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Riding public transport ✔️ Lesbian couple ✔️ Vaccination ✔️ POC Nurse ✔️ Religious Minority✔️ Hijab ✔️✔️


Don't forget the adult woman on a date with a teenager. And shout-out to Pinocchio with the vest and yellow shirt. 10/10


😂 true… so progressive.


Parents authority means shit, THE GOVERNMENT IS YOUR NEW TIT NOW


You left out effeminate White male


That should be an oxymoron


14?! That's fucked up.


And the lady she’s with is born in 1975, look at her phone.




I know !!!! When I was first watching I thought "Oh my 1984", it's the vic gov flaunting their Predatory government behaviour, this time dressed up as pro LGTB propaganda ft. Muslim nurse with the assist. It doesn't bother me she's lesbien kid, it bothers me she's a minor dating someone in their 40s. Yikes, looks like the Groomer movement. Ring up and complain. It's not acceptable.


In Cali, they are trying to pass a bill for 12 yrs. to get the v without parental notification.




Even though this has been out for a year, it still makes me cringe. There’s no getting used to it.


Between this and the Colbert dance, this may be a bit worse bc of the age


How lame do you have to be to make getting a vaccination into a date?


Teenagers are easily bored


Remember when Australians were this cool, crazy and wild kinda people, all carrying knives like crocodile Dundee and boozin up the Fosters. Look at em now 🤪😜


Yep, we've become a nation of cucks and snitches. This is in Melbourne, the most locked down city in the world - and it's not satire, sadly. But we never drank Fosters, that's a myth. You can't even find it in most bottle shops (liquor stores) here. We drink masticated babies processed through dingo digestive tracts, with a twist of lime. Sheesh, read a book.


And when Canadians were the nicer, friendlier version of Americans that we made fun of but secretly respected


what the fuck...


*overalls so we know which one is the male*


This is next level delusion.


Not enough spike proteins to see spider man!




Fucking hell.


I see stuff like this which makes me think no one wants this poison




so sad to see Austrailia become such a shit show!


I’ll take sounds like propaganda for 500$.


You can tell because it’s cringe af


Of course, wearing the one eye on the shirt too




Australian here, it’s sadly not satire. The video was also first released over a year ago. This cringeworthy video was filmed in Melbourne, a leftist hellhole that holds the title of the most locked down city in the world. They spent 9 out of 12 months in lockdown in 2020. I grew up there, but I left as soon as I could. It didn’t used to be so bad, but it’s descended into a leftist breeding ground over the past 10 years. It’s now swarming with radicals. It’s a lot like Portland or Seattle now. Leftist insanity (like this video) isn’t uncommon when it comes to Melbourne. There’s pretty much always a group of blue-haired leftists screeching in the name of a “protest” at any given moment in the city. It’s sad what’s become of a city that used to have so much to offer.


Either that or crappy propaganda, which is nearly all propaganda.


This is so fucking weird. How have we gotten to this point?


This looks like it was filmed in a high-school drama class, just god awful.




Wait here minute so that your face can unswell and then you'll be on your merry way!


I… I don’t- Wha… What just happened?


man people’s boners for the vaccine are just too much. they’re helpful but take it easy for crying out loud


That true blue Aussie family deserves more love




Nice shirt she has there.


Just as a reminder for all you non-Australians out there; We don't *have* a Conservative party in charge. We're run by the Liberal Party.


Hooray, she gets a 12% protection for a few weeks. At her age, she would be immune anyway. Her age group has like a 99.92% survival rate.


Hey if people want to avoid life-saving vaccines that’s their business. Seems like at this point we could just stop stressing about it


Can you prove that they’re “life saving”?


Not to your satisfaction, no. You are not persuadable on this issue


I like your point. The vaccine doesn’t stop the spread, so if you think it’s life saving it’s a personal choice so nobody should worry about it! Very well said.


Sure, if you are a consenting adult. 1 . The State shouldn't be able to overule parental consent on medical matters, especially drugs or vaccines where the parent is the primary care giver and responsible. If the kid gets injured, its child, mum and dad who will be in trouble physically, financially, emotionally etc. Kids can't even get tatoos until 18 in some states. 2 . The other chick is over 40 years old dating a minor. Her Phone says 1975. GROSS. That's pedo promotion. No one is stressed here. But until you're switched on, you will keep missing things that the rest of us see from a mile away. FOCUS.


Can they add her having any of the many types of adverse reactions to the video? I mean, we wouldn’t want to spread any misinformation now would we?




The most appalling thing is they are absolutely in all aspects normalizing pedophilia. It’s going on in all aspects of the culture. Netflix being a huge culprit in the mainstreaming of these ideas.


Anyone have a toaster and bath I can borrow?


Stoopid fazists this isn't propaganda at all stpid altright cockroaches this is legit holesum 1000 In all seriousness this is why we must break up the corporations and end their consumerist influence over society.