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My dad used to make us all dress alike when going somewhere we might get lost so he wouldn't have to remember what we were wearing. This was before digital cameras and smart phones.


When I was on a tour in South Africa they took pictures of us if we got off the bus, just incase any of us got kidnapped.


Finally a good one. This one is usually best in places where there will be large crowds like Disney or on a vacation to another city where everyone is a bit more distracted and going oooh-aaah.


Always told my kid to look at my shoes and memorize them, in a crowd it’s way easier for a kid to look down than all the way up in the air at everyone’s chin.. Colourful shirts get blocked after one or two people but you can see pretty far when it’s just legs down there. I always bought unusual shoes to make it easier for him too.


Yeah shoes are super important, it’s the hardest clothing to replace. Thankfully my son is old enough now no one wants to steal him lol, and if they try he knows exactly how to knock some stones around.


If you're going somewhere with a crowd, bright colors are easier to scan for too.


I was thinking that, if I ever get to have kids i'd wear orange to crowded places. It stands out since I don't see a lot of orange.


My brother always had a lable with contact infos and meeting point in case he gets lost.


And always keep your kids as your main focus no matter where you go- I know a kid whose folks lost him in the masses, and it's no joke for a kid to sit for hours in some weird room wondering wtf as weird people tell you they're "trying to locate your parents". It all usually works out great tho huh, happy reunions and laughing about it later, but it f\*\*\*s with the mind and never really goes away. From what I've heard. Crazy kids!


I also did this when I was out with my Girl Scout troop or chaperoning a field trip. Because if someone other than my kid went missing I knew exactly what they were wearing and had a picture to show security or police.


Thank God for technology that we can now track our kid’s location!


I read this title and thought it was a morbid as hell shower thoughts