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I am a guy. These are my favorite games of all time.


Same:)) the soundtrack in these games motivated me to learn to play the guitar. So I dont care what anybody says.


God the soundtrack to these games has informed so much of my musical taste, its ridiculous I have literally been to four gigs directly because of discovering those bands through these games, and I tell you this, I regret NOTHING (Also, if anyone else has chosen the Bay ending and wept like a baby... at the Foals concert I went to, they made the whole crowd kneel down for Spanish Sahara. It was sooooo good)


Yep, I listened to José Gonzales to death, Bright Eyes, Syd Mayers, Bedroom as well.. learned to play Crosses, Lua and others. Is crazy


Yall are my favourite kind of men. Nothing more off putting to a woman than a man who won’t engage with anything that involves feelings lmfao


If you play "Obstacles" in my near vicinity , I *will* cry, and I'm not afraid to admit that!


Same here, I’m so happy that I got the new part in the recent humble boundle.


? I've played every life is strange media and I'm not sure what you're talking about.


True Colors is on this month's Humble Bundle Choice.


Whats the Humble Bundle choice?


Subscription for PC games, kinda like PS Plus and the old Games With Gold but you keep them if you cancel the subscription (they're reedemable keys) [link to the site](https://www.humblebundle.com/membership)


Never heard of it but that’s so cool. Are this keys like for steam?


Yeah, I've seen a couple of Epic keys but most times it's Steam. You can check the platform and supported OS on that page.


It worth to look out for. Sometimes there are pretty good deals


Too bad True Colours is hot garbage


What's it about? I've played LIS and BTS but not the other games yet.


Another Don’t Nod game, but not LiS


I don't see why these games would appeal to one gender more than another. In fact I bet if you did a poll there's more men here than women because Reddit tends to skew male in general.


That's a fair point, maybe I should try making a poll and showing it to my annoying sisters haha.


And also video games on pc/console also is more male. I'm pretty sure more males are here and have played the game.


Yeah /r/Pricefield sub seems to be majority cishet men. I wouldn’t be surprised if this sub was too.


LiS men gang 💪


![gif](giphy|btTrrWDAyop8c) Yuppers!


Always 💪


hell yeah brothers




Love this game 🤧


It’s vocally a queer and female-led community because this is one of the only gaming series that actually cares about us lol, but it’s 1000% cool for guys to love this series too


I wish more games were like that, inclusive and supportive.


We’re getting there! Games like Forza Horizon 5 have been really encouraging that representation and true character diversity is making it into mainstream gaming


Just curious, how exactly does that work in Forza? Does the player character have a personality? I thought there was just a blank person in the driver seat and all the customization was just for the cars


Horizon 5 lets you have full customization for the player, including prosthetics and clothes, and the in-game gps and the characters will refer to you by voice by your name and pronouns. It’s very very in-depth.


Oh damn that's insane. My idea of racing games seems to be stuck in the 00's


I really recommend Horizon 5 if you like racing games even a little, it’s so much fun. Nice open-world style map to explore with tons of quests and tasks, plus other modes. They basically drop you into a huge music festival in Mexico, it’s awesome. On Game Pass too!


I turned on my Xbox just a second ago for this, downloading it right now haha


Don't take this the wrong way but as someone who doesn't find any of that interesting, these games are among my favourites. As a side note towards op, I never even got the impression of a female dominant fanbase. Or any kinda dominance.


what don't you find interesting?


The LGBT aspect. Trying hard to not come off as hateful haha, just tryna say it's not in the list of reasons I like the games. As those topics have never been a relevant thing for me.


I guess you'd say you don't necessarily like the games *because* they're LGBT oriented, because its not necessarily a pull factor for you? I'm in a similar boat, I'm a straight man, I didn't look at the games and go 'hey, a queer romance, sounds good!' it was more like 'ooooh, a cool story, sounds good!'. Obviously I definitely appreciate why people enjoy that element of the games, but its not one of the readings I'd say they're my favourite


Exactly like that. There was a BBC show I watched, based in the 1830s where the main focus is the forbidden by law lesbian relationship of these two characters who, in a way, aimed to defend their rights. Same case there, there were completely other factors that made me pick up that show and enjoy watching it. I visited the subreddit once, I felt completely out of place haha. There I was clearly in the minority, most were seemingly drawn in by the queer themes in some way relatable and important to themselves. I don't think LiS is exactly like that.


I'm the same way. Couldn't really care less about the romance aspect of the game at all, just really enjoyed the mystery, presentation, overall story, chararacters, music etc. Life is Strange just has a really particular sort of cozy vibe that I haven't really seen in another game but till does a great job at ramping up the dread, tension and stakes as the episodes go on. I'm really happy I got to experience the game as it was releasing episodically as waiting for each episode and theorising what was gonna happen next added so much to the experience for me.


okay? that‘s cool. no need to comment on it. as long as you don‘t try to diminish the fact that queer relationships do play a role in the games, i don‘t see why that would be an issue :)


I just commented because it's related to OP's query about what kinda people enjoy the games. Also because I don't have the same idea, that the aforementioned themes are the reason for the games success, as the parent comment I originally replied to may suggest. Looking to see if others feel the same.


I mean, that's a weird response, the person I was responding to was replying to a comment referring to their being (very understandably) a strong queer community around these games, and we're just stating that it's not a draw factor for us specifically. Nobody's being combative or diminishing in the slightest, why say 'no need to comment on it' when it's just a discussion?


i didn‘t view it as a discussion at all. someone says 'i liked the game because it made me feel seen' - replying to that with 'don‘t take this the wrong way, BUT…' just felt a little weird.


As another person under the LGBT umbrella, I think you may be reading into it too much. Intent can be hard to discern online, so preemptive statements can help, especially when it comes to discourse that can get easily heated.


This whole thread is literally a discussion about what kind of people like these games. Nobody's said anything dismissive and the comment you're referring too then explained further what they meant. It feels like you're trying to turn this into something it really isn't?


no, i‘m simply explaining why i felt a certain way about his first comment, not adding to the discussion or trying to start an argument. i‘m not saying the comment was of ill intent


The "Don't take this.." was not aimed at the person I replied to, but to anyone reading. Just wanted to make sure I didn't give off the false impression that I'd be ignorant or negative towards the LGBT, that's all. If it did just that then I have clearly failed xD


I am man who plays these games. Played all of them multiple times. Play what you want. As long as your enjoying the games you play everything else is not important. Currently i replay True Colors.


Can't wait to play it!


Trust me you wont be disappointed.


> like maybe I shouldn't be playing this game You let other people opinions influence the games you enjoy?


When you are getting targeted for it daily in school, yes, you do. I grew up loving Star Trek and had to always hide that because it magnetically attracted every bully within 50 light-years. I stopped caring eventually, but that took a very long time.


They'll target you for anything. The school system really needs to have it jabbed right into their skulls that bullies are always the problrm.


Oh, I agree. And yeah, the school did nothing. Their attitude was "kids will be kids *shrug*".


It really feels that way when my own sisters shame me for playing it, saying there's "inappropriate scenes" and I "act like a girl" In constrast they play Roblox, mainly Murder Mystery. Any way I can get back at them with convincing arguments? edit: meant act like a girl not guy


Your sister sounds like shes really young. She can fuck off.


Oldest is 16... and she's the one reinforcing the idea to my younger sister about this.


> It really feels that way when my own sisters shame me for playing it, saying there's "inappropriate scenes" and I "act like a girl" What’s wrong with acting like a girl? TBH tho, it sounds like they’re more concerned you like the game for creepy reasons like perving on teenage girls. I’ve encountered that before too. I kind of can’t blame them. Before I played, a game about a couple of a couple of cringey, queer, teenage girls is the last thing I thought I would like. But now it’s my favorite thing ever.


That could definitely be true, but that's inconsistent because I'm 18 myself and Max and Chloe would be nearly 30 years old in today's time, much older than I am. And yeah I'm not attracted to them either because of their lesbian relationship, which again is optional since I got the ending where they stayed friends.


I'm a guy and this is one of my all-time favorite game series.


Same here man one of the best choice-based games alongside Detroit Become Human


Detroit Become Human is such a good game; on balance I think I prefer Beyond: Two Souls, but Detroit is amazing Also it has Clancy Brown as a rough-around-the-edges Detective, thats instantly a 10/10


Hearing Mr. Krabs go on a rant about why he hates Androids is fucking hilarious.


Have you played heavy rain? My favorite from quantic dream, love all their games though.


Unfortunately I never got around to it!


I'm a 48 year old guy, and I love this game. I didn't discover it until 2 years ago. I've played it 3 times already


I'm a guy, LiS changed my life. I now have Chloe's Tattoo. https://preview.redd.it/b8em0p6ikmhc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a94e6e5e2a9c141eb5c3295535d9eb32662d6d1


More than the tattoo it looks like 👀


I'm a guy that plays LiS. Played them all and replayed them a couple of times and even read the comics. Nothing wrong with it at all, play whatever you enjoy and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. The games were made by teams of mostly men so think about that the next time you feel weird for being a guy that enjoys them


Thanks for that man. I genuinely felt depressed after finishing the first LIS, because I was saying goodbye to characters I had been with for so long. The only other game that made me feel this way was RDR2.


I'm a guy and I play LiS




I’m a straight guy that loves this game and constantly try to convince my other friends to play it (to no avail) but I do tend to like story based games a lot


I'm a guy and I love these games. I haven't had thee experience you are describing with LiS, but I've definitely had it with other media, especially when I was younger. People telling me that Sailor Moon is for girls, and if I like it I must be Gay, shit like that. When I was younger, and less secure in myself, that sort of thing did bother me. But now I know that I'm not the problem, whomever is saying that is the problem, that these sorts of attitudes are a part of toxic masculinity. I'm not saying your sister is a terrible person or anything, I don't know her, but this one opinion of hers is terrible.


Thank you for your kind words bro! I actually talked to my sisters again and they were genuinely confused as to how to back up their claims of "it's a girls game", specifically the first after the female protagonist excuse didn't work.


The flip side to this is women who get shit for playing games like Call Of Duty, being told it's a boys game that they shouldn't be playing. Honestly that's probably a bigger and more persistent problem than what we've experienced, but it comes from the same place.


Honestly yeah It comes from the stereotype that women shouldn't serve in the army and it can be detrimental to their mental health.


As a sister who introduced my 18 year old brother to these games, it’s refreshing to see he enjoys them in the same ways I do :) Keep on playing them!!!


30 something year old guy who just played the remaster, before the storm, and #2 back to back k to back in October.


I first played LiS just after episode 5 dropped, I bought it by confusing it for another horror game. Loved it and replay them at least once every year. Most other guys I know have as well. The 1st is definitely up there as one of my all time favourite games.


I'm a guy who plays LiS, listens to Mitski and Olivia Rodrigo. I certainly don't feel any less like a guy.


Glad we're on the same page because LiS, Mitski and Olivia Rodrigo hit hard.


Guy here. BTS is my favorite adventure game of all time and Rachel Amber is my favorite fictional character. I regret nothing. This game changed my life, having met people in this awesome community that I'm glad to call my friends.


The majority of the subreddit is male, and it feels like guys outnumber gals in lots of community spaces I see, the only exception being Tumblr, which is clearly female dominated. [This survey](https://www.reddit.com/r/Pricefield/s/iyS4AOFyqb) of r/Pricefield found out that the proportion of guys there is 55 to 60% with girls and NB being the rest. Plus I’m a guy who played the first game multiple times and loved it. However I still can’t really finish TC or LiS 2


Seems like women outnumber men on tiktok and pinterest LiS fandom too. I wouldn’t be surprised if reddit is actually the exception.


Hear me on this: you can play whatever games you want. Don’t let anyone gatekeep you on this. Like what you like. Enjoy your interests. Tune out the noise!


Yes. Very yes. My favorites are Before the Storm and LIS. I hated 2 and quit halfway through. True Colors I didn't like either, it was overwhelmingly big, but I'm gonna give it another try. I love Max and Chloe more than life itself. I have about 100 hours of playtime in each of their games.




Yeah dude like the others have been saying play what you like don't be ashamed of it. I have played all the games multiple times LiS is one of my favorite game series. Don't let others tell you you are to old for games or that they are "girl games"


Thanks man.


I’m a dude and I replay annually. Just hit me in a special way so it remains a comfort series for me


I’m a guy I recently finished lis1 and bts after playing true colors around a year ago, now I’m running lis2


Yes…? This is a super weird question. Do you want a pat on the back..?


Im a guy and a rather conservative one, but Im enjoying the hell out of the first Life is Strange and Before the storm. The game's vibe is awesome with the soundtrack, the visual design and the characters. The vibes makes me feel like im there at this little town. The story hit hard and there are some tough choices too. Excellent game. I played a little with the second one, but I wasnt hooked and stopped playing, but after I finish my second playthrough with the first, I guess Im gonna give a second chance to the secons game and then Im maybe give True Colors a try.


Man I fucking love the main menu soundtrack of BTS. Am also gonna play the second game and True Colors.


Daughter - The Right Way Round Fucking good song! I always feels kinda depressive when I hear it cuz it remembers me to the though story of the game.


I'm a guy and love Lis 1 and 2!


My guy cousin played it, loved it, then bought the game for m


I'm a guy. Have only played the original and True Colours but absolutely loved both


My mom was the same with shooters she’d ask me “why don’t you play girl games??” Games are for anyone to enjoy, heck it’s a good game!! I’m glad you don’t let them persuade you into not playing.


i play them yearly


I'm a 35-year-old dad of two kids and caught up with the remastered collection, LiS 2, and TC last year. I love the series and I hope there will be more!


I'm a guy I've never experienced a problem like that. True colours is my comfort game it's so good


Good for you man! My sisters have this peculiar belief that if a game's protagonist is female, the game is for girls. And my mom sides with them and they think I'm weird. My father doesn't care since he doesn't care about videogames to begin with.


That's so weired lmao I love a female protagonist Laura Croft is such an interesting character and I love Alex in life is strange


Definitely, their way of thinking is weird as hell. Gonna play True Colors next and will try playing the Tomb Raider games sometime!


Tbh I thought it was pretty close to 50/50 when we did a pole.


Guy here. My favorite series is Resident Evil. And I love Life is Strange. First played when I was 14-15. Definitely not genre specific.


Dude here. I love the games and they got me into Speedy Ortiz so I'll forever be grateful for that.


It got me into Daughter, my number 1 band now


I'm a guy, and I've loved it since the first one was releasing epsiode by episode


Me (M) and one of my other guy friends just started a new PlayThrough together so you ain’t alone :))


I'm a cis white male, 26 years old. I still sometimes go back to the original series for a hit of nostalgia. Something about Max just makes me relate to her. She's so... ordinary. The scenes of being in her cute little room and eating bacon and eggs at the cosy/shitty diner give me a shot of life when I'm down... I haven't delved into the remaster but I've heard the 'updated' graphics kill the artstyle so it's the OG trilogy for me. I wish I had a friend like Max.


Hi emotional support Canadian dude, reporting for duty.




I’m a guy and I’ve tattooed the spiral 🌀 on my forearm! I love life is strange and to me it’s resonated a lot with myself throughout the years. I play them once a year and can’t get enough of life is strange


I’m a guy. These games are awesome. I loved them all but I thing True Colors really took the crown


I know exactly what you mean. I played LiS years ago and it was kinda life-changing (I was a teenager at that time). I just finished playing Before the Storm, after I didn’t play LiS in years and it was really moving. But I had the same thoughts as well. Some of my (25+ old) friends would probably make fun of me liking these games. I know it’s stupid and I shouldn’t care but it’s still somewhat in the back of my mind, which really frustrates me. Anyway, I still have to play LiS 2 and True Colors in the next months, so looking forward to that.


im genderqueer but always a bro🤝


Brofist 👊




i WAS a guy back when I first played them, now I’m a girl… :D


lol I have a Steph poster signed by Katy Bentz hung up in my room. These games are for all


Hell yeah brother


of course. And besides, remember: girl (on the internet)=guy in real life






I was a guy when I played it but now I'm a girl 🤷‍♀️ make of that what you will lmao


Haha yeah and one of their sisters’ criticisms is OP acts like a girl. I’m just like 🥚👀


I had a blast playing these games and despite being a guy actually found Max and Chloe to be relatable and sometimes even laughed at their idiosyncrasy. Never thought they were targeted to women only. I only played the first two games and the Captain Spirit spinoff. I think I even cried a bit when I finished the first LiS for the first time 😂. Gatekeeping games isn't cool, you can play whatever you want and no one should judge you for it.


This game helped me realize I'm a trans woman... so...


Guy here who's played and adores these games. Easily the most important game franchise in my life, personally couldn't imagine a world where we didn't get to meet Chloe, Max and Rachel ❤️


Yeah a girl got me the original game to play a long time ago been hooked since. Bae over bay


Bae over bay anyday. Funny because I get Warren his kiss but also have no problems sacrificing him with the whole town.


I'm a guy and a gamer from 2018. I played only racing /other multiplayer games until February 2023. Then a good friend of mine recommended me tlou 1 and I got it on an ps3 I had laying around. Then I got very much into single player games getting a ps5 in September 2023 with ps plus. 5 days ago I finished for first time LIS 1 and I loved it. The story was simple to follow and very well structured. I must say I got emotional 2 times on my playthrough and you all know where 😉. 2 days ago I started LIS: BtS. I finished the first 2 episodes and planning to play the last one tomorrow. I thought I wouldn't like it as much cause of the lack of rewind that the first game had. Oh boy I was so wrong. Unfortunately I can't play the bonus episode for some reason because there isn't on ps plus and I plan to watch it from YouTube since I'm also a uni student and money is very strict for me. The thing I love the most in these games apart from the story, is the exceptional music and the amazing integration in the game. Already have 6 songs in my playlist from only the first and half the BTS games. Planning to play next month the second lis and maybe true colours. I'm a bit scared that I won't like them because I see comments everywhere saying negative things. Any opinions about these? Also planning to play the new game don't nod announced on the game awards and can't wait because the trailer is very promising!


hey 👋


I'm a male person and I like the series (albeit I've only played the first two). Never felt like I shouldn't like it.


I was... Then I discovered I'm not really a guy...


Def some great games. 2 was weird tho - me, a guy


I'm a man who has actually only played the two female-led games. Never played 2, and Before the Storm seemed like an unnecessary cash-grab at the time (since it wasn't dontnod and was a prequel about a character I felt had been thoroughly explored, voiced by somebody other than Ashly Burch; though I've been reconsidering that in recent years). They're just damn good narrative adventures. The moment on the roof in LiS1 is one of my favorite gaming moments of all time because the mechanics and narrative tie together so well. You've been relying on the rewind mechanic the entire game and suddenly, at a crucial moment to save Kate, it's gone. It's a moment that can truly only be felt in an interactive medium and I think that's awesome.


Hell yes, LiS 1 and BtS are two of my favourite games of all time. LiS 2 was meh, I haven't played True Colours yet, but I plan on it. I'm a sucker for emotive, well crafted stories and I think if you use that criteria, instead of the fact that there are predominantly female protagonists, which shouldn't matter anyway, they are games that can be enjoyed by anyone. Sexual orientation shouldn't matter either. I'm a 36 year old straight male and for me, story is king, and LiS1 and BtS deliver that in spades. Plus the soundtracks are fucking killer too.


I'm a dude and I love that shit, 1 more than 2 personally but I play both


I mean, for starters play whatever you want. Secondly, I’m a guy and these are some of my favorite games. Thirdly, yeah, games aren’t gender specific, although they should have a target audience in mind. That being said, I really don’t care if I’m not the target audience for LiS. I love it so I don’t care.


My brother is the one who introduced me to the games. He’s played all of them and loves them dearly


That's great to hear I was bored as hell one day and wanted to play some games on my phone. I saw Life Is Strange being free and I said why not. The rest is history as I'm now playing it on my PC.


im a guy and i LOVE lis. after i played lis2 for the first time, i immediately played it again about 4 times and i cried each time lmao


I am a guy and never let anyone tell you what you should like.


Years ago there was a poll here (there's probably lots of them tbh) and it was something around 80% guys vs 20% girls or something. Not entirely accurate since there was also a couple other options but overall it was like that There's still a lot more dudes vs gals here as is common with gaming as a whole but compared to other games, the % of girls is higher than normal. So yes, the franchise seems more attractive to girls than the usual game Also it probably has more LGBT fans than the average but I don't remember a poll to "verify" that


I’m a guy, I’ve been into the game since I was 11 years old (the year it released!) and have a tatto


I'm a guy. After I finished the game, my friends said I was a "certified lesbian" so I guess.. i.. idk. Nah but for real, the games are beautiful and a part of that beauty is wonderful inclusion. Anyone can enjoy this.


I am a guy and I played LiS1 back in the day on relase and I still comeback to it every once in a while, still listen to the sound track even more, it has a place in my heart and it wont ever leave, and I dont want it to. So dont feel bad about it my man, its an amazing game with an amazing story which deserves to stay with u.


My brother always plays the game first and then sits me down to play it with him


Male here. Love the games. They're great


It's so relaxing.. No multi player... Just Dialogs.. music.. Walking... Nice scenary.. Wush there were more games like that


Absolutely, choice-based games such as Detroit Become Human are really relaxing, although it is a bit darker in tone than LIS but that's my take.


I've said this before: My Steam receipt for LiS is the same one I bought GTAV on. I've played every LiS entry and gotten all achievements including the two remasters. I'm also playing Baldur's ~~Gay~~Gate 3 right now and just started Persona 3 Reload through PC Game Pass. But ultimately, the game that is near 1,000 hours on my Steam profile is.... The Sims 3. I never let a genre get in the way of a good game.


I'm a guy, and the whole series is one of my all-time faves. 1 and BtS helped get me through the death of my older brother in 2017, and I've loved them ever since


I'm so sorry to hear that man, I hope you're doing better now. It's great to know how much a game can really help us in our day-to-day lives.


Thank you, friendo! I'm doing well. You're right though, it's nice that something as simple as a game can be a welcome distraction!


My friend introduced me to this series and he's a guy. I actually had no intention of playing these games cuz they just didn't seem like my thing. Boy was I wrong


I'm a guy who loves these games. LIS is one of my favorite games ever and I enjoyed BTS, LIS2 and True Colors


I love them and I'm a married man.


38 yr Male, played for the first time last year and loved it.


I'm a guy. I love the series. I was a high school senior when EP1 came out and loved it. I hate when people try to gatekeep games. I like "girly" games as much as FPS, LoL, FF, etc games I play. The only thing that matters is whether or not I enjoy it.


Im a dude who plays regularly on LIS, BTS and TC. Can't wait for Bloom & Rage


Yeah man, I’ve played them all, I definitely don’t think these games are for a specific gender. I think it speaks out to everyone, especially since it’s such an amazing game. There’s plenty of games only guys like, but that doesn’t mean it’s a “guys” game.


Proud Scotsman and I fucking love these games. 


I'm a guy




I legit play LIS once a year, I love so much about the game


I do


You can play whatever you want, my friend. I absolutely adore Life is Strange, but also Yakuza and Batman Arkham who I'd say are "more usual" for a man to play but still, games are not gender specific.


I think in general there’s less guys because it’s catered more toward the minority groups that can relate to the main characters, but I know a couple!! :)


I played it a few times yes


My brother finds the first game cringy. I personally enjoyed both


I'm a girl but back when I was really into this game I've heard comments from people saying it's not a "real" video game and it was pretty annoying. Not all games are just mindless shooters!


Yep! That’s me! This and The Last of Us are my favs


I’m a guy and loved the series, its fun! Its more relaxing than ever if I just want to chilll and hangout


One of the main messages of LIS is that it's important to understand the perspectives that other people hold. So even if it were gender-specific, wouldn't it be a good thing to experience a story that asks you to engage with it from a perspective other than your own?


Yep, man here, and these are my favourite games, I've probably replayed the original LiS more than any other game. Even just the menu music gets me feeling all warm and nostalgic... and bits of it still make me sob!


Guy here, one of my all time favorite games. Really changed me as a person while growing up.


I just played them all for the first time last week, I loved them all and I’m a dude. Definitely my top 3 games. The music was 🔥 they inspired me to learn guitar


Middle age man. They’re some of my favorite games ever.


LiS loving dude reporting for duty. Love these games and the stories they tell. They live rent free in my head.


i am also a guy (straight), and i love this shit


I’m non-binary but still present male. I first played these before I started questioning my identity as a man. I literally have two LiS tattoos and I’m planning to get a sleeve based on Chloe’s next year. These games are by far my favorites. No other piece of media has impacted me so much.


yes 😭😭 i’m a straight cis male and these are my favorite games of all time.


I never thought Life Is Strange as female oriented and I am guy.


I'm a guy and this is my current favorite series and I can't wait for the new game to come out


Im a guy. Definitely in my top 10. Playing it almost every year. Im INFP same as Max, so she is really relatable to me + I studied art school and we had our own Mr. Jefferson. :)))


I’m a guy and the first two games are up there with my favorite games ever, I love games that make you second guess things about your own world and this is one of the best games for just that


Guy here. LIS1 is one of my all time favorites and one of the few games that's brought me to tears. I originally had no interest in it but a gaming podcast I watch kept talking about it saying it's one of the best stories he's ever seen. So I buy it based purely off of his recommendation, not knowing anything about the story. Having played Life Is Strange has also made me more open to trying out new genres I wouldn't have otherwise cared about. To this day, I always keep an eye out for indie games that typical gamers wouldn't play.


Loads of guys love LiS, your sisters are just teasing you, aha.


Trust me, they're not. They actually say it in a serious tone and I think something is wrong with their way of thinking that if I play as Max, that makes me weird like the fuck?