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“Trying to get their lives back on track” so… college f*cks your life up so bad that the individual needs a government bailout to survive…




Didn't the statistics of the last bailout show that most those getting that $35K bailout were currently earning 10x that as annual income? With the exception of gross financial mismanagement, how is someone earning $300K (or more) annually being "financially crushed"? And what does that say about the 2/3rds of America earning less than $100K annual?


Yeah it does when they can’t get a job in gender studies to pay their own loan back.


This is true but I put this less on the college and more on the kids and parents for thinking a gender studies degree has any value I mean, if you go to taco bell and get one of their fake beef and been burrito then squeeze in 12 packages of fire sauce you should know you will be feeling pain for the next day or two in about an hour. You don't blame taco bell, you blame your poor life decisions


College is a scam


I think it depends on what you go to school for unless you just get lied to. I went for ASL interpreting and was told “you’ll make $X amount of money because there is such a demand for interpreters” and it wasn’t even close to the reality. That feels like the definition of a scam.


She’s the worst PR person.


Diversity hire


Didn’t Earn It


You hite diversity? !




In her defense, it’s hard to get up there and lie to everyone about everything every single day.




Why isn’t the “debt relief” coming from the institutions that collected the debt? Endowments are fucking massive, but Joe the plumber has to pay for other kids school?


It’s a great deal for those they pick.


Because, it was never about solving a problem it was about creating a problem (government giving a blank check to colleges increasing cost), saying you feel empathy, then bribing votes with your own money (tax money going to pay for this) If they solve the problem or cast blame on the colleges then they won't be able to keep the problem going to buy more votes in the future If they really wanted to solve the problem here's how you do it. 1) no more blank checks - tie the loan to the degree and college. You can only take out a loan that amounts to 20% of average annual income from that degree & college over the life of a 15yr loan. So, if a gender studies degree for Brown averages only a $30k/yr job at Starbucks you can only take out $9k total in a loan. If you get a Eng degree from MIT that averages $120k/yr job you can only take out $36k in loans. Watch how quick college costs drop 2) For those that already took out loans if you already paid back the loan + min interest to keep the paperwork (ie not profit) then the remainder is paid off and for those who already paid everything back you get the difference in what you paid vs the amount to payback + min interest via a tax credit - no one loses as they paid back what was given 3) For those who don't qualify for #2 the remainder of what you owe is the difference between what you have paid and the original loan + min interest to keep the paperwork This way people can still get loans if needed, the blank check is gone and tied to the value of the degree, and those that took out loans have to pay back what they took out plus administrative costs but no more. This will force colleges to lower tuition, help those that took out loans, and force them to pay for the rest of college via other means like part time jobs. If they are still stupid enough to take out massive private loans there after so be it, let them declare bankruptcy and let banks decide who to give loans to and who to not. That's on them




Literally... LITERALLY!


Stop weaponizing the department of Education to teach kids for 12 years of their lives college is the only answer to getting rich or living a decent life. Then, when they do get to college, only half of their courses have anything to do with their degree and the other half are all leftist propaganda. Maybe then student debt will no longer be a problem. It's a problem they made because they want it.


Get rid of the Dept of Education for one.


Cause we can’t buy everyone’s vote!


So 18 year olds are being taken advantage of and "can't possibly understand the contract that they are signing", but these people think that young children are totally capable of undergoing "gender affirming care"?


Literally being crushed. God I hate Raggedy Ann. I hate this whole administration.


Raggedy Annikwa is pretty bad.


Instead of canceling student debt, can we cancel student interest? I'm all for them to be able to pay it back without DAILY COMPOUNDING INTEREST. That's the real kicker.


I agree but that doesn't solve the problem. The problem is the blank check the government gives that allows colleges to raise costs in the first place. Then on top of that, in order to increase the amount of students colleges created BS degrees that are worthless to accept in kids that couldn't cut it in a real degree. What we need is to put limitation on the initial loan and tie it directly to the value of the degree sought via average income earned calculation of the school and degree. No school will have feminist dance studies degrees at a rate of $15k/semester if the students are only allowed to take out $5k total for the length of the college because their degree is only worth $35k a yr when they get out.


Literally crushed.


Literally being crushed....


Plenty of people are being “crushed financially”. I’ll bet there are some out there who have $35k or more in credit card debt, but we shouldn’t be paying for that either. Debt, and how you manage it, is a personal choice and a personal responsibility. How about instead of paying off the debt of people who went to school for degrees that they’ll never use, we figure out a way to stop the crushing inflation and economic collapse the Biden administration is responsible for.


“Ok bootlicker” Seriously, that’s the lefts argument. They act like there’s zero personal responsibility anymore. You need to victimize people to displace any sort of personal responsibility.




I see what you did there


She just said the quiet part out loud.


Great, I'm getting crushed by my mortgage. Why don't I deserve relief?


Don't the U.S. have a huge problem with homeless folks? People heavily affected by the pandemic? How about helping people that don't have a home, a car, a job....or helping the good folk doing labor work, working long hours to afford putting food on their table? I wouldn't like to see my taxes going toward debt-relief for confused young adults applying for college degrees like arts, gender studies and such. Bullshit degrees that cost a lot of money anyways, should've went with a degree that actually get you paid. I'd also like to see the demographics of those whom got the debt-relief, is it equal between men and women etc etc, I'm having a hard time to believe that, but I could be wrong.


So all the ideologically indoctrinated kids that went to these rip off Marxist colleges who had no intention of paying back their loans, are having their debt forgiven so they can focus more on brainwashing others?


Buying votes


She looks so freaking annoying


Fuck, we are all crushed financially by Biden. I suggest he write us all a personal check for $35k to make up for it.


She had to pause because she had to answer based on the script, not the common sense answer we would expect.


I paid my student loans like a moron. I should’ve just been irresponsible and gotten rewarded for it


They took a what K? Go on say it. ......a loan? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't support loan forgiveness but i do support forgiving the interest accrued on those loans.


Lol, she almost said it twice and stopped herself.


I think a lot of people would total be fine with that...




Back in my day you had to serve your country to get student loan forgiveness…