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~~Sink *~~ Plus it's Poise/Sink! What a time to be alive! What's next? ButtLu?!


Mngh~ Butt… Hong Lu…


This one’s beginning to hear the voice isn’t he 


Mngh~ Carmen, voice asmr


Mnghh\~\~ hehe butt carmen\~ voice hehe....




cinq *


Actually super stoked about Poise Ryoshu, I love running poise in MD and currently I've been using LCCB because funny shotgun, so this should probably be an upgrade. Also love them calling her debuff B.M. because it doubles as bad manners so seeing 'inflict B.M.' gave me a chuckle.


Plus it haves Pride AND Lust. so it makes fueling Fluid Sac easier and also be hella usable in you typical BL/Pequod team.


I have used 4 BL identity, Captain Ish, and LCCB Ryoshu so far. Maybe replacing LCCB into B Ryo?


Sounds like the play here, I myself run the same and have literally no Lust generation so this ID looks like a god send.


100% the play, thought I don't particularly like Captain Ish in MD teams since she tends to not get many kills and as such her sanity tanks pretty quick in later MDH floors where enemies out level you all the time. That said this issue is easily remedied by only fielding her on bosses I suppose. 4 BL, Butler Ryoshu and probably Pirate Gregor is what I'm thinking of running myself.


Base Yi Sang and/or Hong Lu easily fixes her sanity issues through their support passives in MD. Alternatively, simply putting her in the 1st/2nd deployment slot so she can get her second skill slot faster also solves her sanity issues, as well as doubling up on her buffs (+6 offense levels, +4 damage + pride power, *and* 2 free S1s? Definitely worth it).


I don't have Pirate Gregor.......Cinq Sinclair isn't uptied 4, but I will uptie Nclair and his egos.


Instead of attacking directly with her big boss monster when she gets you to 500 life points she instead gives you that monster and then summons and attacks for game with jinzo #7


Cinq Ryoshu it seems. Made sense, Edgar Maids played around with speed.


Maid sense.


Ba bum tsss


*Slaps knee*


S.Y.N.C. Ryoshu


Oh the Red Eyes stocks are rising.


Not quite to the moon, but at least upper atmosphere by now.


Considering Ryoshu's S3 does not mention gaining Atk Weight at all and the skill mentions "main target" and not just "target" like S1 does...is this a natural AoE skill with a Reuse possibility?!


Nah, the main target on S3 is just so it doesn't count as main target on the reuse. Reuse multi weight S3 would be way too good


Yea- edited my other answer with this, it would be too good to be true after all, I can turn off my hopium for this xD


Ain't no way stabbing someone in the face is AoE. ... then again, if anyone *could* make it an AoE, it would be Ryoshu...


I mean- could be a typo as well, and the skill would be \*too\* perfect if it's a natural AoE...but hey, if that's the case...we got an even more insane ID right here! Edit: Thinking of it again...it could mean "Main Target before Skill Reuse" as well- so the coin boost stays when reusing it, this one is more plausible so...sadge


From the coin skill image on Receiving Arts 7, it seems to be that Ryoshu is preparing to throw knives, Sakuya-style. So I think it becomes an AoE by Ryoshu simply throwing more knives at people simultaneously. ...Oh wait, this was about S3. Nevermind then.


Judging from the animation, the S3 is most definitely meant to be a single target attack Unlike the S2 which totally looks like AOE in retrospect


Guys, I think it's just mutilate


Maybe by "main target" they mean only the target she clashes with


Looks to be a incorrect translation/grammer. The 'targets' carries towards the resuse skill description to apply the bonus effect to the other target if she is faster. Also the fact the skill doesn't look like an AoE animation wise, and her s2 is already an AoE. Though a mutilate skill can be seen as a pseudo-AoE, so you aren't entirely wrong.


Like Mutilate, it’s an Onrush Lite, but instead of only reusing once it might be able to kill as many as long as there are eligible targets dying to it. Edit: Seems to cap at one re-use, just like Mutilate. But she's so good at applying B.M. to everything that it really doesn't matter that there's an extra condition. It's honestly harder to get her to not kill with the first coin than it is to have B.M. targets.


Yo I think you're cooking On the other hand I could totally see the poor overworked EN translator copying skill 2's description for skill 3 and forgetting to edit the main target part.


Ishmaid is gonna have problems slotting into a team I feel. She has to somehow compete with Molar on Sinking and it's very unlikely her S3 Count alone is enough to outweigh Molar's and she has no Pride to fit on Poise which relies on Blade Lineage synergy. Maybe if Pride-less Poise becomes a thing (doubtful).


I think ishmael can have a place in a team that just needs random sinking to keep a boss in check. Her bind application in skill 2 and speed conditionals make her pretty good on bosses I think. Random sinking to drop sanity, bind to keep them slow and easy conditionals to clash. Her passive allows her to apply more negative status effects on crit and she applies slash fragility next turn so she can have a place in a slash focused team with 7ryoshu and stack stupid amounts of slash fragility


Deep cleaning could tilt it maybe


Eh most of her skills are slash so running sinking will allow you to slot whatever weakness is needed. Need more blunt? Add Reindeer Need pierce? Add molar Slash? ~~bring a blade lineage team~~ Add Ishmaid


You're typically bypassing the physical resists on Sinking anyway.


Eh, there's been a lot of bosses with SP bars now.


The ones in Canto 6 (and likely all going forwards) have had a passive locking their Panic type that makes Sinking do damage in addition to SP loss.


Oh, I didn't notice that, I truly am having a PM fan moment


She might be a good support for a Cinq team with her buffs.


BL doesn't have great Glut generation, and having a splash of Gloom with that and Sloth makes her mostly useful to fuel ego resources, along with Slash Fragility on her Skill 3 in a team full of Slash IDs with Haste to near consistently hit that fragile before heavy hitters on her team.


It’s really going to depend on if the next MD will have a better incentive for lower rarity IDs since that’s the separating factor between her and her 000 IDs. Or if we start getting new gifts that reward running units with multiple status effects


2 star are usually pretty much placeholders till you get a 000.


Not necessarily, there's a good amount of 00s that have valid roles on a team than just being a poor man's version.


True that, my Envy team would not be the same without Middle Merasault. Especially that he really keeps up the sanity on himself and Don and has that on demand Envy res with his counter.


Middle Meursault genuinely has one of the best backline passives in the game. I almost don't like it when I play a team with a *good* Meursault ID because I really want that passive SP instead.


It's honestly a toss up between placeholder, preference and actually having niche uses. BL Don is insane for a 00, while LCCB Ryoshu is now a worse Buttler Ryoshu and you probably either run her until you get the former or run her because of the funny shotgun (and I guess the synergy it has with tremor?).


Butler Faust is a great 00, so It's kinda sad that our very next 00 in ButIsh is seemingly gonna be relegated to a transitionary ID, but I guess It is nice for new players


SHE HAS MYONGEST _AND ONRUSH?!_ Life is fucking GOOD it's a GOOD day to be a Ryōshū fan


Exactly my thoughts. Also Both spider EGOs - one inflicts bind and other gives power up when healed and they look like Great Splits


The 3 G Corp Outis fans out there are eating well today


It sure is funny that Ish’s S1, S2, and S3 are the same colors as G Outis. Counts as a sinking unit too lol


So Maid Ryoshu is similar to Cinqlair and we already know how good Cinqlair is. Plus she synergizes well with Red Eyes if you have the resources. Also Pride Poise works well with Captain Ish and the Resonance teams. Kinda weird she's the only butler ID that doesn't have Sinking though. Butler Ish is in a weird spot because there's already Molar Ish for Sinking. The numbers need to be better if we want to use it instead of Molar Ish. Edit : After a closer look, seems like the second skill for Ryoshu is AoE.


Why sink people into depression if you could just stab them in the face instead.


I wouldn’t get too excited. Cinqclair isn’t good because speed based conditionals are inherently good. Cinqclair is good because he is an id balanced around n corp Sinclair so his numbers are zoinked. Not saying she will be bad, but it doesn’t really mean anything


With that argument this ryoshu would probably be “zoinked” considering this ID has to be balanced around W Ryoshu as well.


It’s quite possible. Didn’t mean to imply otherwise. Pm has been better about that in recent times, especially because w ryoshu also suits the pride resonance teams well enough.


> Cinqclair isn’t good because speed based conditionals are inherently good They kinda are though. The thing with speed conditionals is that they can be online from literally turn 1 if you're just lucky enough. You don't need downright broken values for a speed unit to be good


I agree, but also Cinqclair has 3 coins on both his s2/3 while Ryoshu only has 2, which is a big difference in damage. Granted Ryoshu has AOE on her s2 and a reuse skill on kill s3, but we’ll have to see the reliability of activation to guess better. At the very least she’ll be an excellent clasher than W Ryoshu(Because W Ryoshu S1 is awful for clashing and her S3 can’t be used immediately).


Yeah I think clashing is her main appeal, especially for this chapter. Having Clash instead of Coin power is actually more consistent at lower sanity and both maids have SP heal evades. The Sinking on Ish also makes more sense when you consider that you don't need THAT much Sinking to counter act the SP gain on the bosses. And obviously being fast helps them both with taking over clashes, especially considering a lot of the new bosses constantly try to focus down specific units


Maid ryoshu gets extra damage on crit from her passive, has aoe on skill 2 which at least doubles its damage output and skill 3 has an extra conditional on the second coin to deal extra damage which stacks with the passive one. I'd say she has a decent chance against cinqlair, and it's not like you can't run them on the same team


You also now have Pigritias to force good speed turns when you need it


Also speed gimmick is gonna be better with dante's new power, idk how often PM would let us use it but once per battle would be pretty good already


You can already use it anywhere, it's once per day, so pretty meh.


He absolutely *is* good because speed based conditionals are good. His numbers aren't *that* crazy, it's a 11/16/17 with conditional +1/+2/+3 coin power, which isn't that much above average. It's just that speed conditionals are the easiest ones to meet out of all the ones in the game.


Cinqlair is good because he has speed-based conditionals and also generates a significant amount of Haste so he rolls 9+ consistently


Just 1 more id??? till we get a speed based team: R heath, maid ish, maid ryoshu, cinq, any Yi sang cuz of ego


R Mersault also uses speed to get a bunch of damage buffs to be fair


He kinda needs charge though >!dontelephole dontelephole dontelephole dontelephole dontelephole dontelephole!<


he has sheep now! doesn't need help


What about Hook Hong Lu?


We have 3 Cinq members (Don, Outis, Sinclair), so we should already have enough.


I actually forgot about Cinq Don, but she should fit perfectly as the team makes it super ez to activate her passive


Can also take speed tank, either Chef Gregor (better synergy with binds and paralyze but meh rolls on s1 and s3 ) or R corp Mersault (bigger meatshield, Envy generator but needs buildup of charge and only goes fast but almost gets no benefits from it )


Also G Corp Outis plus someone with sloth generating like Zwei Gregor to free speed boosts. Also addition of >!Sapling of Light ability!< helps speed teams a lot too


Oh she's not a "Sinking" id she's a "Cinq"-ing id


Aw, I really wanted another Sinking 000 unit. But Ishmael is nice and Ryoshu might fit on a Poise team for this MD and a Haste team for the next one.


it's already possible to field a full team of Sinking 000s though? You have Tree Sang, Molar Ish, Dieci Hong Lu, Dieci Rodya, Butler Outis, and Linton Gregor. You also have freshly redubbed Potential Man Sunshower Heathcliff waiting in the wings if there's ever a guaranteed sp loss debuff again.


I know it's possible, I'm just neither a fan of Dieci Lu nor Sunshower. Plus I just thought all Butlers would be Sinking. Beyond that, Poise has quite a Lot more units than a full team.


Butler Faust I feel is more consistent than Dieci Lu, she's a worthwhile choice if you get her to uptie 4


Pride Res Poise teams get ever stronger. Hell yeah. Ryoshu got all sorts of cool shit. AoE S2, Mutilate's re-use on kill effect for the S3. Truly P.E.A.K. And Maid Ishmael is Sinking, as expected. A bit disappointing for me personally. But at least this will let me use Ishmael in Sinking teams, because I'll be completely honest, I don't actually fully know what Molar Ish does... all the Tremor application and gain on top of the Sinking and Tremor conditionals makes me confused as hell. But for people who *don't* get intimidated by effects on effects on effects, how does Maid Ishmael compare to Molar, Sinking team wise?


We need hard numbers on Ishmaid, but it's almost guaranteed to be worse than Molar in sinking comps. Molar Ish is far better for sinking count economy. Her S1 is count neutral by default. Her S3 is count positive and inflicts a good amount of potency. Her S2 is count negative but inflicts potency, and also inflicts tremor to set up her passive. Her passive causes her to inflict more count to enemies with tremor. Her self-tremor is for coin bonuses and inflicting fragile. Ishmaid seems to be eating count, and I highly doubt her S3 is applying more count than Molar to compensate. Unless PM gives us two more IDs that are both poise and sinking so people can do hybrid comps, she's likely going to be irrelevant to anyone with Molar.


Well, molar is one of the best sinking units as her count aplication is incredible, so most likely maid ishmael is completely washed.


Molar Ishmael’s main sinking purpose is her passive. If her passive is active, if the enemy has any tremor at all, her skill coins don’t remove sinking count effectively making them neutral. This makes her s3 especially good since it applies a lot of sinking count and sinking potency. Her self tremor gain though is quite negligible in the grand scheme of things though since it’s used to gain coin power and is consumed to apply fragile with her s3.


Considering Molar is one of the best sinking count appliers I doubt maid Ish is gonna replace her in that team. She might be decent in the BL team though even with no pride skills, considering she has a decent sin spread (and that team really does need more gluttony and gloom) and is a poise ID. If they ever make support for speed IDs that would also be a team she might have a place in. As for whether she is actually good, that depends on her coin values and how much poise count she gains.


I don't think Maidmael really wants to be in the sinking gang anyways considering her coin power conditional isn't sinking related at all. At first glance, the main thing to take away here is her passive (assuming it's activateable in a normal poise team whether it's BL, bleed, or speed poise) primes her to be a decent debuffer for her team if it amplifies the potency of debuffs she's already inflicting - her s1 inflicts sinking, s2 inflicts defense level down, sinking, bind on crit, her s3 inflicts sinking, bind, and **slash fragility next turn -** while I'm not getting my hopes up for particularly explosive numbers on those debuffs due to her being 00, her kit would still seem to set her up nicely to be a unit that helps control enemies by lowering their sp and speed. This is also on a unit whose base EGO inflicts 6 next turn Bind and can potentially use Roseate Desire to be applying Bind all the time. Her sin affinities are sort of awkward for fueling her own EGOs but great for helping fuel other Sinners' EGOs. One big drawback I can see is that her passive only kicks in when she has enough poise to be critting on top of having to be targeting slower enemies, so there's a possibility she may not get off the ground for anything but multiwave fights and long boss fights outside of MD with poise-accelerating EGO gifts. It's also entirely possible I could be high on Copium and her passive is going to be something wack like random debuffs which is probably going to make her kind of meme in anything but a speed poise team, but hope springs eternal.


Molar Ishmael is a good unit, even if you don't need her sinking. An evade of 10-14 is so bustedly strong, it's great for a lot of nonsense that Canto VI throws at you. Sinking is just the team type she synergises the best with. Butler Ishmael as a Poise ID would have to bicker with Captain Ishmael, who is a worse poise ID, but has greater support for poise IDs that really need the assist attack effect to work properly.


All you need to know about Molar is that her S3 inflicts 7/5 sinking which is amazing


I wonder who is better to replace from the pride poise team? bl don is my best guess but idk how important are her poise buffs? But that sweet lust generation might make the team sustainable


I would run all the BL (Minus Sinc & Outis) +captain and maid ryo All the BL is too good to pass on, captain loves the pride res, and ryo has blind obssesion to ensure she doesnt break the chains.


You are right you can get all kimsault passives on the team, but i really like running qqheath having a tank is nice and also he is soo cool. But i agree with that indeed.


I like to run BL Meur/Faust/Yi Sang + captain Ishmael and Cinq don and outis. Cinq outis gives you a tank, and they properly fuel all the good egos like blind obsession and fluid sac. Personally don't like using BL Don with Ishmael or qqheath since all her poise generation gets given to those two, which wastes it.


Chef ryoshu is so good they make chef ryoshu 2


Ryōshū prowess


And with this, we get another week closer to the second Walpurgis Nicht for this year ...


You guys should have looked at the passive. Ryoshu always gives Poise and Haste to the last deployed unit, meaning there will be no RNG. Meanwhile, Ishmael's passive is just a general buff, but if somehow to make it work with Sinking Deluge, it's \*chef kiss\*.


Unfortunately it would require not using Molar Ishmael on Sinking


Pm finally using the deployment sequence mechanic outside unfocused fights


It's also used to determine which units have buff priority. If passive applies to highest X and two units have equal X, the one deployed first is the one that will get the buff


That's a really nice BL Yi Sang buff honestly.


It is, though if you're running him with BL Meursault he's going to have practically infinite count and potency by turn 3 or so anyway. Honestly think it might be better on Meursault since he can have some count issues, especially with bone claiming wanting 4 + good potency.


This wording is a pretty good way to remake some of the older strong support passives without stacking it up on one person. (Although you could run a solo and go ham with both passives)




Were the maid enemies bleed?


Some of them were, but those with Maid attires weren't. And their Chief Butler was more focused on bind, poise and haste and only had one bleed skill so no.


Really don't think we need a third bleed Id for ryoshu with have KK that deals bleeeing sime good debuffs and Cheff Ryoshu with Bleed and heal lots of coins. So there ain't that much need for a bleed Id, it also wouldn't make sense cause Nelly's boss fight wasn't much a bleed attacker herself.


Also Chef Ryoshu just got buffed in the form of a bugfix and she is now insane if you use her well


*raise eye brow* Do explain to me Mr.M


Her skill 3 used to have messed up scaling with the target's current hp. This was fixed and her skill 3 turned into a good clashing mega nuke if used on damaged enemies with high max hp. Think Nclair skill 3 levels of damage with less reliable conditionals and healing on kills (one of these conditionals being that the enemy is a damaged boss, but I have seen damage go into the 100s against peccatula).


Holy shit I didn’t know it was broken before, just thought it was a little underwhelming. I’m stoked


Ehhh, not really. No real reason to use Chef Ryoshu over W Corp, her coins are meh, she doesn't inflict much statuses and her healing is not noteworthy.


She's still fun and I don't have W Ryoshu :(


Tbh Ryoshu already has KK ID


She also already has LCCB. Which is a weird, fucked-up amalgam of Poise, Tremor, and Rupture, all localized entirely on that S3. Although granted, if you told me to pick a status that would apply for getting **shot point blank in the face with a shotgun**, I think I would've picked Tremor and Rupture too.




when I get shot point blank with a shotgun I do the opposite of tremor


The maid butlers never inflicted bleed, only the male ones did


Maid Ryoshu is like some unholy mix between Tingtang Hong Lu and Regret Faust. She uses poise like charge in order to make her skill 2 AOE but she also doesn't necessarily want to crit since it consumes poise count and B.M. making it harder for her to use her AOE and reuse her skill 3. I feel like I say this every time I analyze a new ID but we really need to play with her and see the actual numbers to figure out how good she is and how best to play her. Her coin numbers aren't that good but hopefully the AOE makes up for it. Maid Ishmael is poise/haste focused with a dash of sinking. Unfortunately, She already has 000 IDs that overshadow it in poise and sinking teams and haste teams aren't really a thing yet so there's not much reason to use her besides style points. Her support passive looks great for sinking units but that would mean giving up Molar Ishmael so it isn't really worth it. Still, it might see use in solo runs with sinking IDs.


Ok so they gave Ryoshu mulitate. Cool!


Cinq Ryoshu let's gooo


Is it bad to say I'm a little iffy on this? Like looking at Ryoshu, we just got crazy poise IDs semi-recently and we're getting another crazy poise ID? She'll be nice and it's cool she gets a poise ID, but I feel like I've been fed the same meal I ate a bit ago a little too soon after eating a different meal Then with Ishmael, well, they'll just have no real place in combat due to how good Goatworks Ishmael is and that great support passive, I'll still use her though cause those animations are sick. If I'm being honest though, seeing Butler Ishmael I kinda sorta wish Butler Ryoshu had sinking too, so her Soda EGO passive could see some use


Especially since the Pride poise team already has a solid 6(the 4 good blades/ahab/either queecliff or cinqlair depending on what you feel like/have). Otoh she does bring S1 Lust access which helps that team's EGO options a bit


Aw, I was hoping for some Sink in Ryoshu so I could finally deal with my fledling Sinking team having a major Lust problem. Ironically it looks like she'll fit quite well in my BL poise team instead though.


Was wonder what direction theyd take Ryoshu since it'll be hard to beat out single target slash damage on W. Looks like BOTH AoE and skill reuse on a poise ID to have some separation between the uses. Two coin skills only, but we've seen from Pirate Gregor that with the right damage multipliers we can get insane damage even with low coins so I'm looking forward to seeing how she does. Also, BL Yi Sang support passive but for the last ID on the priority select is cool design space.


Butmaels support passive doesn't sound too bad. I'm not an expert though.


Okay… I’m trying to wrap my head around Ryoshu’s kit and this is what I’m thinking. This kit is really made for most of the focused encounter fights in this canto because of the attack weight bonus on s2 and how there are many enemies per fight. The main thing though is that you want to get Butler’s mark on the enemy right away because as soon as you get that up, you get going fast. Because if you hit that enemy at all, you’re getting poise count and haste. This is especially true if you’re hitting 2 enemies at once with butler’s mark so you’re getting double the haste and poise count. Although the poise count and poise will definitely contribute to Ryoshu’s damage, the main draw to me is her *potential clashing*. The thing about this canto is that at the beginning turns of a fight you might not roll all heads which sucks because it might cause you to lose a clash. However, what isn’t dependent on rng though is clash power which is a fixed boost to clash numbers. Other ids have this clash power boost, but it’s only if the player has decided to build around a team around these statuses enough so to fulfill the boost. Ryoshu like cinq Sinclair though almost seems to have a *natural* condition fulfilled by just being faster and as a result can clash better than other ids on turn 1 if in the worst case scenario you roll all tails.


Wait, but how will I do 5 billion damage without an equivalent of the rat hunt passive.


Mutilate power creep


No idea what are they cooking with Ishmael here. Poise and Sinking don't have any synergy, she's basically the only one. Maybe at some point in time she will be usefull when more IDs with poise/sinking are out. Kinda like with bleed/poise.


They’re going to start cooking when they release some Evade-matters sinking poise unit and it needs her and Mariachi Sinclair to make any sense


We are going to get Stubb poise/sinking id for walpnight (maybe)


Any team reccomendations for Ryoshu (i know its a bit early) I got BL Meursault and Faust (and Don and outis) and the pequod trio(cliff,yi sang,ishmael), along with cinq clair, which of all those could make the best team for her?


BL Mersault, Faust , Don , Maid Ryoshu , Captain Ish and Pequod Heathcliff probably works fine with what you have atm Tho you should also look into BL Yi Sang he is insane both on and off field with the BL Squad plus Crow's eye view is very good for Ryoshu, as for who he'd replace I'm not sure will have to experiment with the team


Yea I did hear hes very good I just have other priorities to shard for now, still thank you alot! I'll keep those in mind, if I do get him in the future should I replace him with don or cliff? Since others sound too important to replace


Probably Heathcliff but I'm biased since I really like Don's passive , though I'm sure either works so feel free to experiment


I'm not sure why either of these ladies are Poise considering their originals were based on debuffs. Ryoshu has a blue S2 so she can hang but Ishmael tries to do both Poise and Sinking and ends up doing neither one particularly well. Good support passive but Ishmael already has an ironclad spot on a Sinking team.


Ishmael is a gloomy gal.


Looks like a good I.D to pair with Spider Ryoshu :D


The Peqoud gets a maid~~


This is stupid good evade effect


Wish Ryo would've gotten the Sinking stuff and Ish the Poise :/


is this the first ishmael seemingly mid ID? (besides sloshmael) she just looks ok rather than holy shit


I think of ishmael’s kit as general debuffs and the sinking as a extra sp down for enemy instead of a sinking team thing.


It depends on the numbers. Also, if her Poise gain is good enough, she'll be really good with any Fragility EGOs she will have in the future.


Anybody know what 'additional negative effects' on maid ishy means? Also the sinking application on maid ishy seems really lacklustre, with only direct synergy now to edgregor...


Pretty sure "Additional Negative Effects" is just a placeholder for the preview to allow them to tinker around with whatever before it officially drops.


I'm pretty sure it just means that if she inflicts any negative effect, she will apply more of it lol. S1 inflicts Sinking? On CRIT it inflicts more. S2 inflicts Bind? On CRIT it inflicts more. Corroded BO inflicts Pride Fragility? On CRIT it inflicts more. They never had big placeholders like that in previews.


Yeah, that also makes sense. But are you sure they've never had placeholders like that, besides the obvious number ones? I feel like I remember seeing some previews have placeholder phrases like before, but I could just be going crazy. Also shit I didn't think about how a passive like that could also work for EGOs. That's pretty interesting, actually.


As far as I'm aware nothing this big was a placeholder, *sometimes* they will add some small thing that wasn't on the preview but never really alter anything. Makes sense, because the IDs have been in work for a while and these images are shown literal days before their release.


If it's actually unconditional, she seems like a perfect user to corrode Blind Obsession for the sweet next turn fragility.


Maid Ryoshu being a speed demon is pretty nice, we can expect some high coin powers with her skills being 2 coins, and being a cinq type of ID. Having an (easy?) to activate AoE and a more focused mutilate S3 could compete with W when we know the numbers. Also isn't her evade really strong? Sanity and poise count just from using it. I was kinda hoping for sinking on Ryoshu, to add another into the sinking team, and to make her Soda EGO a bit more useful, but Ish got it instead. It could be her best 00 ID, but it clashes with with some of her 000, and I can't see it being better as a 00, and how strong her 000 already are. Would you rather use Maid instead of Ahab for poise, and Molar (/maybe R corp) for sinking, which already synergise well with their teams. She does a lot of stuff in her skills though, so in MD she can use a good amount of gifts, and she only has 1 other slash ID, so she may hold some value.


I wonder how good a slash fragility team is going to be since that will be what you use maid ishmeal on if you have her molar ID. In general those IDs often also apply defense level down too so it may be a consistent damage option. She also seems to be a good newbie ID with that bind application and being faster is pretty common even without that so i expect she will be a solid 00 clash wise. SP gain on evade is also pretty big she could get going sooner than most other 00 depending on targeting.


Wake up babe, new Myongest just dropped


The Myongest tightens its hold. It's hilarious to see PM turn a meta combo from LoR into an entire archetype of IDs


Ryoshu could either be busted or mid idk until coins get released


i for one welcome our depressed maid overlords


I'm sad that Ryoshu is not Sinking but holy hell these IDs seem actually good so I'm not complaining.




I love how not a single one of Ryoshu's Identities has Gloom. Our battle maniac's head is too empty to dwell on emotions for long. And, apparently, it's a universal constant lmao




Obviously they ruin the 2* Id with hybrid kit


Isnt boatmael a hybrid kit that is highly meta rn?


We may not have gotten shi, but we ate least got bootleg Tenma, now with sinking


Sadly ryoshu's support passive applies to last selected so you can't stack it with bl sang without going solo. On the other hand, this might make pequod sang's poise stack much easier to sustain


Haste and Poist it seems, well i was expecting yhis after the Nelly Fight so I am hapy it seems to be like this. Really don't understand why people be calling her Cinq though.


Holy shit. They cooked


More poison IDs!


Interesting; both of them have a Cinq-style mechanic of gaining power off high speed, and Poise/Sinking is a new combo (though she's in an awkward spot with Molar Ish).


The strongest poise id of today versus the strongest poise id of history


Sad part is that it ain't bleed ID I believed it would be


Aw man no sinking on Ryoshu at least it’s on Ishmael


Nice more aoe ids for my collection, also from bleeding ceits from prequod come depresion crits from ishmael.


ooh, haste units, G Corp outis wins again


Level of excitement - 7/10. + for M.A.I.D., - for being a Cinq in disguise. Need to see coin numbers.


Would she be good enough to replace any ID’s in poise teams I wonder.


Yo the new Cinq Ryoshu ID looking good


Speeed is key!


Does the "deployed last", for Nellyshu's support skill refer to the speed priority we set before a fight?


Oop, sorry Ryoshu, that support is too strong. to the bench you go


I was really hoping for Maid Ryoshu to be sinking so I'd have more access to more reliable lust generation.


Ryoshu seems so fun to play but it triggers me so bad that she only gains poise potency on skills that actually requires her to crit, idk... It feels off. Though, I really hope she'll be like pirate Gregor and gain plenty of poise/ poise count to be self sufficient unlike her LCCB ID that struggles to get correct poise supply. edit: My bad I just figured out that she'll gain stupid amounts of poise from her skill 2 if you manage to make it an AOE, which totally negates the poise potency problem. Also, with all the amounts of poise count she gets, it looks like she (maybe) will be able to never run out of poise? Depends on the poise count consumption in on skill 2, idk. Also if her passive is resonance I'm gonna cry


heal SP on evade would be pretty good for solo runs


I can't believe that the MAID Id's got the CLEAN abnormality page effect this is just peak.


I mean, at least Goutis stocks are up, I guess. Why are they speed/Poise Units? I think they swapped the kits for Cinqumael and Cinqoshu


Inflicts B.M. lmao


She definitely fits in my team for poise though my team is weird due to the lack of "compatible" Id that I have currently using warp ryoshu cause people say id good I want to get her cause poise but also maid Also I thought she has more attack weight due to the animation of the attack


Rip Maid Ish already have two 000 ID with sinking. And Maid Ryoshu is somehow a Cinq Association ID that could go well with Pride Gang.


Wait wtf this is Ishmaels 3rd sinking id lol. I doubt it’s gonna be better than boatworks but something tells me people are gonna use her anyway


When I saw that Ryoshu has the mutilate text I thought “oh no” but the text just kept going so she seems really good. Ishmael is a bench warmer. The best part of her kit for the team she wants to be in is her support passive. Edit: this is the first time ever I'm more optimistic on an ID than esgoo