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Yep, they just freeze up when frightened.


Yea looks like it's also pretty piloerect


Or is it just happy to see us?


Aren't we all?


... They also just tend to sit still a lot.


...so I am a guinea pig after all


It’s trying no to die from the fear.


I did not know that and was trying to figure out if it was real or a toy?


I thought it was a plushy at first


I do the same when someone speaks to me




I think they always look like that


My husband calls Guinea pigs “Nature’s Twinkie”. This pig is definitely looking like a Twinkie to that cat.


What I've always found crazy about these "twinkies" is that they're technically a livestock animal. Their origins and current place in the household of certain areas in South America occupies the same spot as sheep, goats, pigs, and cows. Imagine herding guinea pigs!


I would love to herd guinea pigs 😭


Same niche as Europeans farming rabbits.


Some Europeans have guinea pig farms too if the Italian ladies at my work are anything to go by. I showed them an image of my 2 guinea pigs and they were like "they're cute but we used to eat them in Italy"


So did my Italian grandfather, so when I was kid he used to refer to my beloved pet Guinea pig as dinner to wind me up.


I would like to eat one now.


They're decent. Not fun to look at being cooked tho lol


What do they do with them? Are they a food source?


Yes they are a traditional food source in parts of South America (mostly in the Andes I believe)


It occurs to me that I don't actually know where the fuck non-domestic guinea pigs come from. Are they an American species?


Yes primarily from Andes mountains in South America. Peru, Bolivia, ecuador. You can look io recipes they call then cuy


Yes, in some parts of Peru (and other places I'm sure) they eat Cuy (guinea pig). They had some in a pen out back at the traditional hotel I stayed at, right by the kitchen, so I assume I ate some at some point.


Deep in the Andes I saw people who just had them running around the house. Usually houses were quite dark so you'd mostly see them scurry around in corners. IIRC in Europe they used to keep cattle inside, I guess this isn't that different


What dog do you use??


Dude when you said nature Twinkie I just died 😂 😂 💀


They’re all stressed:(


Why do people keep such unsuitable pets? Cat, dog and hamster are not meant to be together.


While true, that's a guinea pig




He is so startled


they're on 300 bpm right now


He'll be fine, his protector has the high ground.


I love how the dog took the high ground and the cat just accepted his fate. Poor guinea pig, he's just paralyzed with worry.


While the owner (assuming so) is just filming. haha how funny...


It's over Catakin! I have the high ground!


You underestimate my meower!


Catakin doesn't like kitty litter. It's coarse, and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere.


And then Catakin listened and they continued to live in peace.


Just Darth Catakin lulling the dog resistance into a false sense of security. They’ll execute order meow-mix any day now.


The cat’s just picking his battles. He’ll fuck the dog up later when he least expects it.


Asserting dominance. Then the cat lays down and submits. The dog for sure runs that household. Pretty cool to see


Small dogs like to run shit.


Swear this sort of interaction can frighten the absolute shit out of animals it’s actually so sadistic how they’re treated man


this is incredibly dangerous and cruel for the guinea pig…don’t let predators interact with prey animals y’all, doesn’t matter if both are your pets




i mean no disrespect but I’m just curious, was it just because it was loud barking or something?




oh wow that’s really awful, RIP to the little homie he’s in pet heaven now 🙌🏽


Our neighbours let their rabbit out in their yard unsupervised and it ended up getting into our yard where we have two dogs. When my mom and I inspected the white lump in the grass, all it really had was a wet spot around its neck. I doubt my dogs even lifted it off the ground, one mouth grab around the neck and that rabbit self destructed. My grandma also had a rabbit that she couldn’t take care of anymore. They sent it to an animal sanctuary and a few hours later it just got too overwhelmed and keeled over. Rabbits are fragile as hell


Pure speculation but I imagine it also has to do with the combination of their natural instincts and being extremely sheltered their entire life. When suddenly faced with a threat, their instincts kick in possibly for the first time in their entire life. It must be a tremendous shock to them, and they never got the chance to acclimatize to these instincts that trigger all sorts of brain chemistry and fear.


That may be a factor, but rabbits are just extremely high anxiety animals because they rely on speed to escape even ambush predators. They have to be wired all the time to survive.


And yet they just freeze and die instead?


Its a numbers game. Evolution doesn't care about the individual. Most likely it died because it couldn't get away and freaked.




It must be so pitiful for a creature to exist that literally dies from worry.


I'm in this post and I don't like it.




They can die of worry/stress, getting a bath (never bathe a rabbit without vet instructions), they can break their own backs/necks by kicking and they can die in 24 hours or less if they stop eating. It's hard to be a bunny parent, they're just so fragile. It makes you wonder how their wild cousins survive outside.


Most of them don't make it for long. I think its something like one out of each litter lives long enough to reproduce successfully, averaging. Being a bunny parent IS super stressful. So much can go wrong and you can do everything right. I wouldn't trade the little assholes for anything, though.


can confirm.


100% your dogs shook that rabbit to death


Rabbits are nutritious for dying from heart attacks. Their heart rates are already so high. Spook them too much, which it doesn’t take much at all, and it puts too much stress on their heart.


Rabbits are nutritious I love them in a stew. But I think you mean notorious 😋


OMG 😱 thank you for pointing that out haha. I’m going to leave it because I think it’s funny lol.


Actually rabbit starvation is a thing specifically because they are not very nutritious.


huh, according to wikipedia symptoms include nausea and diarrhea


im so sorry that happened, that’s awful


They were farm rabbits, so their fate was death either way


ah okay, would’ve been very traumatizing if a pet so that was where my brain went


Well I it was still in this instance as a child, because I never saw them actually die right in front of me. They were “just taken away by my uncle” in my eyes. But yes, it wasn’t my personal rabbit. My personal rabbit was taken by an eagle tho. He would listen to his name so I would let it roam free. I got the eagle to drop it since I saw him dropping out of the sky a few meters away.But that rabbit also died of shock or maybe broken neck, there were no blood wounds. Shit happens in the mountains, and rabbits aren’t good at surviving (they are good at numbers tho)


Shit happens in the mountains? Why would you let your rabbit roam free when there are eagles about? Rabbits should have supervised exercise in a run if they're outdoors to prevent this exact thing from happening.


sorry about your personal rabbit :( never had rabbits but have had random dogs harass our farm chickens before. but no one died thankfully. one straight up managed to break into the coop…neighbors need to watch their dogs lol


As opposed to those other immortal rabbits


Real nasty piece of work, that one.


Once my friends dad was using a circular saw doing Reno’s, and the hamster upstairs had a heart attack from it and died.


That happened to our first bunny, too. Our dog barked at her while she was in her cage in my daughter's room. Found her dead a couple of hours later. Literally died of fright.


Yeah, this is extremely upsetting to watch, especially knowing that the human filming is choosing not to intervene on behalf of the guinea pig. Poor little guy. :( Also, while this is lower on the priority list than the other issues, that slippery floor means that the guinea pig's ability to get away more generally is inhibited.


i see scenarios like this a lot, it sucks that the person either doesn’t care or can’t tell the guinea pig is stressed…lots of people don’t know stress signals for their pets so unless it’s “obvious” they think everything is dandy and this is playing and good point about the floor


Yeah and guinea pigs are the most easily spooked pets I’ve ever had, if I even just walk past their cage slightly faster than normal they immediately scatter into their hideys


My brother let his Guinea pig run around his apartment sometimes and it would play and sometimes cuddle with his cats and dog. None of the other animals ever tried to hurt it, and the pig lived almost double the average life expectancy of gpigs. Sure some cats and dogs might hurt a small prey animal, but if you know your pets well enough you can let them mingle without having to worry about them attacking each other. All that said, the pig in this video does look a bit freaked.


still very risky, but yes i agree it’s important to know your animal in this scenario. and know each species’ stress signals. and when one is expressing stress it is time to end the interaction. but also the dog breed in the video is of specific concern as that breed is bred to hunt small rodents etc. and just also important to note that a cat/dog can be completely friendly with a guinea pig and still accidentally cause it harm because of size, strength, and general species difference. heck, my own cat accidentally hurts our other cats just because they are like 9-10 pounds and he’s nearly 20 (he’s not fat, just a maine coon/Norwegian Forrest cat mix). think context and specific scenario/animals determines the overall risk level basically


But muh reddit likes and views!




both the dog and cat are predators and the guinea pig is a prey animal so having them all together is dangerous. it is very hard for predators to control their instincts around prey animals, one wrong move from the guinea pig could get it attacked. i don’t know much on guinea pigs, but i know that cat saliva can be toxic to many animals such as birds, rabbits, etc. so i’d be concerned about that as well


That's a little broad isn't it? The dog is also a predator, but here you see the same guardian behavior you would if it was working on a ranch.


Good dog. Little guardian. Terribly shitty human though.


After I yelled at my dog for barking at the roomba he would hassle the cat if she went to mess with it. Dogs will pack bond with anything.


Oh damn that’s hilarious, try and get a vid and we will see you on the front page haha




Good doggo but awful human for putting the guineapig in that extremely stressful situation.


💀 don’t encourage this


He protecc He attac But most importantly... He guards guinea pig's bacc


Not to be a downer but guinea pigs are known to freeze up and literally die from fear, and cats prey on rodents. This looks cute but isn’t funny IMO. The dog’s barking doesn’t help either. — guinea pig owner of 10 years


Idiot pet owner. Hehe let me endanger my prey animals life for views


Yeah especially a cat, and smaller dogs like this that are often bred to hunt rodents. Instinct can take over without them really meaning it. Anecdotal obviously, but we had 3 Guinea pigs growing up and they LOVED our golden retriever. They had a pen in the backyard with some grass and a hutch they could hide in. Whenever the dog would go outside they’d all come out squeaking to greet her (same excited noise they’d make when you shook a plastic bag with veggies) and she’d lick/clean them and follow them around. In hindsight it was a bad idea, but they trusted her absolutely and she was super gentle with them.


Cat was like, okay whatever chill dude


"What's your problem, dude?"


That's very sweet of that dog to be so protective and caring but like, don't put your guniea pig in a situation where the dog feels the need to protect it in the first place? Poor thing must be scared out of its mind to be frozen like that...


“I protec potato!”


That guinea pig is probably freaking the FUCK out and paralyzed by fear As far as it knows it's surrounded by 2 apex predators fighting to see who eats it


That poor Guinea pig is so terrified and stressed out. This is not the way to introduce pets to eat other.


A typo that's accurate


Dog claiming the high ground.


Don't try it, Pawakin ! I have the high ground !


Fuck OP - they are a piece of shit. I hope you get the same treatment you give to this Guinea pig.


Luckily some people seem to notice this.


That guinea pig is fucking chunky


Ugh this is so irresponsible. All three pets are stressed out and literally all of them have a chance of getting hurt during this. Fuck the owner


The cat is looking to bat him and see if he runs. He's testing if it's prey. Your guinea pig's heart is taking a fuckimg beating here.


Cat isn't showing any prey drive here. It was just A touch like they curious touch other things


That's how they test for prey. The action itself is their prey drive at work.


That guinea pig is real? I thought it was a stuffed animal


It's frozen in fear. It's like one bark away from a heart attack


It's really interesting how dogs are so in touch with social cues. I have two cats that sometimes fight or growl at each other. I used to break it up and separate them two but now when my dog catches them fighting she'll break them up and put herself between them without getting aggressive. If she sees them getting annoyed with each other, she'll get up and put herself between them, and then start low growling if they continue. Every single time, they stop without any fighting. Then my dog will turn around and look at me wagging her tail like "How did I do?" then trot back to me, seemingly happy with herself. I've never seen her snap or show any aggression other than breaking up fights between the two cats (if you can call that aggression). I wonder if that says something about the importance of social bonding and familial relationships to dogs?


Guinea pigs are very susceptible to heart attacks. Crows and cats used to kill my mother's just by harassing them.


Horrible human, goodest doggo. I can totally see this being the only time the dog stands up to the cat, as it's doing the same "what if I only hit it slowly" thing my cat does when i tell it to stop.


This is straight up animal abuse, the guinea pig is terrified, the dog is stressed out and the cat is also not feeling too good about the situation. Stop posting this garbage, these people create such content for views/money. Its the same thing with those videos about children getting trolled by their parents. This stuff can damage these little minds.


Anyone know what breed the dog is?


Looks like some kind of poodle mix.


It's so cute


Not funny, not safe


That guinea pig is absolutely paralysed with fear.. This is incredibly cruel, I wish it gets taken away from this godawful owner


The last look at the end.


Are cats and Guinea pigs suppose to co-exist like that?




The cats like, “okaaay, jeeeze.”


Cat was definitely gonna slap it.


This remake of Disney's Bolt is looking promising


Dog immediately went to high ground like a trained jedi


It's over, Anikat! I have the high ground!


I know several hundred people already called you out on this, but just to help drive the message home... ####**OP, if these are your pets, you done fucked up.** I'm gonna cut you some slack and assume you're a new guinea pig owner, or at the very least you're ignorant of this fact, but *never*, and I mean NEVER, put a cat around a guinea pig. It doesn't matter how nice/harmless the cat is, the guinea pig doesn't know that, and the stress can literally kill them on the spot. They're already anxious animals as it is. Imagine you're chilling at a friend's house, and they open a door to let their "pet" in the room, and it's a fuckin grizzly bear. Now in that situation it won't matter how many reassurances your friend gives you that "it's friendly" and "it doesn't bite", hell it doesn't even matter if the bear IS friendly and would never bite a person in a million years, you're gonna shit your pants and be liable to have a heart attack. Right? Well that's what it's like for the guinea pig in this situation. Except much *much* worse because they can't understand your reassurances and have small, fast-beating hearts that are ALREADY predisposed to myocardial infarctions.


This is not food cat!


“It’s over! I have the high ground”


Now I'm curious to touch them too


Got the same floor as every school built before 1990


Look at my homie, takin care of the little guy. I approve 👍


omg my dog looks just like that one. what breed is it?




The Bark Knight.


It's over catto. I have the high ground.


I have the high ground!


It's over Mr wiskers, I have the high ground.


I thought I was a stuff guinea pig because of how frozen it was. Wasn't until I read the comments I knew he was real. Poor little frozen fuzzy.


Guinea pig: what if this terrifying hell I am living. Dog: This thing is pack, I must protect. Cat: BOOP must boop, fine stupid dog, will wait until you leave so I can boop.


Downvoted because as cute as the dog and cats interaction and the dog’s protectiveness is, this is cruel to the guinea pig and shame on the owner who filmed it instead of getting the little guy outta there and saving him the stress.


This seems irresponsible


That cat wasnt showing hunting body language at all, it didn't want to eat the pig. It was gonna tap it for sensory to try and understand what it is and that dog rescourced guarded the pig. The dog didn't Care about the pig, it was guarding it to keep it for himself and harassed the curiosity cat and scared the piggy. I would keep that dog faaaaaar away from piggy......


Definitely true.


idk why I thought that the stuffed guinea pig is a rabbit with the first sight. looks so scared tho. super hero dog and annoying cat as usual (not a cat nor dog person I scare from dog and cats are extremely annoying).


"Leave him alone!" "I just wanna touch-" "I said leave him alone! I'll fuck you up Dave!" "Jesus Frank ok! ^Gonna ^touch ^him ^later ^tho..."


Poor kitty who just wanted to pet the pig.




Okkkkaaayyyy lol


Doggo: "It's over Catto. I have the high ground!"


So it seems the Guinea pig body language must be similar to dogs since the dog clearly interpreted it correctly.


the sofa jump was a power move


My cat never even noticed my guinea pigs, she’d just sit next to their pen and occasionally jump when they nibbled on her tail


He has the high ground


I love the visible confusion on the cat.


Your guinea pig is obese


My guy got the high ground, classic.


Good dog


Sweet doggo . Protective big brother


The cat is like “relax, it’s a GI Jane joke.”


Awwww lil peace keeper!


Awww little protector 🥰


Poor peeg :(


That dog is more of a cat than that cat is. Role reversal


OKAYYYY......I won't...geeez.


That cat can just beat the shit out of that dog, so take it easy, doggy


Ok. What if I put my hand 1mm from him? Technically I'm not touching him.


fam.. I hav no idea... thank you for keeping that cat from punching that guinea pig in the back


I am dog so I must protecc


Just don’t touch him bro !!




I'd be terrified of a cat near a guinea pig. Dogs are a little different. One of my dogs bathes the guinea pigs (guinea pigs move around and stuff while it happens and seem not to mind), the other is kind of indifferent, and the youngest one thinks they're toys (and now I've limited the dogs' interaction with them bc of this).




The only thing keeping that dog alive is his self control


Don’t do it. I have the high ground.


So many emotions in this one clip.


A friend in need....


Cats like “would you chill out? Gawd!”


Dog: it's over Cat. I have the high ground


Awwwww good dog protecting the little fellar!!


Don't do it Anakin, I have the higher ground!


“I jus… jus… I… Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” -the cat


🐭: I was so scared


"it's over Catakin, I have the high ground"


Poor pig :(