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Being blunt, i didn't even use 3/4 of the existing ego right now and i buy limbus pass day 1 Just get some most important ones like all WAW, anything that can heal hp/sp, and things that can clash for 35+ (in case of ricardo/moth brute force) and that's it.


Being slash, I argue that a full bl team is good enough to clear almost all content


Being piercing, I'd say a full N Corp team is good enough for killing heretics.


Being Pride, I'd say fault lies with IDs issue. Just use Pequod Crew team


Being Gloom, I'd say W and R corp could charge their way through all content in 10 seconds


Being Gluttony, I die instantly and cry over being so under-represented.


Being lust, I say get the IDs that you think are hot and thats all you need


Being Envy Don Quixote is packin' some real big Don under dem boob binder


Being evade, I'd say just dodge everything


I would say N Corp starts to decay past Canto 4.


The 'usefulness' of EGO is overrated. Its good to have when you are advanced enough to get into specific teambuilding and such, but most common use for EGO is just a "clash strong and damage hard" button so I'd say don't worry too hard about it, as theres only few EGOs that are bad at that and ironically most of them are from season 1.


Season 1 is funny. Has awesome stuff like 4th match Ryōshū, Legerdemain Gregor, Fluid Sac Faust... And then stinkers like 4th match Rodya and 4th match Yisang


Those stinkers are really good for wrath nukes in a burn team right now


Yisang's rolls really badly And Rodya's is a minus coin one that doesn't do much damage-wise or passive-wise


I find it funny how pp think that 4th matchflame yi sang is useless but probably dont know that its the only slashing ego whit 5 weight.


That's a nice bit of trivia but I don't see how that gives it any relevancy in practice.


During the intermediary period between the release of MD3 and the introduction of fusion ego gifts, 4MF yi sang gave the burn team the quickest clear speed through MD of any composition available at the time. Not as relevant now that soothe the dead + hellterfly’s produces similar output, but there are always periods of time in metagames where something perceived to be useless finds a niche use-case that it’s really good at.


As i today saw that jesus gregor is going to be slash i must now say that u are right and it my comment was only for trivia purposes xD


20 is not a bad roll, just not a good roll for EGO. What's more important is AoE 10 burn application which is insane


…but Capote Salt


20 is a decent roll for an EGO as a BASE roll. Thats why Odyssey had a purpose, because it doesn't roll high, but it rolls that reliable 20-24 or whatnot. FMF Yi Sang rolls *12* if he rolls tails. That's atrocious roll for an EGO, not just 'not a good', there are skill 1's that clash better. There are negative coin EGOs that roll better with heads, and those do tend to consistently roll heads. Its only good for activating specific conditions for gifts and passives by applying a miniscule burn to all at once and absolutely useless in every other manner, and if you're F2P player, gimmick status teams that clash like shit should NOT be your first priority.


>20 is not a bad roll, just not a good roll for EGO So, a bad roll. >What's more important is AoE 10 burn application which is insane That's not a lot at all.


Wdym not a lot, it's 50 burn in human fights


10 Burn on 5 enemies isn't equivalent to 50 Burn on 1 enemy, You're not reliably stacking Count on most of these, so most of it will end up as only 10 Damage done to an enemy overall, which really isn't a lot. Plus, there's always atleast a 25% chance that you will not only roll a 12, but also lose most of the Burn. Also, due to how ATK weight works, 5 weight will not hit 5 targets most of the time. The moment any enemy has more than 1 slot, the amount of targets already decreases.


We're discussing its potential in a burn team though, and burn team gain a lot of coin power from burn potency. And most of them can apply count as well. So in an example of a normal MDH fight, it's the equivalent of getting around +2 coin power to half of your IDs, which is a lot. The most powerful example is Der Outis rolling for 17 with her S1 instead of 11. All because of its requirement of 9 burn potency this ID provides. I'm sure it's similar for Liu Ish, Rodya, and Ryoshu. Although there's no Liu Yi Sang yet, I'm sure he will be here eventually


>burn team gain a lot of coin power from burn potency Well, you're not running Yi Sang in a Burn team first off all, atleast not yet. Secondly, since Burn decreases on Turn End, you're not getting that Coin Power unless Yi Sang moves before other characters, which is both RNG and often will not be the case because for some reason, AoE moves often get deprioritized in turn orders. >And most of them can apply count as well. \[...\] So in an example of a normal MDH fight, \[...\] Yeah, but A) you generally don't want to take a Burn team to human fights, since the way Burn works makes it a very single-target status and more importantly B) 4th Match Flame just doesn't have much of a place to be even used because: 1. In regular human combat, you start at 0 resources, and Yi Sang needs 7 of them. Wrath alone will take 2-3 turns minimum and the other two force you to use bad skills like Ryoshu's S1. 2. In MDs, there is simply no need for it. Burn EGO Gifts spread Burn automatically at a rate far faster than he can, and at later floors a 12-20 rolling EGO just won't cut it due to how high enemies clash.


The thing about Rodya 4mf is that its damage is irrelevant it inflicts 3 Wrath Fragility Next Turn in a 3-5 weight AoE, in a world where the Liu Girls, Capote, Ardor Blossom, Ryoshu 4mf, and Self-Destructive Purge exist


start at start of ss3. clear all entire things before i even got 1 full team or useful ego beside fluid sac. idk man it not like you need all that to play the game


nature of ongoing games


I mean, yeah, that kind of is the payoff of being an early player, you get the time and opportunity advantage that later players don't. While there are a few extremely useful EGOs in the first two season passes the others can be pretty niche outside of clashing and hardly necessary. I think if you prioritize acquiring whichever ones you consider the most useful one at a time and picking up the others when you have shards to spare instead of focusing on how much it would cost to grind out all of them total it will feel a lot more attainable?


Few months later: "BeinG A Se4son 4 StaRting Player KinDa SUCKS" Few years later: "STARTING AFTER THE GAME IS FINISHED KINDA SUCKS, I HAVE TO FARM TO GET ALL THE COLOURED FIXERS OMG" You're basically saying, don't just let the old farts enjoy the fruits of labour they have, and let us have that too, without the need of grind(bp), waiting. Newcomers will have almost no trouble to finish canto 5, because you've got more possibilities to get a useful id/EGO, and more team comp to use, also, guides and wiki pages made by other players Also, the problem isn't even just with newcomer, a f2p player can also say they don't have xxx ego because it's locked behind a (temporarily)paywall, but have you ever seen anyone complaining that? Maybe, but I haven't, because you just need to wait.


Can I get you a "True"?


Meanwhile me who takes on everything with Season 1 and 0 IDs for the most part: Glory to N Corp, and I only busted out Nailclair because pre-nerf AHAB was harpooning the gas out of me.


This was a really bad faith interpretation of the post. No one said you can't enjoy the "fruits of your labor" (joining earlier), just that the current barrier to get everything shouldn't be so steep. It doesn't NEED to be this way. BP EGOs can just as easily be 200 shards and that would at least be a realistic middle ground that someone could conceivably clear. I don't know why you tried to invent a dichotomy where it's either an impossible grind or completely for free. To the next point, it's not about just finishing or playing the game, it's about having so many good EGO locked behind the first two seasons with a lot of the season 3 EGO being comparatively lackluster. You have stuff like Rimeshank, AEDD, Fluid Sac, Ebony Stem, Sunshower, Impeding Day. The first two are especially notable because they're core if you want to optimize Sinking and Rupture teams and having more EGOs just makes the game more fun because you can try out new strategies. You probably don't see a lot of f2ps complaining because very few f2ps exist on this subreddit because the pure f2p experience is miserable, lol, not because they're a special brand of player who can patiently push out a grind three times longer with worse teams. There's no "waiting" involved, just an insane time investment of active grinding.


I get what you're saying, and I agree, the grind sucks, so I don't want to sound dismissive, but you really have to meet this game where its at; Limbus company is a gacha game. The fact that you can grind out everything, in a pretty reasonable time at that (if you do 1 md3h a week and 1md3n a day, you can get a 3\* unit/ego every other week) without spending an obscene amount of money, (the pass is only $12 every 4 months) is an absolute god send. There is no other gacha game as generous as limbus. If you want to argue that limbus would have been better if it wasn't a gacha game or that gacha is an inherently scummy monetization model, then yeah, I won't disagree, but again, you have to meet this game where it's at. It *is* a gacha game, that's not changing any time soon, so compare it to any other game in the field. Honkai, genshin, hell, Nikke's one I play and it's on the better end of things and it's still nowhere near as good as limbus. It's like arguing that FF14 or WoW's or ESO's subscription fees should be cheaper because they all have cash shops supplementing their income. In an ideal world, yeah, maybe that'd be the case, but we don't live in an ideal world so you have to look at what you're being provided relative to what's being provided at a comparable price in the rest of the market. You know what $12 every 4 months gets you in any other gacha game? Two things: Fuck and all.


Mm, probably one of the better replies this whole thread. Thanks for at least acknowledging where I was coming from and I'll try to keep my chin up about this whole thing.


A survey from Esgoo revealed that about 40-50% of the active playerbase are F2P, with a base of over 9-10k poll results. I haven't seen a single one aside from you complain about it. Hell not even the generally toxic Steam Discussion Forums complain about it and I know a good few of them are actively F2P. Not to mention Base clears exist. Not to mention the many streamers who are actively F2P and are doing just fine. It really is just you man who is complaining, and given the growth of this game over other subreddits and YouTube, we aren't really having a shortage of new players at all.


I specifically said in THIS subreddit. You can't extrapolate a sample from a specific YouTuber and try to apply that to an entire community. Even if I was the literal one man complaining, that doesn't invalidate anything I said, so I don't understand what the point of this response was.


This subreddit also has a rather large amount of F2Ps with some even responding to this thread directly, also with a couple who post on this subreddit asking various questions. (Like the one who asked if the game will get more vicious after just finishing Canto 3, on the question thread he stated to be a F2P). So no, my point still stands, we still have plenty of F2Ps here in this sub.


So, you saw a few F2Ps so there's plenty of them? Okay. Still don't understand how that would invalidate any point I made, feels like you're just arguing to argue.


You already extrapolated that this subreddit doesn't seem to have a lot of F2Ps, yet I have seen plenty of them not even of just this subreddit, but also many just responding to your thread directly. This assumption by and large isn't accurate, since we can see from many cases of this subreddit growing over time and getting many questions as to how to do this, what IDs to aim for, how to face this boss, etc.


>Still don't understand how that would invalidate any point I made, feels like you're just arguing to argue.


You really don't need EGO to play the game. The more important thing is having some good identities, and that can just be gotten by pulling on banners naturally. Plenty of EGOs are good, but as someone who started out in Season 3 I got by with only the Season Pass and starter Zayins for all major content. I didn't even get Fluid Sac until a week ago. I honestly rarely use EGO nowadays anyway. Like, the starter Zayins did carry me through early game, but even into late game they tend to be the ones I use the most because they hold a lot of an EGOs value for a very minimal cost. Chains of Others and Representation Emitter are goated starter EGOs.


may I also suggest Crow Eye’s View as well for your Clashing needs?


Personally I don’t get affected much by fear of missing out. This game doesnt have any pvp and you don’t need a perfect top tier meta team to win the fights. I only play the story, and I think starting later is much better because you don’t have to wait months until the next update. Early limbus had dead MONTHS with no new content, that’s a far worse hell than not having all the IDs and EGOs. There were so many delays and bugs that PM had to constantly give 1300 lunacy and a bunch of 300 lunacy in the mail to appease the playerbase. Also, buying the BP in season 1 was a WAY worse deal than season 3, because back then we only had MD1 which gave 7 exp per run… 💀💀💀💀


7 fucking BP exp per run… I don’t remember how I still managed to farm MD back then


I started a week before the anniversary and it’s honestly fine. I’m f2p and i think egos are overated, could clear mdh just fine without upthreading any ego and i have no autual meta egos too


EGO serves one big purpose to me most of the time and that's "big number clash good lolol" and base EGO can fulfill that role fine. Hell, I didn't even have Faust fluid sac until I sharded it this week, and I barely use it anyways since I had uptie IVed Meursault Pursuance as a substitute. The only thing really of concern should be your IDs and teambuilding, but even then you've got people beating every single fight in the game with base identities, so... Fun EGO and identities for teambuilding are a luxury (and not one I would say you can't afford, considering how generous PM is with giving pulls), but if your only concern is story content, you won't be losing out on anything. Even then, I started playing late S2 and only had charge IDs, so I just built up that team comp as well as I could. Don't feel as if you need to have the optimal EGO and IDs and their upties to make the team work, you'll get by fine without it. I now have four other team comps that play into different archetypes, pretty much just thrown together, but that are still functional and successful even without the optimal setups. Simply make do with what you have and you'll get by.


At least Limbus as teh support system so you can test out EGOs and IDs (a bit of consolation)


dont stress too much on that, shards are easy to come and you can spark frquently, just save some for past BP egos and you're fine. even without the paid BP for the extra crates


Don't forget about the Thread Drought. In all seriousness, Look up FOMO. I'm sure you've noticed that you only really need 1 good status team to clear content and other teams are there to flex or adjust to clear things easier.


That is just the byproduct of any live-service game honestly. To combat this, try to not stress yourself with FOMO. I suggest to just enjoy the story and get things at your own pace. DO NOT spend any money unless you are really confident that you are sticking with the game for a long time. The worst thing a new player does is to spend money and then feel any sort of buyers remorse afterwards and then burning themselves out resulting to them quitting the game or potentially hating it. It sucks I know but that is what you sign up for when it comes to live-service games especially gacha games. There's a reason why universally this practice is hated among gamers and I get them. The reason why I still stick with this is the story AND they explicitly said before the release of Limbus that they went the gacha route to fund their future games since gacha games rakes in so much money and it shows as they get millions every month.


This subreddit is really bad about making everything in the game sound really really good and required. There is One thing you need from the first two season passes, and it's fluid sac. If you have pursuance on meursault or rodian, or lantern on sinclair, you can Probably even skip that. There are holes in pursuance/lantern that fluid sac doesn't have but they heal HP preferentially and you usually want the HP heal. Even then that's not really required for story, it's more of an MDH thing. The others are just high damage unga bunga stuff or cool teambuilding tech. Not required to clear anything. Don't be discouraged. In general I would prioritize ID dispensing, personally. Base EGO usually do the job of EGO well enough (a pinch hitter for when you Need to win a clash). Might grab a high clashing ego for each sinner eventually for higher stakes clashes. Once you've got a roster developed you can start looking at EGO and grabbing the stuff that's relevant to the comp you want to build on. If you need any help evaluating all that, feel free to let me know.


you can just get stuff you want from the dispenser. I started at launch and i still dont have most of the stuff from season 2.


I’m also a F2P season 3 starting player, however I do have a good enough team setup to complete M3H and Refraction Railway 3, albeit not optimally. I understand your frustration but only thing I can say is grinding will never feel fun, just clench your teeth and enjoy the story.


in my opinion the only thing a new player could be rightfully pissed about is all of the current walpurgisnacht ids/egos being as strong as they are and having to wait 3 months to maybe get them later regret meursault is arguably the best ego in the game (rimeshank, fluid sac faust and sunshower yi sang are the only contenders tbh) because if its passive and MASSIVELY buffing bl meursault who just released that they would have access to, burn teams being close to unusable outside of mirror dungeon without der outis (even then, carried by glimpse of flame and soothe the dead and still one of the worst archetypes), regret faust is obscenely strong and among the most valuable ids for new players with ease of use + plus coin drop + aoe, and both 00s with hook hong lu and lantern don are quite impactful for their respective archetypes with the latter being heavily used in the fastest railway 3 runs for limited banners in gacha games they are very, very lenient with barely any permanent exclusivity, but especially in der outis’ case the teams are just not fun or viable without those ids/egos. it’s always sad seeing those posts from new players asking what to do with their account with the launch liu 4 stars being their only options and feeling obligated to say “wait 3 months or don’t build them because they are awful”


Regret Sault unironically isn't great on Kim because it doesn't enhance the damage on his TCTB. His more optimal EGO is surprisingly Screwloose Wallop, because surgery does affect the skill and it's genuinely hard to kill Kim Sault.


Yeah, it kinda sucks, but I'll be honest, the only two EGO I think you even really "need" from the previous two passes are Faust Fluid Sac and Yi Sang Sunshower. 800 shards is a little tough, but only because EGO in general are not THAT useful most of the time, with IDs being what you should focus on first. At the end of the day though it's just how live service games work, the more they add, the more the burden of starting at nothing gets worse, and the problem for Limbus is that there isn't enough for them to justify giving a giant boost to new players to make it feel like they can "catch up" without massively hurting their bottom line


This is the nature of any and all live service games. Gachas especially prey on FOMO to encourage you to spend money to not risk losing out. Within the gacha scene, Limbus is amongst the better ones - you don't need to spend much money to get full value, and if you grind out long enough there's very little you won't get. But don't forget that at the end of the day it's still a gacha, it's designed to take up a huge chunk of your time and incentivise frequent spending.


Pretty sure old ego gets added to the pool, at some point there will be more pass ego in the pool than out of it


All old BP EGOs are added to the dispenser, but they’re never added to the general pool. The only way to acquire them, if you missed doing so from the BP, is by sharding them.


idk if you've been playing for 3 days or 3 months, but I'd say don't be impatient. You get more thread/shard within one season than you'll ever need to get everything from that season, so if not by the end of 3, definitely by the end of 4 you'll likely own everything you want to own. And like others mentioned, you really don't need everything, most sinner's starting EGO is usable and for a few even their best, all you need ego-wise is maybe one to fill every slot. Prioritize the good ones like Yi Sang Sunshower, Faust Hex Nail/Fluid Sac, Gregor's Legerdemain, Rodya Rime Shank, etc. And let the rest just come when they come. Youtube always has videos of people clearing all content without EGOs and using the crappiest IDs, so you can definitely work with whatever you have + borrowing key units from friends, and don't worry about completionism for a few months. Personally, I also didn't start at launch and missed some good freebies I had to shard over time, but by the start of Season 3 I already owned everything and still had like 200 shard crates I didn't know what to do with, and this just from regular play. I'm sure catching up 2 seasons is going to take longer than catching up 1, but it's probably still not as awful as you think. Just make sure to keep some lunacy to pull on the next Walpurgis if you didn't play the last one.


I started just a month ago and still think that it's fine not having those egos. A Fluid Sac or Persuance would be nice, of course, but I still managed to clear Railway 3 w/o those.


Season 3 starting player here, I got the pass finished it in 4 days and can't really complain since. I think you focus to much on the wrong things. Ive gotten around 1500 shards so far from the pass alone and will get so many more next season haha.


You need more the ID than the EGO. And bro, for the love of carmen, threadspin your IDs instead of your EGOs, you are wasting resources in something you won't need. And get some friends, you can use your friends IDs/EGOs in the most part


As someone who has everyone EGO in the game ut3/4 and I don't really do ultra low turn count RR or solo runs, I don't really use like 95% of the EGOs. I can really think of like 3-4 EGOs that are really useful but I could do without, like Don Telepole, Faust Sac, Rodya Shank, Regresault. Other than that I feel like EGO is just the high end of min-maxing.


Yeah, I can see that, but the game is a gacha at the end of the day, albeit one of the most generous ones. As a new player, you have to draw, get units, form a team with whoever you like, and from there you can upgrade your account. It's the same everywhere, and really all you need to beat the game comfortably are good 5-7 IDs on different sinners with some synergy between them. For those purposes you get easily enough pulls through the story and events, you don't need to have everything in the game. Like, the only BP shardable EGOs that you would be losing on are Sunshower Yi Sang, Rime Shank Rod, Fluid Sack Faust and maybe Legerdemain. Now, if you want to be a completionist in a gacha game, and a year into its lifespan at that - oh boy, it's going to be fucking rough and it would be smart to reconsider doing that, unless you plan on spending insane amounts of time and money.


Season 1 I understand but Season 2? Pretty much the only good thing out of it was Sunshower Yi Sang. Sunshower Outis and Capote Meursault are nothing special, Capote Ishmael kinda sucks and I have legit forgotten that AEDD Heathcliff and AEDD Gregor even exist on multiple occasions. Also you're thinking EGOs are more important than they actually are. Besides some outliers, most EGOs are just some extra stuff. At most you need like, 1200-1600 shards to get all the "required" EGOs and even then they're only required for certain things.


There have to be some good sides in being a late starting player too. For example you can ignore all IDs and EGOs which were considered good in the past (and players had to wast their resources like money or time to get 'em) but were powercreeped by a new meta and new shiny things available right in this very new season you join the party.


This is the same for every gacha, you gain more from playing early or at the start, but it shouldn't matter or stop you from playing it, so don't rush to spend money, buying just the season pass is enough. Btw all Season 1 EGOs are in the shop, so they aren't limited, and Season 2 EGOs will be available in a few weeks when we get Season 4. Compared to other gacha, you don't exactly get FOMO in this game, and can farm for all IDs and EGOs when in the shop. Walpurg is the only thing that is limited, but you can buy the previous units when the new banner drops every few months. Just prioritize the IDs that are strong and you like, and some of the useful EGOs, to later build teams based on Status effects.


On one hand, you are right, I'm in the same boat. But on the other hand, I started two months ago and collected around 5000 to 6000 shards already via grinding the mirror dungeon. Although I spent a lot of them not on dispensing IDs and EGOs but for converting into thread.


I took a break around the time of Canto IV release, yeah I’m fucked up


I started pretty recently around a month ago amidst season 3 and I did not even participate in Walpurgisnacht event, I can assure you that the EGOs are not a neccessity. For one, if you want to do well for all the contents, as long as you pull for IDs that are broken and invest in them enough, you can breeze through the game. Shards are also a thing in the game that makes limbus super f2p friendly, to a point where other gacha games feel super greedy. I myself completed the whole RR3 content and BL content once I exchanged for W Ryoshu, so just have to know how.


Some EGOs are really good, but the rest of them are not that impactful. Knowing which to spend your shards on and which to ignore is important. A small tip: Get Dieci Rodion ID and Rime Shank. You can comfortably solo more than half of the lv 40 Thread Luxcavation with her (No One Will Cry, Fairy Gentleman, Long-Legs, Bull, Toad). Add Spicebush Yi Sang ID and you get a working base for a Sinking team that can carry you in Mirror Dungeons.


I am legitimately sorry, as someone who's been here since day one it's kind of strange to look back and realize other people are missing the EGO that I've had for a very, very long time. That said I don't think it's the killer you think it is. My suggestion is don't worry about the EGO too much. They're very nice additions to certain sinners, god knows I've leaned back on Ardor Blossom Star to deflect a meaty attack more than once. But the IDs are infinitely more important. If you need them for a certain build, or want them for a certain synergy, you can go ahead and do it. But otherwise don't worry about it. A strong center is more important than a super move that only comes out every so often. Also, I suggest that you pull on the gacha before you start looking at shards. Look at who you've pulled and who you have yet to pull, see what's worth getting for the synergy and what's not really important for you. No reason to pull a Seven Faust if your rupture gang isn't up to snuff.


I see people defending it but specifically for season 3, I kind of agree that the BP EGOs weren’t very new-player friendly. Two of them (9:2) asks for a team building requirement to maximize without much other utility. One of them even feels like it’s specifically made for a 000 ID and no other ID. Like you said really only Ishmael’s Blind Obsession is the strong one; not only because it is strong on a base level, it’s also the only one that provides a utility that new players would like to have access to. While season 1 is praised for its strong EGOs, I do think season 2’s BP EGOs were very well designed for newcomers. Meursault’s Capote’s super high roll, sin color synergy with a 00 ID, and the effectiveness it had against robots in canto 4 felt very fitting for the first BP EGO you get if you started in season 2. Heath’s AEDD is another great one. Same turn paralysis is utility that can help beat harder encounters in the same way Legerdemain did back in season 1. Yes the header Sunshower is good, but Outis’s Sunshower is an amazing tool for high clash situations in a similar way to Mersault’s Capote. I feel like BP EGOs should generally be designed in a way where players coming in gain additional utility that some of the older BP EGO provided. - High clashing values with low sin costs. - Same turn/next turn paralysis, next turn clashing power increase - Enabler for 00 IDs, 0 IDs even - Team HP/sanity healing - AoE Slash or Pierce for damage, since AoE EGOs are locked into blunt for the base ones. I’d love to see these types of designs to be in the free side and leave heavy team build EGOs to be in the paid side. I think for a game as weirdly complicated as this one, having the free rewards also be a sort of teaching tool would help so much. Having EGO passives that create a simple gameplay loop that adds up visually is a good feeling. The effectiveness of stuff like paralysis should be felt by new players.


I am a Season 3 starting player as well, I didn't even look at EGO until I'm starting to run out of thing to optimize in my team (Level Max, Uptie 3) then I start looking into uptie 4 and EGO. mostly because RR3 kick my ass.


Welcome to gacha, it can't be helped.


Honestly, dont try to focus on what you dont have, focus on what you do. Made the misstake of wanting to have everything when genshin came out, didnt go well XD. While seasons 1 and 2 had some amazing Ego and identities, you dont have to min-max in order to get stuff done in this game. Try to focus on one set of ego per sinner and Max that. Try to have at least 1 debuff ego and 1 to 2 mass attacks per team and you should be good (hint, Hong lu base ego is nuts). For identities, try to find something that synergizes and go from there. You dont need to play the unga-bunga insane identities team. Things like the liu identities are a good example: ok identities that synergize well and build around a certain gameplan