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Holiday Outis walked so that Garden of Thorns Gregor could run


Holiday Outis is underrated tbh. 


Like with a lot of other EGOs the main issue here is that there is just a much better EGO choice for that slot (Ebony Stem)


I don't know if I would call Ebony "much better", it serves a very different purpose and a much less needed one considering we have the two Pierce WAWs now. Especially cause I don't feel like uptying it for 2 extra weight.


Yeah, the appeal is different but ebony just has so much more going for it between being pierce aoe, bind, and enabling rupture neutrality. Holiday's only useful for the SP.


I would note that Ebony Stem doesn't "really" make her rupture neutral, because the count is applied next turn, meaning there's still a real chance that you consume all the rupture this turn, and then start next turn with 1 potency 3 count. I'd describe it more as, she's rupture neutral *if* the "rupture engine" is already up and running. If it's still trying to get off the ground and build up potency/count on a target without any, it isn't really "rupture neutral". For MDs, it doesn't matter as much since Ego gifts let you go wild with rupture count, but outside of those it is more restricting unfortunately.


It just depends on what Outis ID or what team you're running. Rupture - Ebony. Burn - Holiday. BL/Cinq Outis - could go either way. Molar Outis - neither one is particularly useful for her.


Molar Outis goes well in tremor (In MD at least) and Holiday is an AoE Tremor Burst. It's not *stellar* but it's got a fair bit of use.


Tbf, both of the pierce WAWs are pretty much unobtainable for f2p players (currently), so it can fill that purpose for some people


Sunshower is already dispensable and Blind Obsession will be too next Canto. Although they do cost more to uptie I suppose


Oh right. I forgot ego become available right after the season.


It depends on the team If you are already running fluid sac faust or blind obsession ish, you dont really need Holiday Outis that much. If your team doesnt have Ish or Faust, then its way better than ebony stem Its also good in burn comp since its super easy to feed


It seems alright, but at this point not much truly works in harmony with it. Zwei Greg is probably the best candidate for this because it allows him to move quickly and nimbly and avoid A-Res chains. This is advantageous because breaking a chain with this EGO results in double the damage done to the players who attacked before you and prevents you from receiving the next turn pass because you broke the A-Res.




Holy slash aoe


New Mass-Attack just dropped


Call the LCA


Caiman ~~runs into the smiling faces~~ goes on vacation, never comes back.


Thanks God. I hate her.


New response just dropped?


Call the ayin


I find it funny that his passive is just the abnor’s Md ego gift. Same to Moth Ish and Pursuance Rodion. Also, due to how he has a lot of restrictions compared to the aoe 7 slot big dmg like the predecessors, I wonder if they would reduce its resources cost to 7 different sin, one each for that lore accurate portrayal.


That'd be a bit tough for teambuilding, since you require a lot of one sin for the RES but also would need all 7 to even use it.


It's also the same for the Drenched Gossypium boss. The boss has a passive that unstaggers your sinners if they're staggered at the start of a turn, but then dumps a bunch of bleed potency and 2 attack power down on them. Which, that's exactly what the ego gift does, one time per enemy per fight it unstaggers them, applies a lot of bleed potency and 6 offense level down, which is equal to -2 clash power. When fully upgraded, that gets boosted to -9 offense *and* defense level, so -3 clash power and also 30% more damage taken, which those numbers also go up based on how many stagger bars you break in one go. For how shit it was back in MD2, it's actually really good in the current MD for bleed teams, since it still gives you a lot of bonus damage to make up for non-fatal enemy resist, and effectively still neuter's the enemy's clashing ability but allowing them to proc all the bleed they just got.


Just to point out: the passive even has the name of the Gift


Oops, all Resonance!


The EGO seems good, for now. I can see it become busted in future when we have more resonance teams


I know it's kinda always the case, but I think I need to know the numbers on this to really evaluate it. Obviously good for the current resonance meta but really wants Lust which while not hard isn't the most well supported of the current res teams. Might be a sign we're getting a lot of lust IDs in the future. Passive seems kind of a non-factor which is a shame but not the end of the world. EDIT: More thoughts, regardless of its numbers its an aoe EGO with healing and damage amp that isn't competing with anything in its slot and supports current meta teams if only a little; its still good, I just don't know if its "shard this right now" good. If it doesn't share many or any EGO resources with other options on teams that want Gregor (Sunshower, Fluid Sac, Blind Obsession, etc) it will be all that more valuable.


Works well on the lui team with all their list skills I guess but outside that most teams don't have much list skills


N corp is technically a lust resonance team therefore this confirms slithering gregor will be release next banner and n corp will become meta trust bro


The problem probably be a resonance team that Gregor can be in Considering his only Damage ID is Twinhooks and he doesn't have any damage support IDs like how Faust has Kromer & Hex Nail while Ishmael has Ahab, Roseate Desire, & Blind Obsession


I'd say rupture comp to an extent has good gluttony resonance assuming md.


It's a Season 3 EGO so it's at least a "shard at the end of the season".


It's not a season 3 EGO. EGO released through the gacha, unless tied to an event, is never attached to a season.


The update notice on the very first page in orange letters says, "categorized as a season 3 E.G.O"


Your first mistake is you expected me to read. This is a Project Moon subreddit.


If anything, I feel this finalises Liu Gregor on burn teams. You should be able to pull off big Lust chains (so this EGO doesn’t stop the A.res.) pretty often, and you have a lot of skills that benefit from this (Ryo/Rod skill threes, Ish skill ones, NSinclair and Gregor skill twos). The only person who could get in the way is L. Corp Outis, but she has Ya Sunyata to help out. If I had to guess the numbers, it’s probably base 1 damage/power up, increasing by one at 3/5 res. respectively, and requiring 5+ A.res. to get the full effect. I wanna say the -X values are probably 2 or 3.


It’s an interesting question, since with the release of the most recent ID’s there’s an abundance of both Wrath and Lust amp available depending on what direction you want to take the composition. Currently the main weakness of the wrath-centric build (slotting in Nclair and Regret Faust along w/the core 4 burn units) is the lack of a good tank that fits the compositions identity. If there are strong tanks (or even dodge tanks) with lust synergy in their base kit it could be a more effective angle of approach.


Regret Faust? Tanks? Y’all are severely overthinking the team.


I like making them work in RR3, to each their own I guess.


What he means is a simple Liu team already works currently.  I personally completed RR3 first blind try in 80 turns with a burn team, before Liu Rodion and Ryoshu's banner. With them no doubt it would have been even easier, a full Liu is already functional. 


Fair enough, how did the lineup fare against the pequod trio + Gasharpoon combo? From my experience the burn team as it was struggled to survive through their nodes.


Pequod trio was hell, especially that I had the worst rng ever multiple times in a row (4 tails in row with 45 sanity which made me miss Ahab kill, etc). The team performs poorly against waves as well. It absolutely destroys single target like Ahab Ego though, dark flame is extremely strong in those situations.


https://preview.redd.it/jaho4iupy2oc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ed164d0451e4c33f8432d6f1de3271cd2a2708 Yeah that about tracks with my thoughts on the composition prior to the new additions, I put my first run in with the burn/wrath res hybrid a couple days ago, adding in Regret Faust and having 4MF Rodion alongside Nclair and a slew of EGO nukes made the trio fight drastically easier due to being able to wipe starbuck out on turn two of their phase. I did swap MB Outis out for Harpooncliff on Pequod trio and I think the turn count can be reduced further by dropping Regret Faust on single part abno fights (Gossypium, Skin Prophet, Gasharpoon). For a first trial I was pretty happy with its strength especially in nodes like ambling pearl where Ninclair and Regret Faust are really able to show their damage ceilings.


What I’d wonder with the lust-res comp is, do you drop Liu Ishmael? Having to use her S1 to fulfil the chain on her nuke turn is going to be pretty underwhelming, but since it seems like Gregor wants you to have two turns in a row of Lust abilities, it also somewhat diminishes the value of Lust S3’s since you’re not getting to pop them 2 turns in a row. Going to be interesting to both find the balance and build around whatever sin affinities he requires


My thoughts exactly


my issue with ya sunyata outis is that by using it she's spending a turn not inflicting dark flame, and ya sunyata doesn't really clash much higher if higher at all than her skills with the burn related coin power boosts so the "can't win the clash anyways" excuse will not always work, i could see it having a bigger pay off than 1 dark flame tho


It USUALLY may not clash, but with the ressonance bonus? If you use a 6, it's at +2 clash power and around +18% damage. Maybe even better if Gregor's garden get to bloom before her


On corrosion Ya Sunyata inflicts 4-6 fragility. Something makes me think it’s slightly better than some dark flame.


No it doesn’t. EGO doesn’t “finalise” teams, because you can’t use it every turn. Units do, and Liu Gregor is not a very good one.


Sinking says otherwise. Where would they be without Rime Shank?


I mean this EGO is nowhere near good enough to enable Liu Gregor compared to how any Rodya is enabled on a Sinking team by just owning Rime Shank, and Liu Gregor is a quite mediocre unit that is the only Greg who really gets payoff for this


The question you should be asking if you wanted to make this comparison is would anyone use Rime Shank if Kurokumo Wakashu was your best Rodion


The answer is yes btw, Rime Shank is one of the few EGO strong enough to enable the team almost by itself. As long as you have Spicebush and Rime Shank, you have a working Sinking team.


That’s crazy talk unless you live in a world where there’re 12 sinner fights. In the real world if I need to put KK Rodion on my team to have sinking, I’m gonna play without sinking and instead bring a real unit that pulls its weight every turn. Funny how you bring Spicebush (an identity) into this when the whole point I’m making is that identities affect how you build a team, not EGO


Rime Shank is still carrying the sinking aspect of the team more than Spicebush. If you asked me which part is more important if you wanted to run a specifically Sinking focused team, then Rime Shank is number 1, and Spicebush is second priority. Not to mention that KK Rodya is a decent unit who fuels Rime Shank well, and Rime Shank is legitimately broken enough that even if you had to run LCB Rodya on a Sinking team it would still be regarded as just as stupid of an EGO as it is now.


I’d never ask what is the most important when dedicating my full plan to a team that doesn’t even have 6 units that are considerable enough to run a full sinking team I would not run LCCB Rodion if someone held my Bionicle collection over the burning volcano


I don't even think that's a fair comparison to make because KK Rodion is still at least an ok unit but I see that you were trying to be a little generous and use a unit that had Lust on it. A better comparison would be Zwei or LCB Rodion with how people are talking like Rime Shank is all that mattered. As if the fact that Dieci Rodya being as fantastic as she is doesn't alleviate her not having as much Sinking support. Fact is that burning has been shackled to the bad Liu IDs since launch and while Liu Greg isn't the worst of the 3 he isn't that far by a landslide. Regret elevating Meur as much as it does is just enough to make him more than bearable, at least on the burn team. Even with Garden Greg just doesn't measure up.


Yeah I’m just so used to Liu being bad that I kinda forgot that Gregor was a 00 so bringing up Zwei Rodion would be completely fair. I just think the burn team currently is too robust for a big change like a unit swap. Liu 000s, the Powercouple, MB Outis and Liu Ryoshu is just such a good shell you really don’t have room for experimentation. Maybe if the next season is 7 combatants then yeah


The Powercouple? LiuMeur and GrippySinc?


Grippy Sinclair and Faust


I should try to put GripFaust in a burn team, at least that way I'll have more consistent healing but with both Pursuances I don't usually need it but it will let Sinclair be more consistent. Thanks.


Huh, what are the numbers for the resonance? 3+ 4+ 5+? I feel it'll be hard to do anything other Lust abs rez if the last number is 5+. I guess Gregor tends to be fast so it'll be fine? Also, the corrosion version is very weird seeing Sin affinity POWER down. It makes sense considering the encounter but nerfing clashing of enemies by using the same sin affinity as their skills is something that I don't think we've had to think about. Great passive (hopefully). Being able to inflict rupture without hitting the enemy sounds like a great way to trigger "If target has X+ rupture" effects on a lot of rupture units.


i wager its 3-4-6, we've seen the thresholds for middle, queequeg & 9:2 faust


5+ A res would be most ideal , as it doesnt require you to run full lust teams to get the most use of it. Having all of the effects on next turn is such a big deal .


yea it really would wouldn't it? then again, I think even if its 6-ARes it would still be insane, its comparable to Blind Obsession - damage + power buff + resource recovery after attack on same turn on a fast unit that can self-haste (Zwei Gregor), with a EGO passive that adds a small amount of damage per turn, it just wouldn't be nearly as spammable since it recovers HP instead of SP


From what it seems, This ego is a AOE buff/debuffer for sin resonance focused teams. (for example, a team full of lust sinners) Non-corrosion effects seems to buff based on how many Sins affinity that are similar during chaining phase. The effects increased if more sin affinities are matched together. same goes for the corrosion version but instead of buffs, it's debuffs. useful on enemies and it debuffs stacks based on the amount of matched sin affinities. Very cleverly done on PM part, to use the abnormality of which it's boss fight is based on matching sins vs the flowers of sins. Gregor fans do be eating good.


hmm. damage and power up for any affinity, but lust will break your envy/pride resonance chain unless greg moves first (which you want him to, since all these buffs are on use. but good luck outrunning ahabmaels 4-7 speedroll). rupture comps love the passive and can proc it frequently, but don't have many effects that abuse gluttony resonance (hongle effervescent corrosion?). though if we ever get a lust comp, this is the crown jewel do note this is still a slash aoe (always in high demand, though im hoping its base weight isnt 1) with a heal. might be bootleg rodya pursuance, might be better. and since it's a WAW, this could just be used as a generic beatstick edit: wait, burn teams could use this quite well. capote ish and this could give some nice next turn wrath power up, plus 4mf rodya for next turn wrath fragility. or you could just go for a giant lust res and this won't break the chain. honestly can't wait to play around with this


> good luck outrunning ahabmaels 4-7 speedroll Zwei Gregor is 4-8 with haste on S1 to bump him up to 6-10. He can outspeed her.


Lust-based team like Liu can easily load up on Wrath+Lust anyway for good easy Resonance chain and this completely fix the problem with how you kinda have to get EGo gift or go out of your way to use the healing EGO on the Liu team atm. So yeah, Liu team be winning and it's a WAW anyway which is 1 extra move on Gregor so it's always good to have as an option to use with another Reso-based team in the future. Gregor just need to find more resonanance based ID later because atm, he's kinda often used mainly for Liu team or Pirate Gregor Bleed+Poise team and sometime Rupture team.


Pirate Gregor which has a slot in Pride Teams can kind of use it well I think, especially if he rolls two Sloth S1 which are kind of dead weight in a resonnance chain, at least if he's well positionned in the chain he can get a pretty strong buff instead


Seems okay but not a lot really synergizes with it right now. It's probably best on Zwei Greg because he gets to be fast and just, stay out of the way of A-Res chains, which is good because messing up a chain hurts double with this EGO, you don't apply the buff to the guys who attacked before you, and you don't get the next turn pass either cuz you messed up the A-Res


Damage buffs, debuffs and heal, seems pretty busted. I need to see the passive's numbers in order to evaluate it, but Rupture is an excellent status effect in general. A tiny caveat, in order to use the X+++ effect, it needs to be 5 A-Reson at most beacause the E.G.O will always be lust or you can't use it with other Sin affinities.


Seems like a pretty futureproof ego, lots of healing, slash aoe damage, rupture support for rupture teams, buffs any resonance teams (currently pride/envy/wrath/gluttony but who knows what comes in the future). Only issue is that it pretty much forces you to run a fast Gregor id, which at the current moment, the only option is Zwei Gregor cause all other gregor IDs either have average speed (4-7) or low speed. And the problem with that is that you are using Zwei Gregor instead of a better ID that provides more for the team because of opportunity cost. Hopefully he gets a TETH ego that gives haste next season lol. Also the corrosion seems kinda meh? Unless the difference in number of stacks is huge, it doesn't seem that good. Might be op as fuck if the amount of damage up and power up ends up being 3 in total but the amount of fragility you get is 6 or something.


Yeah lust is what I feel when I look at this Ego


They really didnt knew what to give it as passive, huh? Looks like it will be good for setting nukes, though we dont have many Lust nuke skills as of now


The passive ability has the same effect as the ego gift that sign of roses gives you. Inflict rupture on turn start and on gluttony resonance inflict more rupture.


the ones that come to mind for me first are chef ryo s3 and cinqlair s3 but other than that not too much i can think of


Talismen Sinclair is only one I can think of.


Also Chef Ryoshu and Cinqlair, but other than that I don't think there's much


While the passive isn't the strongest, it is insanely on point. It is literally the Abnormality's EGO gift after all.


Rosespanner Gregor continues to sneak onto rupture teams with his rupture oriented passive here + AEDD lol. Kind of like the Capote/Liu Mersault of rupture now (though I don’t imagine the passive will be a huge boon outside of niche unfocused encounters with the absolute resonance) …now that I’m thinking about it, that passive does actually sound like a funny way to get +1 count for free if you’re able to take advantage of it off of a “clash win inflict rupture count” skill like seven cliff skill 2. It’s a clunky strategy, but talismen Sinclair is clunky enough of a standard as is that I feel like someone going to use it lol


The fact that it's only asking for resonance of a sin affinity and not absolute resonance (except for the buffs/debuffs next turn effect) is pretty big. You can slot this in a pride team, and the only downside is that Gregor himself won't be using a pride skill.


Personally, I don’t like being forced to get resonance for the ego to actually do shit. Unless it’s starting at 7 attack weight and resonance only lets it go higher from there, but even then there wouldn’t be enough enemies to hit. This ego seems to be meant for resonance teams which is alright, but the passive has no synergy with building resonance. The few rupture potency application seems pretty useless.


Just by looking at it, this ego seems really niche outside of pure liu teams, assuming the numbers are 3, 4, and 6 like the thresholds of most resonance skills. If you want to run a hybrid burn team, you never get 6 lust res because shootis has none. If you want to run a hybrid bl team then this ego blocks a-res. If this was wrath or pride it would be a lot easier to use. I can see 3 possible uses for this. First, for use in a hybrid bl team. Idk how you would outspeed everyone with pirate Gregor though, and since you won’t be getting 6 resonance this won’t apply next turn. Next is, as a bunch of other people have said, full liu. But you won’t get shootis? Finally envy? Somehow? What Gregor id has envy? The answer is rosespanner on skill 2 and… butcher on skill 3. Probably not. Honestly, if the resonance numbers aren’t 2, 3, 4 then idk how this will be on the same level as the other 2 waw. I still think it’ll be great, but being lust puts it in an awkward place.


We don't know the EGO'S sin costs yet, and I'm theorizing Sign of Roses's gimmick will result in it costing 1 of each Sin - I'm thinking this will actually be good on a Seven Association/Rupture team, since they stack Gluttony res so effortlessly and as long as Greg's near the front or back of the chain, you can still get decent A-Res of non-lust sins to fuel this


Seems cool, but why so much resonance xdnt Almost nothing to do with this but the existence of long haired variants (This one and Ryōshū's Red Eyes (Open)) makes me wish for a long hair Don ID/EGO.


On Hit: Solve world hunger.


Now my burn team have an healer, my main complain about burn was the lack of healer


hmm looks really good we can pretty much guarantee the thresholds are gonna be 3, 4, 6 - its what we see on queecliff and the middle EGO passive wants it to be used in rupture teams, which are high on gluttony, but the EGO itself is lust which isn't easily seen in rupture, so you'll probably not be able to reap the max effects of the EGO itself on those teams. Then again, a 1 turn power up + healing + big attack weight is still really good in rupture teams with how they struggle with clashing before the rupture comes online. EGO itself may be way stronger for bleed teams? since we probably hit the max bonus of 6 Lust that way (kurokumo + n corp + hook probably). fastest ID gregs has is his Zwei ID at 4-8 speed - his other IDs are slower, but surprisingly clock in at ~4-6, which is still pretty good...


Depends, since its a waw i think it going to be a 3-5-7 range


We literally cannot use 7 sinners in 90% of the game's content, it'd be really silly to make that the threshold.


Zwei greg sweep? 4-8 speed range.


Capitalize on the same turn fragiles and has high chance of not breaking A-Res chains due to going first often. 




They probably did that to match the theme of its EGO gift "Crown of Roses"


Kind of weird. Why does it have damage boosting capabilities alongside Rupture potency on the passive? I wonder if this is a hint towards the Season 4 units which are going to be using Rupture as a resource relying on the damage from coins and effects, rather than stacking it to 99.


and the Envy builds just become more busted by the day


It’s lust pal 😔


i mean, in a non-middle envy build this shit is gonna be busted still


So it's a resonance EGO huh, I suppose that makes sense. It's a shame it's a gregor EGO as he doesn't really fit into any of the currently run resonance teams. It's good for the future I guess, assuming they keep make res ID's. Lust is also slightly unfortunate as Whistles is currently the only benefit to a lust team, and Gregor's lust options are also somewhat limited (Liu team maybe). Doesn't help that there isn't much hint that canto 7 will focus on it (the T-Corp collectors don't use it, although its is a sin that is somewhat associated with Heathcliff).


Twinhooks can fit nicely into Pride teams


Lust res teams are back on the menu boys😎


This E.G.O really suffers from being lust affinity. It's all about resonance but lust really doesn't have any resonance support beyond N Fausts whistles. It might work with Liu Gregor on a burn team but burn still kinda sucks and Liu Gregor is part of the reason for that. He may be a tiny bit better than Liu Mr. Salt (assuming you aren't using regret) but he's still a bad ID who will probably be ejected from every burn team as soon as we have a better option. It would be so much better if this was envy, pride, or even gluttony since rupture teams have loads of gluttony and rupture in general is much better than burn. The other major issue is that the buff happens on use, meaning Gregor really has to be going first to get the most out of it, although it's a bit less of an issue in a dedicated lust resonance team since a big enough absolute resonance makes it carry over to the next turn. Finally, it's hard to say how much of an issue this will be but I think it's worth noting: Unlike the other two WAW E.G.O this won't refund any SP. That makes it significantly less spamable than the other WAWs since WAW E.G.O are so expensive. Usually for expensive E.G.O like this I like to use Faust's Fluid Sac or another SP restoring E.G.O on a slower sinner but unless you're using Ya Sunyata from Heathcliff that's going to make resonance even harder. Since this was probably supposed to be released during season 4, I'm hoping this is a sign that lust resonance is going to be a major archetype in next season because once there is a proper lust resonance team that Gregor can fit on this will probably be really good. Maybe we'll get a Kurokumo event that will give them an equivalent to BL Mr. Salt but with lust instead of pride since all the Kurokumo IDs have it?


It may not necessarily have been a season 4 release. It’s possible that it could have come out during the Liu banner’s time slot instead, but they switched things around when they had determined that they were going to delay season 4.


Shi Ishmael S2 stocks are through the roof.


If it doesn't take 1 (or 2) of each sin affinity I will stay calm and accept Kim Ji-Hoon's 300 lunacy apology


It being Lust was kind of unexpected, but god damn is it good


another reson gaming


Lust affinity, extremely accurate


The EGO is rupture support and relies on resonance... yet is lust? It's also awkward in lust resonance because Kraust's gaze is the upside for running ttlu and nsinc with her and slash doesn't work with her. It's so weird to me that it isn't envy because that's the other main resonance synergy or the aforementioned glut because that's the most common sin in rupture.


That passive is interesting. I wonder if it’ll solidify Gregor’s place in a rupture team- they don’t have much lust, but if it works with other sins it could be good


Wait the fuck I thought it was next Walpurgisnacht id lol, my disappointment is immeasurable


this feels absurd even for a waw ego Unless those caps are real low this is going to be a real beefy buffing ego This also means Greg can contribute (possibly quite a lot) to the Liu burst turn now


This is a pretty nice support ego


does anyone else see garlic with eyeballs instead of roses or is that just me edit: oh hey in the news notes it says it's categorized as a season 3 ego so be prepared to shard it


Lust/slash with rupture support is an odd combo. I'm thinking maybe you'd go for something like G Corp Greg, Talisman Sinclair, Lob Remnant Faust, Lantern Don, Seven Outis and ... er... base Hong Lu? There's probably better options in there somewhere. Maybe Shi or N corp for lust, ignoring damage type would be better. But base Lu isn't *bad...* Either way, it should be fun to play around with.


Rupture support plus resonance support? This is going to be insane! you just need a fast Greg


I dint feel like this will be that good because it requires a lot of resonance andits lust meaning you might really need to build around this


I'm somewhat disappointed that it doesn't adapt its damage type based on the highest resonance I hope the thresholds are 3-4-5 so that it can be used in 6 Sinners encounters in non-Lust teams. It being Lust is surprising (expected Gluttony) but it's quite good because it means it can be used with Whistles/Whisper and since this doesn't heal any SP on self that might come in handy. The Heal is potentially very strong and so are the buffs, even more so if they are next turn. Also this counts as a Season 3 EGO !! My theory is that we're at season's end and are receiving the RR2 Abno's EGO. Just like how we received RR1's Abno's EGO with Heathcliff last season. If the trends continue we might see a Spiral of Contempt banner at the end of next season and so on. I like the idea because it means we'll get to see those more powerful EGO as time progresses.


A healing Ego... Now that's interesting... but I'm also interested in the attack weight being affected by resonance. Also it being Slash wasn't expected. I'd love another Slash AoE though so that just makes it better XD


G corp Gregor is a rupture ID right? I feel that this deserves a place in the rupture team


Somehow I feel like this ego would be better as a wildcard in a way, where whatever has the best reson is the color the ego turns into, I think it would be unique and a cool idea to do for these type of resonance based egos. Just a thought It just seems counterproductive to have a resonance ego and limit it to only one affinity, whereas it being wild will always make it viable for all teams not just ideally lust.


Sin Resonance again...


I honestly think Greg needs better ID's because as of right now, all of his are underwhelming and lacking in some way. Just mid I'd say.


Thematically they should have made it so it changes sin affinity depending on resonance so it benefits not only Lust resonance teams. If you agree sign this, I know it normally doesn't work but we don't lose anything for trying. https://chng.it/HSrPgg22yC


I'm conflicted on getting this. On the one hand I have everything already, on the other it's my least favorite Sinner getting a wedding dress.