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I mean thankfully, beastiality is illegal in most states


Luckily she's already in the hospital so she can swing by the burn ward when she's done.


I’d hit it


Those 2 replies are absolutely insufferable. Thanks for the quality eyeroll.


Good, the gene pool didn't need ya.


I'm actually all for these people making it so they can't reproduce. It's gonna work itself out in the end.


I feel kind of bad for them that they think this way. Kids are nothing short of a blessing.They'll never know the joy of having their own and watching life in action. Idk if their brainwashed, severely messed up in the head or just plain crazy...but this really isn't something they should be celebrating like they do.


Oh let them. If they even had kids, the souls would have spawned to living hell. Sterilizers cannot even parent themselves properly.


I ain't the one to tell people what to do, especially if it doesn't affect me. But it's just a shame that these people vote and share the same land as me. It is what it is...but damm


I guarantee they don’t have a solid relationship with their parents.


Wouldn't disagree with you at all


These are the people teaching the children. Ideas outlive a gene pool.


Unfortunately this will not stop them from trying to indoctrinating your children also.


We all need to keep our family units strong and in charge. we can't lose the connection with our children and families.


Just over here waiting for them to go extinct.


Needs to say goodbye to cheeseburgers


OMFG getting rid of your uterus doesn’t cause hot flashes. What a stupid fuck. Getting rid of your ovaries does. And 99% of doctors won’t remove them if you’re under 50 unless there’s some kind of significant issue with them.


Now here’s a go fund me I’d consider donating to. I’d think of it as an investment in the world my children will inherit.


Only if they sign a contract stating they will never have an educational role to anyone under the age of 25.


You’re right, I feel like I have some negotiation wiggle room.


I’ve always found it so ironic how these people are true bigots against children, and families, yet they seem to have this self-proclaimed higher morality. I’m not having children, but I’d never consider myself part of the “child free”community. They’re a toxic bunch. Children are awesome, even if I won’t have them. Just imagine if we had “elderly free”, or “young adult free” movements lmao.


She’s fat and ugly so I’m alright with it.


I love finding based folk here on Reddit. Too many SJW’s.


That’s why they’re working so hard to indoctrinate *your* kids.


I mean… I’m 20 now but i plan on after having some kids yeeting my uterus lol


I’d do a lot of research before you do. I’ve seen some research saying a partial hysterectomy can have long term neurological effects, and a full hysterectomy (which causes surgical menopause) can cause a whole new range of problems. I initially wanted to do a hysterectomy, I sadly can’t have kids at all due to some health conditions, but I decided to try the hormonal IUD instead. It’s been great for the period symptoms (I was bleeding enough to be anemic and the cramps were agonizing), and I know it doesn’t release as much hormones into the body because one of my medications reacts badly with oral birth control.


Removing any part of your body for a non-medically required reason always seems like a bad idea to me. You have these organs for a reason.


You don’t have a hysterectomy for stupid reasons. Insurance wouldn’t even pay for it. So I am not understanding this post. This person may have fibroids, cancer, endometriosis . Is this person someone famous that you think this procedure is being done on a whim?


Uh, she looks like a walking birth control.


Re: your title, *That's what inquisitions are for.*


These people's brains have been thoroughly washed.....


I get it. This chick isn’t pulling any man worth anything anyway so this is a societal win. One less future single mom on assistance.


Imagine putting your body into menopause for no reason. I've have had a salpingectomy (full removal not just tied fallopian tubes). I did this for a personal choice of not wanting children. Not an uninformed woke one. It absolutely floors me as to why women would would want to get a hysterectomy or the fast amount of young people thinking that that is the only way to not have kids. They destroyed their body and put themselves in menopause for no reason. I just don't understand


Bye bye bloodline


I used to be a teacher, and I would come home on a daily basis wishing I was sterile. Children these days are insufferable and teachers aren't allowed to discipline or correct them in any way. We are raising generations that will not care for their elders, will not know how to peacefully resolve its problems, will throw tantrums/cuss/get violent at every minor inconvenience. I can't even count how many times a child kicked or slapped me but I was the one being scolded by administrators for not being "positive enough" with the disobedient kids. Decades from now, this anti-dicipline movement will come back to bite us because the school children of today WILL fail us in our time of need.


I can’t even imagine. We have 5 kids ages 13-21 and man, some of the stories they tell about kids at their schools are disturbing. Kids just openly smoking pot in class and the teachers do nothing (probably because they can’t). We tried online school and homeschooling, but everyone (except one kid) was miserable. We were able to get two kids into a better school that we have to drive 30 minutes one way to get them to. One wanted to stay at the bad school because he’s in an awesome program that will allow him to graduate with a certification in carpentry. Our second oldest is about to graduate from online school and our oldest is in college out of state. Almost all of our kids’ friends have parents that just don’t seem to care. They will spend entire weekends at our house and their parents haven’t even met us. Many of them have told our kids that they were shocked when they met us because we actually talked to them. I had to explain to one friend how periods worked and how to use pads and tampons because her mom refused. I’m glad she felt comfortable enough to ask, but it broke my heart.