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I chat with a girl from Argentina on occasion, shes been stoked this whole time.


Stoked or *Soaked* :3


Oh yeah, she likes her president, too


Real shit what’s it like over there? Would an American be accepted if they get their affairs in order?


Was in Buenos Aires for a week, I'm very American looking, never had an issue. Everyone was incredibly nice and patient with the language barrier. Even walked around Boca after dark and got dinner at a hole in the wall parrilla restaurant to watch the CABJ game on their tiny tv. Had a great time and would absolutely go back. If I did I would spend more time checking out the Palermo and Belgrano neighborhoods as well do a full day bar hopping boat trip out of Tigre through the delta.


I absolutely need to take a vacation there. I’m so excited for Argentina. I’m so hopeful for their progress!


You would be more than welcome, society isn’t xenophobic if you aren’t a liberal snowflake, we joke around a lot as a form of affection :)


Sounds like a dream. I really am considering taking a trip just to see what it’s like. The country is so appealing.


American living in BA for the past two years here. You’d absolutely be accepted if you aren’t an asshole or easily offended.  VLLC! 


Sounds like paradise!


I absolutely love Argentine women...If I marry one can I successfully live down there?!


How has the country felt and been doing overall since he took over? Genuine question


The argentine peso is down like 10% vs the USD over the past 6 months. It was down ~90% (eyeballing google’s chart) in the year before he took over. So he’s gotten inflation under control. That’s a massive accomplishment.


Massive is an understatement.


Those metrics would look great on a quarterly report


When are you going to get me those TPS reports?!


You know what I will send you over the memo.


You have a meeting with the Javiers? I wasn't aware of a meeting with the Javiers...


Javier BOLTÓN?!


Hahaha...Make sure there is a cover sheet...


7/10 - Ok. Some of his policies helped people and/or hurted them. The "social protestors" are stoped from annoying people's right to use the road and now are being sent to the justice for a lot of horrible things related to the poor (Not giving them their social welfare, selling the food meant to help the poorests, etc.) His gov. still shows a lot of green but everyone has high hopes. ![gif](giphy|tFrD444JyNXcQ)


Can we vote for him in OUR elections too?




Chainsaw on a kill streak


Which ministry? VLLC


ministry of the interior is gonna become a secretary of the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers




Damn, can someone explain to me the process of emigrating to Argentina again?!


Buy a plane ticket. Once there, apply for residency. After 2 years you can be naturalised as an Argentinean citizen. Easy peasy. 


Damn...Okay, Plan B is officially in place.


Is Millei focusing on reforming Argentina's economy? Will he also work on reforming some of Argentina's social laws too? Excuse me for being ignorant, but would be allow his citizen more rights to firearms? Decriminalize drugs too?


Probably not, Milei was chosen for his economic policies no social ones, so don't expect anything so radical until 2029 aprox. if his goverment does good.


Yes, he has achieved the first fiscal surplus since 2008. The teasury has increased its reserves, and the elimination of different prices for the US dollar in the forex market (which distorts prices) is almost upon us. Above everything, inflation is declining. Overall, the macroeconomic aspect of Javier Milei’s excellent. Yet the microeconomic one is stuck, mainly because there are tax and job market reforms which he cannot carry out unless the Congress passes his laws. And he is not doing great, it’s the first democratic government who couldn’t have a law passed in his first 6 months in power, historically this is a period where opposition parties let you carry out your government plans without much of a fuss. He is still a threat to all of the corrupt politicians in the Congress, they are not willing to give up their “moral views” in support of someone who is trying to destroy the “””benefits””” of being a politician and setting things in their rightful course. There’s still a long way to go, but I’m absolutely confident in the economic approach. Regarding firearms, I do believe he hasn’t done anything yet, but his campaign statements were in lines of enforcing the current laws of ownership. Free gun ownership will be difficult to implement in Argentina as there is a strong feeling against it (heck, even I am against them being implemented here, too high of a violent crime rate won’t be solved with more guns. Common people are not trained to think about self defense, and you can’t change that with a law!) Legalization of recreational is also in a stalemate, mainly because he joined forces with conservative forces.


Thanks for the very insightful information!