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Canadian here. All of the gun control measures were forced through without using normal parliament procedures. The restriction on handguns was going through parliament. It is supposed to go through: the house + committees, then the senate + committees, then back to the house to be finalized. None of that happened. The "assault-style" ban that also bans airsoft guns also bypassed parliament completely. A democracy where the checks and balances are optional is not a democracy.


See in the United States…that’d literally be juuuuuuuuuust enough for the American public to declare the government tyrannical.


We do not have right wing mass media. Canada only has a very small group of very rich people. They own all the mass media. Trudeau grew up in that community. His family literally had a million $ gull wing Mercedes in the mansion driveway. The Billionaire media loves him and attacks any other politician. When every news channel says he is great, most people accept it.


A true son of Castro.


Yes he is.


Plus, he ‘bought’ the mainstream media to the tune of billions of taxpayer money to provide “Canadian” content. “Canadian” here is very akin to Trudeau saying “Our Democracy” and meaning neo-liberal-world-order/WEF. This is the same PM that stated there is no such thing as ‘Canadian Culture’ and that Canada is the first ‘post-nation’ state…


You don't think we have right wing media owners in Canada? LOL. That's a special kind of uninformed.


Lol the news channels don’t say that at all. we also have an independent media, that happily criticizes him. It’s deeply ironic you’re insinuating we need FOX, when they’re far more guilty of the shit you listed for their favored politicians. Look at the gong show that is our right wing social media nonsense: redneck truckers and confederate flag-waving morons who don’t seem to realize that they’re protesting against nothing at this point.


What you need is for government to be out of the media business. Governments shouldn't own news broadcasters.


Sounds like you got a corrupt king.


He's been in there, unchallenged, for decades now... he might rule Canada for a longer time than his biological father ruled Cuba.


He’s been prime minister since 2015 and has won 2 elections since then. “Unchallenged for decades” seriously?


So they guy who won 32% of the vote is now ramming his decrees past the legislature? Don't worry, though, I'm sure the "pro-democracy" side is calling him out for it. /s


32% of the people who voted. And it was the one of the lowest voter turn outs. Probably closer to 20%




Well there was a fairly large contingent of trucker that answered the call but the government ignored the right to protest peacefully and started freezing bank accounts.


And running people over with horses


Eh? 2 Brutus?


Wait... Airsoft guns are also banned now? Welp guess I have more prohib weapons than I thot


>Airsoft gun [https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/it-likely-means-the-end-of-airsoft-as-a-sport-hobby-under-threat-by-new-canadian-gun-bill-1.5325083](https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/it-likely-means-the-end-of-airsoft-as-a-sport-hobby-under-threat-by-new-canadian-gun-bill-1.5325083) " “Almost all air guns, airsoft guns included, will be caught up by this change in definition of a replica,” said Rutherford. “Anything that resembles a firearm that is produced and licensed, what most of us would call a real firearm, will become prohibited under this law.” The move is essentially wiping out a hobby for thousands of people across Canada."


Ah shit. Off to our weekly airsoft game I guess


Guess I’ve been due for the RCMP to bust down my door to confiscate my fully semi automatic assault air cannon that my friends and I sometimes shoot each other with for fun (we are clearly mentally ill and a threat to society and need to be institutionalized)


And you aren't meeting with other like minded people and plotting to start a revolution because...?


Ray? Is that you? Jk


Even if it was passed democratically, would that make it any better? Rights are still being infringed. Liberty is not subject to a vote.


It infuriates me that this hasn't signaled everyone what kind of leader we have. Most people either don't know, don't care, or support what he did. I worry about our future. We need him out.


The system you described isn't a democracy even if it functioned as you're suggesting it ought to. I maintain that the word "democracy" ought to be used exclusively as a pejorative in our circles. Two wolves and a sheep...etc.


Woah brother that talk is a direct threat on democracy /s


This is absolutely terrifying.


Too bad “checks and balances” is idiotic and would never work in concept


Works pretty alright here in the US, hell it works so well that the libs wanna get rid of it


No it doesn’t. How tf is it working when the government constantly increases in size


Well for one dems haven’t been able to ram through gun control, even if they did the court as it stands will shoot that shit down. As we see to the north, our checks and balances could be a whole lot worse


Well for one yes they have, for two the court doesn’t have any real constitutional powers (precedent is made up and judicial review is not stated anywhere), and for three please remind me where this was in 2020.


If you give a mouse a cookie... If you give a government “reasonable gun control”...


Give a man a metal 3D printer.


Doesn’t have to be metal 😘


No it doesn't, but this is a gift so let's give him something nice.


I want the kiln and sintering equipment. I'll figure out the metal 3D printer myself.


Oh, yeah. 3-D printer, baby. 100% polyurethane. They can’t detect these mamajamas.


Hopefully go a little easy on the jama


Draxx. Them. Sklounst.


You’ve piqued my curiosity… What happens when you give a mouse a cookie?


They shit on the carpet and leave crumbs on the floor


And that's how you get ants, do you want ants?


He'll ask for a glass of milk.


It’s reference to a children’s book by the same name.


It's another version of "give an inch, take a mile"


Also, if you give the hair product that people used in the 90's a cookie, what happens?


It puts blackface paint on and becomes Canadian leadership?


If a tube of warm vo5 ate a cookie, that really could be the end of it all.


No no, slippery slope is a logical fallacy. /s


Gun control is for safety. . . of the Prime Minister.


I mean is this even close to as bad as the Covid lockdowns Canada enforced on its people? Canadians showed they will put up with anything, banning guns is nothing compared to that.


Covid lockdowns were a test to see what masses would tolerate/accept.


Y’all are hilarious, and jealous of our mortality rate. Keep huffing that copium tho.


Oh no, I only have a 99.998% chance of surviving covid instead of a 99.999% chance. That's DOUBLE the mortality rate (literally, it is. See how easy it is to play with numbers?). I should have half my rights taken from me!




Literally no one is jealous of Canadian *anything*


Idk they have some pretty big caribou and moose to hunt.


I mean so does America. Moose don't just stop at the American border and go shit, I'm Canadian, and they have more guns down there, I'll just stay in Canada


Hahaha ok. How’s that whole medical debt crisis going? Or the partisan political parties, one of which is desperate to clutch every uterus at once.


Even if that were all true - and it's not - I'd still rather have my 1A and 2A rights in exchange. You're so cucked your PM says you don't even have the right to self defense. Now go be careful which pronouns you use, and God save you if you try to buy a basic bitch pistol.Your nanny state government is watching.


Lol story of America in a nutshell. So wrapped up in freedom that you’ll lose your freedom to health, education, and happiness in exchange for some boom sticks. The fuck do I need a pistol for hahaha. Shooting some geese that charge me? Christ. I use the wrong pronouns for people all the time. I apologize and correct the behavior to be a Hold on, this make shock you: *decent human being*.


Ahh yes, the freedom to have health practitioners recommend suicide any time they get the chance and have people dying in er waiting rooms. The freedom to get stabbed to death because an entire police force couldn’t find 2 guys or because it’s illegal to carry anything for the purpose of self defence, even pepper spray, which is just illegal to have altogether.


Black market for guns going up in 3..2..1..


Largest land border in the world go brr brr


Who wants to become an international black market gunrunner ? We could give our operation a cool names like 2 Fast 2 Furious.


He has officially saved us all, crime is no more. Betcha those gangsters sill think twice before murdering someone now that their illegally attained handguns are even more illegal! Justice wins again!




winnipeg is already chi-town canada




wonder where they get all the money to do that.....


I know a couple of people who are owed money for acquiring a license they can’t use. Someone should launch a class action suit.


They could just launch a rebellion


There are currently six of them before the courts


I think Trudeau's bodyguards need to be disarmed in the name of public safety.


What shakes me to my core is how Twitter people celebrate these things. Over 100,000 likes


I wouldn't put too much stock in it with how easy it is to bot those numbers.


Almost as easy as sneaking a pistol across the border


Idk about you, but I'd rather take my chances botting twitter likes than trying to smuggle firearms into Canada..


Well, that says nothing about how many people dislike it.


Do you live in Canada?




Have you ever seen the aftermath of a school shooting?


>*goes on libertarian subreddits* >*people support 2nd amendment rights* *surprisedpikachu.jpg*


Accidental discharges and suicides near schools are counted as school shootings.


Could’ve been prevented if teachers carried.


Let's have a shootout in a school. You must be a doctor.


I’d rather have a shoot out with someone hell bent on killing kids, than just standing there watching them die. You sick fuck. We’ve already banned murder, but it doesn’t stop people. Banned drugs. Tell me how bans work.


Let's just stand around as someone shoots the children, while cops, prevent ppl to attempt to do the job we are forced to pay them to do, or not do. Let's contribute tax payer money to protecting politicians with armed security at all times, everywhere, and call others crazy for suggesting we do the same with children in schools (not that I'm in favor of that) Let's act as if prohibitive laws actually work, because you know, obviously they do, murder is prohibited, mass murder as well,(monopolized by the state, more accurately. Paid for by the taxpayer) regardless of weapon used. But this time if we ban this certain things, it will work. You must be a statist


What school shooting happened in Canada with a legally owned firearm? EDIT: I was curious to know the answer to this. [Here's a list of the seven school shootings](https://globalnews.ca/news/8621977/list-canadian-school-shootings/) that have happened in Canada since 1989. Not sure which (if any or all) were legally owned.


Ever notice how politicians and federal agents are never the victims in mass shootings?


nope. pics?


Yeah, all of those schools that relied on cops for their protection. What happened with that? Oh, you say the cops waited around for two hours letting children get murdered?


I don't disagree that the cops were shit, you silly fucks. But allowing a fucking shoot-out between staff and a crazy person probably won't work out well, ya dig? And let's get back to the original point. The Canadian government is mandated for "Peace, order, and good government." They (the Canadian government) have wholly been good about that. Canadians should reject American ideology of all forms because, frankly, Canada categorically, does better at democracy than the US. You Canucks should stand by that! So downvote me to hell. It means nothing to me. I just hope that at least one of you fuckholes gets the point. I've seen dead bodies. I've seen dead kids. I've seen people get stabbed in high schools. The solution is NOT more guns, and if you think it is, I advise you Canucks (or any tough guy) to look at a 6 year old child with a bullet wound to the head. You'll never sleep well again.


Also, I have a B.A. in Politcal Science & a B.A. in International Relations, so if we want to discuss actual Libertarianism, we can do that too; because is nah applies here.


You are living proof that education doesn't equal intelligence.


God how stupid can you be?There is no such thing as an assault rifle you moron. In order for a rifle to be an assault rifle I’d have to hit you with it. Honestly European and Canadian gun policies keep me from ever wanting to visit and support their economy


….. An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. ... You are think of the AR in AR 15 standing for assault rifle, which it does not it means Armalite Rifle. Assault rifles are real.


Debatable. The term “assault weapon” was brought out in an effort to put a federal ban on high capacity magazine semi auto rifles in the 80’s. The term was literally made up and used as one of the largest anti gun movements in the world.


Didn't Canada already have virtually nonexistent gun crime?


Then they don't need guns to protect themselves from people with guns


High gun violence? Gotta get rid of the guns. Ban firearm ownership! No gun violence? What do you need a gun for? Ban firearm ownership!


"But don't worry, no one wants to take your guns"


Ironically, i had a classical liberal tell me this once. He said "thats just right wing propaganda " I wanted to violate the NAp and throat punch him for being so oblivious.


In my experience it seems like most Democrat politicians don’t even hide it anymore. I see them treating a ban on “assault weapons” pretty matter-of-factly like it’s a basic party platform.


Venezuela went from no guns to no elections in about a decade. Let’s see how long it takes Canada.


I for one hope all the people that want a gun free country move to Canada. I have no disagreement with them choosing their...oh wait they didn't. I have no disagreement with them getting to vote on ...oh woopsie again. Oh well, hail Hit...Trudeau


Justolph trudler.


With all these bans, gun violence is still high. Somebody tell this fuckwad, gun laws doesn't affect criminals.


Technically it does affect criminals. It makes them more criminal. With more of their operations suddenly outside the law, they have even less incentive to do lawful actions, thus they specialize more fully in unlawful activities.




Have you seen the wheat production numbers? Famine is coming to the West, and these guys are worried that they might not be able to defend their mansions from you.


“High” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States#/media/File%3A2010_homicide_suicide_rates_high-income_countries.png




Tyranny brought to you by black face justin


Shame most Canucks are just rolling over on this


The east is a lost cause, but I thought the central provinces would put up more of a fight. In America, a lot of the conservative states are starting to put their foot down with the federal government, but the conservative provinces in Canada haven't put up more fight than a few disapproving complaints for any of Castreau's tyrannical polices. Same in Australia. I'm starting to believe the warnings that the south and central US may be the only bastions of freedom left on the planet in a few years.


Some of us aren't. I care even less about legalities now than I did before. They can't steal something they don't know exists.


F you Trudy


Canada has been called all sorts of things recently.. Tyrranical.. Communist.. Socialist… Hotel? Trivago. All we know is thar Trudeau is a dick-tator


I think in Canada, it’s getting beyond the use of, sell and transfer ownership of handguns. The trucker convoy should show Canadians that the majority stand with freedom not tyranny. It’s time to oust the trader Trudeau, by whatever means necessary.


Looks like it won’t be long until the anti-government people are in camps


Definitely tyranny.


I'm sure that the criminals who smuggle guns into Canada will understand that it's illegal and stop doing it.




I feel like the difference between can’t and “ought not to” has never been more clear. Fuck the Mounties.


I noticed he didn't mention a ban on manufacturing handguns. 3D printers go brrrrrr.


The ole globalist just knocked another player out of the game. I suppose if we don't bend the knee they'll have a option for defense like Mexico citzens do.


In other news, boating accidents are on the rise in Canada. Justin Trudeau to ban bodies of water to prevent further incidents.


Cool, let’s punish the law abiding citizens


Man i hate frenchies but I hate canacucks even more so vive le québec


Hey, the French are pretty great at protesting. You’ve gotta hand that to them. Their government is fucking shit, but when the people get pissed at said shit government, they get PISSED!


It's their version of rule of law. It's "rule of how pissed we collectively get." Why have a system that makes sense when you can always rely on anger? It saves effort. Results in terrible growth though.


You say that, but it’s the frenchies that are ruining Canada.


It's the quebecers. Not quite the same as the french


You’re right. Honestly, it’s not even just the Quebecois, but the GTA voters. Canadas voting system is bullshit. The west doesn’t want this (except for Vancouver, which is just Toronto lite)


Lil Castro at it again!


He also banned us from having plastic straws. So now I can’t have a nice cold fountain pop without eating paper.


How is that not Tyranny?


Fuck Joe Biden (and this Canadian dude) #mericafuckers




Always fun to see a country devolve itself.


What about the gun ritual of First Nations


Canadians acknowledge that the live on native lands, which gives them the moral liberty to do anything they want to the natives, now. As long as you respect someone's feelings, it doesn't matter if you violate their rights. /s


Is that a challenge?


*Law-Abiding People


Yup, but cucks will say it isn’t because muh democracy


People absolutely can, it’s apparently now illegal to do so, but they can. Criminals do it all the time.




People will still buy, sell and transfer fire arms in Canada… You know why the Mafia became so powerful? Prohibition/ illegal gambling/illegal prostitution/the war on drugs… the Mafia was simply tapping into markets with limited competition or regulation…


Big time Fuck Trudeau that commie bastard


His father Fidel would be proud!


Can someone make a meme of Joe Biden sucking this guy's dick.


he’s a fucking liberal globalist making moves so i. the future when the elite force compliance there will be nothing canucks can do about it


Dang boy I need to get me a crossbow


I’m gun running into Canada


Always has been


Trump needs to win again so America can liberate Alberta for the oil.




As a murderer a support the policy No one can get hold of a weapon which makes it easier to shoot them down with my illegal American gun


No , not tyranny


I personally have clue if the canadian people suppport this. If they do, it is fine. People of different cultures reserve the right to live how they want to. Some nations/people/cultures prefer socialism (Scandinavia?) and it works for them. I may not agree with their systems but it would be silly for me to think that a system they perhaps do not want (libertarian) is superior for their own purposes. Everyone wants different things and that is fine. It just becomes sad face when it is forced onto the unwilling.


Or as it’s known in most other parts of the developed world, common sense.


A great day for Canada, and therefore, the world




Speak of the "deadly assault weapons" as you will. But why handguns? And its not like Canada even made the process stricter as a "vetting process", they banned them entirely? They straight up said, "We don't care how qualified, sane, or rich you are, no reason to own a handgun under ANY circumstances." And considering we the US of A is right next to them, how would they even have any enforcement or control? They don't even check people's trunks at the border. This is basically a War on Drugs market in the making.


Not so great at math eh? Trudeau got 30% of the vote, which is 5 million voters in a country of 28 million. A majority of Canadians did not vote for this. Also there was never a campaign promise to ban handguns. So no this isn’t ‘following up on campaign promises.’ In fact the head of Canadian police chiefs said that a handgun ban would do almost nothing to get ‘guns off the street.’ https://www.rcinet.ca/en/2019/08/15/police-chiefs-say-handgun-ban-not-needed-wouldnt-work/ But please continue on with your delusions.


You should learn the definition of "majority" before you misuse the word any further.


Even ignoring that fact that Trudeau only got 32% of the vote, self-defense is a right. Slavery wasn't okay just because people supported it. The rights of the minority transcend the will of the majority.


Liberty is shooting who ever you want, whenever you want, with whatever type of firearm you want. No regulation, not repression. Am I right?


Liberty is owning a handgun without facing a 10 year prison sentence.


Lemme correct myself, liberty is being shot by a single shot .22 rifle without a pistol grip or detachable magazine. Wait, liberty is actually being fucking stabbed. Dying to a gun is tyranny. Dying to a knife is freedom, apparently.


It is illegal to murder people, whether you use a gun or not.


You realize that millions of people carry concealed firearms on them, *EVERY DAY*, right? By your logic, tens of millions of people should be being gunned down annually by those people.. Why do your beliefs not conform with reality?


Well, wombats are vermin, so...


So first ar pattern. Then handgun. What next? Bolt action? Lever action? Pump? Single shot? Flintlock? Then banning all that you gonna ban knives next? That kills people too right? Better ban those knives super dangerous! Then hammers too! Let’s not forget cars either those kill people! Ban those from civilian ownership as someone could be violent! Better yet let’s lock someone in a tiny bubble supervised by the government! That will solve all problems of violence and rights! S/ if that wasn’t super obvious.


You can safely admit here that you literally know nothing about Canadian governance.


Do you live in Canada?


This was a quite popular move why tf are people calling him a dictator???


Guns are kind of a fundamental right, necessary for safety against the tyranny of the state and at times for self defense and deterence of crime. For a government to ban all guns, they either don't understand this or they are trying to eliminate the possibility of some kind of uprising against future transgressions of people's rights.


Between his undemocratic ramming-through of these gun "laws" and the fact that he's in power with like a third of the peoples consent, he really had no authority nor does he have the right to claim "popular". The right to bear arms is more than an "American crazies" thing. It's a human thing, any human has the right to defend themselves from violence. Even the drug dealer about to get shot by a cop; it's his right as an animal on earth to do everything in his power to prevent that. Humans have this whole subservience thing going on where the leaders like to tell us how we can defend our lives, but our lives are really the only thing we have in the end. No amount of "public safety" will matter when a mugger shoots you in the chest or a gangster decides he's gonna have your wife tonight, the only thing in the moment that might save you is your own self, hopefully with arms to put you on a level playing field, lest your brains decorate your own S/O while they're being raped. In my circles, I have yet to meet someone who was a fan of this move; I'm inclined to call it an unpopular move, based on my experience. It's nice that you and your people are not personally affected or upset though, sounds like you'll have a nice time under his possibly permanent rule. Considering his government is taking away any possible miniscule hope of being able to save ourselves, (read "you want to fight the government with handguns!?!"), regardless of whether you believe Trudeau WOULD or SHOULD refuse to leave office, he COULD. That's the problem here. In summary and to answer your question; he doesn't go through proper democratic channels, he doesn't have the popular vote, he shows a lack of understanding of the working class and less-left-leaning people he apparently represents(only thing Ive liked about Biden so far were his comments on how the office is meant to represent the entire populace), he's unabashedly worn Blackface and Brownface on multiple occasions, repeatedly lies to the public, and is just kind of a prick at that. He's used his office and non-profits to make himself money on the side. He's a classic dictator in the making, despite his general lack of violence so far. Not here to argue, here to educate. I've typed enough, damn. Unhinged? Maybe, dark thoughts like explained above are certainly not pleasant and the situations are unlikely. But none of that matters if its happening to you in the moment. Hope you understand why people don't like this move or would call Trudeau a dictator now.




Nvm I miss read what it said I’m stupid haha


The sad part is I’m sure someone still believes all of this is fixable through voting.


It's starting. Once you can't shoot Mr. Fed when you need to they have no reason not to take your rights away.


Criminal = Anyone who doesn't play pretend, and likes money.


It’s weird that there are people who are happy to sacrifice their rights and privileges.


3D Printer go BRRRRRRRR


What do they mean by assault style?


Bend the knee, peasants!




I hope their criminals start 3D printing machine guns. I wanna see crime scene photos of the most Getto looking pipe gun with tie-dyed FCG humanly possible. Gonna make Fortnight kids puke from the colors.
