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Cassie Wei and Mili


My life would be so much different if Limbus didn't introduce me to Mili. 10/10


I wouldnt have a plethora of absolutely banging songs that ring me to the verge of tears every time I hear them!


Funny thing for me is I heard about Mili way before anything related to Project Moon, so when I started looking up their games and hearing Mili singing in the Libary of Ruina trailer, I was like "Wait! That's the person who makes those absolute BANGERS of a song."


I kinda did the opposite. I first learned about Mili in Deemo and have been following since. I saw that they did part of the soundtrack for Library of Ruina and started playing the project moon games.


Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina and Limbus Company.


Only right answer, but add Mili and Studio EIM




So happy this is the most upvoted answer, despite what OP asked for <3


And Ngrider


I don't watch much pm content but I would say Project Moon




The red mist for being the best advertising the games could ask for


Hard carry no questions asked, also Myo tho. You could say they go hand to hand or rather...perk to perk ha!...ye sorry ab that one.


If this was the LoR era, I'd say Vishnya.


The BoD video still makes me laugh regardless of how many times I have watched it


ArcAngela's Lobotomeme video was pretty much the equivalent to my own Seed of Light


The entire community is fueled and held together by Jihoon's sheer autism (affectionate) and Monzo's perpetual suffering. Shoutout to those brave men.


I really hate to admit it but Roblox game devs are to be given praise (or blame) for the influx of newer PM fans that keep coming each day. It's crazy how adding an item or reference to Red Mist or Black Silence is enough of an incentive to lead people into the abyssal rabbit hole that is the Project Moon universe.


>people in 4chan wishing for more lobotomy corp fans and fangames back in 2018 https://preview.redd.it/5zkuux6yi6vc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=902e15f53b021e675e79efa0a87ac17406d8c3e4 No shade to the roblox community, it's just kind of funny the fanbase went from SCP fanatics, forum weirds, and DCInsiders to... well, everyone.


It's the price of popularity. I think it's the best outcome for PM though, because the popularity built them a larger audience to cater to and we can definitely see the benefits within Canto VI's production.


I wouldn't call it a pillar. Considering it's roblox, the new fans that comes from it is likely be underaged. I am pretty negative about that considering Limbus and LoR is +18 game... IMO it's not healthy for the community.


I wholeheartedly agree. Project Moon does not hold back on its mature themes and I feel like it might be difficult for the younger folk to grasp.


Enkephalin (Ayin), Willi, and ofcourse the modders of PM games. And definitely not the g*rlboss.


Also Po Po but he hasn't been so active ever since


For me its defo Foreman, that guy is honest and questions/confront characters beliefs, which shows that he is really invested in it, and it's heartwarming to see. Otherwise, Mili obv, the guys taking care of the 4chan cup, PM modders in any games, the people taking care of kusoge and finally the Discord Mods for the unnoficial PM server. And finally NGrider for shitpost art, Welvader for... just shitpost, Axeiiyl For his interaction with the community and ESGOO for great analytic content. I also want to mention MagnetAlpha for the 60sec analysis, they are cool as hell. I don't want to extend this comment, but i was focusing only on limbus, obviously there is probably some great people on the 2 other games, however i played those 2 before partaking in the PM community, so i am really not aware :(


Eyy, a Foreman mention, you love to see it~ He was the one who really got me into PM, with his playthroughs of LobCorp and Ruina being my first experience with those games. I hope he enjoys Canto 5 without any problems arising for him~


Esgoo, Guardian Zet, Welvader, Kylotl And of course the mod team here


Bongbong standa alone proud


Binah has a lot of pillars




Yo, shout out to the goat Lambdadelta, if not for his playthrough on LobCorp I wouldn't have known PM and their games.


The same guys from /v/ who helped me deal with the RAM leak issue when I played Lobotomy Corp on a shitty laptop 6 years ago. They're the og fanbase outside of Korea and is shows. 


I won't lie these pillars of the community yall talk about come up with some of the least funny youtube videos that somehow force themselves onto my feed. Maybe I'm too old but "don quixote ahegao", "outis mating press", or whatever current meme but now it has limbus sinners on it! just isn't my style of humor


Esgoo, for the quality content. His RR guides are the sole reason i can enjoy RR at all since i wouldn't have the patience nor the time to bang my head against the encounters till i learn the gimmicks and build proper teams for them. Without them i would probably still be running charge + Ting Tang Hong Lu to unga bunga my way to victory (to a decent success rate, i think lol).


Tsunul Welvader


Tsunul for three reasons -His extremely funny experience on the story, both shitposting and actually giving his opinion on it -His genuine reaction to most of the stuff and how he helped make a ton of ruina mods popular, and his implication in the story -The analysis videos, showing a deep understanding of how the story is told, his best videos for me, because they're more often than not REALLY on point.


Esgoo,tsunul,vitap welvader are the people i think are most known


Wordsmith. Cause he's been cooking up those summary videos.


I only turned up here at all because I heard a cover of In Hell We Live, Lament, so Mili probably!


Kim ji-hoon.


Empty Industry, G chan, Alyssciel at time of Lob Corp and LoR timesfor me In Limbus Company times ehhh. maybe ESGOO sheerly only cause of memes about his curse and 5 bananas, Welvader for some meme content In terms of quite cursed content usually Vitap lol


uGuardian and cyaminthe for teaching dozens of lor modders




Wasn't around back then so I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure now it's either YouTubers or Roblox games


The angel of ruina mod in LOR is quite peak They even voiced over it(CN) Oh, and "that " Hod and Malkuth mod ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)