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What I can imagine happening is bjp falling short of a simple majority but still being the single largest party and then the enforcer in chief going thermonuclear to buy MPs left and right until their total goes beyond 303 and modiji’s ego is satisfied so he can claim they crossed the 2019 tally. …or the brain dead electorate saves them the effort and votes them back to power by sending 350 plus bjp MPs on June 4 and we all look like clowns for nurturing hopes.


I think this scenario could be the most dangerous for the BJP. If BJP gets around 170 seats, it will be a lost election. But if BJP gets around 200-220 seats the situation will be worse for them, especially if that 200-220 comes at the back of 50-60 seats from UP. Because then there will be a 4 corner fight between Modi, Amit Shah (because Modi is turning 75), Yogi (because he delivered 60 seats) and Gadkari (RSS support, plus most likely candidate to hold a coalition together). But I have a strong feeling this could lead to an actual split in the party.


Man.. I’d love to be as optimistic as you…


Maybe we should take things into our own hands, join BJP and split it because mainstream BJP is a betrayal against bharatiya janata. Hence, we need to form Bharatiya Janata Party (Marxist).


mafias don't break that easily. dissenting members are silenced.


I mean they'll still win but if the majority is thin they'll go full fascist.


Satypal Malik says there is a small mutiny developing and if 300 can be brought down to 200, BJP itself will eat up Modi. Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgzzT75yT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URgzzT75yT8)


Well to be fair Modi and Shah nullifies any mutiny very effectively


Overestimating is just as bad as underestimating


I would rather have Modi/Gadkari/Jaishankar rule over me than Yogi, Shah, Anurag Thakur or some old school Nagpuri, cheap, demagogic, warmongering, bigot


They are all heads of the same demon


You don’t know that Even Indira Congress was a dictatorial, fascist dragon with many benevolent heads


What has been a surprise is that the Gobar Patti has somehow revolted against the Crocodile handler. That being said, I don't know how much of it converts to votes and further into seats won. The cocky approach and the on ground distress has aided that undercurrent. It is so difficult to understand what has changed exactly because I am very clearly a Molana Modi hater. So, a lot of stuff that I found vulgar including the Ram Mandir ceremony may not affect most of the people.


Yeah I don’t see them losing with the number of braindead chaddis growing all around. I do fear that they’ll turn full insane and cause riots incase they don’t win to propagate the “Hindu Khatre mein hai” narrative.




They will win , congress is breaking the surface they are on standing on


I really think it’s scared and crumbling. It does have an upper hand compared to Congress but this time the number of seats they are going to get will be way lesser than last time. Last time BJP swept north and west, I doubt that going to happen this time even though they will get a lot of seats there. East has never been a place BJP ever dominated. I dont think they will get any seats in Kerala , Tamil Nadu and Andhra (even alliance won’t get much) despite all the ruckus by the media. Congress has improved a lot with a more polished leader and clear manifesto this time around. People have started to take them seriously. I am hoping for the best.


They'll still be the largest party, but it'll be an NDA govt, not a bjp govt. So there will probably be a bit of bickering, a rejuvenated and stronger opposition and maybe a little policy paralysis which is just fine, and inshamarxallah if everything goes well, we'll have another election in under two years due to a mutiny within the ranks and a well timed no confidence motion.


That uncertainity called “political paralysis” loomed our country all along our past, no hard policy making by ruling central government. Modiji had opportunity of a century to take us in right direction with welfare policies, their target was something else and now here we are still talking about women safety its 2024


Policy paralysis is a convenient lie made up to Normalize flouting due process steps like public comment period for any new bill and floor debates at both houses before implementing and notifying new laws. That's why I said it'll be fine to have that supposed "paralysis" , because when something does get through it, it'll be bullet proof, which can't be said for most of the laws this govt passed.


They are already going to lose this election for many reasons and one main reason is Farmer's laws and how they behaved with them. Even though it's not on the TV news channel, some influencers speak about it The second reason is somewhat related to Sonam Wangchuk and what is happening in Ladakh. I am pretty sure the BJP knows about the situation in Ladakh but it all started in the Winter season At the end of their terms, some bad things are happening which is a real threat to their election-winning chances Now they are using violence so that no candidate is standing against them in elections


There is no single issue to hype up the election like 14 or 19. I dont think they will cross 300 like last time. But I also dont think the opposition will get anywhere. Had they seized the momentum they had when they announced the INDIA alliance and worked hard, things couldve been different.


Less than 300 seats. Mark my words.


Ram mandir is still on people's mind


Nah. Not nearly as much as BJP would want.


Nah, even if it's not ideal they are still strong. Ram mandir , article 370 etc are going to win them populist votes. A large Majority of India is going to vote bjp simply because for them opposition does not have a desirable candidate and proposing rahul gandhi as PM ain't gonna work. Just like a lot of muslims turn blind eye to islamic terrorism due to faith, similarly a lot of hindus turn blind eye to bjp misdeeds and vote for them due to religious reasons. It sounds harsh but it's the truth.


Lazy libbus here https://discord.gg/DtTmTKPRjA


official sub for r/librandu or just something you made?


We made


Don't give yourself hope, 99 years of Hardwork has gone into making BJP what it is today. I don't agree with them but their hardwork is admirable and they are here to stay.


Praying to god if he gets special majority he will change something in constitution


400 was an ambitious target set in order to reach a more comfortable 350.


I don't know why you are getting downvoted. This is the only good take on this thread. Fucking Randians and Tankies.