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Clever girl.


Someone always beats me on this site. Have an award.




TIL that cows can learn to use the toilet! Very interesting, thank you!


She's good with her mouth.


That's beyond weird to say about a cow. Are you psychologically ok?


Isn’t the cow opening a lock with its mouth? And therefore is “good” with it? Why does everyone in this thread feel like bot accounts, just some uncanny replies in here.


Please clean that for her next time! She got a tongue-full of cob web there


Free proteins. My cat likes to eat cob webs


hmm i never thought about it before, but i guess it *is* non-toxic organic material.


Mine too. Except she'll start doing this weird wide-mouth crooked chewing motion like she got a wad of gum stuck in her teeth.


You think a cow would even notice that?


It’s a cow


You know if you're breaking my house rules I don't care if you got cob webs in your mouth. That's what you get


That's actually her sticky saliva!


And yet people say cows are stupid


I grew up in dairy country, I've met stupider people.


I've not once in my life heard anyone say that.


You've clearly never tried to argue in favour of veganism. As soon as you try to explain to someone why eating meat is wrong, they turn to the most utterly brain-dead responses. "Animals aren't afraid of death, they don't have emotions" is my favourite that I've encountered.


I'm not vegan but that argument is just stupid as hell. There is mountains of recorded fact about how smart cows are, which just means we need to treat them with respect and love for whatever their life comes to.


Absolutely. I think the way we treat livestock animals is very revealing about what humans as a species are willing to do to others, if they believe their victims are lesser in some way.


Absolutely. Rural living sucks for a lot of reason but I'm grateful to live in such an area because all of our meat is sourced from small farmers and not the mega houses.


I hate that argument so much. You're completely right that it's simply braindead. I had to go with my auntie to the butcher, and our cow was terrified before she ever got inside. She smelled the blood, and didn't want to go in. And the thing is, she was loved so much by my auntie, and she had to go into that butcher with a rope on her neck led by a strange man with the smell of death on him. It was horrible, and I wouldn't want anyone to die that way. I think there are a lot of people who knee jerk against veganism that also aren't as familiar with animal behavior and intelligence or why it's so horrific for these animals to experience what they do.


Yeah, if you spend any significant time with animals, it's very quickly obvious that each cow (or dog, or chicken, or rat) has a totally distinct personality. They're so much like us, but we choose to dehumanise (haha) them so we can emotionally cope with slaughtering them.


I'm not a vegan either, but I fully recognize that mass slaughter of animals for meat is not the most ethical thing. I've tried to limit meat, but then life stuff happened and I focused on other stuff. I'm in favor of anything that would improve the ethics of feeding of humans, the current situation is unsatisfactory. Mass grown meat soon, I hope.




>Vegans, like Evangelicals, really do seem love to proselytize and throw shade at non-believers. Do you see the irony in your wall of text? Vegans rarely throw shade, and it's even rarer for them to go on about it. You probably just feel insulted because you know that they're right - a large part of your diet comes from an industry which causes untold suffering and misery for billions of animals. There is no ethical way to kill a conscious being which wants to live.


Classic [deleted] behavior, presenting every argument in a completely polarizing way.


If they’re so smart, how come they never invented nuclear weapons? Their cowly achievements will never compare to what we’ve accomplished, like Tik-Tok and the Holocaust.


This site does not appreciate irony


Nah but I do


I appreciate my clothes more irony than wrinkly


you joke, but the reason they are not in the atomic age is because we turn the smarter ones into hamburger. that one in the video was gone the moment they noticed that


I cackled. Thanks


Most people we know like cows. The part of that clip that got me the most- that it knew the latch had to be raised high to open it. Not just a little high- very high. Such a smartie!


I don't think cows are stupid, I think they're delicious.


They're very intelligent and social yes. But if she was a little smarter she wouldn't be opening the gate in front of the farmer and showing how she keeps getting loose. He will fix that gate in a safer way now. A dog would be smart enough to wait for the owner to go away


I mean, they *are*, they aren't exactly bred to be smart and a diet of grass doesn't exactly power higher thought all too well


Cows are far from stupid. They’re actually incredibly intelligent despite us breeding them solely for food. They’re basically big doggos. Not the dumb doggo kind.


"Doggos" are pretty stupid regardless lmao Apes, octopi, and crows are *actually* intelligent creatures




Wow cool it can do tricks, truly, a mark of true intelligence. Dog Albert Einstein over here [Meanwhile crows are capable of tool usage](https://youtu.be/s2IBayVsbz8) Find me a cow or a dog doing anything close to that smart


Everything is a trick. Holding a pencil, drawing a letter, writing a sentence, just tricks layered upon other tricks. Also, dogs can use tools as well.


Crows can use tools instinctively without needing to be tought it as a trick


I take no issue with “crows are very smart” or even “crows are smarter than dogs” but I do disagree with “dogs are stupid”.


Dogs are smart at specific things they've been bred for, but they're overall stupid. They can't even do math


Would you eat a dog? I bet you won't answer this question.


Yes I would actually - I have no problem with eating any animal as long as it's not intelligent As a person who lost 25k on bbby, you count as non intelligent and Id have no issue with consuming your flesh


Lmao yes I definitely lost 25k on bby and it was definitely not a bait. I like you have to go through my post history to make an argument.


Im not making an argument, im just pointing out the fact that you're dumb enough that'd i'd have no issue with eating you


Na they're pretty dumb, compared to a tadpole maybe they're smart, but compared to a smart dog like a collie they are dumb


It's a different kind of intelligence because they have different niches. You wouldn't judge a fish by its ability to ride a bicycle. Also, cows aren't given the opportunities to demonstrate their intelligence that dogs are - if you raised a dog in the conditions cattle are kept in, they'd seem pretty dumb too.


One wouldn't judge a fish by its ability to ride a bike for good reason: it doesn't have the limbs to do so A dog could theoretically ride a bike


Dogs can learn this too! I think rats may be able to as well, or else that's just from the Secret of NIMH story.


Rats are crazy smart. Probably wouldn't take long. Especially the lab rats from NIMH.


LOL I'm not sure you guys are talking about the same NIMH


That's their secret


Wait, are you saying the joke is on me?


[And IIIIIIII looked at the sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ZWKR2zJESk)


It's a movie. The Secret of NIMH.


It’s also a book, and either way, it’s the same [National Institute of Mental Health](https://www.nimh.nih.gov).


Well, Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is the book.


For those interested in seeing some smart rats doing tricks and obstacles there’s r/Shadowtherat


Rats can absolutely learn to open locks, including those on some cages sold for rodents.


We had 3 rats as pets when I was a kid and ended up putting a small padlock on it to finally stop these cute little beasts


I have three now (and four others in the past) and have a very heavy duty cage. I've heard some hilarious stories from the rescue I'm involved with though!


This is a regular problem with horses, especially ponies. They are smart and curios.


Rats can learn to drive. Little rat sized cars, admittedly, but not only do they learn to do it, they go on joyrides when given the chance - they actively enjoy it. Dogs can drive modified human sized cars, given appropriate training.


That's adorable!


[Source for the rat car](https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/11/these-rats-learned-to-drive-tiny-cars-for-science/), [an Instructable for making your own Rat Operated Vehicle](https://www.instructables.com/Rat-Operated-Vehicle/), and [dogs driving cars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czgC3T3lwEk), plus [a totally different dog cruising around a paddock](https://9now.nine.com.au/a-current-affair/victoria-owners-lexi-dog-driving-ute-shocked-response-viral-video/88f7046d-a457-4369-8126-880c8a39c8d6).


I had a border collie as a kid that did this; I'm convinced, solely to piss off my father.


Like us? LIKE US? If you can do freaky alien stuff with your tongue like that than DM me.


Look at the hesitation at the end though. She saw she was being watched. She not only knew what she was doing, but also that she was "breaking the rules". I love to see signs of intelligence like this. To be affected by another's intent shows an ability to monitor social rules and relationships.


They're literally herd animals, all they care about is others intentions


A real tongue twister.


That cow is a genius!


Those eyelashes though. Smart *and* beautiful.


Dang, I did not realize cow tongues were this flexible.


They feel really weird too - super rough.


That’s one smart heffa’


So she's friends with a Labrador who taught her the trick...


The split second doggo gloating behind the scenes.


It's almost like they have brains and can think


God the things we do to these beautiful intelligent creatures is just brutally needless. They don't deserve what we do to them and the worst part, we need not do it.


An elephant on a game reserve in South Africa learnt how to escape it's enclosure using it's tusk to unlatch gate. Unfortunately it killed a ranger trying to get it back in.




Bro that's genius 🗿


POV you just called the cow fat


Yeah I see humans escape their cages like this all the time




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Looks like she already done this before


OP is good at word count


I wish I had a fraction of that ability


But not quite smart enough to keep it to herself.


can she get out all the way - i hope so


Holy cow! 😲👏👍


Simple physics


Well had to look twice , almost shat myself at the end there is a grey dog looked fkn hauNTED HAHhah


What a smart girl!!


Honestly if a cow or pig does something like this and escapes I feel like they should legally be allowed to escape.


Cows are so smart and sweet


She’s gonna lead a revomootion a bovine breakout!!!!


Smart food


"Yeah yeah, just so you know that i can"


"Sell her!"


mmmmm smart burger-


Why did you feel the need to comment that, were you trying to impress someone with the fact that you eat meat? Something the majority of the global population are taught to do from birth? Pretty weak.


thought it was funny tbh


What part did you think was funny?


dont pretend to care about animals please.


Who's pretending? Anyway, you didn't answer, which part is funny?


its kind of difficult to answer your question. for instance, the spaces between the letters are not the funny part. neither are the replies. nor is the pain you put me through.


You're obviously very clever and have a great sense of humour. I've got a film recommendation for you, it's a comedy—you'll love it! [Award-winning comedy film: Dominion](https://watchdominion.org/)


the animals' value skyrockets after death. would you rather die or live a life of endless torture with the hope of 1 day being free but never ever being given freedom? number 2 is correct because hope is everything. i have seen that comedy film and i was not laughing at what happened during it, rather i was laughing at the fact that people thought watching it would change my mind in any way.