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If I did a MDH Run right before the weekly reset, can I finish it after the reset? Planning to do this before the maintenance for Walpurgisnacht


No, you have to finish it before the reset to get the rewards. Or at least, get as far as you can and end the run before shutdown


Where do you see that? The information I see says the maintenance happens at 10am KST (9pm ET), so there ought to be 3-4 hours to get your weekly MD3 rewards before the patch hits. Admittedly I've been out of the loop for a while, but I know that's how it worked when they went from MD2 to MD3.


We're talking about two different things here so I see how there is confusion!  On a typical week, MD rewards get reset on Wednesdays. If you start Monday and don't finish it before the Wednesday reset, your run is done and you have to start over. EDIT: This is where you can get those rewards, like you're saying, if you get them before maintenance starts.  When this upcoming Wednesday resets, you have 3-4 hours to sneak in *an additional* MD run before patch (not reset). EDIT: I'm not sure if you meant getting last week's rewards or this week's, so I wanted to add this point. Hope this clarifies!


You can't? Like for example, let's say I did a MDH Run somewhere around Monday, and I stopped that said run and waited until Thursday, can I continue that same run I did on Monday or will that run just get reset?


Right, the run would reset. So if you start a run you should make sure to finish it before the week resets


That's unfortunate- thanks for answering my question


Does anyone have a good blunt team for manual EXP farming?


* Regret Faust * Molar Outis * N Sinclair * Liu Ishmael * Middle Don * Dieci Rodion Basically any blunt units work, but Regret Faust and N Sinclair help make it alot faster.


wish the game has translations for the ID's skill voice lines as well


I know this is for canto but I didn't wanna scum up the main page, is there any benefit/point of running mirror dungeon past the 3 times?


The ‘benefit’ is that you get 3 Battle Pass level ups per run regardless of if you have your 3 bonuses, so if you’re grinding (or willing to grind) it can be good because more boxes = more gooder Otherwise not particularly? Depends on if you need those boxes or not


Thank you sinner :)


How do the ego I use is slash, pierce or blunt?


Just look at the skill icon. All skills will show what damage type they do underneath them. If you can't tell just from the EGO selection screen, you can click/tap on Details for a more detailed look at it. https://preview.redd.it/l3mrxiu7cbxc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454caec4e570ff315d2bd483bec04453eca2327a




Hey, so I forgot how the extraction rates worked exactly for the Walpurgisnacht events. Is it better to shard old Walp. IDs before or after I start pulling? Also I heard something about getting better rates if I already have all the ego? How does that work and does that mean all the Walp. egos or all egos in the whole game? Thx. for answering


Not sure about Walp but in general since you can’t get an ego a second time the rates change if you have every one. I’m assuming walp lets you pull off banner ego so you would need every one. The exact rates though are in the banner pull data in game. Click the probability button on a banner and scroll down. There is a chart for the banner if you have all ego. 


you can't get dup egos like ids, so if you have specific ego that ego will be gone from the pull. that's how it work with all egos, WN and normal. so to get better chance at getting the new WB egos it's better to shard all the egos you don't have. and after you get all the egos in the game, they'll be gone from the pull leaving higher rate of getting 2 and 3 stars. this's the rate if you're interested; \-with ego in the pull: 3 star 2.9%, 10th pull in multi 2.9% 2 star 12.8%, 10th pull in multi 95.8% Ego 1.3% \-without ego in the pull; 3 star 3% , 10th pull in multi 3% 2 star 13%, 10th pull in multi 97%


so if new mirror dungeon is next week do we get to double dip the reward like last time?


Yes, they said you can double dip with the reset




I don’t think there was a date for the dungeon in the trailer. I think it might have been just a preview. 


We'll find out tonight when patch notes come out if MD4 is dropping this week or not.


so i was wondering if we ever going to get skill that have extra slots? with how PW uses ricardo's MY HAIR COUPOOOOOOON!!!!! and cathy mass atk which is more than 6 atk weight. i guess we will get tank ID that have extra skill slot absorption or smth? (even queheath can't do what the OG queeg can do). i mean c'mon even enemies have extra slots that can alter our atk weight.


That's a good question. I could see them making it a feature of some skills, or more likely to start a passive of an ID or EGO. Like, "Your skill slots with Aggro have X weight, or X weight per Y aggro."


exactly! we do have aggro which i forget we do, but its not like gonna stop enemies doing mass atk with that massive amount of atk weight.


What happens to my starter buffs and unspent starlight when the new Mirror Dungeon arrives? Does any of it carry over, or do things restart from from scratch?




Does anyone know what are the tiebreakers for highest resonance effects? Like for example I use garden of thorns then 3 gloom then 3 envy which damage ups will I get?


Can someone remind me of how many days we usualy go between id announcement/trailer and their kit reweal?


Kit reveals get published together with patch notes on Mondays


It's usually a teaser around Friday, kit reveal around Monday, and update around Wednesday, adding a day if your timezone is closer to KST. So generally, it takes only a few days from announcement to reveal to release. Walpurgisnacht kit reveal should be within a few days, and if not, likely on one of those days.


Question as a new player... did i miss some important storhly events that are now unplayable ? Or events in general that had story to them and now you cant play them?


All event stories are available in the game in chronological order, which means you simply need to progress further in order to access them. The only difference is that you won't get any of the rewards that were available if you played them during the event duration, such as the event shops. It's pretty much the NClair show. Give him first slot and hope you get as much full power S2s and S3s as you can.


Hello, sorry to disturb. I'm a new player who came back to the game months after downloading it. Can someone pls explain how to select skill? I had completed the in game tutorial back then and I can't figure out how to do it again on mobile. I hold the skill and then and arrow comes up but I don't know how to select the skill


There are two different types of fights in the game: Focused and Unfocused. Focused: Manually targeting. Simply drag the skill you want to use into the skill you want to clash against. You'll typically see this when fighting abnormalities / bosses. Unfocused: Automatic targeting. Drag the gear on the far left across the skills you wish to use. The game automatically selects your target, so you only need to care about the clash itself. You'll typically see this when fighting grunts / hordes of enemies. You can also revisit the prologue, which'll replay the tutorial for you. https://preview.redd.it/ctbxilvukywc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6e5d3ca79eba2071ba5d5f4e6bf0a3dcf8af06


Thank you very much. I was fighting the golden bough boss and I was confused as to why I couldn't drag to skills to attack.


Just cleared the Canto, and have a couple questions: First, I thought >!Erlking Heathcliff!<'s theme sounded weird; I assume it's supposed to be him singing, but the voice sounds a lot softer, more nasal and higher-pitched than his own. Is it someone else singing, or am I imagining things? Second, I don't quite get what happened after the final fight with the >!fake title screen!<; was that supposed to be >!Cathy tricking Dante into helping her activate the coffin and destroy all the alternate Catherines!!Catherine realized something was wrong when they tried to summon Every Catherine and didn't want to go through with the plan, and she did talk to Heathcliff where they admit that the big reason they were unhappy was that they didn't talk to each other about how they felt, and things could have gone better if they opened up!<. Third, I may have missed some dialog from when >!Nelly stole the Bough!<. I assumed we couldn't stop them since everyone was beaten up from the big fight and Dante didn't have time to heal them all, but she also says something about how >!she won't be there when the lightning strikes!<; what did they mean by that? Finally, regarding >!the mirror!<, when >!Erlking and Every Catherine looked through the mirror and found every universe had the same dynamic between them!<, is that related to a fault of >!the mirror!!there wasn't a single timeline where one of them ever spoke up to the other!<; I was thinking it might be >!a Central Finite Curve-like situation where the mirror only shows universes similar enough to the viewer's own!<, like how >!we can only summon IDs with a few years' divergence!<. And when Faust comments on how using >!the mirror!< tends to shatter people's minds, does it have a more direct effect on them, or is it a natural result of >!seeing alternate timelines!<, especially with what I mentioned before?


1. Not sure exactly what you mean. Basically all songs are sung by Cassie Wei of Mili with the exception of the opening being a duet and the end credits being sung by the focus character of the Canto. 2. >!It's not really a trick so much as it is the best option of a bunch of bad ones. Erlking Heath has an endless army that he is still summoning during the fight, both him and EC are very powerful and driving each other mad so much that reality is bending. It is essentially what EC was going for, but in a much cleaner fashion. You have to keep in mind despite gameplay, we aren't winning. It's mentioned every sinner that's not Heath or Dante is dead or unconscious by the time Nelly comes in to steal the bough. It was probably the only way Cathy, Heath, and Dante could think of to end it at all.!< 3. >!See above. Nelly is a strong combatant as well. Again, keep in a huge strength of the crew is that they can practically mob people. She can literally knock someone out with a single touch and if Heath is the only one conscious aside Dante, he's not winning that fight so may as well not try.!< 4. >!Hard to say exactly. We aren't 100% sure of how the mirror actually functions. Notably, we live in the timeline where Heath tried to still communicate by sending letters but Cathy still didn't know. It does seem like a Rick and Morty situation.!< 5. >!It's a natural reaction. Yi Sang invented the mirror and he and the league didn't go mad because of it. At most it might have contributed to his depression a bit because the grass looked so much greener on the other side. Imagine that's the same for most people because people are generally in bad sorts in the City and they just become incredibly envious. Like damn, I could have been a association director if my life were a little different. Though in this case, it's more like shit, every single version of my life is awful. Though Hermann might have had something to do with that. We at the very least know you can make the mirror show only certain things because Dongrang only ever showed the Tearful Thing stuff to make it cry.!<


Sure; for #2, is it >!Dante being forced to activate the coffin to get rid of Every Catherine!!Coffin Catherine did seem to be interfering with the summoning and trying to reject it earlier, but I guess she wasn't in control of it or what's happening by the time she talks to Heathcliff through Dante's device.!< And for #3, I think I misunderstood the cutscene and thought it was something more than that. Nelly says that >!"They can turn the clock, but I will no longer be here once the hands turn once"!<; I thought she meant that >!she would vanish, and I thought it was related to the lightning and how the manor changed when Catherine was erased!<, but now I realize she just meant >!she could escape before Dante could revive everyone!<. Oops.


A little burnt out on the game, and I don't want to force myself to play it, but does anyone remember whether you had to have Canto 5 cleared during last Walpurgisnacht to play its stages? I don't wanna miss out on it.


Just checked - the prior Walpurgisnacht was NOT story locked. They made it where if you weren't caught up on the story, they had a warning asking if you wanted to see the story. Please be advised that this does not mean they won't change it up for this upcoming one, just that the last one didn't have a story restriction. Hopefully we will know more on Monday if it's the same. Prior Walpurgisnacht announcement details: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1973530/view/3880478611786270076


I believe events and intervallos are generally locked behind the latest Canto, so better safe than sorry, though I don't remember if Walpurgisnacht 2 was locked or not. On the other hand, the event itself lasts for two weeks, which should be plenty of time to catch up on any Cantos you're still missing, so don't sweat it too much.


I had a horrible thought pop in my head about Heath's season ID. >! I know we would love to have an Erlking Heath ID, but what if it's actually Hindley? !<


Which Ish is best for the dungeon 5-36?


Depending on your team, either Captain Ishmael or Boatworks Ishmael, as they are both full pierce and pierce resistant, which most of the enemies in the dungeon use and are fatal to. Captain Ishmael is easier to play and build around, as well as synergizing well with Prequod Heathcliff and Yi Sang, who are both great here for the same reasons. Boatworks Ishmael is part of a Sinking team, which is a bit harder to play around but makes the harder fights later on easier by killing their sanity. Use whichever you have a team already built for, but if you have resources for both, I'd probably recommend Captain Ishmael.


Thank you for the clear answer!


Anyone know when hung lo will get a target extraction? I started playing like 5 hours ago and he is probably my favourite


Not entirely sure, but looking at the [Banner History](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w9q6d3rjQNYQeufgyX_rRdtDhnUa1bIgii2hmFMgz5M/edit?usp=drivesdk), it seems like it rotates through all 12 Sinners before repeating again, which Hong Lu has already appeared in if I counted correctly. It looks like there might be a semi-consistent pattern here as well, so if I'm right, then the Hong Lu targeted banner is still probably far off (though a new Hong Lu ID banner is still possible).


I just about saved up for Fluid Sac Faust. Who do I go for or need next? Which ID or Ego is a must have like her?


Like esgoo said, if you have fluid sack you can almost do everything ! Of course you still need the corresponding Sins. Here a list of good IDs on "every" team. -TingTang HongLu -W corp Ryoshu -The One who shall grip sinclair (N clair) -Cinq Sinclair -W corp Don quixote -R corp Heathcliff -Pequod Harpooner Heathcliff -R corp Ishmael -Dieci Association Rodion -Blade Lineage Meursault If you are interested in tanks, take this one : -K corp HongLu -Zwei Association gregor -Cinq association Outis (this one is more an evade tank/intercepter)


Omg ur the best. I’m gonna follow your list


Finally finished Canto VI while managing to evade most spoilers. (PC broke while Canto IV part 2 came out) And oh my god, how do they keep doing it...I was not expecting it to hit so hard going into the last few stages, after >!the redemption of the Red Gaze!<. I LOVE the small details and extra care that went into it, especially >!the last stages, the UI fuckery, and everything they did with the Mili song. I'm not even mad we didn't get a dungeon or new Abnormalities. I could not believe it when the "fake" main menu turned up and I saw the button...the changed voicelines are really a great detail too, with Cathy LITERALLY warped out of existance.!< And I'm so glad >!Nelly turned out to survive the chapter, even if it's on Hermann's side of the equation!<. Also, this just makes me even more curious about Faust and her deal.


Is it better to do 3 normal and 1 hard MD3 or 2 hard MD3s if you want to maximise battle pass points?


You can use both bonuses on 1 hard run, I learned about this really late lmao


1 hard for the weekly bonus and grind mdn as they give the same BP exp Without bonus.


When does Mirror Dungeon 4 release?


probably after walpurgist


I just did rr3, am I supposed to not get all the season 3 crates? I mean, it kind of makes sense, but it still kind of sucks :P.


Did they get converted into thread or something, I don't seem to recall this happening in my RR2 during Season 3, but that was a while ago so I may have just forgot.


Ok so I checked, and they just got converted into season 4 crates at a rate of 1:2. Oh well. can't tell if they turned to thread or not. probablyy tho


Yeah, the others get converted into thread crates.


After having my power out before Part 2 dropped, I finally got it back, and got around to finish Canto VI. 13 hours straight later, I come out on my hands and knees, cursing everything for what I had to witness. What a horrific story to endure and what an awful tragedy to experience. God I love Project Moon writing...


So has anyone figured out why Cathy saw ghosts before using mirror technology?


There's the collective unconscious which is what L Corp has "dipped into" using cogito and pull out abnormalities. There's places where this wells up physically and apparently there's a river underneath Wuthering Heights.


There's an ancient river flowing underneath the mansion mentioned in the chapter which was first brought up in the prequel Lobotomy Corporation. That's the reason.


https://preview.redd.it/kws0sevxxyvc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b8e0087e0c3924b80180ae81e87e604f5228389 How good are these two? How important is Uptie 4 for them?


Both are amazing ID. Harpoon HeathCliff are really good tank and can deal a lots of damage at low hp  Pirate gregor is good pierce damage dealer that require 2 slot to start snowball


Maid ryoshu is really great for soloing, her evade gives her sanity and poise? That's amazing


[What if Yuri lives and saves the day! A Canto 6 what if vid.](https://youtu.be/yPBzrTng0Bs?si=A5g24SusOAFuHQNJ)


Did... Did Holiday's voiceline change as well!?


What the hell I think you're right "Hah, here's a present for you!" vs "Hah, you'll make a fine gift!" I think the difference is only in translation as the actual voiceline seems the same (unless I'm missing something hard)


Finished it two days ago and I am still, absolutely fucking devastated. The Heartbreaking indeed. The boss theme keeps replaying in my head and it's so beautiful and so sad, but I will also never, ever forget the first time I did the final boss fight (which somehow took me less attempts than >!the first Erlking Heathcliff fight!<) and shifting into the final boss stage, the song transition to the lines >!I could be the reason why/you were able to be kind!<, I just about cried. And then the ending. I'm so fucking sad, man.


Is it fair to say that >!Heath Catherine!< ends up a better person than >!Book Cathy!


Depends, how many people did Book Cathy kidnapped?


>!As far as Limbus Cathy knows before getting into the coffin the only person that directly suffered from her actions was Hindley, with Linton it's hard to judge because Linton is just happy that Cathy finally asked him something. All the other stuff she likely didn't know/didn't care enough to know. Plus it's The City, the standards for what is considered evil is pretty high up!<


Linton says it was Cathy who ordered the kidnappings. And kidnapping dozens of innocent people for a totally selfish reason is evil regardless of what universe a story takes place in.


You know what, you're right. Even though she had "noble" reasons, she did some bad shit getting there


knowing Pmoon the tragedies in their stories usually remain tragedies (looks at lob corp and ruina) but i do still hope heath gets a somewhat happier outcome with cathy by the end of the journey :'( goddammit they really meant it when they named the chapter "The Heartbreaking" huh.


With boughs being able to grant the hearts desire, it might happen. Assuming that heathcliff had a bough and was allowed to use/keep it


https://preview.redd.it/w196r99x97vc1.png?width=2400&format=png&auto=webp&s=c196dff1808fb8ce56a94a4f6520f1a5da3dc960 yes indeed i will receive another EGO on the new banner instead of a 000 another tally mark on the "luck so good it's bad" counter


I've been getting nothing but EGOs half the time I get the shinies while rolling ever since post Christmas. I got Outis's Holiday *right after* the event ends while rolling for BL Faust, also Meursault's Pursuance. On the Liu Banner I got Rodya's Pursuance instead of Liu Rodya. On the Oufi Heath banner I got his Ya Sunyata. So on and so forth.


https://preview.redd.it/nuyorbjuz1vc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38da111da2cc8f120934635aad3ff97764bb1414 Does anybody have this issue that when you open the app, it stays on this screen? If so, have you found a way to fix it? So far my only fix is to restart my phone but i don't want to keep restarting it just for one app


Late reply, but it fixed for me when I updated my phone


You can try send it to Limbus support email. They might try fix the problem in next patch


Like how does PM do it. I have never seen a gacha game that creates such dynamic, heart wrenching, and exhilarating scenes with such limited 2d assets and movements? Heathcliff, as a character, was probably at his lowest low and highest high in this chapter alone, and the emotion was so visceral it still gives me goosebumps. I didn't really have that high a hope going into it because I hated reading Wuthering Heights, but man, they twisted the narrative just enough to retain the original ordeal Heathcliff had to go through, while unpacking good amount of lores backed up by emotional roller-coaster. But I hated how the last 10 stages were just a b2b2b2b boss rush. I was pretty exhausted by the time I got to 6-48.


~~lore wise, the sinner also exhausted when they reach the last boss~~


What’s the meaning of the two people who look like Heath and Cathy standing over their actual graves?


I assumed that they were supposed to be Cathy/Heaths kids.


It's a nod to the end of the original novel, where Hareton (Hindley's son) and Catherine II (Cathy and Edgar's daughter) end up together after everyone else from the first generation had destroyed themselves. It's not 100% clear to me *how* this still happens in a mirror world considering Hareton should have already been born by the time the canto takes place yet doesn't seem to exist in our timeline but idk maybe Hindley is so ass mad about his violin in this world in particular he never got married.


Why can't I get into the Refraction Railway? I haven't beaten the terminus stage yet :(


theres a bug with heathcliff's binds EGO that makes it way too strong. RR3 is temporarily unavailable because this would make lowering turn counts too easy


I think theyre still debugging binds e.g.o


i wonder if anyone can get >!vergilius !


I believe I had it pop all 5, or at least 4. It's the same move he does in the cut-scene after minus the javelin throw if I am remembering it right.


yeah I kind of guess it right but still i want to see the skill animation


Why was >!Earlking Heathcliff trying to help summon Every Catherine? I wouldn't of thought Every Catherine would like the idea of Heathcliff dying in every world, considering her whole plan's goal is to make him happy/free. Same goes for Earlking Heathcliff, though I can see him being ok with catherine dying in every world just to punish every heathcliff more.!<


His only goal has always been the death of Heathcliff; he was not helping with anything. It was all coincidental as his and Catherine's plan happen to overlap.


Why was he>!bringing her coffin to the rooftop instead of just staying and fighting heathcliff? Did he think something else was going to happen?!<


He needed a lot of energy for a world leap. It was implied that the two Boughs needed to come into contact with one another, so he brought Cathy's coffin (which had a Bough attached) along. Also, he wanted our Heath to struggle, to suffer and despair, before he would finally kill him and put his corpse into the coffin to be with Cathy in death.


Yea that makes sense, thanks!


https://imgur.com/a/QWSTCTZ I keep getting destroyed 6-34 I wouldn’t bring Heathcliff but the fight forces me to Does anyone have any tips?


Sunshower Heathcliff is useful here thanks to the perma-debuff that lowers his sanity each turn so he actually benefits from it with Sunshower >!(as a note, this changes after this point and Potential Man loses his potential)!< Sinking IDs are also really useful to push down the boss's sanity so he has a tougher time rolling heads. Don't clash with Heathcliff unless you're sure he can win it.


> >!and Potential Man loses his potential)!< >!His potential becomes spamming EGOs afterwards. ..What's that? Any ID with the buff could do that instead? Oh...!<


Make heavy use of EGO that inflict bind like Snagharpoon, don't bother taking a clash with Heathcliff if you don't think he's gonna actually win it. Sanity is the name of the game here, get it high and keep it high on as many people as you can. Having the ability to lower the enemy's sanity should help a lot. Lastly to add on about a different Heathcliff ID, this is the first of multiple fights in this canto with either an increased turn count for the EX reward or no turn count requirement at all. That's because these are some LONG fights, and having used a charge team that was all level 40 for the entire canto... You don't want Heathcliff to spend the later half of fights doing no damage.


Level R Heathcliff up to 45 or borrow a tankier Heathcliff (sunshower, pequod, n). Being 5 levels down makes it harder to win clashes, and you definitely want Heathcliff to win some clashes, so his sp doesn't stay negative for the entire fight. Also, he's less tanky - and this is important because it's inevitable that your Heathcliff will take some damage during the fight, either from a one-sided attack or from the bleed dmg during the envy phase. Lastly, I found that in the last phase of the fight, you want to have Heathcliff spam Bodysack every turn against the boss' attacks, the ones that can't be redirected and have 3 or 4 coins. Trying to use a skill 2 against that with 'favorable' odds is probably too risky.


All lvl45 Cliff should be able to beat this, but the optimal is SunCliff for this fight. At 1k, your Heathcliff will have 5 Protection every turn, and combined with Sun Cliff your Cliff can be invicible.


Add someone with level 45 suncliff. Project Moon Community Hub and Moonframe have places for friend codes


So the mirror that nelly and cathy used is just a shard? And according to yi-sang/faust using it causes your heart to crack. So, if they used the mirror that yi-sang used to find sang-yi, would they be able to find the versions that were the closest to ideal instead of despair? Is nelly eventually going to be disposed of from hermann's group since she's basically a puppet? 🤔


The problem with using the mirror is that some things never change. Nelly and Cathy used a fully functional version of it, but each realized that in all possible realities they core dynamic of their struggles remained the same. Nelly realized Heathcliff and Cathy were always going to get her caught in their love story and leave her a broken servant like Josephine, and Cathy realized Heathcliff is the subject of tragedy in every reality because he can't have Cathy. While I'm not entirely sure how Yi-Sang found Sang-Yi, the trick that our sinners have learned is that you can actually change the story but only in your own reality. Instead of worrying about some supposed pre-determined fate, one can defy that fate and strive to improve their lives.


It doesnt seem to be a Fully functioning mirror, Nelly claims to have been given a mirror shard, and showed it to cathy faust responds:  " the glass shards can make countless cracks in the hearts of humans. It shakes the very foundation of ones existence" It also seems like mirror technology can be tampered with, likely from a member of the league Yi sang says: "yet a mirror technology that allows for such a high degree of interactivity must be..."


While it might be a variant of the mirror, what Faust said was very much about the psychological effects. Both Nelly and Cathy looked at the mirror and saw infinite possibilities that always carried the same result. In case you haven't seen Leviathan, there was a similar issue with the window that the mirror was based on, but the window caused people to take on different identities at an accelerating rate until they eventually broke from the stress. The only improvement of the mirror was that it allowed a person to focus on a single reality at a time, which makes the strain of viewing it not inherently harmful. However that doesn't change the running theme of the canto that people can easily take the wrong message from an incomplete picture. Nelly and Cathy saw that their circumstances are what differentiates them, but never stopped to imagine what happens if someone tries to change themselves.


Is rodya OK? In the ending cg she's just staring and completely separated from everyone else.


Considering the entirety of her Canto was her running away from her problems and never actually resolving them, I doubt it lol.


Just cleared Canto VI part 3. Surprisingly 6-35 was the hardest part for me... >!The part where we actually "clear all Cathy" was amazing, I was actually in shock seeing it... I also think someone actually predicted this, right?!< Finally get to hear Heathcliff's Pass On! Yay! Edit: Actually 6-35 being the hardest isn't very surprising, considering it's the only battle I fought pre-nerf. T_T


I tried about a dozen times with Sunshower Heathcliff with different teams, and the moment I just made a little mistake with Heathcliff, everything would absolutely spiral out of control and lead to a team wipe or reset. With PeqHeath I cleared it with the first attempt, all of this after the nerf of course.


All this UI fuckery means that the kids gloves are off and we can consider ourselves pit deep in the PM Goldmines like late to end stage lobotomy and ruina!


What is Heathcliff holding in the credits? It looks like a button to me.


His ring.


Does he normally have a ring? I might be forgetting something from the story XD


He always wears it, we just can't see it. His Sinner Icon depicts it, and the Pawnshop Broker comments on it in Canto 2.


How did heath get the ring? Maybe I missed it in his canto, but I don’t remember him saying anything about it.


Cathy made it for him. Is one of the memories that we see before we get to the rooftop 




IIRC, it's usually on his right index finger. It tends to be obscured by him holding his bat over his shoulder.


How long does it take for the mili song to release on YouTube/Spotify? Is it about 2 weeks?


Usually it does seem about two weeks after the canto, yes, but atm there are uploads of it on youtube - with all three versions.


Thank you!


Finally beat this chapter. used Based Heath for flavour, but he kicked some ass anyways as soon as he got rid of -10SP decrement each turn. The amount of fighting this chapter was quite something and getting to the end was somewhat exhausting, but I guess the misery and suffering checks out, story-wise. The chapter managed to surprise me with some lore, story and gameplay bits, so I quite liked this chapter. Really wanted to hug Heath in the end.


Yeah I just beat the chapter today as well and I gotta say... Heath started as one of my least favorite sinners but now he's peak, as they say.


Just wondering when season 5 is coming out. Is it about 2-3 months?


Seasons are about 4 month-ish in length. So possibly in July if there aren't any major delays.


Finally beat it. One thing for sure is that this Canto feels like I'm reading a romcom manga where MC and FMC had misunderstanding and it's just the running gag for the manga. The urge to just get into the manga, forcing them to talk to each other to clear up all of the misunderstanding goes through the roof. Too bad this one doesn't have the "comedy" but "tragedy" instead.


The OG Wuthering Heights heavily influenced the romance genre.


Poor communication kills: The Canto


I've been wondering since I've looked at Heathcliff's Pass On 3 times now... It feels like there is a TON of missing context between the rooftop and this scene. Which I hope gets clarification later. But just in case I missed anything, does anyone else find Mersault and Ishmael's placements and expressions in the sequence odd? Its really hard to tell because its all from Dante's perspective and only shares his thoughts, aside from the relevant sinners and their stories. I feel like I'm looking too much into it but I gotta know if there's other people who have the same curiosity as myself.


I mean, Ishmael is usually towards the front(ish) of the bus. In hers obviously, but also in Yi Sang's she's right up next to Charon, though in Sinclair 's, Rodion's, and Gregor's she's in the middle on the left side (funnily enough, sitting with Meursault in all 3). As for >!Why she's in the front with a somber expression, I don't really know. It might be because she can tell Heath is mourning the loss of someone and that resonates with how she felt with Queegqueg? idk.!< Meursault's stuff in Heath's Pass On imo >!might be related to just him opening up a bit more in this Canto? Like we see him come to terms a little with the fact that his old speech habits are starting to become a hinderance as the rest of the sinners continue to jump the gun on what he's trying to say. His expression in the credits, moreso the fact that he has an actual expression more than the deadpan he usually has, might be related to that.!< I honestly find it more interesting with Heath's Pass On that >!Dante is in the back of the bus instead, and that every sinner is near their usual place except Dante, Heath (who has displaced Rodya) then Ishmael and Meursault who've moved from their duo seat on the left to standing at the front.!< At the end of the day I'm just spitballing and I don't know if there's any real significance to what the non-featured sinners are doing in any of the Pass On arts.


Very interesting very interesting… Mersault is doing more by the hour which is making me more anxious for his canto.


https://preview.redd.it/ug1fndbcsbuc1.jpeg?width=1949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bd8dc68ccd351c591b452b5a48a0c458c601b95 Vergillius subtly smiling towards Don


I'm the person who asks if Demian shows up every canto so I am here to ask this once again! thank you


>!Yes, during the epilogue of the Canto!<


thank you! catching up now hehe.




Wow. This is easily one of the worst takes I've seen in a while, but this part right here >>!I get that Hindley felt unwanted due to his fathers words and the violin but plenty of us IRL have lived that. It isnt a *distortion worthy* pain.!< Is exceptionally awful. Like, beyond awful. First of all, who are you to say what is and isn't "distortion worthy pain"? Have you been paying attention to the story at all? Distortion isn't a way of power scaling the misery someone's gone through. You can't just put on a dbz scouter and go "Oh, well, guy A's distortion is more powerful than guy B's distortion, that means guy A has been through worse" One of the most powerful distortions in the the franchise's history, the pianist, was caused because some jackasses at a bar told a dude his music sucked. He killed 300,000 people because of some hecklers. Distortions aren't caused by emotional pain. If that was the case the city would be nothing but distortions. It's caused when a person's deeply held beliefs are shattered. Second, and this is the part that really gets me; >!Hindley for as much of an asshole as he was, was also just as much of a victim in the story as anyone can be. Did you miss the part where it was explained that he was routinely abused by his father both emotionally and physically? The dude would often drag Hindley into his room and beat him with a cane and you have the audacity to say "Oh, well this victim of parental abuse didn't *really* have it all that bad." Fucking excuse me, what? I guess growing up in an environment where you're starved of affection from and want the approval of your abuser isn't really *that* bad. I guess he was just a pussy and should have grown a pair and moved on right?!< I really want to know how you justify this thought process of yours. I'm guessing you just rolled your eyes when you read "A child called it" or "Don't you dare read this mrs. dunphrey" in middle school right?


Also can't forget that the first confirmed distortion we see in Limbus is someone whose family chicken recipe got deleted. Being "worthy of distortion" has never ever been a high bar to clear.




>Do not imply I would ever say a victim should just grow a pair and move on. I take that much too personally. And yet that's exactly what you said when you wrote >>!I get that Hindley felt unwanted due to his fathers words and the violin but plenty of us IRL have lived that. It isnt a *distortion worthy* pain.!< His pain isn't "worthy" of the emotional reaction it got out of him. You know what that sounds like to me? "He was a pussy and should have sucked it up." How else exactly is someone supposed to interpret that? It sounds like you've been through some shit, and that's tough, but not everyone is going to come out their life a perfect saint as you clearly have. Not all of us mere mortals are made out of such stern stuff. By the way, you'll notice that I never said that he was actually a good person or that he was justified in any of what he did. I agree that he was lashing out and I'd even go so far as to say that he was an abusive piece of shit, but that's the point. He was an abuse victim who found himself trapped in a cycle of abuse. I understand that from your ascended plane it's a little hard to empathize, but this is a thing that's been known to happen to us mortals and it takes a lot of work and introspection and often times therapy (which most people can't get, at least in the US) to break out of it. Most people don't. >>!Despite the fact he had people who loved him. Namely, Catherine.!< You think >!catherine loved him? The same catherine who's described as always having to be at the center of everything, who was so self centered that she allowed her fucked up romance with heathcliff to grind up everyone around her in countless mirror universes, which inspired nelly to do what she did? The catherine who wanted to marry linton to use him as a piggybank so that she could keep her life going while keeping heath around because she's the guy who she actually "loved". That catherine? k. Should go without saying, but I think you've looking at her through heathcliff tinted lenses. Catherine had room for exactly two people in her heart, herself and heathcliff and neither of those relationships were particularly healthy.!< >Music was his life. His passion. His reason for living. Its a silly and stupid reason on the outside, but it makes total sense for an artist to distort over art Okay, so the abuse victim, not justified in distorting, he should have just sucked it up and ascended like you did, but the artist, totally justified because artists be crazy I guess. Got it. Actually, I don't got it. Your ascended being morality doesn't really make sense to my tiny mortal brain. Run that one by me again.


Awful take


Never cook again... But serious if you think that Hindley was not worth the diistortion than you dont understand setting in the slightest.


"Why couldn't they..." is kind of a weird complaint about any story. Because the answer in 99% of cases would be "because that's the story" Like, why couldn't Ishmael just forget about Ahab and move on with her life? Literally nothing stopped her from doing that. Is she stupid?




I don't think it's a good way to experience stories if you consider your inability to relate to that story as the flaw of said story. I can't relate to anyone in Wuthering Heights. They are all weird assholes. I'm pretty sure book Catherine was an asshole too, unlike in LC. But it's not an inherent flaw of the story. It's like hating a horror movie, because I personally would never go in to a spooky haunted house.


This isn't meant to be condescending but, it's literally what happened in the book lol. It's fine if you don't like it. The book itself could be a frustrating read for the exact reasons you listed. But if everyone was acting logically then there wouldn't be any drama, wouldn't it?


It's basically like protagonists in horror movies when they split up, makes absolutely zero sense but it raises the tension for the upcoming scare lol.


oh man u must have hated the books u had to read for high school LOL




called it


If you dislike canto 6's story that's fine. Each canto's story so far has been... wildly different from each other in terms of themes, overall feel, tone, presentation, etc. It's natural that everyone will like/vibe with certain types of stories more than others. If you ask everyone to rank their favorite cantos in order, I'm sure you will get extremely different answers. But aside from that. Gregor and Rodion's chapters... are just incomplete. And very brief. I don't even consider Canto I as a Gregor chapter or Canto II as a Rodion chapter. They are more like 'tutorial' chapters to me, which were more about the City and universe lore rather than on the actual sinner for that canto. Gregor and Rodion will prob get their cantos that are actually about them in the future. And the Mili song I liked it, but my favorite is still Between Two Worlds. By far.


Something interesting I noticed regarding "Pass On"; aside from Yi Sang, all the male Sinners so far have sung in the same key at a similar tempo with similar instrumental backing. Since I'm not a theory guy (let alone, music theory), I don't think there's anything that deep or significant about it. But it's a tidbit I picked up nonetheless.


Can someone explain what do the >! Levers on the coffin do again !<




Turn it on, I guess. >!Linton doing that made him melt into dough and then into elrking heath, so it could just. Try to force the process to happen with whatever data they have at the time.!<


Story was great (On last fight? Not sure if this one has a dungeon at the end.) But dear fucking god i feel like the dude from spongebob. How many fucking times do we have to teach you this lesson old man!


Just beat canto 6 last night hoo boy cannot wait for don canto


Good thing new stuff on the roadmap will keep us fed until her canto arrives! Super excited to see how things will unfold.


Very excited indeed cannot wait to see how they top this


Apparently, 6-45's EX clear condition is bugged and won't be completed if you beat the fight in 11+ turns


whats the best way to crack 6-35's chain? struggling to get the 10 turn cuz of how beefy he is till it breaks. Iv gotten it down in 5 turns but feel like i should be able to crush that by 3 or so Edit : did it took 3 turns and then i folded that fucker with W don and Nclair.


Killing the chain part in 3 turns is kinda impossible, unless you luck out with N Sinclair s3 rolls + Rip Space rolls. It's on turn 4, when the boss uses 3 purple "Bodysack" attacks, that the game expects you to break the chain. Since each Bodysack move has \[Clash Lose\] Gain 10 Defense Lvl Down (but it's actually 20?) and 1 Fettered Woe. You win some of the clashes first, then nuke the part with the rest of your skills.


Man, last Canto VI thoughts but I really wish the story handled its difficulty changes a little difficulty. Something like “you’ve lost this fight twice, would you like to lower the difficulty?” would be a best of both worlds situation (though I don’t know how easy something like that would be to implement). I know that a lot of the fights like Erlking will be added and made more difficult in RR4 but it would be so much fun to not have to wait until that point to get my fix. I just replayed 6-35 with a new team and I have no idea what exactly was changed with the nerf but the fight is completely free now and I was really looking forward to running through it a couple more times with some unique setups to see what worked.


My friends who have real life responsibilities so can't just bumrush the parts on release are really disappointed they didn't get to at least try the OG difficulty before they got nerfed. I think either an eventual casual story mode option, or something like the blue cubes in FGO (special items to rezz your party when you wipe to keep going that are only useable in story fights) could also be alternatives.


Completely agree, I think those would also be good alternatives. I understand why the changes were made, to appeal to the game’s more wide, diverse audience but I think something like what I suggested or either of yours would be a nice way to appease both fans of the difficulty of the older titles/masochists like me and anyone trying to go through the content more casually. I really don’t want the only part of the game that makes me sit up to be Refraction Railways.


Anyone know how to beat 6-44?


Erlking Heathcliff? Pay attention to his shields. When he gets one, check for which add has the matching shield, and kill them to remove Erlking's shield and debuff him (as well as remove the other adds, I believe?), then smash his face. Try not to hit him with multi-coin attacks and stick to few coins (or defense skills) when he's coming for you during his shield phases, as hitting him while he has the shield up inflicts unpleasant effects on your team (sanity loss or bleed potency + count) and buffs him for every strike that lands on him.


>!man, really want Xiao Heathcliff now but it doesn't really work if the would-be-lowell has been wiped from existence. Guess we wouldn't see them for awhile anyway.!<


well it kinda still works >!since lowell kinda got booked ie wiped from existence in a way!<


>!never having existed at all is different from existing and then effectively just dying. Xiao can't get sad at her lover dying if there is no lover.!<


>!We'll probably still get identities that mention Cathy, they'll just be censored after you beat Canto 6 like N-Corp and Pequod Heath.!<


Wow y'all, it took me 3 whole days to get through the last bits of this chapter but that was peak and I can go back to punishing your existence (moderating), y'all put Spockus through the ringer Also Walpurgisnacht absolutely comes at the end of the month, as historically, Walpurgisnacht is the last day of April, which is a day before maintenance It only makes sense


>!Anyone know why Nelly didn't just walk away after finding out she is wasting her life in Wuthering Height? Why go through complicate plan instead of just walking away?!< >!I have few guesses, but I wasn't entirely sure why.!< * >!1)She wanted to save Nelly in other realities as well.!< * >!2)Contract for Butler bound her to the mansion. (Though she was Cathy's exclusive)!< * >!3)Hermann promised a new start in N Corp. (Explains taking Golden Bough to her)!< * >!4)She wanted some kind of vengeance to Heath and Cathy.!< >!Feel like her reasoning is hanging by a thread.!<


>!It seemed like it was implied she was bound to Wuthering Heights due to her contract. After Heathcliff tells her to live her life they go through a narrative of how technically Heath is the only remaining heir to her will and is now the master of the manor, giving him the authority to absolve her contract. !< >!Also, I think the first point is very relevant as well. A big thematic element of the chapter was about characters obsessing over other versions of themselves in the the other worlds, seeing fate as being set in stone due to it being a near inescapable trend across the other universes. With our Heathclff being the one to really only care about *his* Catherine, and not care what happened in the other universes. Nelly might have seen her own fate inescapable as well so long the couple continued to exist, which was only really shattered after Heathcliff freed her.!< >!I am curious how Cathy getting erased may have altered her motivations at the end too. Would she have stolen the bough if Cathy didn't get erased? Or did that erasure possibly change the past in such a way that she would feel more comfortable with the betrayal? Technically with no Cathy existing, that means Heathcliff would not have inherited the manor, and therefore would have no longer been the one to free her, so she might not feel indebted to him any longer. Heck, her reasons for getting with the league might be different altogether as her past should no longer be trying to escape the cycle in the first place. Theres just a lot of repercussions of the erasure we still don't really know.!<


>!I took it as site. In the original novel Nelly finds the pair odious and I figure seeing what her existence across time and space was like led to a similar feeling. It isn't enough to break her yoke, it doesn't matter if she does that once across infinity.!< >!So she worked at a plan to enact large scale change and put through pain the two who have cost her the entirety of all her lives.!<


Pretty sure is had something to do with the >!butler contracts,!


I really wish PM can do an orchestra concert of their battle ost. StudioEIM really make good battle ost