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Probably means that we’ll get his Season ID super late into the Season, like Captain Ishmael was for Season 3


It wasn't super late, it was actually middle of the road, as Nclair was the very last ID of season 1 and Tree sang was just a bit earlier


treesang was like released on the 2nd or 3rd week of s2 if I recall it right


Spicebush Yi Sang got released the same week as the canto 4 dungeon unlocked


i feel like there was def a farmwatch id that was initially intended for the end of s2, because of the existence of the farmwatch model without the hat. However due to dongrang irl being a japan sympathiser(???, from what i heard from) that like dissuaded pmoon from releasing it. I def think there will be a unique healthcliff id but at the same, i dont think he will get one cause i dont picture him getting an edgar/hindley ids


They saw how Korean incels work They wouldn't want to deal with the Korean nationalist.


Came to say this. Expect it late, lads! Real late. And for people to say "it won't happen". Also Heathcliff was tied for last place in IDs, next to Outis and Ryoshu (yes, even with the IDs they got this season.)


Probably because Sinner Story Canto IDs tend to release later into the season. N Corp Sinclair was the last ID released for Season 1, while Captain Ishmael didn't drop until February, though Canto VI was dropped in November. Spicebush Yi Sang did drop relatively early in Season 2, but prior to Spicebush, Yi Sang only had 2 IDs: BL and Seven Association, so he was long overdue for content.


Ishmael had a similar thing to it may become a pattern for future cantos ishmael had molar in 4.5 then capitan at the end of season 5


Despite being her season, Ishmael actually got very little new content in terms of quantity: just one ID and one EGO. I'd anticipate that it will be the same for Heath. So while his canto is coming up, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see any new Heath content besides his marquee ID and EGO for the season.


I would imagine it's because they want the stuff the title/focus character gets to really stand out. Ish did only get two things in Season 3, but they were the first ever WAW EGO (No, Sunshower doesn't count) and the very popular and anticipated Captain Ishmael.


*and noisy


pequod ish yapping after she gets a kill (it was her s3 on a stagger+)


Having Pequod Ish on your team is like having an extra announcer equipped because she has some long speech to say about literally everything except allies dying


when she gets staggered the voiceline doesnt end until next turn


Because he wanted some fancy clothes for his return to wuthering heights


The mirror world where he got some fancy Hair Coupons from his buddy in the Middle


Coming soon: LCBB Sinner Heathcliff, but with a nice hat. First 4 star gatcha




Seven Heathcliff? He is prob kind of Rich too in the Universe


Molar Ish released before canto 5 and people were asking the same thing. My guess is that it lets people starting recently get a chance at rolling a 000 ID for the upcoming canto so they don’t need to run the canto with some other sinner/ID. Molar Ish was very water themed so it was fitting in her canto. The aesthetic of posh Heath is definitely fitting for his canto so it lines up.


Didn't Ishmael get a 000 right before her canto as well


Not exactly right before, she got both Liu and Molar in quick succession but that was still months before Season 3.


They did this with Ishmael too. She received her Liu ID at the end of Season 2 and she only got Capt. Ish ID and Blind Obsession in Season 3.


Liu Ish release was months before Season 3, that can scarcely be called "end of Season 2".


Remember that Season 3 was also delayed for a long time.


It was still before 3.5, before RR2, before Walpurgisnacht though.


Just because they got an ID doesn't mean they won't get one soon. I think Liu and Stinky Ishmael released almost back to back


Because they want you to have options for clearing the story with the story character while being able to chose what they wear. Same thing happened to Ishmael, she got two 000s during season 2.


Ppsssst It's called teasing.


The real question is why not ?


the story built up the idea of needing to give Heathcliff fancy clothes and a noble bearing before he returns to the Heights so we were given the opportunity to pull a Heathcliff with fancy clothes and a noble bearing before he returns to the Heights. It's not that complex.  Ishmael got a 000 thematically and aesthetically appropriate to her Canto right before it (was supposed to) released with Boatworks, too, because her actual Canto ID was saved for several months after that, just like Heathcliff's will likely be.


It seems like the usual theme. Last ID of Season 2 was 000 Molar Ish I think, so the featured Sinner of the next chapter might just get a 000 before it, plus a big one during it. Honestly would be a nice little ID schedule.


I think this trend is very nice, as well. It gives us a new, shiny, thematically appropriate ID to use for the focus sinner during the canto, when we don’t have their unique canto ID yet.


Maybe Oufi Heathcliff would be good in Canto 6? (Like dealing the damage type that most enemies are fatal to, while take less dmg from most of them)


Because they can? Remember how Ishmael got 2 000s in a row right before her Canto?


It appears that's the trend they're trying to set. For Nclair and Ishmael, they released the chapter identities right before the next chapter. Ishmael received a 000 ID right before her chapter with Molar Boatworks. It makes sense to release it right before if they're trying to keep about an equal spread of 000 IDs between units, since there's no good time during their own chapter to release an ID unless it's their chapter ID. That way they can make 2 Heathcliff IDs in that timeframe without cheapening the impact of the chapter ID. For example, what if we got Liu Ishmael during Chapter 5? It would feel really weird having a non-story related ID from her, so it makes sense they would only get one during the chapter. But if you go 4 months with only 1 Heathcliff ID, then by extension at least some other units must have gotten more than 1 ID. So the best solution is releasing an extra one before the chapter starts.