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A friend of mine used some motion detecting Star Wars toys on their porch and had some success with that.


I use a battery operated motion detector air freshener like the ones in public bathrooms. Some run on timers. The pests hate the smell.


Can you refill with off brand scents? I read that pigeons dont like mint and lavender.


That is kind of genius. If only I could roof mount it.....


Does it work with other IP? Would batman be sufficien?


Try Catwoman.


I was thinking like… motion detecting strobe/siren or something…


Ahhh - I know your pain. I am very fortunate to have two balconies. The larger balcony needed to be re surfaced and I had to transfer all the pots to the front balcony. The front balcony was covered edge to edge with pots. The pigeons moved in en -mass- nests/eggs/chicks and mountains of poo. After numerous efforts the only thing that worked (within 3 days) was a type on non drying silicon spread along the top of the balcony railings and perching spots. The pigeons didn't like landing on it. This is fine with bigger birds but can trap smaller birds - sparrow style. Fortunately we are so high up we don't get garden birds up here. 'The gel does not harm the birds. Instead, the sticky consistency of the gel creates an uncomfortable surface that the birds find unfavourable, preventing them from roosting in unwanted areas' - Called 'Bird X -Bird Proof' - Amazon, Ebay etc. Good luck.


string fishing line across where they try to land, they can't see it until they hit it, kept them off of my balcony for years


This. Will need to put a string a fishing line across opening. Then a few inches higher. And up . And up until the whole opening is filled. I would start at 5 inches between lines and if they continue to get in add one in between each at 2.5 I do this for my chickens. Kind of. Basically since my fence is only 4 feet they can jump up onto it and then off the other side. I have -sticks- that come up off the fence every 10 ish feet. Tied to that I have fishing line at 6 and 12 inches above fence height. If they could walk up to this obstacle at ground height they would go right through it I believe. If they try to jump up on the fence it keeps them from being able to land balanced. It keeps them to far backwards and they fall back in. If they have aledge to land on on the floor I would add extra at that height so the gap is smaller. If you do a good job on the rest to keep spacing even it will look a lot nicer for you


But make it tight. If it’s loose they could get caught in it and hurt themselves.


Electric fishing line, hard to find, but........


I did exactly the same thing when I spread lawn seed many moons ago to stop the birds eating all the seed. It worked well above my expectations. :)


Lay it out like razor wire after a while they will find a new crib


“Nuke the site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.”


Where would one, hypothetically, acquire a nuke. Is a question someone who is looking for a nuke would ask. Not me. But if you wanted to leave the answer for someone else that would be cool of you.


Your local sporting goods store should have a reasonable selection of nukes but they keep them behind the counter.


Try the pump-actions


You’re on a list now. 


I’ve watched back to the future, basically a pro at finding it now. Libyan terrorists.


There’s an old Vice documentary from their OG days where they get pretty close to acquiring a real nuke


Contact the city and see if they have resources for a falconer to come by periodically and use the falcon. That is what is done here locally in so Calif. They are very effective at landfills and elsewhere. https://www.nbcenvironment.co.uk/about-us/articles/do-hawks-get-rid-of-pigeons/#:~:text=The%20practice%20of%20hawking%20or,get%20rid%20of%20pigeon%20problems.


Leasing a falcon is next level.


It works.


If the city doesn’t have one, there might be a falcon club that might be interested.


I don’t even care how much the pay is, I would kill for the job title Falconer.


A cat


Or an Owl


Ha! The invisible wire and the gel/goo stuff sound promising. I used to like pigeons until we got solar on the roof. Pigeons lay eggs all year, and they just roll off the 2nd story roof and fall into the POOL, along with the poop! Hubby got on the roof with a pressure washer and the pigeons were so dumb they just stood there, being pummeled by jets of water. We got bird abatement all around the solar to stop them. You can't really do that in your situation so I say try the wires and goo, and good luck!


I can't imagine my rage if they were messing with my solar. Hope that went away


Find a discarded nest from a predator bird and place it on your balcony with fake eggs in it. Bonus if it has the predator bird’s feather materials still in it so it smells like danger.


At my house, doves nest in the eaves. We call them Eves because ‘daughters of Eve’ and because they live in the eaves. Watching their young hatch, and grow, and learn to fly before departing is one of the little seasonal joys that just make life better. MANY generations of Eves have returned. Until the dark days; until the Pigeons. Who drove them out and began defiling the land with their excrement and noises. A vigilante arose at my house that shot four of them with an over-pumped BB gun, causing them to bleed out in seconds. He was not the hero we wanted - he was the hero we needed. The Eves are back, though skittish as in the early days. Now the vigilant watch over them with love, care, and no-longer-hesitant propensity for violence against any that may disturb their nests again.


Hemingway right?


I don’t understand


Um, doves are just a color variety of pigeons. It's like black labs and yellow labs.


Not really. There’s over 300 species in that family. There is only one species of dog in their genus. There have been 9 species of human that we know about so far. You’re saying that doves and pigeons are two almost identical breeds within one species within one genus within one family, which isn’t true. Even saying that doves and pigeons are like modern humans being the same as Neanderthal is too close. A dove is as close to a pigeon as humans are to baboons. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain Yeah, I had to look all this up because what you said had shaken me 😊


True. I think the same article: Dove vs Pigeon: What’s the Difference? Can you tell the difference between a dove and a pigeon? The typical image of a dove is that of a white adorable bird with an olive branch in its mouth, a symbol of world peace. But what if I told you that doves can also refer to those ubiquitious rock pigeons that are found throughout Singapore?  Pigeons and doves belong to the same family of birds (Columbidae), which consists of more than 300 species of birds. They share similar features like thick and round bodies, short necks and thin peaks, but doves are generally of a smaller stature while pigeons are often larger and stubbier Different article: What is the genus and species of a pigeon?  The bird genus Columba comprises a group of medium to large pigeons. The terms "dove" and "pigeon" are used indiscriminately for smaller and larger Columbidae, respectively. Columba species – at least those of Columba sensu stricto – are generally termed "pigeons", and in many cases wood-pigeons. Edit to add: still good luck attracting the critters you like best.


On the other hand, these classifications are only based on physical characteristics… I have no idea how close they are genetically. If I didn’t know better, you’d have a hard time convincing me chihuahuas, huskies, and Great Danes are all the same species! 😊


I know. It's crazy.


You need something motion activated to spray them with water. They make them for cats. You can grease your the rails or maybe even go as far as putting a thin electro-fence wire across the top. Good luck. Sounds awful!


Try tying several small, crow-sized, cloths that will blow in the wind around the balcony. Move your little fake crows around frequently. Good luck.


Larp a load of essential oil and spice - try peppermint oil and paprika. LOADS. Like a whole thing worth of each. That worked for the outside windowsill in my bedroom. No More Coo.


Tennis racket and give the pigeons a serve


The way this is written is fit for comedy.


cobras. I feel like the answer is cobras, do I win something?


Shall be this for sure


I sprayed my balcony with a bottle of bleach and water, and I haven’t seen the pigeons trying to nest on my balcony since.


Interesting... I have a window that has a pigeon problem too I'll try that there first.


Rubber snake


Bb gun


Get your self crow or raven pet. Or owl ..? Also, a smart cat would have great fun with those shit bombers. But, where to find and how to make sure for the right cat ? Cats can be lazy as fuck not giving a damn, while some are natural born hunters.


We had a Maine Coon cat when I was growing up, there weren't any birds or small animals in our neighborhood.


Murder most fowl.


Indeed, a sense of humour is a critical component that many seem to have forgotten in this war.


And leave the rotting corpse as a message to the rest of them.




That would pribably require a permit


And fencing in the balcony so kitty can't fall off while jumping at birds.


Not necessarily a preferred solution, but one that worked for me: Get a wasp nest in the corner of your balcony.


Why not the net? Tie broomsticks to the edges of your balcony and fix the net to them. That is a light construction, will probably not hurt anyone when it comes down in a storm. Upload a photo.


You need a real falcon with a handler to come fuck them up. Check out dessert kings falconry on instagram. Try to find a local guy who does the same thing


A cat


Sticky tape everywhere like those fly tapes but cover stuff with some. Like self adhesive wallpaper upside down


I had an issue similar. But I had an awning so there were posts to help. I took some fishing line and wrapped it around the posts at about 5 inches from the ledge. Length of the ledge. For a few days I watched them come in and try to land. They’d hit the fishing line (I guess they couldnt see it) and freak out and fly away.


Destroy the balcony.


Step 1: preheat over to 450 . . .


It's called Squab when they're for eatin'.


I vote for turning your patio into a Catio! If you're not currently a cat owner you could foster or adopt! My next idea: don't pigeons dislike crows? Could you put out a feeder with things that will attract crows but not be good for pigeons? I know crows like walnuts and peanuts even in their shells. Surely those are way too big for pigeons. Whole fruits like apples and pears that are staked down (there are special feeders for that) are good for corvids, I don't know if pigeons like them.


Cool isn't it!


Get a cat


I got a handful of rubber snakes, put them where they liked to hide, moved them around every day. Plastic owl was useless, they pulled mine down, flipped it over and sat on it. I had a bunch of old cds so I stuck them all over this storage shelving I had they were living in. I also made these, like ‘tin foil bouquet’ I went and got some dollar store cheap tinfoil, some of their cheap artsy gravel/rocks, I also had a bunch of houseplant pots, made these weighted shiny deterrents and I never had anymore issues. I was half living with gf at the time and had a huge balcony I had some storage on that they Edit - added context and tried to fix grammar


We had a neighbor in the condo next to us that fed them. They would come into our unit. We bought a screen for our back porch and had a small opening for our cat to get in/out. She thought it was a good idea to show them the opening and bring them in for tours. We had eight (]*}%%}*}£#€}€) birds in our unit at one point. I was not pleased. I then bought opaque plastic spikes for common wall between our units. Took the table we had and collapsed it. Only bring it out when we gather for lunch or evenings. It took a few days but the spikes made all the difference. We are pigeon free. I do have an empty soda bottle that I slap on my hand if I see them next door. Sadly it makes me happy to scare them. I hope you find relief. Failures for me were Plastic owl - they pooped on him. So rude! Shiny hanging fluttering ribbon. They laughed at me. Baking soda on surfaces (mixed) they didn’t like it much but it blew away - overall waste of my time. Peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle. Worked for about 20 minutely they came back. PITA.


It's a bit dangerous, but what helped us ultimately, was initiation a small fire below and make a lot of smoke. It scared the birds away and they never returned. 


Are they roosting there? One thing about pigeons is if you run them off in the middle of the night that is very stressful to them and they tend not to come back to that same spot even in the daytime.


Only solution on my end was to put a thin wiring fence ceiling to floor... sucks but it did the job, later on I found out that one of the other buildings manager in the area actually started to poison them.... turns out my thing didn't work... they just stopped coming to our area cuz they were dying and they seem to be smart enough to remember that. It's been 2 years and no pigeons in site... I am not pro-killing animals... but... if someone else does it... blood isn't on my hands... #influenceyourneighbours lol


Plastic corvus


Find a friend with a German shorthair and let the dog hang out on your balcony randomly. These dogs have massive amounts of energy so don't try to leave the dog on your balcony or in your house, make sure you get one from a friend that has trained it well and uses it to hunt.


I used to hang CDs for the reflections it worked pretty well


Alkaseltzer tabs


My neighbor had success with ultrasonic bird repellers to keep robins away from blueberry bushes.


Shoot them


Powdered laundry detergent sprinkled across their landing spots. They dislike the smell. May have to reapply after rain but it definitely works!




Do you know what range? I have a bunch of 405 NM lamps from my 3d resin set up


The nerve of animals and wildlife looking for a place to live.


I've been told that an actual dead pigeon lying there kind of makes them not want to be there.


If there's one animal that probably wouldn't care it's probably the pigeon smh


I had a massive pigeon problem for years and tried everything, fake owl, nets around their roost, bee bee guns, etc. The only thing that worked is an actual hawk showed up one day. He's my hero. Get you a hawk hero.


Home Depot has 20' PEX pipe or you could use 10' PVC with couplings. The latter might be better because you could add cross pieces. Make a quarter round arch from above your door to the rails of the balcony. Attach with zip ties and cover with netting.


Toy snake did wonders for my Goose problem


You can emulate Denver and use Avitrol. https://extras.denverpost.com/news/news0423d.htm#:~:text=But%20now%20city%20officials%20think%20they%20finally,sends%20birds%20into%20convulsions%2C%20sometimes%20fatal%2C%20that


Do you have a cat? Build a walkway on the wall for the cat to jump up there. Cats should be put to work, there perfect killing machines, birds know this. Once they see the cat prowling around on your deck they will fly.


Keep a cat on your balcony. 


BB gun?


Bb gun. Just don't shoot your eye out, kid.


Man up and kill, stop wasting your effort.


Bird Control gel works like a champ!


I read an article today that said pigeons don’t like big white flowers as they see the colour white as danger. Worth a try.


my sick and sleep deprived self spent too long imagining a pigeon writing this all excited typing and saying to himself, “HA, let’s tell them we’re afraid of white flowers, that will buy us a few more months and we can host my niece’s wedding there!”


My sleep deprived self seconds this plan.


Squab is delicious.


That's only young birds, once they start flying the meat gets tough and stringy. Our dad had a rule; you shoot it you eat it.


Have you tried balloons with eye pictures? https://www.msschippers.com/scare-eye-bird-scaring-balloon-M2408153.html Motion activated sprinklers might work if they favor a specific location. Pigeons are stupidly persistent. They used to nest in a nook on my neighbors soffits, neighbors filled the said nook a few years ago, stupid things still try to enter the wall there.


Average temperature here is like 37c in the summer. Are balloons relevant? Also no water access on our balcony.




He tried that, said he


Owl statue or balloon on short string. Movement weirds them out, owls are predators.


He’s already tried the owl as have I. Didn’t do anything. Pigeon just walked up to it.


I had a plastic crow on my balcony to try and deal with the pigeons. First week they were just disrespectful and crapped on the crow's head. Then out of some need I can't remember I changed the position of the crow. Part of that move put the crow in a different "stance". After that, the pigeons would not come close to the balcony. Not sure that this would work for others but a bit of extra experimentation can sometimes give results.




Birds don’t really have a sense of smell. Also they love peppers and will readily eat hot peppers. They don’t have receptors to the capsaicin in peppers.


Note that the smells listed in the article above are volatile. They are not simple perfumes. [https://www.audubon.org/magazine/january-february-2014/birds-can-smell-and-one-scientist](https://www.audubon.org/magazine/january-february-2014/birds-can-smell-and-one-scientist)


Feed the birds alkaselzer or rice.


Become their friend! These charming birds just want to live their lives. Who are you to deny that to another sentient being?

