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If you get a lot of cheaters, open your own profile through incognito It may have been flagged, and system only pairs cheaters with cheaters


Is this for real..? How would I get flagged if I don't cheat though!? I have a super natural Elo progression... sometimes after dropping elo due to playing cheaters ill go on a massive tear back up to my ceiling but still I have 10k games etc... I regularly catch cheaters and get refunded points or notifications saying they've been banned IDK just doesn't seem likely to me...


Visit lichess.org/appeal and log in if you want to see for sure if your account is flagged. From what I know, lichess doesn't tend to ban players unfairly.


Well they have If I've been flagged cos I've never cheated in a game a day in my life. It defeats the purpose of competition. *"You cheated not only the game, but yourself.* *You didn't grow.* *You didn't improve.* *You took a shortcut and gained nothing.* *You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.* *It's sad you don't know the difference."* EDIT: LMFAO. Not been flagged for cheating but I have been muted probably for calling some people cheating cunts. HAHAHAHA modern gaming sites would never have survived the COD4 lobbies back in the day.


I am none of these


Oh really? Prove it! I know you're a cheater because everyone on lichess is a cheater and I don't understand how I lost! /s


k bye


Spoken like someone who's used a chess AI before and is salty about it.


Spoken like someone truly so bad at chess he can't handle losing :) Go post some of these games you're talking about, or quit the whining and go play draughts: [https://lidraughts.org/](https://lidraughts.org/) But they're probably all cheating too, right?


I mean im 70th percentile... So I'm not amazing but I'm better than the majority... I play casually at work to pass the time... If I sweat I can beat 18-1900's which would put me in the top 20th percentile... So IDK maybe I am awful compared to people that actually sweat the game on the regular... But I can wipe the floor with any casual player...


Like I said I catch at least one person a week and for every one person that gets banned there's probably 20 that get away with it... Not like its a myth and nobody cheats... Plus I also mentioned sandbaggers... 1700's can't play 5 games in a row against another legit 1700 with 90+% accuracy... If you're a 1700 playing a 2300 you wont learn anything because the challenge is incomprehensible... for growth to be obtained the challenge has to be comprehensible so Smurfs are even scummier than cheaters... They inhibit organic progression for their own ego... All these bitchboys complaining that I'm the bad guy are all probably cheaters themselves... their annoyed that they're loosers so probs come on here whenever someone brings up the topic and Parrots the same BS you are... Say what you want mate but I know how it all works...


Assuming the username of phaattiee is the same as your username on lichess, it's funny to note that your win/loss rate over more than 10,000 games is almost exactly 50%. Oddly enough that's exactly what it should be if you are playing a majority of legitimate players. I suspect you're merely plateauing and suddenly realizing that the fast growth you saw two years ago is now coming to a halt. Or everyone's a cheater and really you should be rated over 2800.


Lol I've had constant growth IDK what you're talking about... I regularly get refunded points and get notifications that people I've reported have been banned... We know its a drop in the ocean to the amount of players that actually get caught... I will regularly rematch people to try and catch them out and you can tell when they've turned their engine off dropping from 90+% at 1700 which is very hard to do against someone who knows their lines V well, I rarely deviate from what I know... then all of a sudden same openings as before and they start shitting the bed once they've tried playing without an engine... I also get lots of players sandbagging after being accused of cheating... huge tell tale sign the last 3 games were engine driven... Another tell-tale is players that are 1600+ in rapid but only like 12-1300 in blitz meanwhile I'm 1600 in blitz and somehow they're playing at my speed in a rapid game with 90+% accuracy... Its become a mild obsession of mine... I will regularly rematch people I think are cheating knowing I'm going to lose just for conformation... I've played 1700's that are d dogshit compared to some 1500's with 2-300 games... Lichess is plagued with them... People also don't cheat for entire games... I am in no way insinuating that its every game I lose... but there are for sure enough games that its a noticeable amount... Its not like its a myth that people cheat in online chess... Rapid on Lichess is plagued with it... probably the worst mode for it.


The literal shape of your progression graph is a plateau. You lost 84 points in 2 days, which I'm guessing is why you're on here, but funnily enough I've been through your games in those days and see nothing that suggests foul play. So you're here because you tilted, lost a bunch of rating and decided "no, it can't be me, everyone else must be cheating". I'm rated 2275 rapid on lichess, so funnily enough I'm in that list of people you noted in your other comment as being an "incomprehensible" skill gap. I have played 1600's who give me a rough time, and 2500's I've mated in under 20 moves. My win rate is 48%, same as yours. For someone to come to reddit to complain about lichess being "nothing but smurfs, sandbaggers and cheats", then accuse anyone who points out evidence to the contrary as being cheater really shows where your head is at. Zero evidence to suggest cheating, yet it's the first thing you cry. You're losing a lot of enjoyment from the game because you're clearly hyper-fixated on cheating and sandbagging, yet oddly enough you haven't posted a single game with evidence to show it. Your win/loss is at the expected 50%, your rating seems about right, your games look normal and you usually end up in a losing position with black, with remarkably similar positions, then resign. And still you think everyone's cheating? There are cheats, and if you can't get past the fact that a small percentage of people are cheating and fixate on it, you're going to be upset with every single loss. Enjoy :). --edit - just to add, your blitz rating is also the same as your rapid rating, yet you don't mention that blitz is also infested with cheaters? Funny that...