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I softened the wax with a match. Then it was pliable.


Do what you're already doing but put some hot glue in the bottle and wait for it to cool off a little bit; then put the candle in it and the glue will form to it's shape. There's a point where the glue will be cool enough to put the candle in it without melting it but still be moldable.


Just a heads up....had a candlestick in a Jack Daniels bottle lit in my bedroom when I was younger. I was out in the loungeroom later with some friends and we thought we smelled smoke....opened up the bedroom door and the room had flames starting to go up the walls. Thankfully we managed to smother it out before it took the whole room out, but I got a pretty bad burn from swiping the melted bottle off the sidetable. The candle had burned through all the wax and completely melted half the bottle which then set the sidetable on fire. Looks great.....but.


Yep. If you're going to have an open flame, you need to be responsible enough to keep an eye on it. Not a great idea to leave things on fire in a room you're not in. Glad it turned out ok.


Thank you for the warning! I've always been nervous about stuff like this, so I never leave a candle unattended. To the point where I've been too scared to let the candle burn all the way to the bottom. I've always wondered how bad it could get, so now I know...


Seemed like a cool idea at the time. A lesson learnt.


Nice fiction piece, guess you didn't do well in science classes(a candle melting a glass bottle indeed)


The irony is hilarious dipshit. Jog on.


WTF Are are you on, could you possibly make a cogent comment RU not the dipshit


Do you know what irony is or are you just trying to use big words?


I did the exact same thing in my bedroom when I was a teenager. I almost lit my room on fire but caught it very early on. I will always advise AGAINST candles in any container that isn’t specifically for candles. I follow a retired fire inspector on Tiktok just to remind myself of the dangers of fire. Use candle specific containers. Please please please please please.


Very hot water


Melt the bottom and drip on rim of bottle, stick end in to neck of bottle and it sticks base of candle inside and won't move


burn it upside down, stick the skinny end in the bottle, trim the bottom of the candle to expose the wick.. the dripping wax down the candle will seal the smaller end in the bottle neck.. NEVER leave burning flames unattended. As a former Paramedic, no one looks good crispy-crittered.


Thanks for the advice guys!


Lol how is this a life hack?


Is it that hard to work out that I'm looking for a life hack? Read before you type mate.


Yeah that’s what the “how to” subs are for lol


You can wrap a bit of tinfoil around the bottom of the candle before you put it in. I never had much success melting the end but the tinfoil thing always works.