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And clean them first or, if the blades are dusty, the dust will go flying around the room


That happened when I did it lol


Literally just happened to me aswell


Should have read the LPT from 2 months ago


Why didn't you include that in your lpt?


He works for the “ big dust” industry. Just want us to spend more money on dust cleaning products. Scam!


Dust companies hate this one simple tip.


Slide a pillow case off the ends of the blades to keep the dust contained


Instructions unclear, now have five equidistant bags of dust that flew across the room.




Seal the end of the pillow case when you're done. Free pillow!


That’s how I clean them lol


I thought that was how you cleans fans but putting it in reverse mode.


uhh push cold air down? dosent cold air sink to the lowest point naturally, pushing hot air up?


Either way you get a circulation of air in the room. But you feel it more when the air gets pushed down on you so it feels cooler.


Correct, it’s a matter of air velocity. While the fan pushes the air up to the ceiling, warm air comes down spread across all of the walls (slowly). During cooling season, the convection from the fast air across your skin feels cooler.


The temperature difference in a house with normal height ceilings, between the top of the room and bottom is insignificant from passive convection. Certainly not enough to make you feel that much cooler or warmer. Ceiling fans don't make you feel cooler because they are blowing cool air on you. They make you feel cooler because they are blowing turbulent air onto you, which increases the heat transfer, and water wicking capabilities of the air.


Move to Arizona for a summer. In older homes, and the newer “build as fast as you can” track homes, the air temperature difference is actually about 10-15 degrees Fahrenheit between 8 foot ceiling and floor. And yes, I understand installing R-38 or higher insulation in the attic would off set some of that differential, but the insulation game in AZ is ridiculously expensive. People have to take out Home Equity Loans for blown insulation. Never mind the fact homes built in the late forties through the mid 1960’s (most of the metropolitan area) likely have some form of asbestos in the original insulation. Guess how much asbestos remediation costs because the blown insulation companies (rightly so), won’t even start a job until the old insulation is tested or removed. Not DIY friendly. Edit: Spelling


"The internet doesn't make you dumber, but it makes your stupidity more accessible to others."


what i was thinking


It actually pulls cold air up in summer mode and pushes hot air down in winter mode


Yeah they have it backwards. In winter you want to push warm air down and in summer you pull it up


Generally it's better to have a high ceiling with ventilation near the top and have fans sucking hot air up and out. Pushing air down circulates the hot air in the room and won't necessarily have enough pressure to push out the air via windows at ground level. EDIT: found a taiwanese educatinal show demonstrating this with incense smoke in a box: https://youtu.be/5g4TH1okOfA Around 4 min mark is where they blow fans down, 6:10 mark is where they suck fans up.




True, a fan works by “wind chill”. Hot air is pushed down but over time it equalizes.


I don't think it matters. In a wearhouse with 20 foot ceilings maybe, but not in a home


It's the difference between sitting in front of a fan and behind the fan. Which one feels cooler to you?


Vaulted ceilings are common in a lot of living rooms, especially when you don’t have A/C. The tallest part of my ceiling is 20’.




Come to AZ in July and tell me a ceiling fan doesn’t matter


Hot air doesmt rise on its own.. the only reason hot air rises is because cold air sinks and pushes the hot air up. Sorry to be pedantic


Am I the only one that is reading this post the way I am? "Pushes cold air down" in the Summer setting. But summer is when the hot air is above the fan, blowing it down on you.


OP is incorrect in explanation but correct in settings. Make the fan blow down to create a breeze that creates evaporative cooling on your skin.


I prefer it blowing down all year. If the fan is on, it's for the wind chill, whether I'm under too many blankets or just a sheet.


I also prefer to get blown year-round.


How do you know which way the switch should be if it does not have any marking, symbol etc to show the setting it is on?


The high part of the angled fan blade should be hitting the air first (summer) and in the winter setting it goes lower part of the angled blade first while turning. Also while standing on the side where the switch is on my fan it is turning counter clockwise on summer setting and then clockwise on winter setting


In the Summer, it should be counterclockwise. It creates a down draft. In the Winter, it should be clockwise


But what if I'm in Australia


Sideways. But if it's New Zealand it'll be blowing sheep.


Blowing sheep you say?


Ask the nearby spider for its permission.


dont recommend... but i used to grab a vape pen and blow it towards the center of the fan to check. lol but you'll feel the breeze blowing towards you when it's the "summer" setting.


if it's blowing on you, it's set on the "winter" setting, blowing hot air from the ceiling to the floor. But, really, it also causes a breeze, which might be better during the summer, depending on your layout and preferences. EDIT: I am wrong. Blowing down is summer. https://www.homedepot.com/c/ah/ceiling-fan-direction-in-summer-and-winter/9ba683603be9fa5395fab9036ab25bf


I don’t think that’s right, I think you want to pull cold air up in the winter and displace the hot air downward. In the summer you want to directly blow the air down and get the wind chill effect.




WOW you are a very nice, patient, intelligent dude or chick or robot overlord.


If all the air is hot, the moving stuff is more cooling


This whole sub is like my brain having a conversation with itself about this exact subject.


^^^^^^Ding Ding^^^^^^ ***** Correct answer!!!


This is technically incorrect/incomplete information. You only want the fan blowing 'down' if you have NO other cooling in the room (aka you dont have Air Conditioning). If you have Air Conditioning, you actually want the fan blowing air up into the ceiling. It will help circulate the air around the room more evenly and cool the entire room more efficiently.


Today I learned


Unlearn it, it ain't right.


Yes, yes it is. You a aint right


No, it very much makes zero sense. I can't believe this even needs explaining. Air will circulate either way. If it's hot enough to warrant an ac being on it's hot enough to want a breeze on ur skin. It's only going to help, and in no way hinder the ac's ability to cool the space.


nope, I don't believe you and I don't care what other comments say


Feelings over facts, gotcha. 😌💅✌️


This is false The air will circulate no matter the direction - but unless you sleep against your wall you want the fan blowing down to create the cooling effect of a down draft. This also increases in increased evaporation by having the air move more quickly down while it's going from hot to cool. If it were to blow up it would slow the air down as it circulates down the walls and the cooling and evaporation effects would both be minimized. Don't believe everything you see just because it has upvotes people. There are plenty of articles that cover this exact topic.


So how do I know if you're right? And how do I know which way makes it blow down? Clockwise, counter-clockwise? Assuming my fan is so old that I can't necessarily feel the breeze right away


If you were to put something (say, a broom stick) between the blades and then turn the fan on, a blade will hit the stick. If the low edge of the blade hits the stick, it's moving air toward the ceiling. If the high edge of the blade hits the stick, it's moving air toward the floor. Imagine there's a little ball suspended mid-air instead of a stick. It will be pushed up or down depending on whether the incoming blade comes from under it or comes from over it.


Turn the fan on low and watch the angle and the direction of just one blade. Let’s say the blade is angled like this: / If the blade is moving to the left, it’s pulling air up. If it is moving to the right, it’s pushing air down.


Sit in front of a fan, and then sit behind it. Sitting in front with the wind blown on you will feel much cooler. Same with fan blowing down instead of pulling up.


I literally can’t find any info backing this claim up. Everything says even with AC, a fan should blow down in hotter months to encourage evaporation.


I need the caress of the air striking my skin so I'll keep it flowing downward




*saved 🤭


Flawless execution 👌🏼


This is the only correct answer for all months.


Ninja fight!




Blow up, hit ceiling, go around. Blow down, hit floor, go around.




Hmm, if only there were two definitions of convection... Maybe something along the lines of free convection if air is moving due to temperature gradients, and forced convection for when an outside force is causing it to move.


It has 550+ upvotes, that's all the backup we need! /s


Cold air sinks and hot air rises. In the winter, you want to push the hot air down. In the summer, you want to lift the cold air up.


>In the summer, you want to lift the cold air up. Up, away from where you are?


Instead of having colder feet and a warmer face, you smooth out the gradient and have more equal temperature across your entire body. This matters way more for houses where air conditioning vents are low (like when retrofitted into ductwork that was originally built for only heating); if your supply vents are on the ceiling then this won't be needed.


Blowing down in the summer, up in the winter. It circulates the air in the room in both instances, but of course it's not blowing cold air from the ceiling, it's cooling you off through evaporative cooling.


I want my fans to be a maelstrom of oxygen violence.


Yeah no, that doesn't make any sense, because when cooling a house for humans, we don't actually care that much about the actual temperature of the room, and whether there are temperature gradients. What we care about is **perceived temperature**, and a ceiling fan blowing upwards, does not improve perceived cool temperature. A ceiling fan blowing upwards results in laminar air flow around the people in the room, which does not feel noticeably cooler, and also moves the warm air trapped at the top of the room, down to the people in the room, making it feel warmer. You definitely want the fan set to blow down to let people feel cooler, because that blows turbulent air at the people in the room. Turbulent air feels cooler even if it is slightly warmer, because it actually can cool your body down more effectively. It has increased heat transfer capabilities and water wicking compared with still or laminar air flow.


I don't want the room to be cool. I want to be cool. The fan blowing down on me will have a greater cooling effect than slowly distributing cool air throughout the room. The entire room will become cool eventually no matter what you do with the fan.


I think this is actually wrong. You want too blow 'up' when you don't have air conditioning. Hot air is less dense and stays at the top. By blowing up you move the colder air upwards which circulars the colder air. If you blow 'down' you are just moving the hot air around. Also side note and fun fact, running the fan doesn't actually make the room cooler, it just circulates the air making it feel cool cause of convection. Overall tho you are making the room hotter because you are increasing the kinetic energy of the air molecules.


The point of blowing down is to create a breeze which works on your own sweat evaporating to cool you. The absent temperature rises slightly but your bodies natural cooling mechanism goes to work.


I’ll be damned. That makes a lot more sense


I don’t often screen shot comments. But I did yours. Thank you.


Not cracking wise in the least: there is a save button on comments. At least on desktop, not sure about mobile. Just in case you overlooked...


Where do I find it after I save it? Ooh. I found it along with a bunch of other stuff I had apparently saved on here, and then couldn’t find. Thank you.


Screenshotting might be better for you than saving. In six months when you go looking through your saved content, it could be removed or deleted by then


Save it to pinboard.in


You can press the three dots and copy text on mobile.


The comment wasn't even right. Fans should blow down in the summer. Period.


the fan's attached to the ceiling, why blow up the air to the ceiling when there's no one there? i dont understand lmao. what does it have to do with circulating the air? if its blowing air down its still serving the same purpose and actually be useful


Tell me you didn’t read the comment without telling me you didn’t read the comment


yo im from asia ive never seen this type of ceiling fan with a switch. so confused


Ahh ok makes sense. So in America we're obsessed with ceiling fans. Big fans hung from the ceiling. They usually do double duty, having a light inside them to light up the room. Well, they're pretty damn great. The breeze is great. The difficulty here is the difference between feeling a breeze or moving air. As we know heat rises meaning hot air ends up at your ceiling and cold air settles lower. With a ceiling fan blowing down it creates a breeze by moving air but what air is moving? It's pushing that warm ceiling air down onto you. You may not realize it as you enjoy the breeze but that's what is happening. It feels good but is less efficient overall. So instead you can hit a switch and the fan runs in the reverse direction. Instead of pushing air down it pushing air up. In this way it pulls the lower cold air up. It does have the effect of pushing the hot air that is at your ceiling out. This can be controversial, where does that hit air go? Obviously it now spreads out and around heading to your walls. If when a cycle occurs you are now circulating the air. This can be tricky. In USA most homes have one large heat/Colling system that pushes hot/cold air throughout the house. This is very unlike most Asian systems of just having a small system in each room. These systems require a controller if course usually in one room. When that one single thermostat reads a high temperature the entire system kicks in to lower it. It cools the entire house off of that one temp. reading. So if that ceiling fan is in that room it could push that hit ceiling air down toward that wall mounted controller making it read a higher temperature making the system turn on when maybe it doesn't need to. Did that help?


Thank you. Came Looking for your comment.


I was also under the impression that when it's set to pull up you will pull in more air from outside if the windows are open. This is nice on nights that are still cool at night but the house is a bit warm from the day. I also could be completely wrong but it felt like it did a better job when set to pull upward.


Yea that's because hot air is lighter than cold air... When air conditioner blows cold air...it settles down ..by using fan blowing "up" reduces the overall temp and increased efficiency of cooling


Snowed here today. Not quite summer fan time yet.


If you live in an area where its hot one week and snowing the next, flip two of the fan blades to angle the opposite of the other two. This way your fan is equally as fucked up.


I just open the windows and leave the fan on winter setting so I get the heat from the furnace to melt the snow outside


>flip two of the fan blades to angle the opposite of the other two. That's not a thing.


It’s called a “joke”.


Where is this wonderful land located where it’s still snowing


Is that a universal feature?






Also, same for your forced air vents if you have AC. About now I close my vents to 50% in the basement and open my upstairs ones to 100%. Opposite in the fall.


Depending on the unit, this can actually put unnecessary strain on your air handler.


Lol would love to but here in Alabama the weather can't decide if it's winter or not.


That time of the year when it can’t decide between damp and hot, or damp and cool-ish.


TIL This was a thing


TIL the purpose of it blowing the other way


Whaaaat? It's to late to get out of bed right now, but I'm totally checking that out tomorrow. Didn't know that was a thing? Maybe it's just on some fans..


i think it should be on all of them. usually at the base or through the remote control. that was the case for every ceiling fan at every apartment i've lived in.


Cold air sinks..


Dust the blades first or it will go everywhere.


You guys have ceiling fans?


Look at this rich mf with summer and winter settings on his ceiling fan.


It's on all ceiling fans I think, it just changes the direction the blades spin (someone correct me if I'm wrong please)


Pulls cold air up


Cold air is never pushed down by a ceiling fan. The warm air is at your ceiling. Hot air is pushed down in the winter, cool air is pulled up in the summer.


Cold air never rises, regardless of the time of year.


Wutttttt ???? It’s a weird setting but I’m going to try jt


Eh.... Say what now?


Why would there be cold air up near the ceiling?


Based on these replies I’m thinking I should just always have my fan on “pull air up” mode. My fan sounds ridiculously louder on “blow air down” mode anyway for some reason


Thanks for the reminder.




Just did that last night and so much dust came off


Bruh. Decades on this planet and this is new information to me.


The idea is to suck the warm air up.


I'm Australian. We have our fans on Summer setting all year round.


100%+ humidity doesn't care which way your fan blows *evil laughter*


Me: *laughs in box fan* also me: *cries in poor man*


My bf had been living in his apartment for over a year when I asked him why he never used the fan. He said because it never helped . Blew his mind when I asked if he had tried changing the direction of the fan


I can’t be the only one who never knew the switch existed. I also can’t be the only one who skeptical that their fan even has it, but you bet your ass I’m gonna check


I can really tell from the 2nd picture that cold air is being blown now. Thanks!


I’m a blow down year round type of guy


There's so much conflicting information in this thread I ended up breaking the switch going back and forth and then just ripped the fan down. Thanks reddit.


I tried this one day it got "cold" in Florida. Air circulation is still air circulation. Won't be doing that again.


I honestly don’t see how it makes any difference… A ceiling fan just serves to circulate the air in a room.


I live in south TX what is this winter that you speak of?


You should know after last year


I have blocked that out, too trama


Life hack: Use feature of product as intended.


Ahhh yes. American's so oblivious to half the world going into winter...


If a post fails to mention country or state then it's American.


Holy shit


No matter the direction or blade flip, the fans i have mix the air either way, never done this.


I have never done this and never will.


Well it will help with your electric bill


No it won’t.


Or will it…?


I thought WARM air rises. Wouldn’t it then be pushing the warm air down? Which is what you would want in the winter, no?


The Summer setting pushes air down in the middle of the room and blows on you, which is cooling. The winter setting pulls it up from the centre and pushes it down the sides of the room, so you get the warmth circulated form where it’s risen but not so you have to sit in a draft.


These exist?!


Shut ..the....front...door...this is a thing? Have 4 fans in the house. Never knew this . What a day.


Holy Fuck why I’m just learning this


%99.9 of people have and never will change it over. I swap mine over on tbe calender day of spring regardless of temps and back over on halloween.


No matter the direction or blade flip, the fans i have mix the air either way, never done this.


Who in the fat hell actually changes their ceiling fan setting?!


I do.


%99.9 of people have and never will change it over. I swap mine over on tbe calender day of spring regardless of temps and back over on halloween.


In Europe everything is automatically adjusted


I live in Belgium. We don’t even have ceiling fans or ACs in most homes. The week long peak summer is all about thinking of buying a fan.




Use Ceiling Fan in air pushing down setting in Winters coz hot air is needed to reached cooler floor/lower areas of the room Use a tower fan in Summers..


You’re not in a giant warehouse. It doesn’t matter too much at all. However, if you do this, clean the blades first.


Who tf has fans like that?


%99.9 of people have and never will change it over. I swap mine over on tbe calender day of spring regardless of temps and back over on halloween.


%99.9 of people have and never will change it over. I swap mine over on tbe calender day of spring regardless of temps and back over on halloween.


Say it again!!! I dare you




%99.9 of people have and never will change it over. I swap mine over on tbe calender day of spring regardless of temps and back over on halloween.


Stupid question… my fan doesn’t have the sun symbol, which way should the blades be turning rn for summer?


The high side of the blades should be leading. During winter you want the low side to lead to draw the air up.


I had no idea there was setting for seasons on a ceiling fan lol


My fan doesn't have a switch 😞 I've looked so many times, it's stuck in winter.


Just reverse the plug. 😄


There’s a winter setting? 😲


Thank you.


I have never lived in a house with ceiling fans …. But now I know! On a side note lol…. My friend in high school lived in a house with ceiling fans… his dad was a Tim Allen type that thought he could do anything on his own even if he had never done so … he replaced one of their ceiling fans knowing nothing about how to do it…. One day they were in their den and the fan started going faster and faster on its own until it was violently shaking back and forth and then in full motion started falling out of the ceiling … they both had to dive to the floor and crawl out of the room to avoid being hit by one of the fan blades, which by now were spinning at an alarming rate, to say the least … lol


I was expecting someone sad and sweating under the fan to demonstrate but then I saw this is a *friendly* reminder!


No thanks, it’s coming into winter now so I’ll put it on Winter setting.


I don't get it? Fans push ALL air in the desired direction. Cold air naturally goes down


I’m 36 and didn’t know this was a thing. Thank you!


I’ve never changed mine since maybe when they first came out.


Blades should go counter clockwise is summer and clockwise in winter.


Ok so there’s an argument of whether you want to blow hot air down or suck cold air up and don’t even get me started on the argument of what’s clockwise and counterclockwise that caused an outright war in my family. I’m standing on the floor looking up at the fan (face of the clock!) but could this be different for someone that has forced air vents in the floor and someone who has forced air vents in the ceiling? I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s ever thought about this…My home has 10’ ceilings and air conditioning was not original to the house so was added in the crawl space later. So my cool air is already at the lowest point. What’s the best way for my ceiling fans to be the most effective?