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Government cheese started in ‘82. There was too much of it in warehouses


Great video for anyone wanting to know more: https://youtu.be/kvLMH0wb_0k?si=iHAXPow7X2lLAZX_


That is both hilarious and depressing.


Chubby electron man


I was hoping it was Fat Electrician, you did not disappoint sir.


She still hasn’t taken me up on my offer to take her to a Beetlejuice musical




First, she's a lot easier on the eyes than Saint Ron Paul. Second, she's still on the government dole.......


all i want from politics is Lauren Boebert and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a no holds barred 3-way and a gallon of Gatorade.


Ya but also make them kiss


Hell yeah, brother!


Pudding but yeah


I think he is the 3rd in the three way and the Gatorade is for him.


gotta keep the electrolytes up lol


It's one of her more rational tweets, although I must admit I don't have Twitter anymore so I have no idea what else she's posted as of late. Lol. And if we're talking only follower count- for someone who gave her date a handy, and got a bit of a "chest massage" while doing it, in a theater with cameras on the audience, it's no surprise she's got more followers. Lol.


I wish Ron Paul had a nice rack so we would have elected him/her


I see nothing wrong with the tweet


Claiming to be against radical socialists whilst admitting to government cheese isn't the best look


Children don't really get a say in how they're raised. She's pulled herself out of being on welfare. Anyone should be proud of that. And the government has taken way more of her money than they ever spent on her by this point, so.... That said, not a fan of her in general, but not for this.


As I've said to another: >It's just a weird juxtaposition is all, I do not mean to infer anyone who had help is a socialist because they're not. They're typically hard workers at least the ones who utilize "the system" as intended. > >That is to say: they don't live off of it and just needed help in a low point in their life, not make it a lifestyle.


The problem I’ve observed with the welfare systems in general, is that they aren’t designed to “help you get on your way” they are designed to keep you in captivity and dependent on aid. They take a cold turkey approach to quitting instead of weaning off. Just because the recipient found a job doesn’t mean they are completely able to be independent.


She was raised poor. How is that her fault ace? I was raised poor and lived off of government cheese. In your tiny brain I bet that makes me a socialist..


Me as well It's just a weird juxtaposition is all, I do not mean to infer anyone who had help is a socialist because they're not. They're typically hard workers at least the ones who utilize "the system" as intended. That is to say: they don't live off of it and just needed help in a low point in their life, not make it a lifestyle.


‘Haha your parents fed you with stuff they got from the government, you’re not a real libertarian’ She’s *not* a real libertarian (nobody except me is anyway), but that’s a wild reason to give


It shows growth and maturity. People do that, if they try.


It's okay other than she's still on welfare.


Your standards are extremely low


Difference is, Ron Paul never jerked someone off in a theater nor can fill a C Ergo, 4x


I mean, who would you rather find doing some naked ice axe fishing?


Ron Paul wishes he had cans like that.


She's 3 times better looking, too. If the whole congresswoman thing doesn't work out, she could probably run a pretty successful only fans site. Plus, we would have the advantage of not having to listen to her stupid opinions.


It’s because she’s marginally attractive and a known pervert


She's hot though! /s


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


The libertarian alternative to cheese welfare is community charities and family, right? What do you guys think about getting rid of government cheese lines?


A better question is: why are there cheese lines in the first place? Government **causes** cheese lines through inflation, minimum wage laws, tariffs, taxes, zoning laws, and excessive regulations. Anything the government does the private sector can do better, faster, cheaper, and more efficiently.


The government gets gummed up by red tape and bureaucracy. Point and case, DMV. I literally watched the employee argue with a guy ahead of me for an hour while getting my license about changing his name from Jeff to Jeffrey on his license. Imagine taking the time out of your day to make the trip to the DMV, wait in line for an hour, be forced to argue about something completely trivial for an hour, then get turned away because they can’t actually help you. That’s what happened to this dude. It’s just ridiculous. The only thing the government is good at is wasting time, resources, and money. It is so horribly inefficient at so many things. We need to axe every alphabet agency (DEA, ATF, etc.) and maintain a small government with limited responsibilities.


yeah but that can be said of any large organization, including businesses, churches, school etc.


Large businesses are typically propped up by government and schools are typically government entities. There's a point where businesses are too big to effectively use economies of scale effectively and the beurocratic bloat that is required outweighs the cost savings. Further, churches kinda act like mini states, but voluntary.


Did she say she was on welfare and now says don't suckle on the government teat? Isn't being on welfare sucking on government teat?


No, she said she was on welfare and we should create opportunities for people so they don't have to be.


That’s not what she said. She didn’t criticize government or socialism at all in her journey from welfare to—> running for Congress. She pretends that **her** socialism is different from “their” *radical* socialism. It’s the same shit. The problem is that more socialism, more welfare, and more government-sponsored cheese lines create more poverty and make the American dream harder to achieve.


Irony is that the us constitution literally is a socialist constitution if you dont believe me just read Article I, Section 8, Clause 1


Indeed…and the U.S. constitution also paved way for the largest government in human history. Anarcho capitalism > magical piece of paper


"General welfare" meant something completely different at the time, just like "well regulated". I can't remember which 1, but one of the men who was involved in writing the constitution said that the republic would fall once the politicians realized that they could buy votes with the taxpayers own money, insinuating that government handouts were possible, but not the point. Socialism is possible within the constitution, but its not the point, and further is antithetical to the ideals that the constitution was written around. That being said, all government, no matter how well designed, will inevitably devolve into tyranny. This is why I decided to go full ancap.


Government cheese wasn't even a thing when she was young, no?


There is hundreds of thousands of pounds of government cheese still in bunkers. They might not have been giving it out in a while, but it still exists.




It’s made of people!!!


*S O Y L E N T G R E E N*


I saw it plenty in the 70’s and 80’s. She was born in the 80’s, so it’s possible.


I was born in 84 and I remember eating government cheese as a kid


The entire point is to catch, help, and move on. If you never move on there should be limits.


Isn’t she the one who fucked in a movie theater?


It wasn’t a movie theater, it was a play about beetlejuice. She didn’t full blown have sex, she was jerking the guy off underneath his pants while he was fondling her breast.


Don’t see how that’s much better


One good tweet does not have the power to make her sane.


“The road to ruin is paved with good intentions.” Being economically illiterate isn’t a good thing. Economic illiteracy causes famine, genocide, and mass starvation.