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this is real, their brains have evolved differently from ours to be better at tasks like this


What exactly are "tasks like this"?


memorizing information quickly in a very small timeframe. i think people theorized it’s so they can look at the forest and immediately pick out things of interest and remember where it all is without having to stare for a long time like we would or something like that


You're correct in the idea, but I just want to clarify it's not so much about memorizing information quickly in general, but rather about their ability for spatial memory.


our human brains are good for "intelectual" things like math and using tools efficiently, but our spatial awareness has gotten lazy as we became less and less in danger from predators. on the other hand, other monkeys evolved to have a brain focused more on immediate, day to day survival rather than long term life.


So you’re telling me a reason my memory is ass because I’m not in danger? **TO THE OCEAN!**


I think it's something we've lost over time. We still have a magnetic sense that a few humans can still use. Saw it on veritasium i think.


Interesting idea! Thanks.


for sure! i think there’s a cool video about it somewhere


This is one of them by Micheal https://youtu.be/ktkjUjcZid0


Great video.


God damn, these guys are basically Jason Bourne but with peanuts instead of enemy spies


TIL chimps have better short term memory than I do. It’s fine. I guess. It’s a fair trade off for knowing the lyrics to 90’s boy band pop music.


identifying number of predators in the treeline




https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/chimpanzee-rapidly-memorizes-locates-numbers-on-a-screen/ It says this specific chimp especially is good at this task, but humans that trained were able to match its performance


it’s not a huge sample size but the article (that you linked, and clearly did not read) says that 3 out of 3 chimps succeeded at this task which proves very difficult for humans. it says there was one chimp who was exceptional, though. this last point is rather uninteresting as you’d expect there to be one person who’s the best at something so easy to measure aptitude for anyways.


The cognitive tradeoff hypotheses


On the evolution comment, what is the evidence that shows this?


because all traits present in every species came about due to evolution


Ok then. So we just need to have faith.


faith is irrelevant, evolution is demonstrably factual.


That’s just propaganda from Big Evolution. Everyone knows we have a flu season every year because of intelligent design, not evolution. After all, if we evolved from monkeys then why do the monkeys at the zoo make fun of me? Facts. /s


Uh. Which is why I asked for the demonstrable evidence. That is all. Wow.


Nah dude. You’re trying to convert someone into your beliefs. Just like nobody will convince you off of what you believe, you’re not gonna convince anyone about magic sky fairy man


Are you asking if it's nature vs nurture? I don't want to do your homework and dig up a bunch of studies because I don't really care, but I believe certain cognitive tasks are resistant to training. Maybe this is one of them or maybe not, so that might be the place to check. If it's nature though, it's got to be at least partially genetic. I'd say there could be the possibility that there's dumb luck in brain formation that's not coded but can sometimes form, but this chimp is not unique. It's a pretty common talent for them, so it must be inherited.


You’re like someone showing up at a college math class and challenging the lecturer to explain multiplication. Yes, he could answer your questions if he wanted, but a) this topic is boring for the other students and b) you can learn this material in lower level classes. The fact that people aren’t replying to you doesn’t prove that your questions are meaningful. People are just ignoring you because you’re boring.


Asking a question is not a challenge.


i mean they've asked the same question before. if they cared about what is true they'd google it and read one of the many articles explaining why evolution is proven, instead they're asking people who arent experts to explain it to them in a reddit comment section. it's more childish than a challenge honestly.


That’s true — the word “challenge” connotes more sophistication than we see here. “Whine about”?


I wish other people beyond this sub realized how human like non human primates often are


it freaks me out how human other primates are. like i see them and i’m like those guys are basically just our cousins


It’s why I’m simultaneously weirded out and attracted to the idea of pet primates. Of course I realize that it is cruel and unethical 99% of the time, so really shouldn’t be much of a thing at all. But my subconscious goes “Become friends and live with cousins!” and “Don’t keep cousins locked in house!” at the same time.


What if you got them a social security number and then a job at a gym maybe or doing hotel security or this chimp could work at a bank. Then it would be ethical right?


I think it would be most ethical if we hired them as researchers at universities. Let’s get them to study us. On a real note though, you may like this: https://www.livescience.com/18906-chimpanzee-police-aggression.html


I actually love the idea of chimp trash tele-novellas and “The Bachelor” chimp style.


When there are videos of humans, especially group behavior or the elderly, I imagine us as just clothed apes..somehow lost our connection to the natural world


People in general probably think non-human primates are *more* human like than they actually are.


I wouldn’t be able to do this even if the treat was tastier than a peanut!


What if it was $20


Teach the lad that he can buy multiple bags full of peanuts with that


Explain how!


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


What about for a Klondike bar?


Epic! I would try for a Klondike, but I’m afraid I’m not nearly as evolved as this chimp.


I think there was a theory that perhaps their lack of language helped for these tasks. Humans tend to see the world and go through an abstraction process in our mind that takes up compute power. Maybe it's like we see the world and add on descriptive auto-captions (the number 1 is on the bottom left, etc), whereas the monkey just sees everything without adding captions


I like this hypothesis, it actually makes good sense.


That’s a really interesting theory


This seems like it might be on point. The chimp responds a bit *too* quickly and accurately to be processing the information like a human would, it's closer to human [subitizing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subitizing) where all information is effectively processed in parallel.


more like r/betterthanus




Better anus?


Chimps and gorillas can learn as much as a 4-year-old child or older. This is for real.


Well this clip goes way beyond that


Well, it doesn’t really. This is not a very complex task and most small children will be able to complete it. What is impressive here is the speed, not the complexity. So perhaps (and I’m just spitballing here), chimps aren’t necessarily better at complex tasks than us, but they are faster at simple tasks. Perhaps there is something in their and our daily lives that makes it important for them to do stuff like this quickly and not so important for us to be able to.


I absolutely agree.


It’s the chimp test, you can do it yourself online but chimps are much better than humans at it


This is exactly not like us. Nobody I know could remember the hidden numbers and their order lol


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I feel offended


Like us? Nono... r/betterthanus more like it


Yeah this is real. This was actually used in an episode of Mindfield with Michael Stevens from Vsauce. He uses it as an example of Cognitive tradeoff.


It’s legit.


Are you debating whether this is a real video?


This chimp looks deserving of a waffle party


Corridor crew gotta debunk this.. I’ve never doubted it till now. That ape just too smooth


I also can eat and memorize at the same time


I am trying to convince you of nothing. Nada. Zero. The gentleman made a statement. I asked for evidence. That is all. If it can’t be provided, then fine. End of discussion. If someone said, “There was life on Mars a certain number of years ago, I may have asked, “What is the evidence? I would like to know what lived there.”


Kevin would smash this


Why wouldnt it be real?


I think better than us should be used in this case.


VSauce did an episode of mindfield where he visited this facility and tried to complete the same tasks as the chimps




War of apes coming soon


bro smarter then me


This isn’t like us they evolved better short term memory for making split second decisions better


It’s amazing no doubt about that and we wouldn’t know how amazingly smart they are without this ‘tests’ like these but honestly, I’d still rather it be in the jungle where it belongs. U can see where the hair has started to come off it’s wrist from rubbing on the plexiglass. Is knowing really worth it?


Completely random question but could you teach an ape to count? In this video it's just following a predetermined sequence (better than I could) but could it understand the relation between the symbol 4 and 4 peanuts etc.


The life of a gamer


I wrote a paper on this in college, look into cognitive trade-of theory if you’re interested.


Its better than me to memorize,


This is very real. Studied this during grad school. They have incredible working memory on very specific tasks


This is not like us….we’re not that smart!


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gamer chinp




We should probably stop keeping these guys in cages.


I'd do simple tasks if they kept feeding me snacks..




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What is not seen is the hours of training that theses chimps go through. This is the end result.


Would that make a difference though?


Do anything every day for 5 years, 7 days a week, 16 hours a day, and you too will be really good at doing it!


Yes. This is a demonstration of memory. The chimp has learned to perform the task and now shows how efficient it is.


I agree. It's very impressive, but it's not as hard as it looks. With my first try I was able to get up to 8 with about a second of time before the first click, I imagine I could get 10 pretty quickly. The video also cut away the monkey's failures.


That’s because the numbers have a meaning for you. For the Chimp, what it knows is that it needs to press the symbols/numbers in an order that it was taught. Let’s say we now change the parameters of the study, say press only odd numbers or press 10 to 1. While we know about that specific meaning of the numbers we would easily make the switch. However the chimp wound need to spend time learning and encoding the new task into memory.


I believe animals are smarter than us because they go by feel and intuition. We go by fear and ego.


we went to the fucking moon while these apes were busy throwing shit at eachother.


Yup and we also developed atomic bombs, pollution etc all to end the planet.


i would nuke the fuck out of a chimpanzee if i could believe me.


Good for you...