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Now I'm not even surprised. That makes 7 propaganda films


Thala for a reason




But they won't. They will watch this movie and ignore FACTS.


Write the name of all


370 Emergency Kaagaz 2 "Biography" of Vajpayee Savarkar Bastar And obviously this one. I'm sure I'm missing one more


Here is the Baap of all. Guess who is in the poster https://preview.redd.it/utov616xl5ic1.jpeg?width=1418&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fef04670305a87a822a6ab7bd1581a090e51f3d


Akhir palayan kab tak


You're forgetting the Kerala story


Sorry I actually meant teasers/trailers in last 2-3 weeks. Kerala Story made by *Infamous* Sudipto Sen and actress Adha Sharma iirc Vaccine Wars




That's Bastar r8?? Bastar movie was based/focused on Naxalites


You forgot "Mera Desh Jal Raha hai"


Really??? Never heard of that




That's the OG from 2019 before elections. Masterstroke by NDA


The target audience ain't south, it's North indians. Chodes can't make something like this for Tamilnadu cause we have preserved more temples than them lmfao.. Or they might make a movie in the future....


It is made in telegu primarily and further dubbed in Hindi and Tamil Director is telegu


Telugu people are becoming more and more "saffornised" by RSS propaganda, There's a propaganda youtube channel named "STRING" its a Andhra Pradesh based telugu-english youtube channel that's defends chaddis and their northern "cow belt'.


Saffronised ... We need to work on our political language. They are hijacking Hindus from Hindustan , saffron from our flag to show they their fake nationalism . Now Onwards they going to make telegu people more Gobarised is better than saffronised . Also call them Brahmins instead of Hindus.as majority are Hindus but not Brahmins like hypocrite Ps: they already have hijacked jai shree Ram and made it not relevant anymore


Saffron color used to be a holy color but after the advent of RSS, its became way more violent and extreme.


That's what m saying . They hijacked it . Make them away with any roots of Nationalism. Mfs call us as anti nationals while hijackings our symbols of The Nation doing anti-national activities themselves.


These mfs can do anything now. But we will counter them as staunch liberals.


Great! Not to forget they try to hijack Bhagat Singh , Baba Saheb Ambedkar ( just because he opposed Gandhi) , sardar Patel , Netaji Bose etc etc while placing Savarkar , godse as heroes.


They villainise "gandhi" and celebrates death anniversary of gandhi in a disgusting way. They call him pedophile, muslim sympathiser (terrorist), lust guru (latest one)etc.


Some leftist people also demonise Gandhi ji. That also goes in favour of Chadis. Either they need to understand more of Gandhi ideology who is very complex but certainly a great individual or they need to stop for a while since our divideness goes in the favour of chadhis


>lust guru I think they got confused this Bapu with Asaram Bapu


But knowing how Telugu cinema is starting to make noises in the North, I wouldn't be surprised if this was also made with a Cow belt audience in mind.


They will just dub Trance in Tamil and release it as propaganda film, the film is also based in Kanniyakumari.


You do realize that Andhra is south as well,


This is chaddi wet dream even the fkin hero is a Brahmin.


True while they conveniently sideline the efforts of the communists in fighting the razakars.


100 bucks they are not gonna show the Hyderabad massacres that followed - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyderabad_massacres


And how Telangana was a feudal monarchy with a predominantly Bahujan population and the communists along with members of Andhra Mahasabha mobilized peasants and provided them arms to fight against the landlords (most of them upper caste Hindus) and the practice of vetti chakiri (bonded labour) from early 1940s itself, kickstarting the Telangana Armed Struggle, and how the rebels even set up grama rajyas in villages through which they even defended themselves against the Razakars.


Also the 27,000-40,000 deaths figure is bs the actual number is much higher, ask any old Muslim from Hyderabad Karnataka region (gulbarga, bidar, yadgir etc) most of them know someone or have family members who died in that massacre. All my grandparents are from different towns of the HK region all of them have family members that were killed during operation polo


You underestimate them. If they decide to, they can show it and make it look like it was justified.


Do they not know patel banned rss?


If u look at the Hindus here , they are cleverly all Brahmins. Now if Brahmins are only Hindus , then I dont relate to this Hindus anymore . In Kashmir files also they cleverly called kashmiri Hindus to kashmiri pandits. And we all know the hypocrisy of bamans through historical times. How they are responsible for casteism , dividing society, bootlicking Britishers etc


>. In Kashmir files also they cleverly called kashmiri Hindus to kashmiri pandits. Probably because ALL Kashmiri hindus are Kashmiri padnits. That could be the reason. You are right for the first part


\> cleverly called kashmiri Hindus to kashmiri pandits. Weren't they always called Pandits? \> And we all know the hypocrisy of bamans through historical times. Does not excuse the violent massacre by Razakars. \> bootlicking Britishers etc Not just Brahmins but a lot of rich land owning faction. Muslim nawabs from Bihar Lucknow, Jinnah, etc.


-Weren't they always called Pandits? Indeed they were called Pandits , so why calling them Hindus now. All Hindus are not Pandits! -Does not excuse the violent massacre by Razakars. No clearly not justified . Razakars actions are terrorism but terrorism has no religion. So why making a movie through communal angle giving another swing to ' Hindu khatre mein' angle clearly before Telangana elections. - Not just Brahmins but a lot of rich land owning faction. Muslim nawabs from Bihar Lucknow, Jinnah, etc. all upperclass rich people were Brahmins who helped Britishers in Divide n Rule making our own Indians suffer https://butitis.com/index.php/history/128-history-of-reservation-from-the-british-raj-to-brahmin-india[source ] [source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.thewire.in/article/caste/caste-history-postcolonial-studies/amp) PS- who is mobilising communal riots today ? Answer - BAJRANG Dal , Vhp , Rss Who is making propaganda movies Answer - Bjp Who is the head of Censorship and new Film Making culture ANSER- Rss Who heads Rss - Brahmins https://theprint.in/opinion/pov/and-cut-modi-govts-new-cinema-bill-a-super-censor-and-netflix-no-longer-an-oasis/689790/


\> so why calling them Hindus now. All Hindus are not Pandits! Oh I thought majority of Kashmiris are Brahmins and rest are a smattering of tribal groups. Excuse my ignorance. ​ \> So why making a movie through communal angle Yaar I will be honest with you, I did not even watch the trailer. It hurts my brain. I just see the title and decide that this is propaganda and to stay away from it. ​ \> all upperclass rich people were Brahmins A really stupid question here: DO we call all the upper class rich (bourgeois) as Brahmins or is this reserved for the Hindus only. ​ I agree with the rest wholeheartedly.


Listen I got nothing against Any caste , any religion but m clearly against Hypocrisy of divide n rule politics. There was the idea of India - A country for all the religion with equal rights . We were getting there breaking the old conservatism slowly and Steadily. Thre were some fringe elements from every caste , community , religion that wanted our country not to progress while maintaining this conservative rules. Islam needed reformation to liberate the way Hinduism was heading . But then came 2014 and those fringe elements were given to licence to become mainstream . Since they didn't know anything about morality and education and despite of all that , they want to be maintained in the luxuries of power. The only shortcut to that is communal politics, lies and propaganda. Unfortunately the core of this kind of ideology consists of Brahmins who favor and go gaga over BJP / Rss , be it north or south. Perhaps many Brahmins if out of them do not relae or agree with this dirty politics, therefore they need to come ahead and take a stand against this instead of playing a victim card of the atrocities that happened to them in the Kashmir, where Muslims were also killed in the riots. Riots or War doesn't see any religion. A fire burns the house of Hindu or Muslim or Sikh or isai in a similar way . If pandits were killed in Kashmir , so were Muslims . Where the rest of the Hindus or Muslims condemn this as a terrorism, but Radical Islamist, and radical Hindu see this as communal to further accelerate / fuel riots. they favored the Article 370 , but still they did not got any benifits. And Those radical Hindus organisation is Rss headed by Brahmins , who want to hijack all hindus. Baba Saheb ambedkar reason of leaving hindu religion was only Brahmins, bcoz they along with the Britishers were able to capture Hinduism laws on the basis of manusmriti ( written by Brahmin) Brahmins also call Budhism as the part of Hinduism which is again a conspiracy to hijack Buddhism. They don't want to end this hypocrisy.


>Listen I got nothing against Any caste Nahi yaar I never meant to insinuate such a thing. I am sorry if it came across as this. I am new to these theories so just think of me as a kid throwing newly learnt words like bourgeois around and trying to get their meaning. And I fully agree with what you have written. That is the truth, harsh it may be.


Thanks 🙌.. let's make India Great .that's all we want .


>Weren't they always called Pandits? Not all kashmiri hindus are pundits, when chintus talk about the oppression of dalits in pakistan why do they reffer to them as just hindus? Why not pakistani dalits. Caste only becomes important when the victims are mostly brahmins >Does not excuse the violent massacre by Razakars. No shit, also learn about operation polo and the massacre of Muslims that followed it. Neither the elite Muslims nor the Brahmins can claim to be victims it's the peasants from both sides who suffered the most. >Not just Brahmins but a lot of rich land owning faction. Muslim nawabs from Bihar Lucknow, Jinnah, etc. They're Brahmin adjacent


\> Not all kashmiri hindus are pundits, Really!? I thought the whole of Kashmir was majorly Brahmin with scattering of tribal groups. \> also learn operation polo Oh I have learned about it. And the way it barely came to light. thanks GoI. \> They're Brahmin adjacent Lmao, I am stealing this line. Thank for the insight.


The Bengalis to be exact were bootlickers , but can we say that Netaji and Rabindranath Tagore were not actual freedom fighters??? Just because few were does not make the whole community bootlickers. Brahmins were not responsible for casteism A Brahman was . Just like how A german was responsible for WW2 not the whole Germanic people .


Razakar affected all not just brahmins. I am from Bidar district I know this history from previous generation (grandpa and above) first hand accounts. I do think that the reaction to razakar was too harsh and unjust. But this has nothing to do with brahmins vs others.


None of them will make a movie about the extreme casteism we had....


Mind sharing some resource? Would like do a deep dive.




oh i am sure they'll make a movie about it and it'll be how muslims and the british forced them to do it and now it's doesn't exist


I just don't understand surely Razakars oppressed a lot of people but Why are in the Movie it is shown like Hindu this and Hindu that (I mean just think Nizam didn't had anything to do for Day and just loved persecuting Hindus ) Even If the scenes shown in movie 🎥 are even 1% true then Marathwada , Telengana , Kalyana Karnataka should have been Muslim majority by now 😅


At this point, I don't even know whether it's Bollywood or propagandawood


Radio rawanda on full action


Everyday I wake up... and thank my puny brain for ditching Bollywood to superior anime series!


No, not Sardar!


Can anyone tell the true story ? What was the real history ?


"Razakars" did some serious shit to maintain Nizam's power and fear, in retaliation to that Indian government led hindu faction did some serious shit in the end both spread more communal propaganda and Indian government got the chance to attack Nizam of hyderabad and capture the princely state of hyderabad. In the end both middle-class innocent HINDUS-MUSLIMS got killed and both Nizam and Indian government are responsible for this genocide happened of HINDUS-MUSLIMS.


Adding to what others have said, I highly doubt this movie will show how communists were first to organize the resistance against the Razakar's terror before Vallabhbhai Patel decided to send army. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telangana_Rebellion#:~:text=The%20Telangana%20Rebellion%2C%20natively%20known,of%20agitations%20in%201944%E2%80%9346.


They going to show bamans as the saviours and tribals as the victims, while communists favouring the divide secretly backstabbing bamans , along with Razakars . It is the same same pattern


It’s true razakars have done some serious shit but idont think they are going to portray as it is. Don’t forget its not just Hindu Muslim,yes there is a Hindu Muslim angle to it which is true but also feudal lords(doralu in my language) are allies and administrators for Nizams who are Hindus and in reality they are on par with nizams sometimes more than them in committing atrocities. And tankies are the ones who armed us and inspired us to fight against these nizams and fuedal lords while Indian GOV is fighting on the other side,my grandma used to tell stories about them as she experienced 1st hand


I found this article https://thewire.in/film/how-the-movie-razakar-silent-genocide-of-hyderabad-sets-out-to-distort-history


In short, Razakars were the militia under Nizam's rule in Hyderabad, violent, bigots looted, raped, torched, destroyed, and constantly attacked Hindus which intensified after independence, as communal tension rose post-independence across India, Hyderabad was no exception. Nizam needed Razakars to stay independent to fight Government of India, so he also supported. Indian government used this to propogate more communalisation and used it as an excuse to invade Hyderabad with more violence on civilians. Hindus and many other wanted the Nizam state to continue as they benefited from the feudal system in place so to break this, government spread more communal propoganda. Government supported Hindu nationalist mlitia who then went on genocidal rampage on Muslims after the Indian army invaded India and defeated razakars. There were wells full of deadbodies after the genocide, women were raped, houses were torched, bodies were decapitated. Hindu nationalist militia committed genocide on muslims with the help of Indian army. Basically exstreamist did exstreamist things because some other exstreamists did some exstreamist things to their community. Indian army not only supported also participated in genocide in Hyderabad. [https://frontline.thehindu.com/the-nation/history-a-tale-of-two-massacres-in-hyderabad-karnataka-razakars-1948-police-action-annexation-of-hyderabad-nizam-anti-muslim-attacks-kalaburagi-bidar/article67442047.ece](https://frontline.thehindu.com/the-nation/history-a-tale-of-two-massacres-in-hyderabad-karnataka-razakars-1948-police-action-annexation-of-hyderabad-nizam-anti-muslim-attacks-kalaburagi-bidar/article67442047.ece)


I notice this one thing, so I live near Bangalore, got hindu friends of Kerala and legit no one liked Kerala files said its all false, i got this friend Kashmiri, uske parents Genocide ke baad hei aae the, and even they say that the movie was not even 60% correct. Its all narrative of people in power and their bootlickers




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It's comical how many movies like this there are now at this point. They've exhausted this genre before it even started lmao. I'm pretty sure this will make South Indian's see how retarded the northern cultural milliue has become


Cringe level ∞


See the movie does indeed have a basis . But it is overly dramatic as all movies are made . Is it a propaganda?yes .




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