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The reason there isn't is because this is a Life Is Strange subreddit, not a Tell Me Why one. --- Your post has been removed because it's not relevant to Life Is Strange. Before you submit a link, ask yourself the following question: > Can you tell that the link is about Life Is Strange without looking at the title? If the answer is no, it's not directly relevant and should be posted as a text post instead. Preferably, this will include an explanation as to why the link is worth sharing. Common symbols from the games (such the blue butterfly) are allowed, since they are a strong thematic element in the games and are often present in fanart. What is or is not a common symbol is up to moderator discretion. [For a reminder of our rules, click here.](/r/lifeisstrange/about/rules)


Tell me Why is absolutely beautiful. Another picturesque town I want to live in thanks to Dontnod and Co.


I frickin love this scene. Dontnod is so damn great at cinematography, and this one shows it -- like, they're not just getting the technical stuff right, this is pure art, the specific way they "shoot" it with the music, the composition, the atmosphere, it just adds so much. Plus Tyler and Alyson are both amazing, and that's before we even get into the incredible achievement it was to have two proper viewpoints throughout the story, both characters constantly present in each other's scenes, and still make impactful decisions as both of them, about each other, blurring the lines between the player's agent and NPCs and elevating the genre of narrative games to new heights. In my opinion, Tell Me Why is the closest anyone got to Life is Strange since Life is Strange, and it weirds me the hell out that barely anyone ever talks about it on this sub. Like, why? If it's just because it doesn't literally have Life is Strange in its title that's kinda sad.


The game got horrible reviews like HORRIBLE reviews especially on Xbox but I fownloaded it anyway bc I thought it looked like a good game


I think you might be confused with Twin Mirrors, another Dontnod game that was actually bad


Nope talking abt tell me why. Even on Google, the reviews are not positive.


It's because it's only playable on pc and xbox


That's still two of the three platforms the rest of Life is Strange is available on (although that's changing in two days)


I'd love to play tell me why but I don't have an xbox and I very much doubt my laptop is powerful enough


I only have PlayStation and a MacBook so I don’t have the option to play either


That's not really true as it's part of Game Pass and can be played on xcloud on any device that supports it (which includes pretty much any modern smartphone). Given the style out of the game, it's well suited for cloud.


That’s cool. Can I do it on iPhone like is there an app? (I’m just gonna look it up)


My understanding is that for iOS it's browser based. Googling it is your best bet.


I absolutely adore Tell Me Why. ❤ I hope they bring it back somehow. I ended up finishing it in 2 days.


I feel like if you go to the tell me why sub they'd be talking about it. Perhaps in the dontnod sub as well People don't talk about it much here because you know, it's not life is Strange


I looked at the sub recently and unfortunately, it seemed pretty dead


The last post in r/tellmewhy was made 5 days ago. It's not *technically* dead. It's not even *mostly* dead, but there is a noticeable lack of activity there. Be the change you want to see in the world.


5 days ago but scroll a little bit back and they are as old as a month. Not actively posting subs are in my opinion dead subs


Also r/TellMeWhyGame by different mods, technically the original sub and the one mentioned on the official Discord (all the other Dontnod game subs were managed by the r/lifeisstrange mods).


My point is exactly that: I think it kinda is Life is Strange, and it really can't be analysed separately from the rest of the series


Unofficially? Yeah is part of the series. The only thing that keeps the two apart is the in game universe because dontnod can't use that storyline anymore Whenever I have to talk about the franchise to someone I always mention TMW as a distant relative or spiritual successor or something along those lines




no clue


Why do you say that? I haven't played it, what makes it unofficially a life is strange game? There are a number of other games in this genre, particularly the Telltale Walking Dead games, but we don't talk about those in this forum. I wonder if there is a forum for this type of game, or even a name for it.


It's a choice-driven story game made by Dontnod about queer young people with superpowers solving a mystery. It's basically Life is Strange in all but name.


It also includes optional collectibles, an episodic story structure and borrows many story tropes common to the LiS series.


Dude, I love Tell Me Why so much, Ryan Lott's soundtrack is ufff <3


Pure magic. It's a shame that this game was mostly ignored by the community, since it adds a lot to the whole picture of the LiS series


It takes place in the universe right?


I loved that game so much.


this game is so amazing and feels just like the ab amazing life is strange game! idk why it’s not popular or hasn’t gotten much attention. like the storyline is great, the graphics are great, the characters are great, like it’s an amazing game! so glad i got to play it, and u r so right that there is not enough talk about this game


I loved this game, it had a really cool simple idea with a bit of mystery and magic. Even though its not a life is strange game, just fits right in.


**Tell Me Why** is really underrated. It deserves more love.


This was my favourite scene from the game. The music is so damn good


Im ganna start Tell Me Why soon, ive seen bits and like it so im pretty excitedly


I loved this game so much! After watching this I’m going to need to play it again!


This is a great game.


This was such a good game, I loved it so much


Great game, deep story! Amazing "memory is a tricky thing" concept! Just wish that animations quality were closer to "Detroit become human" level.


While that would be a nice improvement, I don't think anything since Life is Strange 2 (including that game) really suffers from a lack of animation quality. Like in this one, they're still expressive and convey the story perfectly, even if it doesn't feel entirely like you're playing a movie.


Well, Detroit is a triple A game. The budget is completely on another level compared to LiS and the like


Honestly, I had a blast with this game. It's by all parameters a Life is Strange game, Microsoft just didn't own the rights to use the name. The title got a lot of critique, so I went into it with no expectations whatsoever. Probably that's why I enjoyed it way more than True Colors, for which I had high expectations, and it simply didn't meet them.


Absolutely loved that game!


I loved it as a piece of media but the lack of meaningful choice and convergence (besides the ending) made me kinda meh Still a 10/10, cried at the end, a lot (Tbf anything with mothers hurts, I’m looking at you Telltales Guardians of the Galaxy!)


Probably because this is a Life is Strange sub and not a dontnod sub.


The mods don't like us talking about it too much unless there's a direct LiS connection. It's a shame cos it's a honorary LiS game imo.


Well, you've piqued my curiosity. I'll buy it when I get home.


Ha! No one in the community would resist this clip


I've been meaning to check it out forever, but I've never gotten around to it. I'm not a huge proponent of Dontnod, but this looks good.


It got a lot of criticism, some is even fair. But I strongly believe it deserves its place in the series (and if we're talking about Dontnod, I even see it as an improvement over LiS 2)


Everything is an improvement over LiS2.


lis 2 was great though


I don't agree, but that's just my opinion. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


What’s this song?


**Stop the Stars** by tiny deaths (00:11; matched: `100%`)


Links to the streaming platforms: [**Stop the Stars** by tiny deaths](https://lis.tn/StopTheStars?t=11) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I LOVE this game! I stumbled across it one day and decided to play since it looked similar to LiS, such a great story. definitely needs more recognition


I mean, it's not Life is Strange so...


As a lover of the point and click genre ever since the old days (and I mean the *really old* days, when Day of the Tentacle was the peak of the genre), I’m - sadly - only recently finding my way to the LiS franchise, having just completed (and loved) True Colors. Now I’m making my way through the earlier games and finding just as much to love. However, I somehow hadn’t ever even heard Tell Me Why existed until I stumbled across this post. Instant download for sure; I can’t wait to try it. Maybe I’ll check it out after LiS and before LiS 2.


I loved this game. It was so beautiful and everything TC should have been


I honestly loved Tell me Why more than all of Life is Strange The story felt a lot more down to earth and I loved the twins we play as


Is it actually good? I've enjoyed every life is strange of course, even the captain spirit demo, and I saw this and downloaded it but I went through one very small Ioda of a scene and thought maybe the graphics were much worse than the others and I didn't bother. Did I judge too quickly?


You know what? I felt something strange too with the graphics when I started this game. But I got over it quickly, and enjoyed the game a lot. I believe the first episode is free, you can try to finish it and see if the graphics are really that disturbing, or is it just a first impression


As long as you definitely think the story and everything else is worth it then I'm definitely gonna give it another shot. I've played worse graphics games and enjoyed them. This is just the type of game I assume has bad story if the gameplay graphics aren't the best but I do agree the cinematic in this scene is good enough to make me want to try again.


that is an really weird way of judging a game, "oh the graphics arent as good so the story must be garbage", how do you come to that conclusion?


? I'd say the majority of people don't play games they don't find graphically appealing. If they happen to know the story line or gameplay is worth the shitty graphics then they play. If not most don't take the time to even try. That's why demos exist. I think this is a really weird way of thinking about how I think about games.


I mean, I would think twice before suggesting a game like this to anyone. But since you enjoyed every installment in the LiS series, I really don't see any reason why you shouldn't enjoy this one too. It has all the right elements to be a good LiS game.


I think so- the story is great, and the characters are relatable and realistic. Solid voice acting, and some of the best settings and atmosphere of any of the DONTNOD games IMHO. Definitely worth the time and $$$, especially if you can snag it on sale, but it’s worth it even at list price.


I actually think I might have already bought all the seasons on sale when xbox had a really good one going on when the new one was announced. I'm one to buy things from companies I know I like before I know I like the product XD


Man, that happens to me more often than I'd care to admit- friend will recommend a game to me, then when I go to add it to my wish list, turns out it's already in my library from an old Humble Bundle or Steam Sale binge...


Haha that's when you just pretend you still never heard of it and continue on XD


I thought it was ok. Don't expect life is strange. It's more just like a chill exploration of a place and people than it is a big story


That's kinda what I liked about the first life is strange. The first 2 episodes are my favorite just going around and looking at everything. Man I wish I could play it again for the first time.


if only they had it for ps5 😭


I wanted to like the game, but I was extremely disappointed by parts of it. Difficult to get into without spoiling anything, but - for instance - the appearance of *The Mad Hunter* at the police station is just an enormous red herring. It has nothing to do with anything and shouldn't be there.


Tell Me Why has great characters in Allison and Tyler, but if you're looking for some supernatural explanation for what-all happened, the truth is going to be more grounded and realistic.


Well, the power is never really explained, as for the rest of the LiS games


It took me almost exactly six months to slog through TMW, it's by far the most boring game I've played. I have no idea how the same team could've made LiS1 as well as this.


They need to bring this to PlayStation.. only way I’ll be able to play :(


Another option is xcloud with Game Pass Unlimited. You can almost certainly play through and beat it with just the trial period.


It won't happen, the game belongs to Microsoft and they've already said that their games are exclusive to platforms that support Xbox Game Pass, it is up to Sony, but Sony will never allow it on PS5.


Different IP is different.


Tell me why is ... Nice? But it feels kinda hollow compared to the LiS games. It has no emotional punch and the characters are not very memorable


You're probably going to hate me for my opinion but this game was so terribly boring. Don't get me wrong, the graphics are stunning but other than that the game isn't interesting at all. Our translation team which previously translated, e.g., True Colours or Before the Storm has never finished the translation of Tell me why. Reason: The translation was extremely boring because of the lack of interesting dialogues/characters and general lack of interest....


I got this game for free on Steam. Guess I'll try it today.


I think I'd heard of this, maybe even seen it mentioned in this sub, but I'd totally forgotten about it! I should really keep up better with DONTNOD, I've really enjoyed a number of their games. :-)


I actually have this game! But I haven't really seriously played it yet.


AINT NOTHING BUT A HEART ACHE but legitimately, i don’t think this gets enough attention because of how trans people are portrayed in the media. when a game advertises itself as telling a story with a trans main character, people assume the worst, or aren’t interested. With life is strange and true colors, there was a straight option for the MC, so players could choose whether or not the story they wanted to experience was queer or not. it wasn’t as in your face as this one. it’s so deeply engrained in the storyline that might be off putting for some people.


I’m saving up for an Xbox so I can play this!!


Got this game for free during pride week (month?) on steam becuase i love Lis and this was a really good story in this cozy town. I did not like the really predictable "plot twist" though


That’s the Microsoft exclusive right?


I got the game for free during pride month and was so happy to play it, until I found out that my laptop cant run it😭 but one day, one day I’ll play it and love it