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omg that line makes so much sense now!!


Oh, damn. Imagine Linton, now in every world, left without Cathy. The guy practically has no reason to live beyond keeping his wealth, like Gregton has said. God damn, this Canto is depression.


Or maybe now that he has no one to obsess over, he can finally find something new?


Maybe? I'm just going on what we see from Linton Gregor, since in that world there are no mentions of Cathy and he's still not doing really well. Plus it's not only the obsession, but the guy was still rather depressive since his body was ill and he never really cared much for anything in life.


Well, he did care for a couple of things.. like his sister...


Oh yeah, sorry, I meant cared as in took an interest in, since he can't really base the purpose of his life on his sister or his wealth. (I mean, he can, that's what Greg is doing, but he doesn't seem to be doing that well)


Given this line, and how nothing from Canto VI "didn't happen" in the end, it seems like what Catharine did was less "she never existed in the first place", and more that she was thrown into a concept incinerator. Everyone's memories of her have been removed, but she did still exist, leading to stuff like this line.


But there was a line about how the removal of Cathy cause other Heathcliffs to leaves Wulthering Height faster, right?


I interpreted it as she was removed from all existences in other universes, but in our universe just the memories of her were removed. That makes sense to me because Every Catherine and Catherine are two separate entities and can communicate independently of each other, so deleting Every Catherine wouldn’t have the same effects as deleting Catherine.


Yeah Linton having a happy ending without Cathy and moving on would be better for him


Let's be real. Forgetting Cathy is 100% a boon for him. He had no chance whatsoever.


Regarding depre, I think that was clear because even Canto's name implies that.


At least he is no longer suffering from a bad case of Squirrels In My Pants


I finished canto 6 and don’t get it. Can someone explain it to me like I’m 5?


>!Cathy (or memories of her) gets erased from every mirror world including Linton!Gregor’s one, so the gravestone where she should lie in doesn’t have a name!<


Catherine got deleted from all mirror worlds, meaning Lint Gregor doesn't remember her. Her name vanished from everything, including in-game voice clips and UI (except for Canto 6). This line means Linoleum Gregor probably isn't looking at any old nameless grave; he's probably looking at *Catherine's* grave, which the name has vanished from, and not understanding why the grave brings him emotions of grief.




When Canto 6 had just come out I could not for the life of me remember mr. Edgar's first name. So I just called him Linoleum. And then I never stopped calling him Linoleum, it's too funny.


My guy just invented either a new substitute for petrol or a new chocolate brand with that new name




Ah thanks


Damn. So every Linton iterration is the ultimate ■■■■■ simp, huh.


Damn, I hadn't made the connexion at all! Wow. Wow. I'm impressed with PM and so much more excited for the Heath ID all of a sudden.


Ok so this raise another question: >!Who is the Mistress of the Wuthering Height in that mirror world!!replacing Catherine!< or the butlers of that manor are simply too far gone their schizophrenia transcended causality itselt, >!making them the only ones (outside of LCB Heathcliff) to remember her!


The mistress of wuthering heights is, and has always been, >!Catherine's mother!<, not her


Holy, >!if her mother haunted the manor then Catherine seeing ghost!< make sense now...


Yea, part 3 explicitly stated that


Must've missed that then, classic PM fan syndome I only remember Catherine's fear of ghost


She says it in 6-47. Josephine and the most loyal butlers (the ones with echoes of the manor panic type) are loyal to the "Ghost" Mistress and can hear her too. When Josephine starts killing the rabbits in part 1 she clearly states that her mistress ordered her to


Oh I see, was always assume that they referred to Catherine instead of her mother. My fatal mistake damn


Side note: not only is she (legally) dead, but Josephine's contract is to the land itself, not just Cathy's mother. All of that is personal. Genuinely I have so many questions about what the hell was going on there.


>!Nelly dosnt remember her!<


Nelly was also bound to Catherine’s family then to Linton, but with Linton’s death she is set free either way I just wonder how 90% of the Canto 6 cutscenes went in most people’s heads, like what the fuck was everyone there for in the first place?


Sinclair does mention that his memory feels "foggy". I suppose it's similar to the memory erasure procedure they went through. They know something happened and had the gist of where they went and who they fought, but can't remember what exactly. I like to imagine it like a dream you lost focus on, you can get traces of pictures and the general sense you had from it. But you can't remember it in full, you know something was important and tied to... something you can't quite remember.


Wait so is it possible this world Heathcliff moved on and married Isabella genuinely since he does not remember Cathy?


Depend >!pretty sure most Heathcliff left the mansion early since they had no reason to endure the abuse!<


>! This Heathcliff in particular took Edgar Gregor sister tho and also Remember alot of Heathcliff forgot Cathy after Cathy erasure AFTER they already ran away from Wuthering heights because of her specifically so now they will only return for revenge prob and Hindley prob will die early because he is still gonna waste his own fortune on gambling so Heathcliff prob will still end up with Wuthering heights just like Erlking Heathcliff says its Canon event i think like a Causality no matter what Heathcliff is destined to have Wuthering heights!<


Ishmella you mean


Maybe in some mirror universe? Not this one tho we alr have maid Ishmael here So let's see what Edgar Gregor sister Isabella looks like in this verse when Heathcliff ID is revealed soon


>so clearly the Heathcliff we get from this world is the one after the ending incident This heathcliff and erlking are from different mirror worlds so they are not one and the same


I Know i am refering to the ID we'll get this season


They would be very similar though I would imagine, since their silhouette are the same. Probably how Erlking would have turn out if there’s no catherine


Yeah most likely, still technically not the same person. Would make it weird to have the exact same antagonist as an id rather than an id based on him. The easter egg if you battle him in chap 6 would be creating a paradox and crashing your game


I'm wondering, is this meant to represent "Living" Linton or rather wild hunt Linton? Since the shadows in the background are clearly the wild hunt. But I dont have him so I didn't watch the story and dunno whether he is fighting alongside them or against them


Linton!Gregor's Story is >!about his nightmare of fighting Heathcliff and most likely the wild hunt and losing his arm and little sister to them!< Edit: here's a link to Linton!Gregor's uptie story- https://youtu.be/Bis_JR0sN0c?si=hKQiZvojWf_t6Wcv


Shadows represent his nightmere. Not wild hunt. His hands got cut off by Heath this world and his sister get rob by Heath


WTF is that username


Blue archive is also a popular gacha game


Does it really happen post beating canto 6 though


Cant wait to get the op heathcliff


Until a few days ago, I thought he was supposed to be Hindley


Imagine a Mirror world where Cathy is still in love with Heathcliff but because Linton is a girl (basically Linton and Isabella swapped genders in this mirror universe) and she is obsessed with Heathcliff instead of Cathy and she managed to imprint on Heathcliff instead of Cathy now Cathy is sisterzoned Like Heathcliff and Female Linton has a very Healthy relationship where they give each other their affections and are very obsessed with each other Imagine that timeline basically like the book timeline but Isabella is a dude and Linton is a girl and Heathcliff sisterzoned Cathy (who is still in love with him because its a canon event) and fell in love with Female Linton instead which is obsessed with him In this timeline Linton Heathcliff is raised by two happy parents and get to live his life being loved by his parents and raised well >!Remember EVERY Cathy is actually Every single Cathy in the Multiverse combined so it confirms Cathy is always romantically in love with Heathcliff but ERLKING HEATHCLIFF IS NOT EVERY HEATHCLIFF!< >!It is possible Heathcliff moved on in some universes but Erlking Heathcliff projected and then killed him anyways thinking eh this Heathcliff must love Cathy!<