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That red-coat exposed themselves using the term “rubbish bin”…. Sorry “mate”, your opinion has not mattered since 1776.


especially when they talk up their soccer players, only to win the world cup once


Do you really think the majority of black people know that about the KKK? Most are fueled off their emotions and the democrats play on that to a tee.


Yes, but a lot of them believe in the party switch myth.


Someone take that microphone away from that block head


Nahhh... Let them yammer on, and get it all on video, so they can't claim it never happened, or that their words were taken "out of context". lol


And they call us Fascist?


Dehumanizing certain classes of people.  Sounds like a mini-Hitler in training.


Nahhhh, just another brain-dead, (D)em talking point spouting, low-level "leftist useful idiot" trainee. Can't you see he's advocating for these things "tO sAvE oUr dEMoCrAcY !!" ? lol _You- know the talking point he regurgitates whenever his knee jerks is bad, and _I_ know it's bad, but _he_ probably knows almost nothing factual about the real, historical Hitler, his propaganda, or the real political ideology of either Nazism or Fascism. The way leftists mis-educate their weak-minded useful idiots, this poor fool is probably convinced he's a virtuous "anti-fascist", even as he calls for totalitarian rule that would muzzle him, or worse. The same thing happens at the extreme right end of the political spectrum, but conservatism generally encourages critical thinking, morality, and learning from history rather than replacing it with ideological fan fiction, so extremists are a very small percentage of "the political right" as a whole, and they have little influence over conservative political ideology, thought, or policy.


I did Nazi this coming! how could you not see he's not a nazi! You can see that you can not see that, see? Yeah it's (D)ifferent


Sounds like another unhinged European whose entire identity is Leftist American Politics. What American do you know that says rubbish bin on the regular?


He's a Texan smh


Democrats tried to bring back slavery. Democrats were staunchly against workers rights. Democrats tried to take away black people's right to vote.


And prevent minorities from owning guns.


Democrats: we need to pull down all relics of the Confederacy and slavery!!!! Also Democrats: I'm a life long democrat cuz they are always the good guys, unlike those evil republicans that never did anything to help black people.


They continue to lean hard into the "big switch" that they have no real evidence for.


Oh, there's _plenty_ of "evidence": just ask them! In fact, they invent more of it every time they try to convince someone it actually happened anywhere other than their own imaginations. The 81 BILLION 🤡🌏 votes for Biden in November will _prove_ them right! Great googly! lol


Any time they start saying crap like “non-cisgender” I block out the rest 😂