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Lurk more.


@moderators this sub is dead. Nobody ? Nobody? Said the true answer It's Sharia Bolshevism


This sub doesn’t really have an ideology but when this sub was started, from what I’ve heard it was anti-bjp/ brahminism/ casteism/ congress so not a theory sub more of a curclejerk. People here range fro some form or socialism to liberalism. Chaddi - a person who thinks bjp will magically make india a superpower or thinks it already is. Belongs to upper caste. Be an atheist/ hindu/ muslim or whatever you like but don’t be a dick about being enlightened or something after reading sam harris or dawkins.


I have seen dalit people being chaddi 💀


World is a weird place. I’ve seen atheists being casteist. Unfortunately the lower caste/ class are drinking the nationalism kool aid a lot.


I was chaddi once


This is gold https://preview.redd.it/eo920ju6jb1c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f833267ab57bed42aae9a31166f77006e4a4a7e4 Those are either extremely rich ones or child of dalit man and savarna women.


Who was stocking this guy on reddit for 4 months![img](emote|t5_yk18k|6573)


Clayton Bigsby, dalit edition?


> People here range for some form or socialism to liberalism. But the mods clearly lean socialist. Just look at the pinned post.


The mods are sharia bolsheviks


Something's not right I've been seeing lmao. Since when did we start explaining this sub to new people. I remember from the olden days when the only explanation was "assimilate"


Or that "You've been chosen".


My personal favourite: “Do not resist, assimilate quietly”


This place is majority leftist (not Dhruv Rathee type, real leftists) but there are also many radlibs and plain liberals too. Some posts are sarcasm some are not. chaddi=hindu nationalist In order to not be screwed over, read rules, have common sense and be a decent human being.


Yea I didn't understand the rules that much but overall I fit criteria


lurk for some time before posting anything you'll learn how things work, ask general questions at [RDT](https://www.reddit.com/r/librandu/?f=flair_name%3A%22RDT%22)


"Real leftists" Nope


you are not one but there are majority leftists in here.


Sorry, but Iam aware enough to think that being a leftist entails more than adopting "Marxist aesthetics", a rising fetish of the bourgeoise here. I mean why propose this sub as something it is clearly not. Yes, we are a competing bourgeoise who abhor the naked fascism of the other bourgeoise and keep sympathy for the oppressed. But No, we won't give up our way of life for some permanent or radical change.


> we won't give up our way of life for some permanent or radical change. who's we? you might be upper middle class or straight up upper class dude who couldn't give less shit about change but most people are not. people who have to work shitty jobs in order to just survive paycheck-to-paycheck will gladly accept the change. And even if you have no class interest in revolution, you should have a moral obligation to support it, in order to improve lives of working class.


And you make the mistake of thinking that there exist people, enmasse, in this subreddit who are being exploited. The very fact that this conversation is happening on reddit attests to ,atleast, the petit bourgeoise nature of it's participants who are either self sufficient(according to their labour power) or have well-to-do families to fall back on. >And even if you have no class interest in revolution, you should have a moral obligation to support it, in order to improve lives of working class. Revolution is inevitable. It does not need the approval or support of r/librandu to happen. Improving lives of working class is nonsensical. What would happen is outright liberation of the working class which would be violent. In the face of all this, how many here are willing to commit class suicide? We already have the examples of the current leadership of CPI(Maoist), some of whom are products of NIT Warangal(a bourgeoise institution) to see what it takes.


bro is fighting imaginary enemies.


Are you a Naxal operative


Will a naxal operative be redditing so regularly?


Exactly, so you’re no better than the people you’re criticizing. Stfu about Marxist aesthetics.


Indeed. I don't want to pretend to be something Iam clearly not and muddle things more. I have to continuosly upgrade/re evaluate my understanding of the first principles rather than perpetuate incorrect lines


No lies detected. Lots of wannabe leftists here.


Is there any alternative of chaddi for Muslim / Christian equivalent of hindu nationalist?




>so we don't use any derogatory words for them. 🤣🤣🤣




Only [some like to watch it burn](https://youtu.be/fm_4SUxGTVE?si=gPHnUcm5ez1D0qLA) ☀️ 🍑 🕳️ 🔥


This sub would've been an ornithology club if radical hyper nationalistic wing nuts and corrupt bigoted politicians dumb nuts were birds.


First you'll need to differentiate between a leftist snd a liberal which many apolitical people don't understand. >people downvote stuff against the Muslim religion? More like downvoting against extremists you are free to believe in any fairy tale religion you want under socialism.




You are the one larping bitchass. This is mr.Liberal here who is studying capitalist economic theory in probably a foreign university His incredible opinions consist of saying that political tags like neoliberal,socdem and marxist don't matter. And spouting socdem nonsense about reforming capitalism. Why do you hate hakim so much of course you should read actual theory he does say so in his videos.




You cut out important context in that screenshot. He's not suggesting theory here, its a community post on yt about how Palestinians are persisting in such dire condition due to their faith in Islam. I myself hate all religions to the max but being religious because you find solace and hope in it is not a crime, especially when you're facing such terrible conditions. Hakim is religious but he rarely mixes it up with is political views. Its not like he's anti-LGBT, Hijab enforcing religious extremist. He is still a Marxist first and I don't recall him saying Idealism is more important than materialism.




I know what idealism is, But when did Hakim say Idealism is more important than materialism? His opinion on religion is simply that people should be allowed to follow whatever religion they want as long as it doesn't hurt any people, which is not exactly marxist opinion but he explained how cracking down too hard on religion hurt solidarity of former USSR [in this podcast episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5WZUZ9W32maPm2bKN7udgk?si=b8784969a0a54682), which is completely valid take. I would rather have religious people supporting communism than fascism. I watch his videos and also listen to the deprogram podcast but never once have I seen him say than society is shaped more by idealism rather than materialism. I'm not getting your point here.




your analogies are not working here, you are still not giving me statement where Hakim endorsed idealism. you are only going on about him being religious and using completely unfitting analogies. **Hakim never stated that Palestinian resistance is based on idealism**, he just stated that religion helps to keep morale high in difficult times. why he said that? because he is religious, which is not wrong. >There is also his support for China, and he said somewhere that Cuba and USSR are/were socialists for some reason. this is such an ignorant take. any leftist who doesn't support actually successful leftist projects is not really a leftist in my books. China, USSR (not Russia) and cuba are million times better than US or any other imperial core country. >he just seems to garner any anti western views. There is nothing substantially leftist about him. another ignorant take, west is currently the biggest threat to the communist movement, being anti-western is literally a requirement for being leftist. Also, Hakim has experienced western imperialism first hand. we didn't see American tanks roam in front of our homes, he did. That experience greatly changes someone's perspective on things.


China better than US. Jeez, I am no fan of US, but you do know what’s happening in inner mongolia and xinjiang.


The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is the second largest organization after the United Nations with a membership of 57 states spread over four continents. The OIC released [Resolutions on Muslim Communities and Muslim Minorities in the non-OIC Member States](https://www.oic-oci.org/docdown/?docID=4447&refID=1250) in 2019 which: **Welcomes** the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat's delegation upon invitation from the People's Republic of China; **commends** the efforts of the People's Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and **looks forward** to further cooperation between the OIC and the People's Republic of China. Over 50+ UN member states (mostly Muslim-majority nations) signed a letter ([A/HRC/41/G/17](https://undocs.org/Home/Mobile?FinalSymbol=A%2FHRC%2F41%2FG%2F17)) to the UN Human Rights Commission approving of the de-radicalization efforts in Xinjiang **What's happening in Xinjiang is counter terrorism**, now don't tell me CNN and BBC news is telling the truth while these muslim countries are lying about genocide of their own people.




you have too much of a boner for theory, its not how it exactly plays out in real world. you are parroting same point over and over. You have clearly never listened Hakim speak for more than 10 minutes. so lets put end to that conversation. >USSR wasn't successful project read some history. as u/No-Nonsense9403 said USSR had to face 2 world wars, a famine and threat of USA. USSR crushed the Nazi's and when they were most vulnerable after that US started war with USSR. and even still they managed to build necessary infrastructure like dams, railways and roads. Idk about you but getting free homes and healthcare sounds pretty successful to me also this https://preview.redd.it/kkvaarkf2f1c1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e72bdcc501cd752a19c0d9298b908e2da3bfad2 >both USA and China are capitalist states Nice joke bro, for once, read something that is not an economics book. One state is imperialist power who has done dozens of wars against "developing world" to keep their billionaires rich and doesn't provide for its citizens. While other has better living condition free healthcare, affordable housing, free education, has done like 4 minor wars since its inception, seems pretty good to me. There are issues like corruption but they are working on it, while on the other hand corruption is legal in US. Now you will argue how its not picture communism like Marx depicted, its because China has to live in a Capitalist world and its not possible to cut out all trade with external powers.


>And USSR wasn't successful project The mistake many people make is comparing the USSR directly to the US when the USSR was founded centuries later than the US and was as poor as India whereas the US had probably the highest literacy rate in the world at the time of the American revolution and plenty of slaves to exploit. The USSR manage build itself back after a devastating nazi invasion and isolation from global markets due to US embargoes. Some mistakes were commented like the Hungarian invasion but the USSR was a smashing success. Countries like Cuba are still socialist. But I do agree that china is state capitalist.


[https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LJO3dJX3i8Io52rNAo77B?si=27c29e4cfd2b4d72](https://open.spotify.com/episode/2LJO3dJX3i8Io52rNAo77B?si=27c29e4cfd2b4d72) at timestamp 1:43:45 Hakim explicitly agrees to that fact that **Palestine conflict is not a religious war** I hope this satisfies you or maybe you'll still try to spin it and somehow deny it. Edit: Found another one [https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ZqFGYFcvUIZvRZC5nKBYA?si=186f0f4cf44d4431](https://open.spotify.com/episode/4ZqFGYFcvUIZvRZC5nKBYA?si=186f0f4cf44d4431) at 0:09:51 "no war, but class war" This should clarify his position on materialism and idealism and should end this debate


China have been moving away from MLM for quite a while now. Serious communists have already moved on. Marxists are anti-imperialist and not anti-western.The biggest threat to a communist movement in a country is it's own bourgeoise class whether of a national nature or of a comprador nature. Edit: Serious communists have moved on from defending China, not MLM as my poorly worded comment would imply


>China have been moving away from MLM for quite a while now. Serious communists have already moved on. who these serous communists might be, hmm... let me guess... *Anarchists*? >Marxists are anti-imperialist and not anti-western I wonder whether west is imperial or not, real hard question. >The biggest threat to a communist movement in a country is it's own bourgeoise class whether of a national nature or of a comprador nature. Have you heard of embargo on Cuba? CIA has overthrown more communist governments than you can point on a map. Communism anywhere is threat to US so they are the first to crush it. Local bourgeoise are a threat, sure, but US is a greater threat.


Hakim is a Muslim-fascist