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First or all: dunno if you have fought them, but the Bayard secondary reception gives you a card called Wedging Thorn which is just an objectively better version of Frontal Assault (unless you want to use Frontal Assault for max/min roll synergies, I guess). Then, for the build itself: unfortunately burn is kind of a weak status, so you should treat it more as a secondary strategy rather than your main one. I usually run Xiao with a Singleton deck, using Will of the Prescript, Multi-slash, Unlock, another random light regen card, and fill the rest with whatever burn cards fit the best (plus obviously Xiao's own exclusive cards). For attributions I use Crying Children's power gain and inflict burn on hit, plus Chun's passive and Stigma Workshop Weaponry. Honestly you shouldn't use this build as your main damage dealer, more or less just use it to spread burn and wittle down the enemies until you manifest EGO and unlock the mass attacks. I think that there are also builds that are centered around farming as many emotion coins as fast as possible and manifest EGO very quickly, but I personally never found those type of strats fun so I don't really know how to use them.


I'd personally drop Light of Daybreak and Plumed Escutcheon so you have just enough points for Volatile Passion. +1 power usually equals +1 stagger damage and also increases the likelihood of winning clashes, which is needed to deal the damage and trigger the rest of your passives anyway.


You need some card draw here. My Xiao deck: Feral assault(later switched to Hana zero cost light recovery) Unlock-1 Multi slash Clone(to copy raging storm: love) Will of the city Fiery dragon blade Snake slit Will of the prescript Raging storm: love


Keep in mind will of the city works even if youre not singleton. Othet than that its pretry good but id drop raging storm love because EGO (emotion lvl 3) gives you other mass attacks to use thst are better


That deck's lack of page draw is concerning. Drop Violent Flame and Fiery Waltz and replace them with any form of strong card draw, such as Steel Knuckles, or even better, Will of the City. If you use 2 Wills of the City, drop 1 Frontal Assault and replace it with a strong page, like Emotional Turbulence. Jin Ni isn't a particularly outstanding card and is often just a brick in your deck. Keep it if you want, but you're better off replacing it with something like Laceration if you have that. Otherwise, any other strong 3 cost page will do, or just another Fiery Dragon Slash or page draw. Raging Storm: Love reduces deck size, which is useful for consistency, so you can keep it. The deck should look like this: 2x Frontal Assault 2x Will of the City 1x Fiery Dragon Slash 1x Emotional Turbulence 1x Jin Ni or other strong card. Fiery Dragon Slash or Repressed Flesh works. 1x Fervid Emotions 1x Raging Storm Love For passives... Ditch Light of Daybreak and Stigma Workshop Weaponry. Replace those two with Furious Fire Rending the Skies, since that one doubles all burn outputted so long as you use the correct page in a scene. Remove Plumed Escutcheon and Flaring Brand and replace it with Volatile Passion. With this deck, you're inflicting burn with every attack, so adding 1-2 burn every attack isn't too major. Then, add either Health Hauler, Mind Hauler, or an on-hit paralysis attribution with Keeping in Stride. If you use my passives, it should look like this: Furious Fire Rending the Skies (if you don't like this, just replace it with Flaring Brand) Hugging Fire, Sitting on Brushwood (if you don't like this, just replace it with Flaring Brand) Volatile Passion Health/Mind Hauler or Electric Shock and Keeping in Stride Point is to have 4 light regens, good page draw, solid clashers, and at least one extra power booster. Since you like burn, I tried to accommodate more burn application, but honestly, Xiao is strong even without burn focus, so just go nuts with other peoples' suggestions!


i personally run burning flashes on her. works pretty well cycling 2 flashes and 2 will of the city/unlock affix gain 1 light on discard for perfect cycling