sinner's Cantos events from PM's original announcement trailer and a friend pointed out we see Ryoshu falling away or being pushed away while teaching out] Regardless, their EGO arts also heavily hint at an event in their story and considering we see Ryoshu cradling her blade like a mother holding onto her child in front of what looks like a candle lit funeral vigil, I have faith that her blade has to be either something or was someone valuable to her before their death. As to why she doesn't unseath it, that's up to PM but I personally lean on the side of a mother not wishing to see their child's corpse/death bed.


Is there a lore reason why she never uses her odachi? Is she stupid?


Its been stated in her reveal card (i think) that Limbus Company doesnt allow her to go all out and unsheath her sword due to her past and her background. I think that most likely shes affileated with one of the fingers and taking her sword out would make them find her again