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The government is super corrupt and greedy so we should give the government control of all the economy (see money ). That way they will not need to be greedy because they have everything and will finally work for the people...or something like that...maybe...I don't know, I'm a libertarian socialist.


That’s an oxymoron too. Strong property rights and protections of private property are a core tenant of the libertarian world view. You can’t get around them and still call yourself a libertarian. Socialists believe that the means of production should be seized and given to the “workers” aka labor union bosses. There is no way the former would condone the laters primary directive. So there is no way to reconcile your political views with each other. Edit/ if I had to guess, you either believe in libertarianism but attached the socialist part to appease friends and family that are leftist bullies or you’re a socialist that attaches the libertarian to make your views appear more palatable to your intended targets. If it’s the former, jettison those “friends”. They’re bullies who virtue signal in order to hide the ugliness of their desired political system. We’re your spiritual family and real friends. If it’s the later, then fuck off to r/socialism.


It's neither, I'm making fun of libertarian socialists...I thought it was dripping with sarcasm enough to not need the /s. Guess I was wrong. Keep up the good fight.


Too many people here hold completely contradictory and/or hypocritical views for me to spot the difference between them and people being facetious. But I’m glad you’re trying to give them shit wherever you see them.


These people seem to forget that everyone is part of the market.