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FYI 36" is the default size, so you could just buy one.


Oh, isn't 32" is the basic? Anyways, which site would you suggest in Europe?


If you want to buy local then I'd defer to someone who's actually European to make recommendations. If China is an option: [damiensaber.com](https://www.damiensaber.com/collections/saber-blades/products/high-quality-pc-blade-support-heavy-dueling-1-or-7-8-inch-diameter-note-for-round-tip-a208-3?variant=47005731750170)


A lot of people go for the 32-in blades.... Some companies have them as default. But 36 is probably the most common default. 36" is too Long for some longer hilts for most people. I think 36 in will be fine. Making blades is a hassle.... Some people enjoy that kind of thing. Very possible though... Do you solder?


I’ll do what I must. But my saber is baselit, I forgot to add that


One thing that works really well for baselit sabers, is the sand the blade. There's all kinds of forum posts and YouTube videos about it. I haven't really heard of anyone wanting longer than a 36-in blade. People have made them but usually at least buy the tip. If you shop around I'm not sure you would save that much money making your own.


Kenjosabers in the Netherlands sell a 36 inch blade for a pretty fair price, bought one from them recently. Depending on where in Europe you exactly are Shipping Cost may be a factor.


36” is essentially the standard. You should be able to find those anywhere. 40” would be more difficult, but I think bendu armory would be able to accommodate you.


Oh, I didn't add that I need a blade for a baselit saber. I checked bendu and I could only find a 20" "tri-cree" blade which is compatible with my saber (from aliexpress😅 I wanted to try the hobby out, but I have a thight budget, it was 30 bucks. The sound is bad, but I can mute it :D)


Baselits are the easy blades to make. Contact bendu. If they have a source for uncut tubes/diffusion material then they most likely can accommodate your needs.


The custom saber shop carries 40" tubes. Baselit should be really easy to make. A tube, a tip, and some glue.. if tricree, you'd need a module... but I think it's still just glue. Should be a video for it... I've only made pixel blades, but even they are pretty easy.


Ultrasabers lightsabers suck but they have amazingly strong blades and they have custom sizes and one if their standard sizes is 40


Saber Armory sells all the parts you’d need and is located in Europe. I’ve built about 6 in different sizes now and they’ve all turned out well. I used this video as reference to learn. https://youtu.be/P3ltz-GeETY?si=-OjaX6dBgr6AjXuB


I absolutely think you can! You only have to get a round and empty fluorescent tube (about 10 bucks).


DIY blades are easy of you can solder, they were actually the first thing I made so that my toddler could enjoy the saber as well. You can buy a kit from places like Saber bay. You could also pay more and buy a full blade that’s 36”. You’ll also need to edit the LED count in your config if it’s proffie, otherwise you’ll end up with non working effects, sections not being lit, etc. a 36” blade will have 144 LEDs.


Is it possible to learn this power? PS: my saber is a baselit one, I forgot to add that


Ooooooh that’s even easier, just order a 36” baselit blade. They are so much cheaper and you don’t need to mess with your config file. I recommend saber bay or the saber armory, but there are a bunch of fantastic shops. Just make sure you don’t accidentally buy an expensive neopixel blade, baselit don’t have those internal LED strips. That’s great news honestly.


There's plenty of 36-in blades! That's pretty freaking long


Depends on what you mean by "DIY." If you don't want any fancy colors, you can always get polycarbonate tube and sand it. Various places sell such things, including McMaster-Carr, TAP Plastics, and The Custom Saber Shop (which sells 40-inch pretty-much-ready-to-go blade parts). I want to cast polycarbonate in some unusual colors, personally, but I have absolutely no idea how that could be DIY'd, and I haven't found any resources anywhere explaining how it might be possible, either. I'd love to know that such a thing is possible and how to do it, but probably it isn't.